Web load testing - what does a wavy response time graph indicate? - graph

I am running a load test on an API using JMeter. When I host the API on the same pc as the test (the database is remote though) I get ok results.
However, when I tried running the load test through the same API but hosted on a different pc on the same network, I got this wavy pattern in my test results.
Each of the four grouped lines are response times for a particular API endpoint and the blue line is active thread count.
The question is: does this wavy pattern mean anything? This pattern isn't visible when the API is hosted on the same machine as the test.
The results are very different and I am thinking this pattern might be correlated to the problem.
I used 200 active threads and no specific configuration which would produce the requests in this pattern.

You need pay attention to the following points:
Connect Time and Latency metrics, Elapsed Time is a sum of Connect Time, Latency and the actual server response time so these "waves" might be caused by networking issues.
It might be indicating the application under tests is doing i.e. garbage collection or using swap file which is much slower than memory due to lack of resources Make sure that it has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network and Disk IO. These metrics can be checked using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin. The same is applicable for JMeter, if JMeter will not be able to send requests fast enough - you will see throughput dropdowns.
The most efficient way to get to the bottom of the issue is running your application under profiling tool telemetry, this will allow you to
identify the heaviest functions, largest objects in heap, etc.
Consider checking your database as well and detect slow queries as the issue might be caused by database issues (including networking layer)


JMeter Aggressivity

I am trying to stress test a IIS running a AspNet core App.
to do this i setup a Thread Group with 100 workers
In the thread group I use a Loop Controller
in the loop controller I use a Access Log sampler in order to replay real Get requests obtained from NCSA formatted logfile.
I am amazed to see that i obtain as total throughput only 100 request per sec.
how can i check if this is a limitation of jmeter or if this is a limitation of my web App ?
I would expect jmeter to blast my server and see target CPU shoot at 100%. or shall I increas again already high value of 100 threads ?
Total throughput is 86 requests per second
100 users might be not enough to "blast" your IIS instance, I would rather recommend going for stress test, i.e. start with 1 user and gradually increase the load until throughput starts decreasing or errors start occurring, whatever comes the first. Moreover it might be the case that the bottleneck is not CPU usage, it may be somewhere else, in case of incorrect configuration or inefficient algorithms the web application may not fully utilize underlying OS and hardware resources
Don't use GUI mode for testing, it's only for test development and debugging, when it comes to execution you should be running JMeter tests in command-line non-GUI mode
There are 464 errors, check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
I don't think you can really replay your access log, it can be used only for something simple like static HTML pages, if there is authentication or dynamic parameters it might be the case all your requests are hitting the same login page, you can try running your test using View Results Tree listener and inspect the responses to ensure that your test is doing what it's supposed to be doing

How to send 50.000 HTTP requests in a few seconds?

I want to create a load test for a feature of my app. It’s using a Google App Engine and a VM. The user sends HTTP requests to the App Engine. It’s realistic that this Engine gets thousands of requests in a few seconds. So I want to create a load test, where I send 20.000 - 50.000 in a timeframe of 1-10 seconds.
How would you solve this problem?
I started to try using Google Cloud Task, because it seems perfect for this. You schedule HTTP requests for a specific timepoint. The docs say that there is a limit of 500 tasks per second per queue. If you need more tasks per second, you can split this tasks into multiple queues. I did this, but Google Cloud Tasks does not execute all the scheduled task at the given timepoint. One queue needs 2-5 minutes to execute 500 requests, which are all scheduled for the same second :thinking_face:
I also tried a TypeScript script running asynchronous node-fetch requests, but I need for 5.000 requests 77 seconds on my macbook.
I don't think you can get 50.000 HTTP requests "in a few seconds" from "your macbook", it's better to consider going for a special load testing tool (which can be deployed onto GCP virtual machine in order to minimize network latency and traffic costs)
The tool choice is up to you, either you need to have powerful enough machine type so it would be able to conduct 50k requests "in a few seconds" from a single virtual machine or the tool needs to have the feature of running in clustered mode so you could kick off several machines and they would send the requests together at the same moment of time.
Given you mention TypeScript you might want to try out k6 tool (it doesn't scale though) or check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? to see what are other options, none of them provides JavaScript API however several don't require programming languages knowledge at all
A tool you could consider using is siege.
This is Linux based and to prevent any additional cost by testing from an outside system out of GCP.
You could deploy siege on a relatively large machine or a few machines inside GCP.
It is fairly simple to set up, but since you mention that you need 20-50k in a span of a few seconds, siege by default only allows 255 requests per second. You can make this larger, though, so it can fit your needs.
You would need to play around on how many connections a machine can establish, since each machine will have a certain limit based on CPU, Memory and number of network sockets. You could just increase the -c number, until the machine gives an "Error: system resources exhausted" error or something similar. Experiment with what your virtual machine on GCP can handle.

