I'm trying to solve the following equation in R for x:
(z + x)/y = remainder of zero
In other words, I'm trying to find what value should be added to my number "z" so that it divided by "y" gives a remainder of zero. I couldn't find anything about it so any help would be appreciated!
Since you are referring to a "remainder", I assume you are only dealing with integers.
z <- 8
y <- 7
(x <- ceiling(z / y) * y - z)
#[1] 6
(z + x) %% y
#[1] 0
It's not the most optimised way but you can do this :
X,Y in R*
X*Y = S
S-X = Z
With this exept mistake from me your equation will alway give a remainder of zero
I have a simple quadratic equation, but I need to find a way for R to solve for X or Y depending on the value I input for either. For example, my equation is
y = 232352x^2+2468776x+381622
I need to find a code that solves for y when x = 8000 and solve for x when y = 4000. Does such a code/function exist in R or do I have to do it manually?
The first part (solving for y when x=8000) is pretty straightforward.
You just type:
232352 * 8000^2 + 2468776 * 8000 + 381622
and R gives:
[1] 1.489028e+13
The second problem involves roots. The polyroot() function is what you're after. It takes in the coefficients of the equation as a vector, and returns the roots. So for your case:
[1] -0.155227+0i -10.469928-0i
And then it's up to you to figure out which solution you want.
Remember in general if you want to solve y = Ax^2 + Bx + C for a particular value of y, you have to rearrange the equation to Ax^2 + Bx + (C-y) = 0.
Translated to R code this is:
coeff <- c(C-y,B,A)
Where you substitute A,B,C,y with the relevant numbers.
I would like some help answering the following question:
Dr Barchan makes 600 independent recordings of Eric’s coordinates (X, Y, Z), selects the cases where X ∈ (0.45, 0.55), and draws a histogram of the Y values for these cases.
By construction, these values of Y follow the conditional distribution of Y given X ∈ (0.45,0.55). Use your function sample3d to mimic this process and draw the resulting histogram. How many samples of Y are displayed in this histogram?
We can argue that the conditional distribution of Y given X ∈ (0.45, 0.55) approximates the conditional distribution of Y given X = 0.5 — and this approximation is improved if we make the interval of X values smaller.
Repeat the above simulations selecting cases where X ∈ (0.5 − δ, 0.5 + δ), using a suitably chosen δ and a large enough sample size to give a reliable picture of the conditional distribution of Y given X = 0.5.
I know for the first paragraph we want to have the values generated for x,y,z we got in sample3d(600) and then restrict the x's to being in the range 0.45-0.55, is there a way to code (maybe an if function) that would allow me to keep values of x in this range but discard all the x's from the 600 generated not in the range? Also does anyone have any hints for the conditional probability bit in the third paragraph.
sample3d = function(n)
df = data.frame()
X = runif(1,-1,1)
Y = runif(1,-1,1)
Z = runif(1,-1,1)
a = X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2
if( a < 1 )
b = (X^2+Y^2+Z^2)^(0.5)
vector = data.frame(X = X/b, Y = Y/b, Z = Z/b)
df = rbind(vector,df)
n = n- 1
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Your function produces a data frame. The part of the question that asks you to find those values in a data frame that are in a given range can be solved by filtering the data frame. Notice that you're looking for a closed interval (the values aren't included).
df <- sample3d(600)
df[df$X > 0.45 & df$X < 0.55,]
Pay attention to the comma.
You can use a dplyr solution as well, but don't use the helper between(), since it will look at an open interval (you need a closed interval).
filter(df, X > 0.45 & X < 0.55)
For the remainder of your assignment, see what you can figure out and if you run into a specific problem, stack overflow can help you.
I'm writing a Python script to generate problems for mental arithmetic drills. The addition and multiplication ones were easy, but I'm running into trouble trying to generate unbiased problems for the subtraction ones.
I want to be able to specify a minimum and maximum value that the minuend (first number) will be -- e.g., for two-digit subtraction it should be between 20 and 99. The subtrahend should also have a range option (11-99, say). The answer needs to be positive and preferably also bounded by a minimum of, say, 10 for this situation.
20 < Minuend < 99
11 < Subtrahend < 99
Answer = Minuend - Subtrahend
Answer >= 10
All the numeric values should be used as variables, of course.
