Really no possible way to privately share libraries in Azure Notebooks? - azure-notebooks

I'm looking into which service to chose when it comes to Jupyter Notebooks hosted in the cloud.
Google Colaboratory (GCL) seems to be able to share privately (with people with Google Apps accounts) and real-time collaborate with them.
However, for me, Azure Notebooks (AZNB) has some benefits that I prefer over GCL – But I cannot NOT have the feature of sharing and collaborating. It seems like such obvious features, that I'm posing the question here – am I missing something right in front of me?
Note: For AZNB, I've found the "share" option, which forces the notebook to be public, and the "clone" option, which lets others work on a copy of my library. This is not what I am looking for.

For now (29 sept 2018) - you can't get official way.
You can track this discussion here
I can suggest some option. Azure notebook service allow to use the terminal console, file and have the preinstalled git.
You can put your notebooks in some private git repo, send the link and credential to your collaborators and tell some manual instructions
Create empty library
Open the terminal
Run the cd ~/library and git clone your_private_repo
All changes could be operated with standart git operations pull, push and etc
For autoupdates you can suggest the with
cd ~/library
git pull
It's worked for me.


How to push small local changes to remote server with Git and Wordpress?

I'm new into Git and I'm working with Wordpress themes.
I was always using FTP client to push every small change into my remote server... I mean sometimes it was just one line of code to check the change of CSS. It was easy and nice but there will be always problem with reverting changes and since I'm learning Git, I want to change it.
I've found two ways to do it:
i've tried to connect my local respository with GitHub and my intention was to automatic pull changes into my remote server from GitHub (it's not working yet, i need to configure it better)
BUT, do I have to commit every single small change? Because I cant just save file and check changes with Browsersync on second monitor, I will have to commit so many times. Also which way will be better for me - maybe there are another, better ways?
I really want to improve my performance, but it looks like that's not easy or I'm doing something wrong? I know about existence things like WP-CLI, webpack, gulp but often I'm creating small websites and probably I will spend more time on configurating those things than create theme. Also I thought about working on localhost, but I really think that I'm complicating things and my job.
Really sorry if it's wrong section, but I'm new on stackoverflow - hey! I will be really thankful if you can help me, because I think that i need knowledge of someone experienced.
I'm not sur to be helpful but I'll try :
First, even for a small project, I always prefer to install a local environment for testing. It avoid risks on your remote server !
You can take a look here :
Then, if you have an SSH access to your server, may be you can try to configure it to push directly from your local environment to your remote server. Here is a simple tutorial :
It depends on what remote system or vps you are using.
It could be from GCP, AWS, DIGITAL OCEAN, or WP itself.
It looks like that you are using the wordpress hosting your website.
If so, you might use wp cli to login the server.
①As for the frequent testing and updating, it is a good idea to copy the remote project to your localhost. Run your web app using wampserver. And create a new repository in the github and connect it with your local folder.
Then you could use git to version control your codes, do pull and push, stash or whatever.
And after testing, you could upload the specific files or folder to the remote server via ftp or sftp periodically.
②Another way is to install the git bash or git software in your server side.
It depends on the OS you are using. If it is a win or linux.
$ add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
$ apt update; apt install git
and create new user, add it into the sudo group
create a repository in your server side and link it to the github remote repository.
I am not sure whether the second way would work.
I recommend you try the first method.
Hope this could help. Happy coding.

Quick and easy version control for WordPress Themes?

I work alongside two other developers and we seriously need a method of version control implementing within our workflow. Currently we're centralising data using a Synology NAS (which is backing itself up to Google Drive) but the bulk of our development work is done on our local machines just to speed things up.
We've been running into issues lately where we have lost track of file versions when moving between local, centralised and live copies due to our set up. We have suggested, between ourselves, using Git but none of us are experienced with it and after spending today doing some research I feel as though it is not going to actually help. It feels quite clunky and as though it slows the process down. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong?
Anyway, if anybody could suggest a better way/optimal git config they have used or had experience with I would be greatly appreciative.
Thanks in advance,
If you don't want to use git, then I suggest to use SVN. You can find a free SVN repository here:
Hope it works!
Preparation to use git to version control your WordPress theme:
1. Remote repo. This is the place where the versions to be managed and controlled. You can create a remote repo by git init --bared. Or you can use github, bitbuckte etc to host your remote repo.
2. Local repo. make changes the develop on it. You can use below commands to work with your remote repo:
git clone /path/to/remote/repo
git add filename #after you add/modify a file
git commit -m 'message' #commit your changes in local repo
git push #push your local changes to remote repo
More details about git, you can refer git book .

