Let's say I want to order the iris dataset (as a data.table) by Species, keeping observations grouped by species and randomly ordering across species.
How do I do that?
I am not talking about generating a random order within groups (species).
My intuition was to write the code bellow. But it actually creates the within species random variable. Well at least it makes the question reproducible
d <- iris %>% data.table
You may do a binary search in i. A smaller example:
d <- data.table(Species = rep(letters[1:4], each = 2), ri = 1:8)
d[.(sample(unique(Species))), on = "Species"]
# Species ri
# 1: b 3
# 2: b 4
# 3: d 7
# 4: d 8
# 5: c 5
# 6: c 6
# 7: a 1
# 8: a 2
Alternatively you could do:
e <- d[, .N, Species]
e[, g2 := runif(.N)]
d <- e[, .(Species, g2)][d, on = 'Species']
We can randomly sample from a series 1...N where N is the # of levels of the factor (Species) in question.
We then map the new order to a column and sort by it. Broken apart into steps for illustration it looks like this:
tmp <- sample_n(as.data.frame(seq(1,length(unique(d$Species)))),3)[,1]
d$index <- tmp[as.numeric(d$Species)]
d <- d[order(d$index),]
You could compact this into 1 line/step:
d <- d[order(sample_n(as.data.frame(seq(1,length(unique(d$Species)))),3)[,1][as.numeric(d$Species)]),]
I have seen this Subsetting a data frame based on a logical condition on a subset of rows and that https://statisticsglobe.com/filter-data-frame-rows-by-logical-condition-in-r
I want to subset a data.frame according to a specific value in the row.names.
data <- data.frame(x1 = c(3, 7, 1, 8, 5), # Create example data
x2 = letters[1:5],
group = c("ga1", "ga2", "gb1", "gc3", "gb1"))
data # Print example data
# x1 x2 group
# 3 a ga1
# 7 b ga2
# 1 c gb1
# 8 d gc3
# 5 e gb1
I want to subset data according to group. One subset should be the rows containing a in their group, one containing b in their group and one c. Maybe something with grepl?
The result should look like this
# x1 x2 group
# 3 a ga1
# 7 b ga2
# x1 x2 group
# 1 c gb1
# 5 e gb1
# 8 d gc3
I would be interested in how to subset one of these output examples, or perhaps a loop would work too.
I modified the example from here https://statisticsglobe.com/filter-data-frame-rows-by-logical-condition-in-r
Extract the data which you want to split on :
sub('\\d+', '', data$group)
#[1] "ga" "ga" "gb" "gc" "gb"
and use the above in split to divide the data into groups.
new_data <- split(data, sub('\\d+', '', data$group))
# x1 x2 group
#1 3 a ga1
#2 7 b ga2
# x1 x2 group
#3 1 c gb1
#5 5 e gb1
# x1 x2 group
#4 8 d gc3
It is better to keep data in a list however, if you want separate dataframes for each group you can use list2env.
list2env(new_data, .GlobalEnv)
We can use group_split with str_remove in tidyverse
data %>%
group_split(grp = str_remove(group, "\\d+$"), .keep = FALSE)
Good question. This solution uses inputs and outputs that closely match the request: "I want to subset data according to group. One subset should be the rows containing a in their group, one containing b in their group and one c. Maybe something with grepl?".
The code below uses the data frame that was provided (named data), and uses grep(), and subsets by group.
ga <- grep("ga", data$group) # seperate the data by group type
gb <- grep("gb", data$group)
gc <- grep("gc", data$group)
ga1 <- data[ga,] # subset ga
gb1 <- data[gb,] # subset gb
gc1 <- data[gc,] # subset gc
Windows and Jupyter Lab were used. This output here closely matches the output that was shown above.
