possible to import SASS file in SCSS? - css

#import 'packages/bulma.sass';
#charset "utf-8"
/*! bulma.io v0.6.1 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/bulma */
#import "sass/utilities/_all"
#import "sass/base/_all"
#import "sass/elements/_all"
#import "sass/components/_all"
#import "sass/grid/_all"
#import "sass/layout/_all"
'Error: client/packages/bulma.sass.scss doesn\'t exist!
Is it possible to import SASS into a SCSS file? What is the best way to install bulma into a scss env.
I also tried #import 'packages/bulma' and get client/packages/bulma.scss doesn\'t exist!.

tl;dr can you try removing the .sass extension?
#import 'packages/bulma';
More detailed answer from this post:
The Sass #import directive extends the CSS #import rule so that it works with .scss and .sass files. It imports the file referenced and any variables or mixins that are defined in the imported file so they can be used in the main file.
#import "typography.scss";
Assuming there’s a file typography.scss in the current directory, the contents of typography.scss will replace the #import statement.
Sass makes it even simpler. If you forget to include the extension, it will look for a file with the same name and either a .scss or .sass extension.
#import "typography";
The statement above would find either typography.scss or typography.sass in the same directory as the file importing the typography styles.

#Hector is right, just wanted to add some other things.
What is valid is covered by the language docs https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#import so the double import might be a node-sass bug, but the extension behaviour is going to warn in the next version of Sass AFAIK. Libsass runs through a sass2scss library to transpile the "unsupported" old .sass to .scss.
Remove the leading _ from the imports, those aren't valid

use #import "../node_modules/bulma/bulma.sass"; instead of #import 'packages/bulma.sass';
It will not throw any error. For more information, you can go through this link


Laravel webpack-mix omitting #import statements from the Minified CSS files

I am trying to Minify the following
#import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,100i,300,300i,400,700,700i,900');
#import 'plugin/bootstrap.css';
#import 'pages/reset.css';
#import 'pages/common.css';
#import 'pages/animations.css';
#import 'pages/form.css';
#import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,100i,300,300i,400,700,700i,900);#import url(plugin/bootstrap.css);#import url(pages/reset.css);#import url(pages/common.css);#import url(pages/animations.css);#import url(pages/form.css);
But for some reason when I run: npm run prod. The minified file that I get back only contains the first import statement for google fonts as given below and for some reason, other import statements are omitted from the output:
#import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,100i,300,300i,400,700,700i,900);
I have written the following in the webpack.mix.js file to achieve this:
mix.styles('public/assets/css/global.css', 'public/assets/css/global.css');
When I use CSS Minifier (https://cssminifier.com/) I get the intended output, but I want to do that locally using Laravel mix.
Your Webpack line imports and exports from the same location. Maybe try:
mix.styles('resources/sass/global.css', 'public/css');


I using scss in my project to import scss files.
For example I have file with variables (that using everywhere in my project)
And I have desktop.scss for importing files into it
Like this
#import 'variables';
#import 'desktop/_style';
#import 'desktop/index';
#import 'desktop/step_1';
#import 'desktop/step_2';
#import 'desktop/step_3';
#import 'desktop/step_4';
According to this issue
It will be deprecated.
But what I can use instead of it?
Any suggestions?
This issue is only about importing CSS into a SCSS file. From your code I assume, that you only use SCSS Files, so you won't have a problem with that in future.

Rails use sass to import all css

I use rails and bootstrap by using this bootstrap-sass
I've moved application.css to application.scss, so I can't use *= require_tree.
There are bunch of css files in assets/stylesheets, how can I import them?
I tried following ways but all of these seems not work.
#import "freelancer";
#import "freelancer.css";
#import "freelancer.css"!force;
I recently found out that there is a way to import all file, check sass-rails
When in Rails, there is a special import syntax that allows you to glob imports relative to the folder of the stylesheet that is doing the importing.
#import "mixins/*" will import all the files in the mixins folder
#import "mixins/**/*" will import all the files in the mixins tree
Scss being a superset of css, you can just change your .css extension to .scss, it will still work in the same way.
Then you can require them like this, and it should work:
#import "freelancer";

BundleTransformer: CSS not bundled through #import directive

We are using the BundleTransformer in our ASP.NET MVC project to bundle our style files.
This works great, but we noticed that some CSS files are not bundled with our LESS files when we important them in LESS with the #import CSS at-rule.
Sample in our root LESS file:
/* Import core LESS files */
#import "../core.less";
/* Import jQuery UI stuff*/
#import "../themes/base/core.css";
#import "../themes/base/resizable.css";
#import "../themes/base/accordion.css";
#import "../themes/base/tabs.css";
/* Import more LESS files */
#import "../morestyles.less";
If we look at the files that are downloaded from Chrome, it is clear that the CSS files are not bundled with the root LESS files.
Naturally, we could simply include these CSS files in the BundleConfig and remove the #import calls, but I was just curious to see if there is a way to have them bundled together.
You should read http://lesscss.org/features/#import-options.
In your code #import "../themes/base/tabs.css"; compiles into #import "../themes/base/tabs.css"; (due to the .css extension). Which is a "normal" CSS import, CSS imports require an additional HTTP request to load.
You can use the inline option:
#import (inline) "../themes/base/tabs.css";
The above inlines the code from tabs.css into your project file without processing it.

How to prevent SASS from merging files included via #import?

Is it possible to prevent SASS from merging files included via #import?
For development, i would like to maintain the references of the original CSS (in my setup compiled from SASS already).
The docs for the #import rule says that:
All imported SCSS and Sass files will be merged together into a single CSS output file.
And explain that there is some circumstances under which it will compile to a CSS #import rule:
If the file's extension is .css.
If the filename begins with http://.
If the filename is a url().
If the #import has any media queries.
The following rules will tell SASS to merge imported files:
#import "foo.scss";
#import "foo";
The following rules will tell SASS to NOT merge imported files:
#import "foo.css";
#import "foo" screen;
#import "http://foo.com/bar";
#import url(foo);
