How to use a POST instead of a GET - http

I've been reading a bit about post and get methods in http and I'm a bit confused
from the words themselves it sounds like GET is to get something/a resource from somewhere and POST is to send something somewhere
so I could do something like:
axios.get(' and I have received the list of users. that makes perfect sense
and I could do a POST request once a user has submitted my form to a database. easy
the bit that confuses me is when people say to use a POST instead of a GET. like how would I return the users from the url above using a POST? also the verbs sound weird if you are using POST to receive data??
also I read that GET requests can only take stuff over the url whereas POST has a response body. but in my example above with the users I got all the users in an array back to my app using GET and nothing changed in the url?
can someone help clarify this and explain how to use a POST when doing a GET

It really depends on the specific endpoint you are accessing. You shouldn't use a POST in lieu of a GET request if your goal is simply to read a list of users from the server. Also, if an endpoint is created as only accepting GET requests and you send a POST request then you will get a 405 "Method not allowed" in response. However, if the endpoint allows both POST and GET in order to read a list of users from the server then it depends on the use case for this POST method. The reasons can vary from security to specifying (in the body) the format in which you would like the data returned.


Are POST requests with only path variables and no body a bad practice?

I'm in a situation where I need to execute a POST request only with path parameters and no content.
Since I'm using Spring Boot, I have a #PostMapping annotated method with something like this:
I've read some topics and questions about sending a POST request without body, and found that sending a POST request without body, but with headers isn't a bad practice. It's just uncommon.
But, in that situation where I'm not sending anything nor at the content nor at the headers, is this a bad practice?
For those who are wondering why am I doing this, the fact is that I need to execute a method in my service layer that relates a record from one table with a record from another table.
GET requests can be bookmarked and hit from going to the url in the browser.
POST requests can't be bookmarked and can't be hit from going to the url in the browser.
You're correct in doing this through a POST because you don't want it to be bookmarked or accidentally hit
It is perfectly valid to have a POST with no body and in many circumstances it makes a lot of sense. An alternative would be:
POST /firstEntity/{firstEntityId}/secondEntity
and then supply secondEntityId as the body of that POST.

How to create article in Drupal 8 via JMeter?

I am trying to create a JMeter test case for article creation in Drupal 8. I am able to add steps for other navigations. But when clicking the Create Article button after entering some values in the form fields, from JMeter I am getting HTTP response 200. But the article is not getting created.
If I do the same steps in browser I am getting HTTP response 303 and article getting created successfully.
I found this in request headers of POST request while hitting the Create Article button. I am suspecting this might be the reason Drupal server is not accepting the request. Because I am not sure how this dynamic ID "JJPKbuyIinQT5mQZ" is getting generated
Is this being generated by browser? If yes, how to do the same action in JMeter?
Is this being generated by server? If yes, I don't see this token in previous request, like form_token.
This dynamic ID should be automatically generated by JMeter given you tick Use multipart/form-data for POST box, this is so called multipart boundary
Other things to be considered:
Don't forget to add HTTP Cookie Manager, otherwise you will not be able to even perform a login
Correlate form_build_id and form_token. You can do this using CSS/JQuery Extractor
Correlate changed, you can generate timestamp like 1532969982 using __groovy() function like: ${__groovy(Math.round(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000),)}
Correlate created[0][value][date]. You can do this using __time() function like ${__time(YYYY-MM-dd,)}
Correlate created[0][value][time]. You can do this using the same __time() function like ${__time(HH:mm:ss,)}
That's probably it, other values should be good to be used from the recorder.

