Flow error when using react-apollo Query component render prop - flowtype

I have the following code:
import { Query } from 'react-apollo';
type Post = {
id: string
interface Data {
posts: Array<Post>;
class PostsQuery extends Query<Data> {}
When using the above as follows:
<PostsQuery query={POSTS_QUERY}>
{({ loading, data }) => {
I get the following error from flow:
Error:(151, 27) Cannot get 'data.posts' because property 'posts' is missing in object type [1].
Any idea why?
I did use flow-typed to add apollo-client_v2.x.x.js to my project by the way

Solution to the problem
Continued from the answer explaining how to make a verifiable example and research the problem.
So it looks like this part of react-apollo isn't typed in such a way to make accessing the data contents straightforward. Okay, that's fine, we can take their recommendation on destructuring and check for empty data. At the same time, we can also add an id property to the Post type so flow stops complaining about that:
(Try - Scroll to bottom for relevant code)
type Post = {
id: string,
title: string;
// Look ma, no errors
class Search extends React.Component<{}> {
render = () => (
<PostsQuery query={QUERY}>
{({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (error) {
return <p>Error</p>
if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>
const nonNullData = (data || {})
const dataWithAllPosts = {allPosts: [], ...nonNullData}
const {allPosts} = dataWithAllPosts
if (allPosts.length == 0) {
return <p>Empty response or something</p>
return (
{allPosts.map(post => {
return <div key={post.id}>{post.title}</div>;
I'm not familiar with the react-apollo library, so I'm not sure how you want to handle that case where there are no posts. I just added a message as seen above. It's entirely possible that the case never occurs (again, you would know better than I do). If that's the case, you might want to skip some of the above steps and just assert the desired type with a cast through any.

How to make a reproducible example and research the problem
So the first thing we need to do while analyzing these types is to go lookup the typedefs in the flow-typed repo. I went ahead a copy-pasted the react-apollo typedefs into flow.org/try, modified them slightly (added an any somewhere, set gql to any), and was able to replicate your errors:
(Try - Scroll to the bottom for your code)
Referencing the relevant lines of the QueryRenderProps type, we can see why flow is throwing the error:
data: TData | {||} | void,
It looks like data can either be TData (probably what you want), an empty object, or undefined. Cross checking this with the typescript typings for react-apollo, we can see why the type is the way it is:
// we create an empty object to make checking for data
// easier for consumers (i.e. instead of data && data.user
// you can just check data.user) this also makes destructring
// easier (i.e. { data: { user } })
// however, this isn't realy possible with TypeScript that
// I'm aware of. So intead we enforce checking for data
// like so result.data!.user. This tells TS to use TData
// XXX is there a better way to do this?
data: TData | undefined;
Unfortunately, due to the extreme length of these links and stackoverflow's limit on answer lengths, I have to continue my answer in another answer. I guess this answer can serve as an explanation of how to start debugging the problem.


How do I return an entire paged set from the Jira API using Ramda?

