template literals not working in atom.io - template-literals

I am following along on a javascript tutorial about template literals.
I have followed the instructors code exactly, but I cannot get the same output he did. (and yes, I am using backtics)
let name = 'bob';
console.log(`hi $(name)`);
Instructor Output: hi bob
My Output: hi $(name)

You need to use curly brackets
let name = 'bob';
console.log(`hi ${name}`);
And it would output hi bob
For detailed documentation see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals


How to add a dollar sign to a float input in Python?

The program is simple and I'm still learning the basics, but I can't figure out how to put a $ (dollar sign) to a float input.
print("What is your name?")
fisrt_name: input()
#How can a $ appear after the user type a number?
print('How much would you like to give?')
amt1 = float(input())
I already tried:
amt1_dollar = "${:.2f}".format(amt1)
But the output shows two numbers, the number the user typed and the print with a dollar sign.
How can I do to appear only the number with the dollar sign?
Image of the output
Im sorry if the question is too stupid.... and thank you. :)
Create a new string, convert your float to string and add "$" symbol before it.
You should add your program language in tags.
You should use ``` to mark your code.
The "first_name" variable is not matter for this question, just delete it.
Think simple and clean code

How to access map in template string?

I want to use values from gradle.properties that should go into a template string.
A naive first:
doesn't work: Unresolved reference: somekey
So, quotes required?
is completely broken syntax: Expecting an expression for the first .
I couldn't find any example how to do this, yet the official documentation says expressions.
Question: is it possible to access a map in string template, and if so, how?
Yes and as follows:
assuming the Map has the following signature: Map<String, Any?> (or Map<Any...)
"${project.properties.getOrElse("someKey") { "lazy-evaluation-default-value" }}"
"${project.properties.getOrDefault("someKey", "someFixedDefaultValue")}"
Basically all the code you put in the ${} is just plain Kotlin code... no further quoting/escaping required, except for the dollar sign $ itself, e.g. use "\$test" if you do not want it to be substituted with a variable named test or """${"$"}test""" if you use a raw string
Note that in this println case the following would have sufficed as well (which also goes for all the shown alternatives above. You may omit the outer surrounding quotes and ${} altogether):
See also Basic types - String templates

Why does contents of ^FN1 in ZPL not show all content when used in ^BQ command with ^FD?

I am looking for some direction here, as I seem to be missing something. I have the following ZPL that is loaded into a ZD620:
I use an off-the-shelf software that turns CORELIMS.BARCODE into the entity's barcode value to be encoded. That works fine. What is not happening, when the Generated QR Code is scanned, the output is always missing the first 3 characters. What should show up is something like: 5BX10, what I get is: 10.
During my troubleshooting I used the following code and I receive the full string:
All other fields using the ^FN1 command (including this one: ^FT381,188^A0N,50,68^FD^FN1^FS) output the correct value, just not the generated QR code.
I found similar questions, however, none of which are using a ^FN command, and their suggestions do not work for my situation. Those links are listed here:
Print ZPLII QR to open url
ZPL QR code not printing what is in the string
Thanks for help and I would really like to learn what I am doing wrong.
The ^FNx commands are used with stored formats; they cannot be used in a "one-off" label format like you are showing. I am traveling and don't have a zebra printer to test this but basically you need to define the label format "template" using ^DF like:
That stores the format as R:MYFORMAT.ZPL. Then you use ^XF to recall the format and provide the values for the ^FNx:
Note that you include the extra data params required by ^BQ in the ^FD string.
Hope that helps.

R Using Regex to find a word after a pattern

I'm grabbing the following page and storing it in R with the following code:
gQuery <- getURL("https://www.google.com/#q=mcdimalds")
Within this, there's the following snippet of code
Showing results for</span> <a class="spell" href="/search?rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS743US743&q=mcdonalds&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9koqPx_TTAhUKLSYKHRWfDlYQvwUIIygA"><b><i>mcdonalds</i></b></a>
Everything other than "showing results for" and the italics tags encasing the desired name for extraction are subject to change from query to query.
What I want to do is extract the mcdonalds out of this string using regex that occurs here: <b><i>mcdonalds</i> aka the second instance of mcdonalds. However, I'm not too sure how to write the regex to do so.
Any help accomplishing this would be greatly appreciated. As always, please let me know if any additional information should be added to clarify the question.

Latex Math Symbol: Vitanyi puts a tiny plus symbol over his equals. How do I do that?

For example, in http://homepages.cwi.nl/~paulv/papers/algorithmicstatistics.pdf at the bottom of page 5 and top of page 6, he uses a plus/equal symbol and a similar plus/lessthan symbol. I can't figure out how to make that symbol, and I'd like to quote him.
Any help?
Try $\stackrel{top}{bottom}$
You'd want something like this:
$X \stackrel{+}{=} Y$
This positions the plus sign above the equals sign. For example, the following code:
$K(x,y|z) \stackrel{+}{=} K(x|z) \stackrel{+}{<} I(x:y|z)$
produces the following output:
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List (from here) is a great resource, and start for questions like this. You could also contact the author, it's possible he did some LaTex voodoo (math accents and such) to get it to work.
Best of luck.
PS: isn't \pm plus-minus, not plus-equals?
Here's the list of Latex Math Symbols. I don't see the two from the PDF you linked to. Do you know what they mean? You might be able to find an equivalent in the Latex list.