Working with two separate repos and syncing changes between them

I am a somewhat new/basic git user and I'm having a problem that I can not seem to find an answer for. I am trying to figure out a way I can store two different branches from a github repo locally on my computer. My understanding is that when I clone a repo to my laptop from Github, it also downloads all of the branch and commit history my local machine. I want to continue to use github as a version control/backup for my project. However, I am working with colleagues who understand git less than I do so I am trying to find a way to help keep everything simple for them at the same time.
Here is a description of the situation:
We are developing an analysis in RStudio to examine information about quantitative writing in college students.
I am writing the R analysis scripts and want to maintain a safe backup with github
I am sharing the project files with my colleagues via Google drive since they do not know how to use git/ github
I have reached a point where I am going to change the fundamental file structure of the project. However, I do not want to disrupt their ability to perform analyses while I am making these changes.
My colleagues need to be able to save analysis outputs to the project folder where they are synced back to me via Google Drive and then pushed to GitHub.
I can think of two ways to handle this situation but both seem to have problems that I can't see around.
Create a branch in github, make changes to the branch and then merge the branch with the master
This won't work because I am sharing the files via Google Drive and you can only have one branch of a repo on your local machine at a time. Once clone the branch to my machine, that is what gets shared via Google Drive and any changes I make disrupts everyone else's workflow.
Create a second copy of my repo, make changes there, and then push those changes to the original repo that gets shared to colleagues via Google Drive ##
I have no idea how to do this. Everything I have read discusses how to push/pull between different github users. How can I do this as a single user?
Did I forget anything important?
Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated.
You can do it all in the same directory by adding a second remote origin, if you've already added GitHub as 'origin', then run:
git remote add gdrive
then you can push up your changes you've made to the two repos
to push to GitHub:
git push origin
and then to push to GitHub
git push gdrive
See this github doc page

How to export and sync an Artifactory repository to the filesystem?

I am looking for a solution that would allow me to have a network share where people can access (read-only) the artifacts from an Artifactory repository.
Why? We use Artifactory to also keep track of big binaries like installation kits, ISO images and so on and it takes a lot of time to download all of them (sometimes as zips), unpack and run them. If these would be exported to a NFS/SMB share people would be able to only mount them in order to use them.
How can we achieve this? Please keep in mind that we also want to automate this, so the files would be updated by Artifactory when needed.
Artifactory supports WebDAV out of the box.
It seems that's not possible at this moment and there is a feature request for enabling it:
Feel free to vote and to comment on it, allowing jFrog to realise how important is this use case.
I guess they should be able to provide a script that does mirror/sync a repository to a NFS share but that would almost double the storage space needed.
Instead if they would use hardlinks or symlinks to create a browsable tree of the repository inside the storage directory, this would be solved and no sync will be needed.

How to update (some files) a Symfony2 project to remote

I've been developing with Symfony1.4 'till now and had no problem to deploy a project or update it into a remote hosting. I just used sfFtpPlugin and everything was perfect:
But now I'm starting with Symfony2 (2.2.0) and the first of all I had this question: how to update it when I make changes?
For the first time deploy I know there are some options: upload full project by FTP or use Maestro (e.g. offered in the hostings) With those tools I can upload everything, but in the case where I need to update... ¿50? files, I cannot manually do by FTP, of course.
Thanks everyone for helping!
P.S: Aditional info: I have some SVN knowledge and started learning GIT a few days ago.
The documentation on this is fantastic. The Cookbook provides workflows for both Git and SVN.
If you have no shell available, you can use composer on your local machine to update your project and then FTP the entire project over.
This covers how to store settings for different environments:
Personally I use a private Satis repo for deploying all my code.
That way I never have to use FTP, just composer create-project/install/update.
