Sharing cookies between sites on the same domain - Headless / Decoupled CMS - wordpress

The context of my challenge
I'm building a headless WordPress / WooCommerce Store.
If you're not familiar with the concept of a headless CMS, I pull the store's content (Products, and their images, text) over the WordPress / WooCommerce REST API. This way, I have the benefit of a CMS dashboard for my client whilst I get to develop in a modern language / library, in my case - React!
If possible I'd like to keep the checkout in WordPress/WooCommerce/PHP. Depending on the project I apply this code / boilerplate to I suspect that I'll have to chop and change payment gateways, and making this secure and PCI compliant will be much easier in PHP/WordPress - there's a whole host of plugins for this.
This means the entire store / front-end will live in React, with the exception of the cart in which the user will be redirected to the CMS front-end (WordPress, PHP) when they wish to complete their order.
The Challenge
This makes managing cookies for the session rather unintuitive and unorthodox. When the user is redirected from the store (React site) to the checkout (WooCommerce/PHP site) the cart session has to persist between the two sites.
Additionally, requests to WooCommerce are routed through the Node/Express server which my React client sits ons. I do this because I want to keep the WordPress address obscured, and so I can apply GraphQL to clean up my requests & responses. This issue is that in this process, the cookies are lost because my client and my CMS are communicating through a middle man (my Node server) - I require extra logic to manually manage my cookies.
The Code
When I attempt to add something to a cart, from an action creator (I'm using Redux for state management) I hit the api corresponding endpoint on my Node/Express server:
export const addToCart = (productId, quantity) => async (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: ADD_TO_CART});
try {
// Manually append cookies somewhere here
const payload = await axios.get(`${ROOT_API}/addtocart?productId=${productId}&quantity=${quantity}`, {
withCredentials: true
} catch (error) {
Then on the Node/Express server I make my request to WooCommerce:
app.get('/api/addtocart', async (req, res) => {
try {
// Manually retrieve & append cookies somewhere here
const productId = parseInt(req.query.productId);
const quantity = parseInt(req.query.quantity);
const response = await`${WP_API}/wc/v2/cart/add`, {
product_id: productId,
return res.json(;
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
return res.json(error);

With the clues given by #TarunLalwani (thanks a million!) in his comments, I've managed to formulate a solution.
Cookie Domain Setting
Since I was working with two seperate sites, in order for this to work I had to ensure they were both on the same domain, and that the domain was set in all cookies. This ensured cookies were included in my requests between the Node / Express server (sitting on eg. and the WooCommerce CMS (sitting on eg., rather than being exclusive to the wp.somedomain subdomain. This was achieved by setting define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' ); in my wp-config.php on the CMS.
Manually Getting and Setting Cookies
My code needed significant additional logic in order for cookies to be included whilst requests were routed through my Node / Express server through the client.
In React I had to check if the cookie existed, and if it did I had to send it through in the header of my GET request to the Node / Express server.
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
export const getSessionData = () => {
// WooCommerce session cookies are appended with a random hash.
// Here I am tracking down the key of the session cookie.
const cookies = Cookies.get();
if (cookies) {
const cookieKeys = Object.keys(cookies);
for (const key of cookieKeys) {
if (key.includes('wp_woocommerce_session_')) {
return `${key}=${Cookies.get(key)};`;
return false;
export const addToCart = (productId, quantity) => async (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: ADD_TO_CART});
const sessionData = getSessionData();
const config = {};
if (sessionData) config['session-data'] = sessionData;
console.log('config', config);
try {
const payload = await axios.get(`${ROOT_API}/addtocart?productId=${productId}&quantity=${quantity}`, {
withCredentials: true,
headers: config
} catch (error) {
On the Node / Express Server I had to check if I had included a cookie (saved in req.headers with the key session-data - it was illegal to use Cookie as a key here) from the client, and if I did, append that to the header of my request going to my CMS.
If I didn't find an appended cookie, it meant this was the first request in the session, so I had to manually grab the cookie from the response I got back from the CMS and save it to the client (setCookieFunc).
app.get('/api/addtocart', async (req, res) => {
try {
const productId = parseInt(req.query.productId);
const quantity = parseInt(req.query.quantity);
const sessionData = req.headers['session-data'];
const headers = {};
if (sessionData) headers.Cookie = sessionData;
const response = await`${WP_API}/wc/v2/cart/add`, {
product_id: productId,
}, { headers });
if (!sessionData) {
const cookies = response.headers['set-cookie'];
const setCookieFunc = (cookie) => {
const [cookieKeyValue, ...cookieOptionsArr] = cookie.split('; ');
const cookieKey = cookieKeyValue.split('=')[0];
const cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookieKeyValue.split('=')[1]);
const cookieOptions = { };
cookieOptionsArr.forEach(option => (cookieOptions[option.split('=')[0]] = option.split('=')[1]));
if (cookieOptions.expires) {
const expires = new Date(cookieOptions.expires);
cookieOptions.expires = expires;
res.cookie(cookieKey, cookieValue, cookieOptions);
}; => setCookieFunc(cookie));
return res.json(;
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
return res.json(error);
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant solution to the problem, but it worked for me.
I used the js-cookie library for interacting with cookies on my React client.
If you're trying to make this work in your development environment (using localhost) there's some extra work to be done. See Cookies on localhost with explicit domain


