Confidence Interval in mixed effect models - r

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), data = sleepstudy)
To generate a 95% CI, I can use the predictInterval() function from the package merTools.
head(predictInterval(fm1, level = 0.95, seed = 123, n.sims = 100))
# fit upr lwr
# 1 255.4179 313.8781 184.1400
# 2 273.2944 333.2005 231.3584
# 3 291.8451 342.8701 240.8226
# 4 311.3562 359.2908 250.4980
# 5 330.3671 384.2520 270.7094
# 6 353.4378 409.9307 289.4760
In the documentation, it says about the predictInterval() function
This function provides a way to capture model uncertainty in predictions from multi-level models
fit with lme4. By drawing a sampling distribution for the random and the fixed effects and then
estimating the fitted value across that distribution, it is possible to generate a prediction interval for
fitted values that includes all variation in the model except for variation in the covariance parameters,
theta. This is a much faster alternative than bootstrapping for models fit to medium to large datasets.
My goal is to get all the fitted values instead of the the upper and lower CI i.e. for each row, I need the
original n simulations from which these 95% CI are calculated. I checked the argument in the documentation and
followed this:
head(predictInterval(fm1, n.sims = 100, returnSims = TRUE, seed = 123, level = 0.95))
# fit upr lwr
# 1 255.4179 313.8781 184.1400
# 2 273.2944 333.2005 231.3584
# 3 291.8451 342.8701 240.8226
# 4 311.3562 359.2908 250.4980
# 5 330.3671 384.2520 270.7094
# 6 353.4378 409.9307 289.4760
Instead of getting the 100 simulations, it still gives me the same output. What is it I am doing wrong here?
A second question though I believe this is more of a StatsExchange one.
"By drawing a sampling distribution for the random and the fixed
effects and then."`
How does it draws the sampling distribution if some could explain me?

You can get simulated values if you specify newdata in the predictInterval() function.
predInt <- predictInterval(fm1, newdata = sleepstudy, n.sims = 100,
returnSims = TRUE, seed = 123, level = 0.95)
simValues <- attr(predInt, "sim.results")
Details on how to create sampling distributions of parameters are given in the Detail section of the help page.You can get the estimates of fit, lower and upper boundaries as:
fit <- apply(simValues, 1, function(x){quantile(x, probs=0.500) } )
lwr <- apply(simValues, 1, function(x){quantile(x, probs=0.025) } )
upr <- apply(simValues, 1, function(x){quantile(x, probs=0.975) } )


Unscale coefficient of scaled continuous variable in negative binomial regression

I'm fitting a negative binomial regression. I scaled all continuous predictors prior to fitting the model. I need to transform the coefficients of scaled predictors to be able to interpret them on their original scale. Example:
# example dataset
dep <- dnbinom(seq(1:150), size = 150, prob = 0.75)
ind.1 <- ifelse(sign(rnorm(150))==-1,0,1)
ind.2 <- rnorm(150, 10, 1.7)
df <- data.frame(dep, ind.1, ind.2)
# scale continuous independent variable
df$ind.2 <- scale(df$ind.2)
# fit model
m1 <- MASS::glm.nb(dep ~ ind.1 + ind.2, data = df)
summz <- summary(m1)
To get the result for ind.1 I take the exponential of the coefficient:
# result for ind.1
> [1] 1.276929
Which shows that for every 1 unit increase in ind.1 you'd expect a 1.276929 increase in dep. But what about for ind.2? I gather that as the predictor is scaled the coefficient can be interpreted as the effect an increase of 1 standard deviation of ind.2 has on dep. How to transform this back to original units? This answer says to multiply the coefficient by the sd of the predictor, but how to do this in the case of a logit link? exp(summz$coefficients["ind.2","Estimate"] * sc) doesn't seem to make sense.
Set up data:
dep <- dnbinom(seq(1:150), size = 150, prob = 0.75)
ind.1 <- ifelse(sign(rnorm(150))==-1,0,1)
ind.2 <- rnorm(150, 10, 1.7)
df <- data.frame(dep, ind.1, ind.2)
sc <- sd(df$ind.2)
Fit unscaled and scaled models:
m_unsc <- MASS::glm.nb(dep ~ ind.1 + ind.2, data = df)
m_sc <- update(m_unsc, data = transform(df, ind.2 = drop(scale(df$ind.2))))
Compare coefficients:
cbind(coef(m_unsc), coef(m_sc))
[,1] [,2]
(Intercept) -5.50449624 -5.13543854
ind.1 0.24445805 0.24445805
ind.2 0.03662308 0.06366992
Check equivalence (we divide the scaled coefficient by the scaling factor (sc=sd(ind.2)) to get back the unscaled coefficient):
all.equal(coef(m_sc)["ind.2"]/sc, coef(m_unsc)["ind.2"])
The negative binomial model uses a log link, not a logit link, so if you want to back-transform the coefficient to get proportional or "fold" changes per unit of ind2:
this gives 1.0373, a 4% change in the response per unit change in ind.2 (you can confirm that it's the same as exponentiating the unscaled coefficient).
Note that 2/3 of the answers in the linked question, including the currently accepted answer, are wrong: you should be dividing the scaled coefficient by the scaling factor, not multiplying ...