I'm using the Nodejs library for talking to Jira called jira-connector. I can get all of the boards on my jira instance by calling
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type: "scrum"})
.then(boards => { ...not important stuff... }
the return set looks something like the following:
maxResults: 50,
startAt: 0,
isLast: false,
[ { id: ... } ]
then while isLast === false I keep calling like so:
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type: "scrum", startAt: XXX })
until isLast is true. then I can organize all of my returns from promises and be done with it.
I'm trying to reason out how I can get all of the data on pages with Ramda, I have a feeling it's possible I just can't seem to sort out the how of it.
Any help? Is this possible using Ramda?
Here's my Rx attempt to make this better:
const pagedCalls = new Subject();
pagedCalls.subscribe(value => {
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type:"scrum", startAt: value })
.then(boards => {
console.log('calling: ' + value);
if (boards.isLast) {
} else {
pagedCalls.next(boards.startAt + 50);
Seems pretty terrible. Here's the simplest solution I have so far with a do/while loop:
let returnResult = [];
let result;
let startAt = -50;
do {
result = await jira.board.getAllBoards( { type: "scrum", startAt: startAt += 50 })
returnResult.push(result.values); // there's an array of results under the values prop.
} while (!result.isLast)
Many of the interactions with Jira use this model and I am trying to avoid writing this kind of loop every time I make a call.
I had to do something similar today, calling the Gitlab API repeatedly until I had retrieved the entire folder/file structure of the project. I did it with a recursive call inside a .then, and it seems to work all right. I have not tried to convert the code to handle your case.
Here's what I wrote, if it will help:
const getAll = (project, perPage = 10, page = 1, res = []) =>
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(xs => xs.length < perPage
? res.concat(xs)
: getAll(project, perPage, page + 1, res.concat(xs))
The technique is pretty simple: Our function accepts whatever parameters are necessary to be able to fetch a particular page and an additional one to hold the results, defaulting it to an empty array. We make the asynchronous call to fetch the page, and in the then, we use the result to see if we need to make another call. If we do, we call the function again, passing in the other parameters needed, the incremented page number, and the merge of the current results and the ones just received. If we don't need to make another call, then we just return that merged list.
Here, the repository contains 21 files and folders. Calling for ten at a time, we make three fetches and when the third one is complete, we resolve our returned Promise with that list of 21 items.
This recursive method definitely feels more functional than your versions above. There is no assignment except for the parameter defaulting, and nothing is mutated along the way.
I think it should be relatively easy to adapt this to your needs.
Here is a way to get all the boards using rubico:
import { pipe, fork, switchCase, get } from 'rubico'
const getAllBoards = boards => pipe([
type: () => 'scrum',
startAt: get('startAt'),
response => boards.concat(response.values),
response => getAllBoards(boards.concat(response.values))({
startAt: response.startAt + response.values.length,
getAllBoards([])({ startAt: 0 }) // => [...boards]
getAllBoards will recursively get more boards and append to boards until isLast is true, then it will return the aggregated boards.

How to implement redux-search

I am trying to implement a search filter in my application which uses react/redux using redux-search. The first gotcha I get is when I try to add the store enhancer as in the example.
// Compose :reduxSearch with other store enhancers
const enhancer = compose(
// Configure redux-search by telling it which resources to index for searching
resourceIndexes: {
// In this example Books will be searchable by :title and :author
books: ['author', 'title']
// This selector is responsible for returning each collection of searchable resources
resourceSelector: (resourceName, state) => {
// In our example, all resources are stored in the state under a :resources Map
// For example "books" are stored under state.resources.books
return state.resources.get(resourceName)
I understand evarything up to the resourceSelector, when I tried to get a deep dive into the example to see how it works but I can barely see how they are generated and the last line returns an error, Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
My state object looks like this
state: {
//books is an array of objects...each object represents a book
//a book has these properties
{name, id, author, datePublished}
Any help from anyone who understands redux-search is helpful
If this line:
return state.resources.get(resourceName)
Is causing this error:
Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
That indicates that state.resources is not defined. And sure enough, your state doesn't define a resources attribute.
The examples were written with the idea in mind of using redux-search to index many types of resources, eg:
state: {
resources: {
books: [...],
authors: [...],
// etc
The solution to the issue you've reported would be to either:
A: Add an intermediary resources object (if you think you might want to index other things in the future and you like that organization).
B: Replace state.resources.get(resourceName) with state[resourceName] or similar.

Looping api calls in redux-thunk (React redux application)

I have a JSON object similar to this in the redux store of my application:
tables: [
To load it, i use the following call (TableApi is a mock api loaded locally, beginAjaxCalls keeps track of how many Ajax calls are currently active);
export function loadTables(){
return function(dispatch,getState){
return TableApi.getAllTables().then(tables => {
//Looping through the store to execute sub requests
}).catch(error => {
I then want to loop through my tables, call the different URLs and populate a new field called data so that an object after a call looks like this;
The data will be frequently updated by recalling the fetch url, and the table should then re-render in the view.
Which leads me to my questions:
- Is this architecturally sound?
- How would redux handle frequent changes? (because of immutability, will i get performance issues by frequently deep copying a table instance with 10,000+ data entries)
And more importantly, what code could i place to substitute the comment so that it serves its intended purpose? Ive tried;
let i;
for(i in getState().tables){
let d;
for(d in getState().tables[i].objs){
This code, however doesn't seem like the best implementation and I get errors.
Any suggestions are welcome, thanks!
First of all, you don't need to make a deep copy of all tables.
For sake of immutability you need to copy only changed items.
For your data structure it would look like this:
function updateTables(tables, table) {
return tables.map(tableGroup => {
if(tableGroup.objs.find(obj => table.tableName === obj.tableName)) {
// if the table is here, copy group
retrun updateTableGroup(tableGroup, table);
} else {
// otherwise leave it unchanged
return tableGroup;
function updateTableGroup(tableGroup, table) {
return {
objs: tableGroup.objs.map(obj => {
return table.tableName === obj.tableName ? table : obj;