Output shown at link: link1
I would like to join the two data frames :
a <- data.frame(x=c(1,3,5))
b <- data.frame(start=c(0,4),end=c(2,6),y=c("a","b"))
with a condition like (x>start)&(x<end) in order to get such a result:
# x y
#1 1 a
#2 2 <NA>
#3 3 b
I don't want to make a potentially large cartesian product and then select only the few rows matching the condition and I'd like a solution using the tidyverse (I am not interested in a solution using SQL which would be a confession of failure). I thought of the 'fuzzyjoin' package but I cannot find examples fitting my need : the function to apply for the condition has only two arguments. I also tried to put 'start' and 'end' into a single argument with data.frame(z=I(purrr::map2(b$start,b$end,list)),y=b$y)
# z y
#1 0, 2 a
#2 4, 6 b
but although the data looks fine fuzzy_left_join doesn't accept it.
I search for solutions working in more general cases (n variables on the LHS, m on the RHS, not necessarily numeric with arbitrary conditions).
I also want to be able to express conditions like (x=start+1)|(x=end+1) giving here:
# x y
#1 1 a
#2 3 a
#3 5 b
For this case you don't need multi_by or multy_match_fun, this works :
fuzzy_left_join(a, b, by = c(x = "start", x = "end"), match_fun = list(`>`, `<`))
# x start end y
# 1 1 0 2 a
# 2 3 NA NA <NA>
# 3 5 4 6 b
I eventually went to the code of fuzzy_join and found a way to make what I want even without proper documentation. fuzzy_let_join doesn't work but there is the following way (not really pretty and it actually does a cartesian product):
g <- function(x,y) (x>y[,"start"])&(x<y[,"end"])
fuzzy_join(a,b, multi_by = list(x="x",y=c("start","end"))
, multi_match_fun = g, mode = "left") %>% select(x,y)
data.table approach could be
name1 <- setdiff(names(setDT(b)), names(setDT(a)))
#perform left outer join and then select required columns
a[b, (name1) := mget(name1), on = .(x > start, x < end)][, .(x, y)]
which gives
x y
1: 1 a
2: 3 <NA>
3: 5 b
Sample data:
a <- data.frame(x = c(1, 3, 5))
b <- data.frame(start = c(0, 4), end = c(2, 6), y = c("a", "b"))
Update: In case you want to join both dataframes on (x=start+1)|(x=end+1) condition then you can try
DT1 <- as.data.table(a)
DT2 <- as.data.table(b)
#Perform 1st join on "x = start+1" and then another on "x = end+1". Finally row-bind both results.
DT <- rbindlist(list(DT1[DT2[, start_temp := start+1], on = c(x = "start_temp"), .(x, y), nomatch = 0],
DT1[DT2[, end_temp := end+1], on = c(x = "end_temp"), .(x, y), nomatch = 0]))
# x y
#1: 1 a
#2: 5 b
#3: 3 a
A possible answer to explain what I am trying to do : extending dplyr in some way. And I will be happy to know if there are ways to improve this solution or some problems I didn't see.
The solution avoids the cartesian product, but duplicates into lists of data frames both one of the input data frame and the result. I didn't include the final column selection of x and y that is easy to code.
my_left_join <- function(.DATA1,.DATA2,.WHERE)
call = as.list(match.call())
df1 <- .DATA1
df1$._row_ <- 1:nrow(df1)
dfl1 <- replyr::replyr_split(df1,"._row_")
dfl2 <- mapply(function(.x)
{filter(.DATA2,with(.x,WHERE)) %>%
df2 <- replyr::replyr_bind_rows(dfl2)
left_join(df1,df2,by="._row_") %>% select(-._row_)
# x start end y
#1 1 0 2 a
#2 3 NA NA <NA>
#3 5 4 6 b
# x start end y
#1 1 0 2 a
#2 3 0 2 a
#3 5 4 6 b
You can try a GenomicRanges solution
# setup GRanges objects
a_gr <- GRanges(1, IRanges(a$x,a$x))
b_gr <- GRanges(1, IRanges(b$start, b$end))
# find overlaps between the two data sets
res <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(a_gr,b_gr))
# create the expected output
a$y <- NA
a$y[res$queryHits] <- as.character(b$y)[res$subjectHits]
x y
1 1 a
2 3 <NA>
3 5 b
** edited because I'm a doofus - with replacement, not without **
I have a large-ish (>500k rows) dataset with 421 groups, defined by two grouping variables. Sample data as follows:
df<-data.frame(group_one=rep((0:9),26), group_two=rep((letters),10))
group_one group_two
1 0 a
2 1 b
3 2 c
4 3 d
5 4 e
6 5 f
...and so on.