R: implementing my own gradient boosting algorithm

I am trying to write my own gradient boosting algorithm. I understand there are existing packages like gbm and xgboost, but I wanted to understand how the algorithm works by writing my own.
I am using the iris data set, and my outcome is Sepal.Length (continuous). My loss function is mean(1/2*(y-yhat)^2) (basically the mean squared error with 1/2 in front), so my corresponding gradient is just the residual y - yhat. I'm initializing the predictions at 0.
#Define gradient <- function(y, yhat) {return(y - yhat)}
mod <- list()
grad_boost <- function(data, learning.rate, M, {
# Initialize fit to be 0
fit <- rep(0, nrow(data))
grad <- = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Initialize model
mod[[1]] <- fit
# Loop over a total of M iterations
for(i in 1:M){
# Fit base learner (tree) to the gradient
tmp <- data$Sepal.Length
data$Sepal.Length <- grad
base_learner <- rpart(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = data, control = ("maxdepth = 2"))
data$Sepal.Length <- tmp
# Fitted values by fitting current model
fit <- fit + learning.rate * as.vector(predict(base_learner, newdata = data))
# Update gradient
grad <- = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Store current model (index is i + 1 because i = 1 contain the initialized estiamtes)
mod[[i + 1]] <- base_learner
With this, I split up the iris data set into a training and testing data set and fit my model to it.
train.dat <- iris[1:100, ]
test.dat <- iris[101:150, ]
learning.rate <- 0.001
M = 1000
my.model <- grad_boost(data = train.dat, learning.rate = learning.rate, M = M, =
Now I calculate the predicted values from my.model. For my.model, the fitted values are 0 (vector of initial estimates) + learning.rate * predictions from tree 1 + learning rate * predictions from tree 2 + ... + learning.rate * predictions from tree M.
yhats.mymod <- apply(sapply(2:length(my.model), function(x) learning.rate * predict(my.model[[x]], newdata = test.dat)), 1, sum)
# Calculate RMSE
> sqrt(mean((test.dat$Sepal.Length - yhats.mymod)^2))
[1] 2.612972
I have a few questions
Does my gradient boosting algorithm look right?
Did I calculate the predicted values yhats.mymod correctly?
Yes this looks correct. At each step you are fitting to the psuedo-residuals, which are computed as the derivative of loss with respect to the fit. You have correctly derived this gradient at the start of your question, and even bothered to get the factor of 2 right.
This also looks correct. You are aggregating across the models, weighted by learning rate, just as you did during training.
But to address something that was not asked, I noticed that your training setup has a few quirks.
The iris dataset is split equally between 3 species (setosa, versicolor, virginica) and these are adjacent in the data. Your training data has all of the setosa and versicolor, while the test set has all of the virginica examples. There is no overlap, which will lead to out-of-sample problems. It is preferable to balance your training and test sets to avoid this.
The combination of learning rate and model count looks too low to me. The fit converges as (1-lr)^n. With lr = 1e-3 and n = 1000 you can only model 63.2% of the data magnitude. That is, even if every model predicts every sample correctly, you would be estimating 63.2% of the correct value. Initializing the fit with an average, instead of 0s, would help since then the effect is a regression to the mean instead of just a drag.

How to check for overdispersion in a GAM with negative binomial distribution?