Custom functions for knex

There's a number of operations that I do all the time and I was hoping there would be a way to "extend" knex to be able to do them.
I would like to something like:
result = knex.count(id).from('table').where({'code': 25})
if (result.length === 0) return false
if (result.length === 1) return true
throw an error
I would like to be able to do something like
knex.oneExists.count('id').from('table').where({'code': 25}).
at the moment i'm writing the code like this:
KnexUtil.oneExists(knex.select('id').from('table').where({code: 25}))
which returns a promise
I've looked through the knex codebase and i'm not sure:
how to chain this (and whether i would do this in /lib/query/compiler.js)
how to just make an extension to knex so i don't need to modify the original codebase
Starting from v0.19.1, knex have build-in ability to extend QueryBuilder
import Knex from 'knex'
Knex.QueryBuilder.extend('someFn', function (arg) {
console.log('Do Smth', arg)
return this
const knex = Knex({ client: 'pg' })
Sure you can. I would recommend just creating your own plugin, something like the following:
// my-plugin.js
'use strict';
module.exports = function (Bookshelf) {
Bookshelf.Model = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
foo: function ( bar ) {
if( bar )
console.log('Method foo was called on a model with the arguments:', arguments.join(', '));
Bookshelf.Collection = Bookshelf.Collection.extend({
foo: function ( bar ) {
if( bar )
console.log('Method foo was called on a collection with the arguments:', arguments.join(', '));
Then inside your main application file, add:
Bookshelf.plugin( require( './my-plugin' ) );
BookshelfJS plugins basically allow you to extend the models and collections (and more), which allows you to add your own method, or overwrite existing ones (while still being able to call the original method from within your plugin)
For a better understanding, it might be a good idea for you to look at some existing BookshelfJS plugins, some already come with bookshelf, inside the plugins directory.
Another plugin that may be good to look at to better understand how the plugins work, would be the Soft Delete Plugin. In that plugin, you can see how some BookshelfJS methods are overridden in both the models and the collections objects, with methods that execute the original version of the method, then return the parsed/modified result (Lines #37-#59 and Lines #37-#57), as well as adding completely new methods (Lines #61-#72)
Edit: Obviously this is more BookshelfJS than KnexJS, but I didn't see any way to create plugins for KnexJS, since it's just a query constructor, all the real magic is in the ORM
If using TypeScript:
import { knex, Knex as KnexOriginal } from "knex";
declare module "knex" {
namespace Knex {
interface QueryBuilder {
customFunction<TRecord, TResult>(
value: number
): KnexOriginal.QueryBuilder<TRecord, TResult>;
knex.QueryBuilder.extend("customFunction", function (value: number) {
console.log("Custom Function:", value);
return this;
const pg = knex({ client: "pg" });
Check out documentation about how to extend knex