I have these conditions met as follows:
ansMin, ansMax = 10, 99
subtrahendMin, minuendMax = 11,99
# the other max and min did not seem to be necessary here,
# and two ranges was the way I had the program set up
answer = randint(ansMin, ansMax)
subtrahend = randint(subtrahendMin, minuendMax - answer)
minuend = answer + subtrahend # rearranged subtraction equation
The problem here is that the minuend values wind up being nearly all over 50 because the answer and subtrahend were generated first and added together, and only the section of them that were both in the bottom 25% of the range will get the result below 50%. (Edit: that's not strictly true -- for instance, bottom 1% plus bottom 49% would work, and percentages are a bad way of describing it anyway, but I think the idea is clear.)
I also considered trying generating the minuend and subtrahend values both entirely randomly, then throwing out the answer if it didn't match the criteria (namely, that the minuend be greater than the subtrahend by a value at least greater than the answerMin and that they both be within the criteria listed above), but I figured that would result in a similar bias.
I don't care about it being perfectly even, but this is too far off. I'd like the minuend values to be fully random across the allowable range, and the subtrahend values random across the range allowed by the minuends (if I'm thinking about it right, this will be biased in favor of lower ones). I don't think I really care about the distribution of the answers (as long as it's not ridiculously biased). Is there a better way to calculate this?
There are several ways of defining what "not biased" means in this case. I assume that what you are looking for is that every possible subtraction problem from the allowed problem space is chosen with equal probability. Quick and dirty approach:
Pick random x in [x_min, x_max]
Pick random y in [y_min, y_max]
If x - y < answer_min, discard both x and y and start over.
Note the bold part. If you discard only y and keep the x, your problems will have an uniform distribution in x, not in the entire problem space. You need to ensure that for every valid x there is at least one valid y - this is not the case for your original choice of ranges, as we'll see later.
Now the long, proper approach. First we need to find out the actual size of the problem space.
The allowed set of subtrahends is determined by the minuend:
x in [21, 99]
y in [11, x-10]
or using symbolic constants:
x in [x_min, x_max]
y in [y_min, x - answer_min]
We can rewrite that as
x in [21, 99]
y = 11 + a
a in [0, x-21]
or again using symbolic constants
x in [x_min, x_max]
y = y_min + a
a in [0, x - (answer_min + y_min)].
From this, we see that valid problems exist only for x >= (answer_min + y_min), and for a given x there are x - (answer_min + y_min) + 1 possible subtrahents.
Now we assume that x_max does not impose any further constraints, e.g. that answer_min + y_min >= 0:
x in [21, 99], number of problems:
(99 - 21 + 1) * (1 + 78+1) / 2
x in [x_min, x_max], number of problems:
(x_max - x_min + 1) * (1 + x_max - (answer_min + y_min) + 1) / 2
The above is obtained using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic sequence. Therefore, you need to pick a random number in the range [1, 4740]. To transform this number into a subtraction problem, we need to define a mapping between the problem space and the integers. An example mapping is as follows:
1 <=> x = 21, y = 11
2 <=> x = 22, y = 12
3 <=> x = 22, y = 11
4 <=> x = 23, y = 13
5 <=> x = 23, y = 12
6 <=> x = 23, y = 11
and so on. Notice that x jumps by 1 when a triangular number is exceeded. To compute x and y from the random number r, find the lowest triangular number t greater than or equal to r, preferably by searching in a precomputed table; write this number as q*(q+1)/2. Then x = x_min + q-1 and y = y_min + t - r.
Complete program:
import random
x_min, x_max = (21, 99)
y_min = 11
answer_min = 10
triangles = [ (q*(q+1)/2, q) for q in range(1, x_max-x_min+2) ]
upper = (x_max-x_min+1) * (1 + x_max - (answer_min + y_min) + 1) / 2
for i in range(0, 20):
r = 1 + random.randrange(0, upper)
(t, q) = next(a for a in triangles if a[0] >= r)
x = x_min + q - 1
y = y_min + t - r
print "%d - %d = ?" % (x, y)
Note that for a majority of problems (around 75%), x will be above 60. This is correct, because for low values of the minuend there are fewer allowed values of the subtrahend.
I can see a couple of issues with your starting values - if you want the answer to always be greater than 10 - then you need to either increase MinuendMin, or decrease SubtrahendMin because 20-11 is less than 10... Also you have defined the answer min and max as 3,9 - which means the answer will never be more than 10...
Apart from that I managed to get a nice even distribution of values by selecting the minuend value first, then selecting the subtrahend value based on it and the answerMin:
ansMin = 10
minuendMin, minuendMax = 20,99
subtrahendMin = 9;
minuend = randint(minuendMin, minuendMax )
subtrahend = randint(subtrahendMin,(minuend-ansMin) )
answer = minuend - subtrahend
You say you've already got addition working properly. Assuming you have similar restrictions for the addends/sum you could rearrange the factors so that:
minuend <= sum
subtrahend <= first addend
answer <= second addend
A similar mapping can be made for multiplication/division, if required.