How to use secret key for on-demand revalidation for ISR (Next.js) in the frontend without exposing it?

According to the documentation, you should use a SECRET_TOKEN to prevent unauthorized access to your revalidate API route i.e.
But how are you supposed to call that route from the frontend and keep the token secret?
For example, if you have a simple POST that you then want to trigger the revalidate off of, you'd have to expose your secret token via NEXT_PUBLIC to be able to use it:
function handleSubmit(payload) {, payload)
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
// redirect to on-demand revalidated page
What am I missing here? How can you call the API route through the frontend without exposing the SECRET_TOKEN?
I've been trying out On-Demand ISR and stumbled on a similar problem. I was trying to revalidate data after CRUD actions from my Admin dashboard living on the client, behind protected routes ("/admin/...").
If you have an authentication process setup and you're using Next-Auth's JWT strategy, it gives you access to the getToken() method, which decrypts the JWT of the current authenticated user.
You can then use whatever information you have passed through your callbacks to validate the request instead of relying on a SECRET_TOKEN.
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
import { getToken } from "next-auth/jwt";
const secret = process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET;
export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
const user = await getToken({ req, secret });
if (!user || user.role !== "ADMIN") {
return res.status(401).json({ message: "Revalidation not authorized"});
try {
// unstable_revalidate is being used in Next 12.1
// I'm passing the revalidation url through the query params
await res.unstable_revalidate(req.query.url as string);
return res.json({ revalidated: true });
} catch (err) {
return res.status(500).send("Error revalidating");
The Next.js video demo don't actually use a SECRET_KEY.
So I guess I'll just have to omit it and hope nobody abuses the revalidate API?
I think you need to create one file called ".env".
Inside the file, you put the params .env like this:
You must install the dependency dotenv:
npm i dotenv
and then you can call inside your function like this
function handleSubmit(payload) {, payload)
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
// redirect to on-demand revalidated page

Next.js does not render authentication state properly after keycloak login

I have a basic next.js application that does two things:
provide an authentication mechanism using keycloak
talk to a backend server that authorizes each request using the keycloak-access-token
I use the #react-keycloak/ssr library to achieve this. The problem now is that after I login and get redirected back to my application the cookie that contains the kcToken is empty. After I refresh my page it works like expected.
I understand that maybe my entire process flow is wrong. If so, what is the "usual" way to achieve what is mentioned above?
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const base64KcToken = context.req.cookies.kcToken // the cookie that keycloak places after login
const kcToken = base64KcToken ? Buffer.from(base64KcToken, "base64") : ""
// the backend server passes the token along to keycloak for role-based authorization
const res = await fetch(`${BACKEND_URL}/info`, {
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + kcToken
const data = await res.json()
// ... exception handling is left out for readability ...
return {
props: {
export default function Home({data}) {
const router = useRouter() // the next.js client side router to redirect to keycloak
const { keycloak, initialized } = useKeycloak() // keycloak instance configured in _app.js
if (keycloak && !initialized && keycloak.createLoginUrl) router.push(keycloak.createLoginUrl())
return (
<div> ... some jsx that displays data ... </div>
This process basically works but it feels really bad because a user that gets redirected after login is not able to see the fetched data unless he refreshes the entire page. This is because when getServerSideProps() is called right after redirect the base64KcToken is not there yet.
Also everything related to the login-status (eg. logout button) only gets displayed after ~1sec, when the cookie is loaded by the react-keycloak library.

Setting Segment ajs_anonymous_id from SSR on client if user doesn't have cookie with Next.js App?

