Nginx proxy pass, Showing Directory but Not serving static files in the directory - nginx

i have the this problem
Now I am on server 1(nginx) working on port 80.
when I type this link in url it should navigate to my server 2(Apapche) which runs on port 8080.
It is working fine. That is, it is getting navigated and displaying the contents of the directory(demo_static_file) but not displaying the file ie; a1.txt
the down is my nginx config.
location /a1.txt {


nginx path omitted and sources cannot be found

I am currently configuring a nginx reverse proxy.
The docker instance of nextcloud is available on Port 8891
server {
listen 8888 ssl http2;
location /nextcloud/ {
however when I try to navigateto the url, I have the problem, that the stylesheets etc. are not available under /nextcloud/*
instead they are getting fetched from /core/*.
How can I archive, that the sources like server.css is getting fetched from /nextcloud/, and basically the whole nextcloud web app is available under /nextcloud/?

site enabled returns 404 error for newly added domains

an nginx 1.14.0 site configuration has a number of domains pointing to a rails application.
Each of these domains is serving up properly, and have an associated certificate.
Adding these server names (on a single line)
sudo nginx -t
runs properly and
sudo service nginx restart
without hiccups. Then, extending the certificate to the 2 new domains (via letsencrypt) passes the test of having the domain specified in a server block. Pinging the domains confirms the local DNS server is synched up.
Yet browser calls return a 404 error (the version of nginx shown is correct).
What is a possible source of this non routing and how can one test nginx's response for a specific domain request?

Nginx reverse proxy.. dynamic hostname with header key and value or url path

I have got some nginx problem.I hope you will help me to solve this problem.
There are sevral servers
User PC internet networked;
Nginx proxy, hostnamed "nginxproxy", located in internal network, and it has only server which has Public IP "" but jumphost, 8090 listen.
server1 hostnamed "tomcat1" located in internal network (only has private IP "")
server2 hostnamed "tomcat2" located in internal network (only has private IP "")
and 5, 6, ... There are more servers hostnamed apache1, apache2, redis1 etc...
Now my client wants to send http request call to server located in internal network directly. but it is not possible (because there don't have Public ips..) so the call has to passed in to nginx proxy first.
I just wander that when i call request from user pc, destination server hostname put on the request's header or url, the nginx can parse it and combine to there destination in internal network?
for example i call like this,
http://nginxproxy:1888/[destination hostname]/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
i hope nginx pass and convert it and call there destination host like this
http://[destination hostname]:8888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
i tried to do this. there were some errors..
error log printed
"localhost could not be resolved (10060: Operation timed out), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /localhost/8080/index"
server {
listen 1888;
server_name localhost;
location ~^\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+) {
proxy_pass http://$1:$2/$3;
and one more..
in the java code,
i set like this
import org.apache.http.HttpMessage;
HttpMessage request;
request.addHeader("destinationHost", "tomcat2");
request.addHeader("destinationPort", "8888");
and call to this url
http://nginxproxy:1888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
can nginx convert url to
http://tomcat2:8888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
and pass to there??
if so, how can i set nginx.conf
thank you so much and have a nice day..

Using nginx to serve local files instead of remote files

Say I'm accessing
This website fetches the following asset:
I want to access the website exactly as I normally would, with one exception:
Whenever my browser makes a request to /styles/app.css, instead of fetching it from, I want to fetch it from http://localhost:3000/mywebsite/.
So instead it should be fetching:
Is this possible with nginx?
I tried to do it using the following server config:
server {
listen 80;
location /styles/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/mywebsite/styles/;
But even after restarting nginx (sudo nginx -s quit, sudo nginx), nothing seems to have changed.
When I browse to, I still get the same old app.css being retrieved from the server, rather than my local one.

is my nginx config correct?

hi im trying to run my Ruby on rails app in nginx using
passenger start -e production
but it is missing the cache: [HEAD /] miss
im guessing this i dont have actualy a file in public sorry for this question this may be to easy to answer and when i route to it renders a live page in the internet :(
server {
listen 80;
passenger_enabled on;
root /home/led/Aptana\ Studio\ 3\ Workspace/djors/public;
Where ever you point the webserver, nginx in this case, you need your DNS to match the location. If this is your production server, then you need DNS records to point to your server.
If this is your development or local machine, you probably don't want to name your server something that will overwrite the public DNS records. For example, I name all of my apps in my local nginx config like the following:
server_name my_app_name.local
Once you've given it a name, you'll need to add "my_app_name.local" to your hosts file (your local DNS records). Your hosts file should now have entries like below. localhost my_app_name.local
Restart nginx, and you can now goto my_app_name.local in your browser.
You can get rid of passenger and nginx conf all together, as it looks like you are doing this locally and if you want named links (as opposed to just running bundle exec rails server; use Pow to facilitate this. Personally, i'm a rails server guy, but ymmv.