Load Testing Thousands of SLOW Connections

I would like to test an upload service with hundreds, if not thousands,
of slow HTTPS connections simultaneously.
I would like to have lots of, say, 3G-quality connections,
each throttled with low bandwidth and high latency,
each sending a few megabytes of data up to the server,
resulting in lots of concurrent, long-lived requests being handled by the server.
There are many load generation tools that can generate thousands of simultaneous requests.
(I'm currently using Locust, mostly so that I can take
advantage of my existing client library written in Python.)
Such tools typically run each concurrent request as fast as possible
over the shared network link.
There are various ways to adjust the apparent bandwidth and latency of TCP connections,
such as Linux's TC
and handy wrappers like Comcast.
As far as I can tell, TC and the like control the shared link
but they cannot throttle the individual requests.
If you want to throttle a single request, TC works well.
In theory, with many clients sharing the same throttled network link,
each request could be run serially,
subject to the constrained bandwidth,
rather than having lots of requests executing concurrently,
a few packets at a time.
The former would result in much fewer active requests executing
concurrently on the server.
I suspect that the tool I want has to actively manage each individual client's sending
and receiving to throttle them fairly.
Is there such a tool?
You can take a look at Apache JMeter, it can "throttle" connections to the throughput configurable via the following properties:
The properties can be defined either in user.properties file or passed to JMeter via -J command-line argument
cps stands for character per second so you can "slow down" JMeter threads (virtual users) to the given throughput rate, the formula for cps calculation is:
cps = (target bandwidth in kbps * 1024) / 8
Check out How to Simulate Different Network Speeds in Your JMeter Load Test for more information.
Yes, these are network simulators. A very primitive one is in the form of WanEM. It is not going to cover your testing needs. You will need something akin to Shunra Storm, a hardware device which can manage individual connections and impairment with models derived from Ookla (think speedtest.com) related to 3,4,5g connections from the wild. Well, perhaps I should say, "could manage," as this product has been absent since the HP acquisition of Shunra.
There are some other market competitors on the network front from companies such as Ixia, Agilent, PacketStorm, Spirent and the like. None of them are inexpensive, but I see your need. Slow, and particularly dirty connections likes cell phones, have a disproportionate impact on the stack and can result in the server running out of resources with fewer mobile connections than desktop ones.
On a side note, be sure you are including a representative model for think time in your test code. If you collapse the client-server model with no or extremely limited think time & impair the network only bad things can happen. This will play particular havoc with both predictability and repeatability on your tests. You may also wind up chasing dozens of engineering ghosts related to load in your code that will not occur in production because of the natural delays and the release of resources which should occur during those windows of activity between client requests.