I fit a Generalized Additive Model in the Negative Binomial family using gam from the mgcv package. I have a data frame containing my dependent variable y, an independent variable x, a factor fac and a random variable ran. I fit the following model
gam1 <- gam(y ~ fac + s(x) + s(ran, bs = 're'), data = dt, family = "nb"
I have read in Negative Binomial Regression book that it is still possible for the model to be overdisperesed. I have found code to check for overdispersion in glm but I am failing to find it for a gam. I have also encountered suggestions to just check the QQ plot and standardised residuals vs. predicted residuals, but I can not decide from my plots if the data is still overdisperesed. Therefore, I am looking for an equation that would solve my problem.
A good way to check how well the model compares with the observed data (and hence check for overdispersion in the data relative to the conditional distribution implied by the model) is via a rootogram.
I have a blog post showing how to do this for glm() models using the countreg package, but this works for GAMs too.
The salient parts of the post applied to a GAM version of the model are:
## parameters for simulating
locs <- runif(100, min = 1, max = 10) # environmental locations
A0 <- 90 # maximal abundance
mu <- 3 # position on gradient of optima
alpha <- 1.5 # parameter of beta response
gamma <- 4 # parameter of beta response
r <- 6 # range on gradient species is present
pars <- list(m = mu, r = r, alpha = alpha, gamma = gamma, A0 = A0)
nb.alpha <- 1.5 # overdispersion parameter 1/theta
zprobs <- 0.3 # prob(y == 0) in binomial model
## simulate some negative binomial data from this response model
nb <- coenocline(locs, responseModel = "beta", params = pars,
countModel = "negbin",
countParams = list(alpha = nb.alpha))
df <- setNames(, nb), c("x", "yNegBin"))
OK, so we have a sample of data drawn from a negative binomial sampling distribution and we will now fit two models to these data:
A Poisson GAM
m_pois <- gam(yNegBin ~ s(x), data = df, family = poisson())
A negative binomial GAM
m_nb <- gam(yNegBin ~ s(x), data = df, family = nb())
The countreg package is not yet on CRAN but it can be installed from R-Forge:
install.packages("countreg", repos="")
Then load the packages and plot the rootograms:
root_pois <- rootogram(m_pois, style = "hanging", plot = FALSE)
root_nb <- rootogram(m_nb, style = "hanging", plot = FALSE)
Now plot the rootograms for each model:
This is what we get (after plotting both using cowplot::plot_grid() to arrange the two rootograms on the same plot)
We can see that the negative binomial model does a bit better here than the Poisson GAM for these data — the bottom of the bars are closer to zero throughout the range of the observed counts.
The countreg package has details on how you can add an uncertain band around the zero line as a form of goodness of fit test.
You can also compute the Pearson estimate for the dispersion parameter using the Pearson residuals of each model:
r$> sum(residuals(m_pois, type = "pearson")^2) / df.residual(m_pois)
[1] 28.61546
r$> sum(residuals(m_nb, type = "pearson")^2) / df.residual(m_nb)
[1] 0.5918471
In both cases, these should be 1; we see substantial overdispersion in the Poisson GAM, and some under-dispersion in the Negative Binomial GAM.

mgcv: obtain predictive distribution of response given new data (negative binomial example)

In GAM (and GLM, for that matter), we're fitting a conditional likelihood model. So after fitting the model, for a new input x and response y, I should be able to compute the predictive probability or density of a specific value of y given x. I might want to do this to compare the fit of various models on validation data, for example. Is there a convenient way to do this with a fitted GAM in mgcv? Otherwise, how do I figure out the exact form of the density that is used so I can plug in the parameters appropriately?
As a specific example, consider a negative binomial GAM :
## From ?negbin
dat <- gamSim(1,n=n)
g <- exp(dat$f/5)
## negative binomial data...
dat$y <- rnbinom(g,size=3,mu=g)
## fit with theta estimation...
b <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),family=nb(),data=dat)
And now I want to compute the predictive probability of, say, y=7, given x=(.1,.2,.3,.4).
Yes. mgcv is doing (empirical) Bayesian estimation, so you can obtain predictive distribution. For your example, here is how.
# prediction on the link (with standard error)
l <- predict(b, newdata = data.frame(x0 = 0.1, x1 = 0.2, x2 = 0.3, x3 = 0.4), = TRUE)
# Under central limit theory in GLM theory, link value is normally distributed
# for negative binomial with `log` link, the response is log-normal <- function (mu) dlnorm(mu, l[[1]], l[[2]])
# joint density of `y` and `mu` <- function (y, mu) dnbinom(y, size = 3, mu = mu) *
# marginal probability (not density as negative binomial is discrete) of `y` (integrating out `mu`)
# I have carefully written this function so it can take vector input
p.y <- function (y) {
scalar.p.y <- function (scalar.y) integrate(, lower = 0, upper = Inf, y = scalar.y)[[1]]
sapply(y, scalar.p.y)
Now since you want probability of y = 7, conditional on specified new data, use
# 0.07810065
In general, this approach by numerical integration is not easy. For example, if other link functions like sqrt() is used for negative binomial, the distribution of response is not that straightforward (though also not difficult to derive).
Now I offer a sampling based approach, or Monte Carlo approach. This is most similar to Bayesian procedure.
N <- 1000 # samples size
## draw N samples from posterior of `mu` <- b$family$linkinv(rnorm(N, l[[1]], l[[2]]))
## draw N samples from likelihood `Pr(y|mu)`
sample.y <- rnbinom(1000, size = 3, mu =
## Monte Carlo estimation for `Pr(y = 7)`
mean(sample.y == 7)
# 0.076
Remark 1
Note that as empirical Bayes, all above methods are conditional on estimated smoothing parameters. If you want something like a "full Bayes", set unconditional = TRUE in predict().
Remark 2
Perhaps some people are assuming the solution as simple as this:
mu <- predict(b, newdata = data.frame(x0 = 0.1, x1 = 0.2, x2 = 0.3, x3 = 0.4), type = "response")
dnbinom(7, size = 3, mu = mu)
Such result is conditional on regression coefficients (assumed fixed without uncertainty), thus mu becomes fixed and not random. This is not predictive distribution. Predictive distribution would integrate out uncertainty of model estimation.

