WooCommerce - Custom product category template - wordpress

I am trying to create a different display for a given category in WooCommerce. For example, if there is a category clothes and another bikes. I want the clothes one to display as usual, but to change the layout for the bikes one.
I did some research, but couldn't find anything that worked for me. I tried the documentation here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/ but am not sure how to use it exactly.
Please, if anyone has been through this process, could you give me a detailed example maybe?
Thanks for the help!


Wordpress Woocommerce Show all in stock and out of stock items in their respective categories

Can someone help me with some PHP to add to Functions that will show all inventory in stock out and of stock when viewing the category that the product belongs to? By default my site hides out of stock items on the shop page and i just want to be able to see all items when viewing by category.
I searched and searched but couldnt find anyone wanting to do the same thing.
Thanks to the one person who tried to help I was able to gets this issue resolved using conditional tag is_product_category()

In woocommerce making an admin invoice where i change the price manually

if I sell a product from the backend, not from the shop front-end, I would like to change the price for this order only, not in the product table.
I have searched for variable-price products but cannot find anything that fits my needs.
I found variations and discount rules but I just want to change the price when I make an invoice from the backend, maybe through a dummy product where I can change the description too.
Anyone an idea if this is possible?
With the POS systems I support (Chromis) or in front accounting this is possible.
BTW if someone has a link to a WooCommerce-forum where users help users I would be happy.
thanks for the reaction.
I have got an answer from another forum, in Woocommerce one has to enter the order first and afterwords the price is editable.
You cannot see this straight away, first you must put the mouse in the part with the positions, then the pencil to edit appears.
Not the most elegant way but usable.
And i did found more forums.

Woocomerce Product cateegory filter

I'm building a WooCommerce site and having an issue with category product filtering. Is there a way that I can show only certain categories? I want to achieve this (see screenshot below) so the "FESTSITZENDE PROSTHETIK" is just a title and not a category which means that I want to show a title then a few categories, then another title and few categories.
Everything I tried so far,didn't work as intended. Does anyone has any suggestions on how can I achieve the same thing like the picture? Also, can you suggest me some free plugins for product category filtering because I tried a few but they didn't work either.
p.s im not sure if i have to mentioned that i'm building this website in elementor.

Why are products appearing with sub-sub-categories?

I've got a woocommerce site with the mayashop theme. I'm trying to make product categories show as their own page without products, then you drill down to see the products. This seems to work for subcategories for me but not on a page with sub-sub-categories. Is there a setting I've missed?
Settings to show just categories
Problem page, the subcategory is Collections>Travel and the sub-sub-categories are the geographic regions. But the test project IN one of those regions is showing...
Any help much appreciated. I'm happy enough with creating simple plugins etc if needed but woocommerce is too big to do this without being pointed at the right parts to change :)
I found the issue; the theme's version of archive-product.php was displaying too much.
I added a condition: if the woocommerce_product_subcategories() method output any categories, it will withold outputting posts (products). Perhaps a bit simplistic but the smallest change to my child theme to get the effect I was after.
archive-product.php diff

Wordpress "Vote It Up" plugin help

I'm creating a dig like site with wordpress, TDO Mini forms and Vote it up where people who live in the city can log on, post their ideas of how to improve the city and have others vote.
on the home page there are 2 columns. right is the TDO submit form. left are the "Most Wanted" items. the posts with the highest rating. I've found an impressive lack of information on this plugin. im not great with php but i can make do most of the time.
I want to output the post title, post author, links for yes and no votes as well as have the titles in the left column list in most popular order. preferably id like the home pages to have only the top 5 or so highest rated posts.
I cant find any way to output that information as i need. I was really hoping there was a simple way to call the highest rated post titles in the loop for the main page but there doesnt seem to be a way. Bout the only thing i've found is the DisplayVotes tag which isnt incredibly helpful.
does anybody know how i can accomplish this, or can provide some expert advise? help would be immensely appreciated.
I was ready to download your plugin. Too bad it is not done.