ASP.NET Web Services + IIS performance diagnostics [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There is a need to find a performance bottleneck in server application under big load. Application consists of single services instance (.asmx) and some files that are requested over http from time to time. My plan to solve this problem is 1) get to exceptional situation when server starts failing somehow 2) analyze performance counters and logs in that moment of time to deduct what kind of calls caused that.
To start achieving this I've implemented a special client that issues both types of requests and made it repeat respective cycles indefinitely hoping at some point I'll get errors during WebMethod/GET url requests (NB - standard already existing solutions like JMeter and WAPT can't be used duo to complexity of services usage scenario). So far what I am observing is increased response time in service calls and some network timeout exceptions during files loading (using HttpClient that throws OperationCanceledException which is considered timeout according to - this thread). Btw, that's strange, because files are few kb in size, and service methods returns 5-10 mb of data per request. Thought "larger" requests are more likely to fail first.
Perfmon shows increased CPU load and absolutely no memory spikes/leaks. Request Execution Time counters are pretty random and looks irrelevant, Queue Lengths are always 0.
That said, looks like IIS handles my improvised DDoS well and at the same time makes testing approach ineffective (increased response times means more active requests in memory on test client which causes memory overflow at some point, and I'm already flushing data right after I receive it without doing anything with it).
More details : server machine is 4x3Ghz cores, 4 Gb RAM. I generate load of 50-100 requests per second which results in 10-20 Mb/sec bandwidth (test clients are situated on VM inside server's datacenter, 4 Gbps NIC). 30 minute testing session is ~10-30 Gb of pure data transfer between server and client.
How can I actually make Web Service/IIS go down?
Firstly, I wouldn't write my own load testing tool; there are plenty available. I've used JMeter (open source). You can use JMeter (and other similar tools) to send both POST and GET parameters, cookies and other HTTP headers - though admittedly, this does become challenging for complex cases.
Next, make sure your problem really is the server, and not the other infrastructure - network, routers, firewalls etc. all have maximum capabilities, and may be the root cause of the problem. Most of them have logging and reporting tools. For instance, I've seen tests report a throughput issue when they reached the maximum capacity of the firewall; the servers were not even close to breaking point. This happened because we had included a rather large binary file in the test cases, which normally would be served from a CDN.
Next, on the whole it's unlikely that serving static HTTP requests is the problem - IIS is really, really good at that. For the kind of hardware you mention, I'd expect to handle many thousands of requests per second. for static files.
In most situations, it's the dynamic pages that cause the problem - your .asmx. So, I'd ignore all the static files in the load testing, and focus on the .asmx. On the kind of hardware you mention, you probably need to generate many hundreds of requests per second if the asmxes are working properly.
Working on the assumption that your web server is tuned correctly, and the asmx scripts are reasonably performant, I'd expect to need at least twice the (CPU and memory) capacity from the test system as your server has to bring it to breaking point (this is based on my experience with JMeter, which is not as efficient as my web applications, but does make it easy to deploy multiple test clients). So in your case, I'd look for 2 machines matching your server specification.
With JMeter (and pretty much all the other load testing tools I've worked with), you can fairly easily use multiple machines as load test clients; I've also used Cloud-based load generation using JMeter.
I'm not totally sure why this rule of thumb is true - but I've observed it over multiple projects.

ASP.NET performance measurements on a hosted platform

I have a large ASP.NET website on a hosted platform. It shares the machine with a lot of other applications. We do not have access to the machine itself (only an FTP account).
Our client is complaining that it is starting to perform rather badly, particularly around peak hours. I've run some remote measurements (using a JMeter-like tool) that tells me that, yes, it does indeed perform rather badly during peak hours. It doesn't tell me why though. The client is resisting a move to a dedicated server without some hard facts.
As I see it, what I need are hard data about the machine itself. Setting up a local performance test environment would be extremely time-consuming, and I have no way to estimate the server performance.
My question: is there a good way to collect (a lot) of performance measurements when I have limited access to the machine, and certainly no access to the performance monitor? Any code would have to run in the asp.net application itself, without screwing it up too much.
We had a similar problem with our asp.net application hosted on a shared server, which also started to perform badly during peak hours.
Although I don't know of an elegant solution to your question, this is what we did:
Talk to your host providers to see what additional information they can give you - it's in their best interest to keep their clients happy. Our host providers were able to give us some time with one of their network engineers who provided us with some decent CPU and memory utilization stats.
Take your own performance measurements by dumping information to either a log file (using log4net) and/or the database - for example, user sessions, search times, page hits, timing measurements around key functionality. From this information we were able to ascertain what our systems normal behavior was for a set number of automation tests.
Setup a local server (not necessarily same stats as hosted/production server) with your application loaded and give it a full load/performance/capacity testing (we used Red Gate's ANTS Profiler). The stats that you gather from that will give you and your client a good indication of how the system should behave under certain loads with a known environment. Yes, this can be time consuming but it will give you a great performance measuring tool so that you can catch/fix bottlenecks locally rather than on production.
Good luck.
