Angular UI Grid: Conditional Row Format Not Overriding Default Alternating Colours - css

For my UI-Grid I've created conditional formatting with the following row template in the $scope.gridOptions object:
rowTemplate: '<div ng-class="{\'recruiter-row-active\':row.entity.activePositions!=0, ' +
'\'recruiter-row-passive\':(row.entity.activePositions==0 && row.entity.passivePositions !=0),' +
'\'recruiter-row-free\':(row.entity.activePositions==0 && row.entity.passivePositions==0)}">' +
'<div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" ' +
'class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{ \'ui-grid-row-header-cell\': col.isRowHeader }" ui-grid-cell></div></div>'
The classes look like this:
.ui-grid-row .recruiter-row-active {
background-color: #ff816b !important;
.ui-grid-row .recruiter-row-passive {
background-color: #fcff9d !important;
.ui-grid-row .recruiter-row-free {
background-color: #70cc79 !important;
The class for the html row in question is "ui-grid-row" and "ng-scope" and the parent element has class "ui-grid-canvas"
I was able to get my conditional formatting to work when I also implemented a
.ui-grid-row .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: inherit !important;
However I don't want to affect the other grids in my web app.
How would I get my conditional row formatting to override the default?

You can use scss and wrap your grid with a:
<div view="my-colors">
<!-- your grid element goes here -->
in the scss file, wrap the styling you want to affect only that view with:
[view="my-colors"] {
.ui-grid-row .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: inherit !important;


P-Card component from PrimeNG simply won't accept CSS changes

I need to dynamically change a p-card component in my APP. But it's simply not working...
Heres what I've tried so far :
<div class="card-image-comp">
<p-card [class.activeCard]="profileCardSelected === 1" (click)="selectProfileType(1)">
<img src="../../../assets/icons/person.png">
<p-card [class.activeCard]="profileCardSelected === 2" (click)="selectProfileType(2)">
<img src="../../../assets/icons/estetoscopio.png">
<p>Profissional de Saúde</p>
My function:
selectProfileType(numCard: number){
this.profileCardSelected = numCard;
This part is working just fine, the issue is that the component is not obeying it's new class.
I've tried the normal stuff:
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
div {
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
.personalCardComp {
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
... and even some nasty stuff
:host {
::ng-deep .activeCard {
background-color: black;
:host {
::ng-deep p-card.p-element.activeCard {
background-color: black;
As I said before, the class is applied correctly, but the card only changes when I apply the css to the div children of the p-card...
Basically if I could apply the class to this div children It would work just fine... Is there a way to do so? Apply the class to p-card but the div children obbey...
Be sure to properly import your .scss file and then:
:host ::ng-deep {
.p-card.p-component {
background: black;

StencilJS | Use CSS "+ Selector " in component

I am working on a web component library with StencilJS, and I have a problem using the CSS + Selector. I have a Breadcrumb web component, which will contain multiple breadcrumb items (web component as well). Every Breadcrumb item after the first item should add > smybol with ::before. Therefore I use the CSS + selector
export class DFBreadcrumb {
render() {
return <ol class="breadcrumb">
export class DFBreadcrumbItem {
* Link
#Prop() link: string;
render() {
return ? <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href={}><slot></slot></a></li> :
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><slot></slot></li>
<df-breadcrumb-item link="#">Start</df-breadcrumb-item>
<df-breadcrumb-item link="#">Library</df-breadcrumb-item>
my css rule
.breadcrumb-item+.breadcrumb-item:before {
display: inline-block;
padding-right: .5rem;
color: #6c757d;
content: ">";
expected output: Start > Library > Item
current output: Start Library Item
I think this is not working cause Stencil ecapsulates my li tags and their direct parent is not the ol. I read something about using the :host() pseudo class, but could not got it working. Also I have set shadow: falsein my components.
You're right, the problem is the df-breadcrumb-item element.
A simple alternative would be to apply your CSS to the df-breadcrumb-item elements:
df-breadcrumb-item + df-breadcrumb-item:before {
display: inline-block;
color: #6c757d;
content: ">";
Alternatively you could add the arrow to the .breadcrumb-item element inside the df-breadcrumb-item component, either depending on a property or by manually checking if the #Element() is the last node.

How to apply css to the property of the tag?

I am new to css and i would like to know if css can be applied to the properties of tag?
For example in the below code i would like to see entry.count and "files" in blue color.
render() {
<div className="AppL" id="AppList">
createApplicationList() {
var guiResult = [];
for (var key in this.state.AppName) {
var entry = this.state.AppName[key];
<Collapsible trigger={entry.AppName + "\t" + "\t" + entry.Count + " files"} className="AppList" transitionTime ="10">
return guiResult;
my scss for this component
color: black;
border-bottom: 1px solid #00a886;
.Collapsible .Collapsible__trigger {
color: blue;
.Collapsible selects all elements with the Collapsible class. Collapsible_trigger does the same for the Collapsible__trigger class. Together, the rule selects all .Collapsible__trigger elements within .Collapsible elements, and styles them with blue text.
This is based purely on your provided HTML code. The JavaScript appears to be irrelevant.
.Collapsible also works and is more specific. Depends on your use-case.

CSS Modules - exclude class from being transformed

I'm using CSS modules and by far everything was working great.
We started to use external UI library along with our own one, so I'm writing components like this:
<div className={styles['my-component']}>
<ExternalUIComponent />
Assuming that the ExternalUIComponent has its own class that in the final CSS file looks like this external-ui-component, how can I make adjust this component styling from my css file? The below example does not work:
.my-component {
font-size: 1em;
.my-component .external-ui-component {
padding: 16px;
// Some other styling adjustments here
Please do not use inline styles as someone else suggested. Stay away from inline styles as much as you can because they can cause unnecessary re-renders.
You should use global instead.
.my-component {
:global {
.external-ui-component {
padding: 16px;
// Some other styling adjustments here
Also, I recommend using camel case style names which is the preferred way for css-modules.
So your class name would be : .myComponent { ... }
And you can use it in your code as
<div className={ styles.myComponent } >
If you wanted to add more styles , you can use the array.join(' ') syntax.
<div className={ [ styles.myComponent, styles.anotherStyle ].join(' ') } >
This is cleaner!
Here's a shorter form in pure CSS (i.e. no preprocessor needed):
.my-component :global .external-ui-component {
// ...
Did you try inline styles for that component ?
const divStyle = {
color: 'blue',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
function HelloWorldComponent() {
return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!</div>;

Is there a way to show / hide a <div> depending on the size of the browser?

Angular JS code I am working on has media queries that can be used to limit the display of blocks with code like this:
#media screen and (max-width: 370px) {
#testGrid {
.gridHeader {
div:nth-child(n+7) {
display: none;
div:nth-child(6) {
border-top-right-radius: 0.4rem;
.gridBody {
div {
div:nth-child(n+7) {
display: none;
My comment here was that it's not good to use things like div:nth-child(2) as this would easily break if another column was added. Plus it's also difficult to maintain. I suggested to give the column names class names that matched the contents of the columns.
Still this means that I have the code that defines what shows and what does not show far removed from the HTML. Does anyone have any suggestions on a way that I could do this with AngularJS that would have the showing and hiding of columns next to the actual <div>s
You can get the current width from the $window service so you could try something like this:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $window) {
$ = 'World';
angular.element($window).bind('resize', function(){
$scope.hideThing = ($window.innerWidth < 400);
// have to manually update $scope as angular won't know about the resize event
Then in your HTML
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<p ng-hide="hideThing" >Hello {{name}}!</p>
