How to create a membership channel? - wordpress

It's the first time that I used Telegram Bot and I'm looking for a way to create a membership channel, in particular:
I have a website where the users can subscribe a specific mebership level and this give access to a specific feature of the site. Actually I was able to create a bot and establish a communication with the site through the channel (where the bot is linked). In this way, each time that I publish an article on my Wordpress site the users of the Telegram Channel can see the article.
The problem
In this way, all the users of the cannel can see the article, I want show the message that contains the article only to the users which have subscribed a membership on my WordPress site. Is there a way to achieve this?

Adding a channel to your solution adds extra complexity. Suggested solution as your requirement:
Add telegram web login to your website. After that you will have access to those users to send them a message via your bot.
Send your messages only to whom have an active subscription.
This way you can also remind individual users in case of expiration of their subscription


youtube api members map to wordpress users

I have a wordpress website that uses woocommerce memberships.
We somehow managed to map patreon users to woocommerce memberships so that they get all the perks via our own website.
I know it's possible to query the Youtube API endpoint members.list which would give us 1) the membership level and
2) the youtube channel id of each individual member
How can we then validate that a wordpress user is a youtube valid member?
With patreon the validation is by matching email address, but on youtube there's no access to the user email. I guess the user would have to set his youtube channel id in our website so we can later confirm it matches a valid membership.
The problem is that anyone can provide someone elses channel id to trick the system...
any ideas that would help with this much appreciated
If I were you I would generate a token for each user on your website, such that if they put this token in their channel description (ABOUT tab) then you can be sure that the given YouTube channel owns the given account on your website where he got his random token. You can get their channel description by using this reverse-engineered YouTube UI solution.
You can also think of other mechanisms such as requiring the user to post a comment on a video and checking using YouTube Data API v3 CommentThreads: list endpoint or post a message on a livestream and checking using YouTube Live Streaming API LiveChatMessages: list endpoint.
Note that depending on your token format, it may be useful to use an unusual pattern to put in their channel descriptions to avoid wrong authentication (a channel description containing unintentionally a token assigned to a user by your website). For instance if you assign an id (0, 1 and so on) to each user (or if you just use their usernames) just requiring this id to be in the channel description isn't very secure as anyone may put unintentionally someone else token. What you can do while still avoiding random token is to use a prefix. That way your website won't just look for 0, 1 and so on in their channel description but instead Your website: 0 or Your website: 1... Using a prefix keeps user-friendliness (Your website: Benjamin Loison looks better than 77ff716cfdd4e7ed) while being quite secure.

Can another telegram user make me access his bot?

My friend has a tranding bot made with BotFather.
Is there a way to make the bot shared betweeen our account in a way we can use it together?
Bot usernames are unique to each Telegram account and only that account is able to change the settings of the bot.
But you can make use of a bot through its API_TOKEN which you can get from botfather.
It looks like this:
If you share the token with anyone, they can use your bot. They will receive an error if they try to use it at the same time (calling getUpdates method from more than one instance would reject the caller except for the first one).
If by sharing you meant using the bot (not developing it), you can't do that unless the bot's developer designs it in a way that multiple Telegram accounts messaging the bot are considered one account.

Getting r_fullprofile access to the Linkedin API

I am currently using a linkedin API with r_lightprofile in my application.
Two months ago, I sent a request for access to r_fullprofile using the Partner Program form.
I also sent a request to the Marketing Developer Platform, but the request is still pending (
After all this, I got an email with a form to fill out information about the company.
But after filling out the form, I did not receive an answer that the company is suitable or not suitable for full access.
1) How long does it usually take to get access?
2) Does the linkedin API have support? Email, Live chat or something else?
3) Have I done everything for access? Maybe I missed something?
4) Does Linkedin send an email in case of failure?
It's been a long way for me too, I'll give you some random tips:
Make sure your app is connected to a LinkedIn company page and that the status is Verified. To do this, from the app dashboard, add to the Team members an administrator of the LinkedIn company page (as Admin member) and let him access the app dashboard. He should be able to see a Verify button to confirm the authenticity of the app.
The only support that was really helpful to me was Zendesk.

Telegram track forwarding and storing

Is there any way to detect if a user stores or forwards a message (e.g. a video) in a channel?
I am completely new to programming for Telegram (although am a programmer). So have no idea about the tools that are provided by Telegram's API. I actually found nothing related to this issue browsing the web and Telegram documentations. So I thought someone might have an experience with it.
The scenario is that a client of mine is running a virtual teaching system on Telegram and her problem is that the added members to the channel are able to forward the teaching videos to other persons out of the channel, who have not actually paid the fee. Now is there any work around on earth for this problem?
You can't track user in Telegram, remember this IM is very care about privacy.
Try making it a Bot rather than a channel, you can create bots with a bot in telegram called botfather search it and consider making a bot instead of a channel
there isn't any way to track users to see if they forward or save the videos.
you can only do one of these:
create a bot using telegram api (not telegram bot api) and then send videos as a self destructing message to each user.
or put the videos on a website which only registered users can login and watch.

Telegram bot doesn't respond in group chats

I made a simple chatbot using Microsoft Bot Framework and integrated it with Telegram.
He works fine whenever I message him privately but whenever I put him in a group with my friends, he doesn't reply, even when I mention him.
/setjoingroups is enabled, and so is /setprivacy.
First make sure it is not caused by Microsoft Bot itself. Then for all normal bots --
Always add a Telegram bot to a group via the bot's info window, instead of inviting the bot to a group via the group's info window.
It's a clear trap for beginners. I'm surprised that Telegram didn't note this in their documentation.
When you configured your bot on Telegram, did you make it an inline bot? It's been my experience that inline bots cannot participate in group chats, but can message privately. If not, please open a GitHub issue here and we'll follow up there.
Beyond all other suggestions like turning off inline functions, setting privacy to disabled and allowing to participate in groups, I also made the bot an admin of my group. And now it processes all messages. That's what's worked for me.
I had this same problem, and I found that I just needed to add the bot as an 'admin' to the chat instead of just a normal member. The telegram bot must have admin privileges to access every message/image that the users of the group-chat send.