Identity in ractive data arrays

I have an object of message streams that looks like this:
stream_id1: {
some_stream_metadata: "foo",
stream: [
{id: "someid1", message: "message1"},
{id: "someid2", message: "message2"}
stream_id2: {
some_stream_metadata: "bar",
stream: [
{id: "someid3", message: "message3"},
{id: "someid4", message: "message4"}
{{#messages[ current_stream_id ]}}
{{/messages[ current_stream_id ]}}
<div class="stream">
<div class="message">
I change "current_stream_id" to change the rendered stream of messages.
On updates, i change the contents of the message streams like this:
compare: function ( item ) { return item.id; }
I also tried the compare: true option instead of the function, with the same results:
Ractive always thinks that these two messages belong effectively to the same DOM element, even though they live in a completely different message stream:
ractive.data.messages[ "stream_id1" ].stream[1].message
ractive.data.messages[ "stream_id2" ].stream[1].message
When there are intro/outro animations ractive animates always just the end of the messages stream, even when a message in the middle of the stream was deleted, i need help to make ractive understand which messages are identical.
When i change the current_stream_id, ractive does not rerender the complete {{>render_message_stream}} partial, but goes inside the existing dom and changes the {{message}} field in all existing messages, though this might be good for dom element reuse, this triggers a lot of animations that are wrong. (Eg. it triggers intro/outro animations for the last message in the stream if stream1 has one message more than stream2).
One of these issues has a straightforward answer; unfortunately the other one doesn't.
I'll start with the easy one - the fact that
ractive.data.messages[ "stream_id1" ].stream[1].message
ractive.data.messages[ "stream_id2" ].stream[1].message
belong to the same DOM element. You're correct in that Ractive updates the existing elements rather than removing them and creating new ones - this is a core part of its design. In this case that's undesirable behaviour, but you can work around it like so:
// instead of immediately switching to a new stream ID like this...
ractive.set( 'current_stream_id', 'stream_id2' );
// you can set it to a non-existent ID. That will cause the existing DOM
// to be removed. When you set it to an ID that *does* exist, new DOM
// will be created:
ractive.set( 'current_stream_id', null );
ractive.set( 'current_stream_id', 'stream_id2' );
// or, if you'd like the initial transitions to complete first...
ractive.set( 'current_stream_id', null ).then(function () {
ractive.set( 'current_stream_id', 'stream_id2' );
The other issue - that merge() isn't merging, but is instead behaving as though you were doing ractive.set('messages.stream_id1.stream', new_message_stream) - is tougher. The problem is that while you and I know that {{#messages[ current_stream_id ]}} equates to messages.stream_id1 when current_stream_id === 'stream_id1, Ractive doesn't.
What it does know is that we have an expression whose value is determined by messages and current_stream_id. When the value of either of those references changes, the expression is re-evaluated, and if that value changes, the DOM gets updated - but using a standard set(). When you do ractive.merge('messages.stream_id1.stream', ...), Ractive updates all the things that depend on keypaths that are 'upstream' or 'downstream' of messages.stream_id1.stream - which includes messages. So that's how the expression knows that it needs to re-evaluate.
It's possible that a future version of Ractive will be able to handle this case in a smarter fashion. Perhaps it could make a note of arrays that are subject to merge operations, and check evaluator results to see if they're identical to one of those arrays, and if so use merge() rather than set(). Perhaps it could analyse the function in some way to see if the {{#messages[ current_stream_id ]}} section should register itself as a dependant of messages.stream_id1 for as long as current_stream_id === 'stream_id1', rather than the internally-generated ${messages-current_stream_id-} keypath.
None of that helps you in the meantime though. The only way to use merge() in your current situation is to have a separate reference that doesn't use an expression, and a bit of magic with pattern observers:
{{#current_messages}} <!-- rather than `messages[ current_stream_id ]` -->
{{#current_message_stream}} <!-- rather than `stream` -->
<div class="stream">
ractive.observe( 'current_stream_id', function ( id ) {
var current_messages = this.get( 'messages.' + id );
this.set( 'current_messages', current_messages );
// hide existing stream, then show new stream
this.set( 'current_message_stream', null ).then(function () {
this.set( 'current_message_stream', current_messages.stream );
// when ANY message stream changes, we see if it's the current one - if so, we
// perform a merge on the top-level `current_message_stream` array
ractive.observe( 'messages.*.stream', function ( new_stream, old_stream, keypath, id ) {
// the value of any * characters are passed in as extra arguments, hence `id`
if ( id === this.get( 'current_stream_id' ) ) {
this.merge( 'current_message_stream', new_stream, {
compare: function ( item ) {
return item.id;
I've set up a JSFiddle demonstrating this. I hope it makes sense, let me know if not - and sorry I didn't get round to answering this question much sooner.