HTTP Request on POST and GET

I have a server log and it shows POST and GET
So, if a page is showing POST /ping and GET /xyz
Does this mean that the user agent is Requesting a page is GET and POST is the response from the server?
Because in my server logs, it's showing a lot of POST with million of /ping while the other pages have been GET is a smaller amount of number.
Which should I focus on? Get the POST pages get index if the server shows this to Search engines?
I would suggest you learn the difference between HTTP GET and POSTS.
This answer is quite good.
In summary, the GET requests are pages/data being requested by clients. POSTs are clients sending data to the server, usually expecting data as a response.
In their comment, Sylwit pretty much explains what this has to do with search engines. I'm going to just describe the differences between GET and POST
GET and POST are two different types of requests to the server. A GET request is normally used to retrieve information from the server and usually has a series of GET parameters. When you search something on Google you're making a GET request."how+do+i+get"
In this case, the GET parameter is the q after the ?, and has a value of "how do i get". It should be noted that a GET request doesn't need these additional parameters ( is still a GET request
POST requests, on the other hand, are normally used to send data to the server. You'll see this anytime you send a message, submit a form etc. When I click submit on this answer, I'll be making a POST request to stackoverflow's servers. The parameters for these aren't immediately visible in the browser. POST requests can also return a HTTP response, with a message.
Hope that shows the differences between the two.

What reasons might a POST request need to be made without a form?

I would like to know why a developer would make a POST request without using a form.
To test the form for one. Then ajax requests can use post data. Also in php at leats you have curl wich I am pretty sure can make use of the post structure to communicate other distant pages.
Because GET and POST do not have the same semantic value. GET requests should be generally safe to perform at any time without compromising the system, while POST requests should be used when doing something important (like accepting a monetary transaction, or, in a less dramatic way, post a comment or something like that).
So it might make sense to make a POST request through AJAX if its result will affect a system.
Source: W3C HTTP/1.1 Method Definitions, read 9.1.1 Safe Methods, 9.3 GET and 9.5 POST. Don't be afraid, it's short and to the point.
Maybe to call a REST API, or other web services that require POST, or to upload a file to a server. You could use AJAX/JavaScript on client side, and just about any server side technology to mimic POST without a form.
POST is an HTTP verb. Browsers use HTTP as its data protocol for fetching HTML data and POST for sending the user submitted data. Basically, any data transfer over http could use POST.
Some of the examples are :

Which HTTP redirect status code is best for this REST API scenario?