Anyone set the ajs_anonymous_id in SSR (nextjs) if it doesn't currently exist on client?
I have a need to "read" the ajs_anonymous_id (Segment analytics) cookie during a SSR rendering in Next.Js, but of course there are instances when that cookie does not exist yet ie...person hasn't visited my site before and thus never go it... BUT, since i need in SSR side..... I was hoping there is a process I can "set it" on the server side so that I can use it, THEN have it on the client too... so..
client visits page
Has ajs_anonymous_id cookie, cool, use it and do some display things....
Does not have ajs_anonymous_id, I seed the ajs_anonymous_id (drop a cookie) and then do some display things.
pages loads.. My analytics file (that loads on the font end thru a containe) sees there is an already ajs_anonymous_id cookie, cool.
Anyone have an example of this or how to achieve it?
yeah - there seems to be a package and method just for this.
import Analytics from 'analytics-node'
// if no anonymousId, send a randomly generated one
// otherwise grab existing to include in call to segment
let anonymousId
if (cookies.ajs_anonymous_id) {
anonymousId = cookies.ajs_anonymous_id
} else {
anonymousId = = uuid.v4()
res.cookie('ajs_anonymous_id', anonymousId )
for the full example, i'd refer to their docs:
For NextJS, I expect you have to move away from their server default implementation and build a wrapper to allow you to add this type of middleware.
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const next = require('next');
const host = process.env.LOCAL_ADDRESS || '';
const port = parseInt(process.env.NODE_PORT, 10) || 3000;
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const app = next({ dev, dir: 'app' });
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
app.prepare().then(() => {
const server = express();
server.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
server.set('trust proxy', true);
server.all('*', (req, ...args) => {
// Log the request only if we need to (we don't log all static asset requests)
if (req.log) {'incoming request');
return handle(req, ...args);
server.listen(port, host, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`> Ready on http://${host}:${port}`);
then start the app with node app/server
Hope that helps to get you started!

How to cache data publicly from firebase function?

