Inverse prediction using drm package in R - r

I've fit a model using a 5 parameter logistic fit using the drm library. I apologize if this is a dumb question; I'm just getting started with r.
If dose in on my x-axis and response is on my y-axis, it is very easy to use this model to predict my response based on a given dose. You can either use the function PR or predict. However, I want to estimate a dose for a given response. I can't find a function to do this. For my assay, I fit my data to a standard curve and now I have measured a response from my unknowns. I would like to estimate concentration (dose) based on this response. I could fit the data in the opposite direction (flip x and y) but the fit differs slightly and that's not a very conventional strategy. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. thank you

In case any one comes across this, the easiest way to do this is to use the ED function with the argument type = "absolute".


zero inflated data and lognormal distribution

I am trying to fit a regression model to zero-inflated data with a lognormal distribution using r.
The histogram looks like this:
I searched a little on the net. So far I believe there is no a possibility to fit these conditions to glm. I found the gamlss function as the possibility to fit a lognormal distribution with the LOGNO family. However I get an error: "family = LOGNO, : response variable out of range" - maybe because of the zero inflation?
To make my question a little clearer:
I am trying to investigate the influence of various Aminoacid combinations collected under certain conditions on a certain ratio. The ratio is my response variable plotted in the shown histogram. In the end I end up with a continuous response variable and some other categorical independent variables
Has anyone an idea how I can deal with the above-mentioned problem? I couldn't find a solution so far!
Thank you!

How to fit a curve to data with sd in R?

I'm completely new to R, so apologies for asking something I'm sure must be basic. I just wonder if I can use the nls() command in R to fit a non-linear curve to a data structure where I have means and sd's, but not the actual replicates. I understand how to fit a curve to single data points or to replicates, but I can't see how to proceed when I have a mean+sd for each data point and I want R to consider variation in my data when fitting.
One possible way to go would be to simulate data using your means and standard deviations and do the regression with the simulated data. Doing this a number of times could give you a good impression on the margin of plausible values for your regression coefficients.

A case of GMM estimation in R

I want to estimate the forward looking version of the Taylor rule equation using the iterative nonlinear GMM:
I have the data for all the variables in the model, namely (inflation rate), (unemployment gap) and (effective federal funds rate) and what I am trying to estimate is the set of parameters , and .
Where I need help is in the usage of the gmm() function in the {gmm} R package. I 'think' that the parameters of the function that I need are the parameters:
gmm(g, x, type = "iterative",...)
where g is the formula (so, the model stated above), x is the data vector (or matrix) and type is the type of GMM to use.
My problem is with the data matrix parameter. I do not know the way in which to construct it (not that I don't know of matrices in R and all the examples I have seen on the internet are not similar to what I am attempting to do here. Also, this is my first time using the gmm() function in R. Is there anything else I need to know?
Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you :)

Nonlinear regression / Curve fitting with L-infinity norm

I am looking into time series data compression at the moment.
The idea is to fit a curve on a time series of n points so that the maximum deviation on any of the points is not greater than a given threshold. In other words, none of the values that the curve takes at the points where the time series is defined, should be "further away" than a certain threshold from the actual values.
Till now I have found out how to do nonlinear regression using the least squares estimation method in R (nls function) and other languages, but I haven't found any packages that implement nonlinear regression with the L-infinity norm.
I have found literature on the subject:
I could try to implement this in R for instance, but I first looking to see if this hasn't already been done and that I could maybe reuse it.
I have found a solution that I don't believe to be "very scientific": I use nonlinear least squares regression to find the starting values of the parameters which I subsequently use as starting points in the R "optim" function that minimizes the maximum deviation of the curve from the actual points.
Any help would be appreciated. The idea is to be able to find out if this type of curve-fitting is possible on a given time series sequence and to determine the parameters that allow it.
I hope there are other people that have already encountered this problem out there and that could help me ;)
Thank you.

How can I estimate the logarithmic form of data points using R?

I have data points that represent a logarithmic function.
Is there an approach where I can just estimate the function that describes this data using R?
I assume that you mean that you have vectors y and x and you try do fit a function y(x)=Alog(x).
First of all, fitting log is a bad idea, because it doesn't behave well. Luckily we have x(y)=exp(y/A), so we can fit an exponential function which is much more convenient. We can do it using nonlinear least squares:
where start is an initial guess for A. This approach is a numerical optimization, so it may fail.
The more stable way is to transform it to a linear function, log(x(y))=y/A and fit a straight line using lm:
If I understand right you want to estimate a function given some (x,y) values of it. If yes check the following links.
Read about this:
Googled it:
I never used R so I am not sure if that works or not, but if you have Matlab i can explain you more.