We want to calculate the value of an integral in linear plot.
For a better understanding look at the photo. Let's say the overall area is 1. We want to find what the value in a certain part is. For instance we want to know how much % of the overall 100% lay within the 10th and 11th month if everything refers to months and A as maximum stands for 24.
We can calculate a integral and then should be able to get the searched area by F(x) - F(x-1)
I thoght about the following code:
a <- 24
tab <-matrix(0,a,1)
tab <-cbind(seq(1,a),tab)
#initialization for first point
tab[1,2] <- (2*tab[1,1] / a - tab[1,1]^2 / a^2)
#for loop for calculation of integral of each point - integral until to the area
for(i in 2:nrow(tab))
{tab[i,2] <- (2*tab[i,1] / a - tab[i,1]^2/ a^2) - sum(tab[1,2]:tab[i-1,2])}
plot(tab[,2], type="l")
If you see the plot - it's confusing. Any ideas how to handle this correct?
The base R function integrate() can do this for you:
f <- function(x, A) 2/A - x / A^2
integrate(function(x)f(x, 24), lower=10, upper=11)
0.06510417 with absolute error < 7.2e-16
Using the formulas directly:
a <- 24 # number of divisions
x <- c(seq(1,a)) #
y <- x*2/a - x^2/a^2 # F(x)
z <- (x*2/a - x^2/a^2) - ((x-1)*2/a - (x-1)^2/a^2) # F(x) - F(x-1)
Then do the binding afterward.
> sum(z)
[1] 1
I have a value, for example 2.8. I want to find 10 numbers which are on an exponential curve, which sum to this value.
That is, I want to end up with 10 numbers which sum to 2.8, and which, when plotted, look like the curve below (exponential decay). These 10 numbers should be equally spaced along the curve - that is, the 'x-step' between the values should be constant.
This value of 2.8 will be entered by the user, and therefore the way I calculate this needs to be some kind of algorithm that I can program (hence asking this on SO not Math.SE).
I have no idea where to start with this at all - any ideas?
You want to have 10 x values equally distributed, i.e. x_k = a + k * b. They shall fulfill sum(exp(-x_k)) = v with v being your target value (the 2.8). This means exp(-a) * sum(exp(-b)^k) = v.
Obviously, there is a solution for each choice of b if v is positive. Set b to an arbitrary value, and calculate a from it.
E.g. for v = 2.8 and b = 0.1, you get a = -log(v / sum(exp(-b)^k)) = -log(2.8/sum(0.90484^k)) = -log(2.8/6.6425) = -log(0.421526) = 0.86387.
So for this example, the x values would be 0.86387, 0.96387, ..., 1.76387 and the y values 0.421526, 0.381412, 0.345116, 0.312274, 0.282557, 0.255668, 0.231338, 0.209324, 0.189404, 0.171380.
As it has been clarified that the curve can be scaled arbitrarily and the xs are preferred to be 1, 2, 3 ... 9, this is much more simple.
Assuming the curve function is r*exp(-x), the 10 values would be r*exp(-1) ... r*exp(-9). Their sum is r*sum(exp(-x)) = r*0.58190489. So to reach a certain value (2.8) you just have to adjust the r accordingly:
r = 2.8/sum(exp(-x)) = 4.81178294
And you get the 10 values: 1.770156, 0.651204, 0.239565, 0.088131, 0.032422, 0.011927, 0.004388, 0.001614, 0.000594.
If I understand your question correctly then you want to find x which solves the equation
It can be solved as
(just sum numbers as geometric progression)
The equation under RootOf will always have 1 real square different from 1 for 2.8 or any other positive number. You can solve it using some root-finding algorithm (1 is always a root but it does not solve original task). For constant a you can choose any number you like.
After computing the x you can easily calculate 10 numbers as .
I'm going to generalize and assume you want N numbers summing to V.
Since your numbers are equally spaced on an exponential you can write your sum as
a + a*x + a*x^2 + ... + a*x^(N-1) = V
Where the first point has value a, and the second a*x etc.
You can take out a factor of a and get:
a ( 1 + x + x^2 + ... + x^(N-1) ) = V
If we're free to pick x then we can solve for a easily
a = V / ( 1 + x + x^2 + .. x^(N-1) )
= V*(x+1)/(x^N-1)
Substituting that back into
a, a*x, a*x^2, ..., a*x^(N-1)
gives the required sequence