How to obtain profile confidence intervals of the difference in probability of success between two groups from a logit model (glmer)?

I am struggling to transform the log odds ratio profile confidence intervals obtained from a logit model into probabilities. I would like to know how to calculate the confidence intervals of the difference between two groups.
If the p-value is > 0.05, the 95% CI of the difference should span from below zero to above zero. However, I don’t know how negative values can be obtained when the log ratios have to be exponentiated. Therefore I tried to calculate the CI of one of the groups (B) and see what the difference of the lower and the upper end of the CI to the estimate of group A is. I believe this is not the correct way to calculate the CI of the difference because the estimate of A is also uncertain.
I would be happy if anyone could help me out.
# Example data:
treatment = c(rep("A",30), rep("B", 40))
site = rep(1:14, each = 5)
presence = c(rbinom(30, 1, 0.6),rbinom(40, 1, 0.8))
df = data.frame(presence, treatment, site)
# Likelihood ratio test
M0 = glmer(presence ~ 1 + (1|site), family = "binomial", data = df)
M1 = glmer(presence ~ treatment + (1|site), family = "binomial", data = df)
anova(M1, M0)
# Calculating confidence intervals
cc <- confint(M1, parm = "beta_")
ctab <- cbind(est = fixef(M1), cc)
cdat =
# Function to back-transform to probability (0-1)
unlogit = function(y){
y_retransfromed = exp(y)/(1+exp(y))
# Getting estimates
A_est = unlogit(cdat$est[1])
B_est = unlogit(cdat$est[1] + cdat$est[2])
B_lwr = unlogit(cdat$est[1] + cdat[2,2])
B_upr = unlogit(cdat$est[1] + cdat[2,3])
Difference_est = B_est - A_est
# This is how I tried to calculate the CI of the difference
Difference_lwr = B_lwr - A_est
Difference_upr = B_upr - A_est
# However, I believe this is wrong because A_est is also “uncertain”
How to get the confidence interval of the difference of the probability of presence?
We can calculate the average treatment effect in the following way. From the original data, create two new datasets, one in which all units receive treatment A, and one in which all units receive treatment B. Now, based on your model estimates (in your case, M1), we compute predicted outcomes for units in each of these two datasets. We then compute the mean difference in the outcomes between the two datasets to get our estimated average treatment effect. Here, we can write a function that takes a glmer object and computes the average treatment effect:
ate <- function(.) {
treat_A <- treat_B <- df
treat_A$treatment <- "A"
treat_B$treatment <- "B"
c("ate" = mean(predict(., newdata = treat_B, type = "response") -
predict(., newdata = treat_A, type = "response")))
# ate
# 0.09478276
How do we get the uncertainty interval? We can use the bootstrap, i.e. re-estimate the model many times using randomly generated samples from your original data, calculating the average treatment effect each time. We can then use the distribution of the bootstrapped average treatment effects to compute our uncertainty interval. Here we generate 100 simulations using the bootMer function
out <- bootMer(M1, ate, seed = 1234, nsim = 100)
and inspect the distribution of the effect:
quantile(out$t, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
# 2.5% 50% 97.5%
# -0.06761338 0.10508751 0.26907504
