Is there any way to save the plugins settings in WordPress. - wordpress

First of all I'm new to WordPress. I'm using some plugins on my wordpress site (ex: Google map plugin is configured with my google map api). I would like to save the plugin's setting and download it for future usage. In case if the wordpress installation has been re-installed, then i have to use the google map plugin(which is already configured with api) without configuring it again. Please advise.


I'm trying to implement external REST APIs in my wordpress website. Can anybody have idea how to do it (whether with a plugin or with programming)

I tried to use one plugin called "WP Data Sync". I am also going through its documentation/ support for the same. I am also having wpbakery page builder in my website. So is there any way that we sync with that also?
Note - We have to sync data in the form of images, image gallery, events listing, and the blog posts.
Did you check out WP Data Syncs website at and create an account to check out an API key?
I'm not sure about all APIs, but the ones I've used in the past would require me to register with the API's website, get issued an API key and maybe even designate the key to a specific website (your WordPress site in this case) for security reasons. After that, you would then go to your WP site and setup the API there via WP DataSyncs plugin.
I hope I understood your question and that this helps.

How to Create a WordPress Laravel-Based Plugin

I need to create a WordPress plugin. This plugin is actually a Laravel project. Why I would do that? because we are making a mobile eCommerce application and we have already a WordPress website for the company we are creating the mobile application for, so we need to plug-in the WooCommerce to the WordPress website then exposing some REST APIs to the mobile application (i.e., getting products on sale, placing orders, creating a new customer etc.). In case anyone answer will be that WooCommerce having its own REST APIs, unfortunately it won't work as it requires oAuth 1.0a as its authentication method when requests comes from a remote client, not the same machine, and the mobile app will be created using Ionic 4 and Angular 5/6 and they do not support oAuth 1.0a.
I tried to create a WordPress plugin using the standard way by downloading the laravel project at the WordPress plugins folder and I created a plugin file within the laravel root directory and within it I referenced the server.php file in the same directory which is responsible for initiating the composer auto-loader and then bootstrapping the laravel, however, it did not work for me!!! I also tried a package laraish
However, when I created a simple hello world route it does not respond!

Can I mirror wordpress public REST API to my self hosted wordpress site?

I have a self hosted wordpress site, for example,,
I can access the site's posts and other data through wordpress official REST API site "" via Jetpack plugin installed and enabled.
But I can not access "" this site in my country since it is blocked by firewall that deployed within my country.
So,my question is:
Can I mirror this feature to my self hosted wordpress site so that I can directly access contents in my local APP?
I have never used the official api, but i have used these plugins to create api for my wordpress. and
The plugins are preety functional, you just need to install them and start using the REST API. There might not be too many features in them but they get the job done. for advance stuff you will have to modify the plugin to your needs.

shortcode conflict with facebook.php

I am using Wordpress to build a facebook application. The application uses a plugin for hosting a small quiz, and I used a wordpress plugin for the quiz.
However, after this I had to include a like gate for the application page, so I included facebook.php in the index page. Now the quiz plugin is no longer working.
Can anybody let me know if the facebook.php can cause conflicts with the Wordpress plugins and if yes, how can it be circumvented?
It shouldn't conflict because the Facebook PHP isn't Wordpress specific and is a self contained class, so there's unlikely to be any function naming issues etc, unless you are using a plugin to load the Facebook API? Have a look at your error logs in the site route and plugin folders.

How to upload/update Wordpress themes on Google App Engine without FTP?

I realised that, according to the Google Cloud documentation, unfortunately running wordpress on google app engines does provide any core FTP services!!
Thus if I want to update any new Wordpress themes/plugins onto my Google App Engine each time I add/remove new code, how am I supposed to update them on Google App Engine if there's no FTP service available?!
Also would the gsutil update function work? Will it behave the same thing as I would do upload/download wordpress themes/plugin as I do use the WP Admin screen.
My only concern for the above approach is that I have my local wordpress that's pointed to this URL localhost thus I might worry that when I upload my local copy, this will overwrite the site url of my google app engine account!! Is that case? I need some confirmation!
There's no FTP, the way you upload changes to App Engine is through the utility (or using the graphical launcher tool). This will update all the code in your application, including any plugins or themes you may have installed.
However it will not update the database, which usually means that content and settings that you have running will not change. Just the themes and modules.
Finally, App Engine has a neat feature called Versions, which allows you to run multiple copies of your Wordpress code simultaneously (they share the same database) under different URLs. Each version gets a URL like So if you update your code, do it to a seperate version, check that it works, then if you are happy with it, make it the default version. You can read more here:
First there is no FTP service in AppEngine.
1-You can use CloudStrage for upload by default plugin that is Google Cloud Storage plugin.
2-Enter the GCS bucket name [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] that you changed to ACL
2.5- Before 2, Change principal to Allusers default bucket [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
3- If your region is correct that is CloudSQL, GCStrage,
Place your theme under projects> wordperss > theme and deploy it.
You can use your theme in App Engine
