wechat access_token: invalid appid (error 40013) - wechat

Maybe it's pretty dumb question, but I'm really lost.
Doc describes everything pretty simple: http://admin.wechat.com/wiki/index.php?title=Startup#AppId_and_AppSecret
I created account (at Chinese developer platform), I can log in and see my id and secret:
So I'm trying to use them to get access token
But what I get is this:
"errcode": 40013,
"errmsg": "invalid appid hint: [asR07773612]"
I don't understand what else should I do to make it work. My official credentials just don't work.
Please help, I have no idea what to do.

Probably your appId is wrong, I was also facing the similar issue for this if you are using a sandbox account or test account of wechat and translating it to English than first it changes the first word of appId to caps. So change it back to small and it worked for me.
After translation:
AppId: W*******************
But Actually, the App Id is:
AppId: w*******************
Hope this helps!


"Error 404" when posting SignOutUser to Firebase

I write a code to access Firebase.
I use HTTPRequest to login, register, delete account etc.
All work well but one method - logout = SignOutUser - always returns with 404 Error, unknown URL.
Links that work with HTTPRequest:
(with proper API key added to the string, of course)
And the one that doesn't work:
What can be the problem? Can it be fixed?
Is there any other way to logout a user?
I write the code in gdscript, but I tried it via web code too, same result.
Thank you in advance!

Stuck on "Redirecting you back to the application. This may take a few moments." part on twitter authorization - with the twitteR package

I had the exactly same issues as described in this question, in which I got similar errors. But I've followed instructions, changing the callback url and a new issue came up. I get to the authorization part through my browser but I keep getting stuck in loading page with the the warning "Redirecting you back to the application. This may take a few moments." and instead of being redirected, the browser stops and warns that it can't reach the page - also, RStudio crashes right after it. What should I do? I tried searching for similar questions, but I haven't been able to find a solution.
Although this a bit repetitive, here it is the code in R:
Consumer_key <- "key"
Consumer_secret <- "secret"
setup_twitter_oauth(Consumer_key,Consumer_secret, access_token=NULL,access_secret=NULL)
[1] "Using browser based authentication"
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
I had this problem but in node.js, it was because I wasn't calling the passport callback function once Twitter was done with my authentication
Not sure if this helps, but here's what fixed it.
passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
consumerKey: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,
callbackURL: ""
}, function(token, tokenSecret, profile, cb) {
// debug(token);
// debug(tokenSecret);
// debug(profile);
cb(); // Was missing this line

Skype sdk error "Configuration service is unreachable"

Iam using skype js sdk
first : iam searching for any cdn that hold skypebootstap.js and i didn't find a one
second : when i try to sign in using code below
Skype.initialize({ apiKey: config.apiKey }, function (api) {
config.application = new api.application();
}, function (err) {
i got error with code 1 and message Configuration service is unreachable
what can cause this error ?
you can check every thing related here SkypeSDk
and the only provider for this file is swx.cdn.skype.com has turn them off.
Check your internet connection if it allow to connect Skype services.
I know very little about Skype developer but I think I can answer your question. I think the reason that you are having trouble is because you typed "Skypebootstap" when I think you meant "Skypebootstrap". I would like to remind you I don't know very much about Skype developer. If this is not the whole code which, I personally, don't think it is take 30 seconds took look through and find a "function" or whatever you call them on Skype that is misnamed "Skypebootstap" and change it to "Skypebootstrap" without the "" and add the .js.
Have a happy day :)
PS. I hope it worked

how can i get api key for using Aviary SDK in my ios application

i so far downloaded AVIARY SDK from official url and also the sample demo but it displays alert Invalid api key and secret
I also registering my demo IOS app in adobecCreativeSDK.Com and get client secret key as well as client id then add keys in my app for use but displays same alert Invalid api key and secret.
The screenshot is :
so, can anyone help for how to resolve this alert. thanks in advance.
I also faced the same problem and was searching for a solution. I finally resolved my issue.
Check your code:
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
AdobeUXAuthManager *authManager = [AdobeUXAuthManager sharedManager];
[authManager setAuthenticationParametersWithClientID:#"*****************" clientSecret:#"***************" enableSignUp:YES];
// [AVYPhotoEditorController setAPIKey:#"" secret:#""];
In my case, there was a white space in the Client ID. After I removed the white space, the issue was solved.

litmus grunt returning "could't authenticate you"

I'm using grunt-litmus and I'm adding my username + password but when i run my task I get a:
Could't authenticate you - They have the typo.
Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?
This is because your account information is incorrect. If you go to your Litmus profile, there is a place that says Subdomain for API. This is what you put in the URL:
https://[subdomain API].litmus.com
When running the grunt command, it will create a new version under the same name so long as you keep it consistent. I believe it uses the <title> tag to determine what to call it.