I'm working on a REST API. The key objects ("nouns") are "items", and each item has a unique ID. E.g. to get info on the item with ID foo:
New items can be created, but the client doesn't get to pick the ID. Instead, the client sends some info that represents that item. So to create a new item:
With that command, the server checks if we already have an item for the info hello=world&hokey=pokey. So there are two cases here.
Case 1: the item doesn't exist; it's created. This case is easy.
201 Created
Case 2: the item already exists. Here's where I'm struggling... not sure what's the best redirect code to use.
301 Moved Permanently? 302 Found? 303 See Other? 307 Temporary Redirect?
I've studied the Wikipedia descriptions and RFC 2616, and none of these seem to be perfect. Here are the specific characteristics I'm looking for in this case:
The redirect is permanent, as the ID will never change. So for efficiency, the client can and should make all future requests to the ID endpoint directly. This suggests 301, as the other three are meant to be temporary.
The redirect should use GET, even though this request is POST. This suggests 303, as all others are technically supposed to re-use the POST method. In practice, browsers will use GET for 301 and 302, but this is a REST API, not a website meant to be used by regular users in browsers.
It should be broadly usable and easy to play with. Specifically, 303 is HTTP/1.1 whereas 301 and 302 are HTTP/1.0. I'm not sure how much of an issue this is.
At this point, I'm leaning towards 303 just to be semantically correct (use GET, don't re-POST) and just suck it up on the "temporary" part. But I'm not sure if 302 would be better since in practice it's been the same behavior as 303, but without requiring HTTP/1.1. But if I go down that line, I wonder if 301 is even better for the same reason plus the "permanent" part.
Thoughts appreciated!
Edit: Let me try to better explain the semantics of this "get or create" operation with a more concrete example: URL shortening. This is actually much closer to my app anyway.
For URL shorteners, the most common operation by far is retrieving by ID. E.g. for, receives an ID of 4Agih5 and must redirect the user to its corresponding URL. already has an API, but it's not truly RESTful. For the sake of example, let me make up a more RESTful API. For example, querying the ID might return all sorts of info about it (e.g. analytics):
Now if I want to submit a new URL to to shorten, I don't know the ID of my URL in advance, so I can't use PUT. I'd use POST instead.
url= (but encoded)
If hasn't seen this URL before, it'll create a new ID for it and redirect me via 201 Created to the new ID. But if it has seen that URL, it'll still redirect me without making a change. This way, I can hit that redirect location either way to get the info/metadata on the shortened URL.
Like this example of URL shortening, in my app, collisions don't matter. One URL maps to one ID, and that's it. So it doesn't really matter if the URL has been shortened before or not; either way, it makes sense to point the client to the ID for it, whether that ID needs to be created first or not.
So I probably won't be changing this approach; I'm just asking about the best redirect method for it. Thanks!
I'd argue for 303. Supposing right now hello=world&hokey=pokey uniquely identifies item foo, but later item foo's hokey value changes to "smokey"? Now those original values are no longer a unique identifier for that resource. I'd argue that a temporary redirect is appropriate.
I think one of the reasons that you are struggling with this scenario is because (unless we are missing some key information) the interaction is not very logical.
Let me explain why I think this. The initial premise is that the user is requesting to create something and has provided some key information for the resource they wish to create.
You then state that if that key information refers to an existing object then you wish to return that object. The problem is that the user did not wish to retrieve an existing object they wished to create a new one. If they cannot create the resource because either it already exists or there is a key collision then the user should be informed of that fact.
Choosing to retrieve an existing object when the user has attempted to create a new one seems to be a misleading approach.
Maybe one alternative would be to return a 404 Bad request if the resource already exists and include a link to the existing object in the entity body. The client application could choose to swallow the bad request error and simply follow the link to the existing entity and by doing so hide the issue from the user. That would be the choice of the client application, but at least the server is behaving in a clear manner.
Based on the new example, let me suggest a completely different approach. It may not work in your case, as always the devil is in the details, but maybe it will be helpful.
From the client's perspective it really has no interest in whether the server is creating a new shortened URL or pulling back an existing one. In fact, whether the server needs to generate a new ID or not is an implementation detail that is completely hidden.
Hiding the creation process could be very valuable. Maybe the server can predict in advance that lots of short urls will soon be requested related to a event such as a conference. It could pre-generate these urls in quite periods to balance the load on its servers.
So, based on that assumption, why not just use
GET /ShortUrl?longUrl=
If the url already existed then you might get back
303 See Other
If it previously didn't, you might get
303 See Other
I realize that this looks like we are breaking the rules of GET by creating something in response to a GET, but I believe in this case there is nothing wrong with it because client did not ask for the shortened URL to be created and really does not care either way. It is idempotent because does not matter how many times you call it.
One interesting question that I don't know the answer to is whether proxies will cache the initial GET and redirect. That might be an interesting property as future requests by other users for the same url may never need to actually get to the origin server, the proxy could handle the request completely.
POST does not support a 'lookup or create' approach. The server cannot tell the client "I would create that, but it already existed. Look here for the existing entry". None of the 2xx codes work because the request is not successful. None of the 3xx codes work, because the intention is not to redirect the POST to a new resource. And 303 is also not appropriate since nothing changed (see 303 spec).
What you could do is provide a form or template to the client to be used with PUT that tells the client how to construct the PUT URI. If the PUT results in a 200 the client knows the resource existed and if 201 is returned that a new resource has been created.
For example:
Template for URI: http://service/items/{key}
PUT http://service/items/456
201 Created
PUT http://service/items/456
200 Ok
You can also do a 'create but do not replace if exists' using If-None-Match:
PUT http://service/items/456
If-None-Match: *
412 Precondition failed
From the client's point of view, I would think that you could just send a 201 for case 2 the same as for case 1 as to the client the record is now "created".
HTTP 1.1. Spec (RFC 2616) suggests 303:
303 See Other
The response to the request can be found under a different URI and
SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method
exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to
redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a
substitute reference for the originally requested resource.