What I want is some number (k = 12 at the moment, but that number may vary) of stratified samples, by membership in (group_one x group_two). Membership in each group should be indicated by a new column, sample_membership, which has a value of 1 through k (again, 12 at the moment). I should be able to subset by sample_membership and get up to 12 distinct samples, each of which is representative when considering group_one and group_two.
Final data set would thus look something like this:
group_one group_two sample_membership
1 0 a 1
2 0 a 12
3 0 a 5
4 1 a 5
5 1 a 7
6 1 a 9
Thoughts? Thanks very much in advance!
Maybe something like this?:
df %>%
group_by(group_one, group_two) %>%
mutate(sample_membership = sample(1:12, n(), replace = FALSE))
Here's a one-line data.table approach, which you should definitely consider if you have a long data.frame.
df[, sample_membership := sample.int(12, .N, replace=TRUE), keyby = .(group_one, group_two)]
# group_one group_two sample_membership
# 1: 0 a 9
# 2: 0 a 8
# 3: 0 c 10
# 4: 0 c 4
# 5: 0 e 9
# ---
# 256: 9 v 4
# 257: 9 x 7
# 258: 9 x 11
# 259: 9 z 3
# 260: 9 z 8
For sampling without replacement, use replace=FALSE, but as noted elsewhere, make sure you have fewer than k members per group. OR:
If you want to use "sampling without unnecessary replacement" (making this up -- not sure what the right terminology is here) because you have more than k members per group but still want to keep the groups as evenly sized as possible, you could do something like:
# example with bigger groups
k <- 12L
big_df <- data.frame(group_one=rep((0:9),260), group_two=rep((letters),100))
big_df[, sample_round := rep(1:.N, each=k, length.out=.N), keyby = .(group_one, group_two)]
big_df[, sample_membership := sample.int(k, .N, replace=FALSE), keyby = .(group_one, group_two, sample_round)]
head(big_df, 15) # you can see first repeat does not occur until row k+1
Within each "sampling round" (first k observations in the group, second k observations in the group, etc.) there is sampling without replacement. Then, if necessary, the next sampling round makes all k assignments available again.
This approach would really evenly stratify the sample (but perfectly even is only possible if you have a multiple of k members in each group).
Here is a base R method, that assumes that your data.frame is sorted by groups:
# get number of observations for each group
groupCnt <- with(df, aggregate(group_one, list(group_one, group_two), FUN=length))$x
# for reproducibility, set the seed
# get sample by group
df$sample <- c(sapply(groupCnt, function(i) sample(12, i, replace=TRUE)))
Untested example using dplyr, if it doesn't work it might point you in the right direction.
library( dplyr )
df <- data.frame(
group_one = as.integer( runif( 1000, 1, 6) ),
group_two = sample( LETTERS[1:6], 1000, TRUE)
) %>%
group_by( group_one, group_two ) %>%
sample_membership = sample( seq(1, length(group_one) ), length(group_one), FALSE)
Good luck!
I am trying to calculate changes in weight between visits to chicks at different nests. This requires R to look up the nest code in the current row, find the previous time that nest was visited, and subtract the weight at the previous visit from the current visit. For the first visit to each nest, I would like to output the current weight (i.e. as though the weight at the previous, non-existent visit was zero).