I'm a little bit lost on how firebase functions work with authentication,
Suppose I have a function that pulls 100 documents and sets the cache header for 24 hours.
res.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=0, s-maxage=86400' // 24 * 60 * 60
By default, does that apply to all users or is it cached per user? There's some instances where the 100 documents are unique to the user - while other functions where the 100 documents are available to any user that's authenticated.
I see in the docs that you can set a __session which implies it's for individual users data, however there isn't much documentation for how to set that (or where). Is it set by default?
My goal is to have a function that requires the user be authenticated, then return 100 documents from a non-user specific collection - aka not have to read 100 documents per user. However, I don't think thats feasible because it would need to check if each user is authorized (not cacheable). So is there a way to just make a publicly available cache?
Any light that can be shared on this is greatly appreciated!
The Cache-Control header is used to instruct a user's browser and any CDN edge server on how to cache the request.
For requests requiring authentication, making use of the CDN is not really possible for this as you should be using Cache-Control: private for these responses (the default for Cloud Functions).
While you could check that your users are authenticated and then redirect them to a publically cached resource (like<somesignature>), this URL would still be accessible if someone got hold of that URL/cached data.
Arguably the best approach would be to store your "cached" responses in a single Cloud Firestore document (if it is less than 1MB in size and is JSON-compatible) or store it in Cloud Storage.
The code included below is an example of how you could do this with a Cloud Firestore cache. I've used posts where the authenticated user is the author as an example, but for this specific use case, you would be better off using the Firebase SDK to make such a query (realtime updates, finer control, query API). A similar approach could be applied for "all user" resources.
If attempting to cache HTML or some other not JSON friendly format, I would recommend changing the caching layer to Cloud Storage. Instead of storing the post's data in the cache entry, store the path and bucket to the cached file in storage (like below). Then if it hasn't expired, get a stream of that file from storage and pipe it through to the client.
data: {
fullPath: `/_serverCache/apiCache/${uid}/posts.html`,
bucket: "myBucket"
/* ... */
Common Example Code
import functions from "firebase-functions";
import { HttpsError } from "firebase-functions/lib/providers/https";
import admin from "firebase-admin";
import hash from "object-hash";
interface AttachmentData {
/** May contain a URL to the resource */
url?: string;
/** May contain Base64 encoded data of resource */
data?: string;
/** Type of this resource */
type: "image" | "video" | "social" | "web";
interface PostData {
author: string;
title: string;
content: string;
attachments: Record<string, AttachmentData>;
postId: string;
interface CacheEntry<T = admin.firestore.DocumentData> {
/** Time data was cached, as a Cloud Firestore Timestamp object */
cachedAt: admin.firestore.Timestamp;
/** Time data was cached, as a Cloud Firestore Timestamp object */
expiresAt: admin.firestore.Timestamp;
/** The ETag signature of the cached resource */
eTag: string;
/** The cached resource */
data: T;
* Returns posts authored by this user as an array, from Firestore
async function getLivePostsForAuthor(uid: string) {
// fetch the data
const posts = await admin.firestore()
.where('author', '==', uid)
// flatten the results into an array, including the post's document ID in the data
const results: PostData[] = [];
posts.forEach((postDoc) => {
results.push({ postId:, } as PostData);
return results;
* Returns posts authored by this user as an array, caching the result from Firestore
async function getCachedPostsForAuthor(uid: string) {
// Get the reference to the data's location
const cachedPostsRef = admin.firestore()
.doc(`_server/apiCache/${uid}/posts`) as admin.firestore.DocumentReference<CacheEntry<PostData[]>>;
// Get the cache entry's data
const cachedPostsSnapshot = await cachedPostsRef.get();
if (cachedPostsSnapshot.exists) {
// get the expiresAt property on it's own
// this allows us to skip processing the entire document until needed
const expiresAt = cachedPostsSnapshot.get("expiresAt") as CacheEntry["expiresAt"] | undefined;
if (expiresAt !== undefined && expiresAt.toMillis() > - 60000) {
// return the entire cache entry as-is
// if here, the cache entry doesn't exist or has expired
// get the live results from Firestore
const results = await getLivePostsForAuthor(uid);
// etag, cachedAt and expiresAt are used for the HTTP cache-related headers
// only expiresAt is used when determining expiry
const cacheEntry: CacheEntry<PostData[]> = {
data: results,
eTag: hash(results),
// set expiry as 1 day from now
expiresAt: admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromMillis( + 86400000),
// save the cached data and it's metadata for future calls
await cachedPostsRef.set(cacheEntry);
// return the cached data
return cacheEntry;
HTTPS Request Function
This is the request type you would use for serving Cloud Functions behind Firebase Hosting. Unfortunately the implementation details aren't as straightforward as using a Callable Function (see below) but is provided as an official project sample. You will need to insert validateFirebaseIdToken() from that example for this code to work.
import express from "express";
import cookieParserLib from "cookie-parser";
import corsLib from "cors";
interface AuthenticatedRequest extends express.Request {
user: admin.auth.DecodedIdToken
const cookieParser = cookieParserLib();
const cors = corsLib({origin: true});
const app = express();
// insert from
const validateFirebaseIdToken = /* ... */
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
// if here, user has already been validated, decoded and attached as req.user
const user = (req as AuthenticatedRequest).user;
try {
const cacheEntry = await getCachedPostsForAuthor(user.uid);
// set caching headers
.header("Cache-Control", "private")
.header("ETag", cacheEntry.eTag)
.header("Expires", cacheEntry.expiresAt.toDate().toUTCString());
if (req.header("If-None-Match") === cacheEntry.eTag) {
// cached data is the same, just return empty 304 response
} else {
// send the data back to the client as JSON
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof HttpsError) {
throw err;
} else {
throw new HttpsError("unknown", err && err.message, err);
export const getMyPosts = functions.https.onRequest(app);
Callable HTTPS Function
If you are making use of the client SDKs, you can also request the cached data using Callable Functions.
This allows you to export the function like this:
export const getMyPosts = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
if (!context.auth) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'The function must be called while authenticated.'
try {
const cacheEntry = await getCachedPostsForAuthor(context.auth.uid);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof HttpsError) {
throw err;
} else {
throw new HttpsError("unknown", err && err.message, err);
and call it from the client using:
const getMyPosts = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getMyPosts');
.then((postsArray) => {
// do something
.catch((error) => {
// handle errors

Issues with NextJs SSR and cookies in Apollo

I would like to use cookies for authentication in my nextjs app. I have a bug in my code where the SSR won't work because somewhere in the execution process of the code it does not find the cookie on the first render of the page so it will throw an error. I have played with the code a lot now and have gotten it to a state where the data will eventually load but will not be a SSR page. Has anyone else dealt with this problem?
I am using next, apollo client and apollo server express.
When you do an SSR, the code runs on the server. The cookies you added in browser are not available as default. You can access then in getInitialProps or getServerSideProps via req.headers.cookie and pass it to the authentication code again.
Alternately, you can use an npm module like react-cookie which support isomorphic cookies. More examples on integration are available on the link.
We can custom the headers before sending.
Please check my full answer at this link
async function getHeaders(ctx) {
if (ctx?.req?.cookies) {
const cookieItems = []
for (let key of Object.keys(ctx?.req?.cookies)) {
return {
cookie: cookieItems.join('; ')
return {
WithApollo.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
const { AppTree } = ctx
// Initialize ApolloClient, add it to the ctx object so
// we can use it in `PageComponent.getInitialProp`.
const apolloClient = (ctx.apolloClient = initApolloClient(null, await getHeaders(ctx)))
// Run wrapped getInitialProps methods
let pageProps = {}
if (PageComponent.getInitialProps) {
pageProps = await PageComponent.getInitialProps(ctx)
