R: Preventing strings (date-alike) from converting to numbers - r

So I have these genes in R and, while their names resemble dates (eg Sept-4), I want to print them in an excel file without converting them in numbers.
Thank you in advance.

When you know in which cells you'll copy the dates, just format that cell to Text. This should leave the content as is.


Trying to correctly format all the dates in RStudio imported from Excel

I imported some data from Excel to RStudio (csv file). The data contains date information. The date format I want is month-day-year (e.g. 2-10-16 means February 10th 2016). The problem is that Excel auto-fills 2-10-16 to 2002-10-16, and the problem continues to exist when I imported the data to R. So, my data column contains both the correctly formatted dates (e.g. 2-10-16) and incorrectly formatted dates (e.g. 2002-10-16). Because I have a lot of dates, it is impossible to manually change everything. I have tried to use the this code
as.Date(data[,1], format="%m-%d-%y") but it gives me NA for those incorrectly formatted dates (e.g. 2002-10-16). Does anybody know how to make all the dates correctly formatted?
Thank you very much in advance!
would you consider to have a consistent date format in excel before importing the data to R?
The best approach is likely to change how the data is captured in Excel even if it means storing the dates as strings. What you're looking for is string manipulation to then convert into a date which could potentially create incorrect data.
This will remove the first two digits and then allow conversion to a date.
as.Date(sub('^\\d{2}', '', '2002-10-16'), '%m-%d-%y')
[1] "2016-02-10"

Read Excel file in R with multiple date format

I'm trying to read an Excel file in R, with two columns containing dates. Now here is my problem, when I view my data file in R, most of the dates are in the good format, but some were transformed into number that don't make sense at all. I joined images to show the different outputs from R/Excel.
(Only pay attention to the columns "ArrivalDate" and ActlFlightDate")
Output seen from R
Output seen from Excel
My question is, how, in R, can I make those numbers become the date they are supposed to be? Especially since the class of the elements in those columns are characters.
Thank you in advance!
Your dates in your excel file are different formats. That is why some are to left side of column and some are to right side of column in the spreadsheet. They are probably mixed between an actual excel date format and a text or general. You should copy the columns to new columns and highlight the new column and right click and change format until all your dates are uniform. Then you can import to R and have consistent dates data.

R studio numeric integer display format options

I don't want the display format like this: 2.150209e+06
the format I want is 2150209
because when I export data, format like 2.150209e+06 caused me a lot of trouble.
I did some search found this function could help me
formatC(numeric_summary$mean, digits=1,format="f").
I am wondering can I set options to change this forever? I don't want to apply this function to every variable of my data because I have this problem very often.
One more question is, can I change the class of all integer variables to numeric automatically? For integer format, when I sum the whole column usually cause trouble, says "integer overflow - use sum(as.numeric(.))".
I don't need integer format, all I need is numeric format. Can I set options to change integer class to numeric please?
I don't know how you are exporting your data, but when I use write.csv with a data frame containing numeric data, I don't get scientific notation, I get the full number written out, including all decimal precision. Actually, I also get the full number written out even with factor data. Have a look here:
df <- data.frame(c1=c(2150209.123, 10001111),
c2=c('2150209.123', '10001111'))
write.csv(df, file="C:\\Users\\tbiegeleisen\\temp.txt")
Output file:
It is possible that you are just dealing with a data rendering issue. What you see in the R console or in your spreadsheet does not necessarily reflect the precision of the underlying data. For instance, if you are using Excel, you highlight a numeric cell, press CTRL + 1 and then change the format. You should be able to see full/true precision of the underlying data. Similarly, the number you see printed in the R console might use scientific notation only for ease of reading (SN was invented partially for this very reason).
Thank you all.
For the example above, I tried this:
df <- data.frame(c1=c(21503413542209.123, 10001111),
c2=c('2150209.123', '100011413413111'))
c1 in df is scientific notation, c2 is not.
then I run write.csv(df, file="C:\Users\tbiegeleisen\temp.txt").
It does out put all digits.
Can I disable scientific notation in R please? Because, it still cause me trouble, although it exported all digits to txt.
Sometimes I want to visually compare two big numbers. For example, if I run
df <- data.frame(c1=c(21503413542209.123, 21503413542210.123),
c2=c('2150209.123', '100011413413111'))
df will be
c1 c2
2.150341e+13 2150209.123
2.150341e+13 100011413413111
The two values for c1 are actually different, but I cannot differentiate them in R, unless I exported them to txt. The numbers here are fake numbers, but the same problem I encounter very day.

How does R deal with tiny decimals? Converting .csv file list to numbers

I've seen a number of threads about similar problems and have tried all the suggestions with no luck so far - I think maybe the issue is the size of the numbers in my file.
I have a .csv file with 5399 rows and one column of numbers with six decimal places and only three or four significant figures (eg 0.000615).
I can import the file without any problems and de-select the string to factor option, resulting in mode:list.
I have tried as.numeric(), as.character(as.numeric()), tried copying the data into a data frame, into a matrix, into a vector... nothing works. I can do simple maths on the list but cannot run the functions and loops I need to.
Because as.character(as.numeric()) normally works, I figure it must be an issue with the size of the numbers. Does R have a problem with tiny decimals?

how to read the variables in the format of long digits to R

my question is I have a column which has such format as 20000000002185979. Everytime I read the csv file into R, it became "2e+16". So I can't distinguish from different values. Do you have any good ideas about how to keep the original format when read the file into R? Thx!
Since it turned out to be the answer you wanted. I'll post it here to close out the question.
Since R is unable to maintain that many digits of precision with it's numeric values, you'll have to read it in as a character value. You can do that by setting the colClasses parameter of read.table.