My data is of the form:
Nest <- c(a,b,c,d,e,c,b,c)
Weight <- c(2,4,3,3,2,6,8,10)
df <- data.frame(Nest, Weight)
So the desired output here would be:
Change <- c(2,4,3,3,2,3,4,4)
I have achieved the desired output once, by subsetting to a single nest and using a for loop:
tmp <- subset(df, Nest == "a")
tmp$change <- tmp$Weight
for(x in 2:(length(tmp$Nest))){
tmp$change[x] <- tmp$Weight[(x)] - tmp$Weight[(x-1)]
but when I try to fit this into ddply
df2 <- ddply(df, "Nest", function(f) {
f$change <- f$Weight
for(x in 2:(length(f$Nest))){
f$change <- f$Weight[(x)] - f$Weight[(x-1)]
the output gives a blank data.frame (0 obs. of 0 variables).
Am I approaching this the right way but getting the code wrong? Or is there a better way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
df %>% group_by(Nest) %>% mutate(Change = c(Weight[1], diff(Weight)))
or with just the base of R
transform(df, Change = ave(Weight, Nest, FUN = function(x) c(x[1], diff(x))))
Here is a data.table solution. With large data sets, this is likely to be faster.
# Nest Weight Change
# 1: a 2 2
# 2: b 4 4
# 3: c 3 3
# 4: d 3 3
# 5: e 2 2
# 6: c 6 3
# 7: b 8 4
# 8: c 10 4
I have read in a large data file into R using the following command
data <- as.data.set(spss.system.file(paste(path, file, sep = '/')))
The data set contains columns which should not belong, and contain only blanks. This issue has to do with R creating new variables based on the variable labels attached to the SPSS file (Source).
Unfortunately, I have not been able to determine the options necessary to resolve the problem. I have tried all of: foreign::read.spss, memisc:spss.system.file, and Hemisc::spss.get, with no luck.
Instead, I would like to read in the entire data set (with ghost columns) and remove unnecessary variables manually. Since the ghost columns contain only blank spaces, I would like to remove any variables from my data.table where the number of unique observations is equal to one.
My data are large, so they are stored in data.table format. I would like to determine an easy way to check the number of unique observations in each column, and drop columns which contain only one unique observation.
### Create a data.table
dt <- data.table(a = 1:10,
b = letters[1:10],
c = rep(1, times = 10))
### Create a comparable data.frame
df <- data.frame(dt)
### Expected result
### Expected result
However, I wish to calculate the number of obs for a large data file, so referencing each column by name is not desired. I am not a fan of eval(parse()).
### I want to determine the number of unique obs in
# each variable, for a large list of vars
lapply(names(df), function(x) {
length(unique(df[, x]))
### Unexpected result
length(unique(dt[, 'a', with = F])) # Returns 1
It seems to me the problem is that
dt[, 'a', with = F]
returns an object of class "data.table". It makes sense that the length of this object is 1, since it is a data.table containing 1 variable. We know that data.frames are really just lists of variables, and so in this case the length of the list is just 1.
Here's pseudo code for how I would remedy the solution, using the data.frame way:
for (x in names(data)) {
unique.obs <- length(unique(data[, x]))
if (unique.obs == 1) {
data[, x] <- NULL
Any insight as to how I may more efficiently ask for the number of unique observations by column in a data.table would be much appreciated. Alternatively, if you can recommend how to drop observations if there is only one unique observation within a data.table would be even better.
Update: uniqueN
As of version 1.9.6, there is a built in (optimized) version of this solution, the uniqueN function. Now this is as simple as:
dt[ , lapply(.SD, uniqueN)]
If you want to find the number of unique values in each column, something like
dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) length(unique(x)))]
## a b c
## 1: 10 10 1
To get your function to work you need to use with=FALSE within [.data.table, or simply use [[ instead (read fortune(312) as well...)
lapply(names(df) function(x) length(unique(dt[, x, with = FALSE])))
lapply(names(df) function(x) length(unique(dt[[x]])))
will work
In one step
dt[,names(dt) := lapply(.SD, function(x) if(length(unique(x)) ==1) {return(NULL)} else{return(x)})]
# or to avoid calling `.SD`
dt[, Filter(names(dt), f = function(x) length(unique(dt[[x]]))==1) := NULL]
The approaches in the other answers are good. Another way to add to the mix, just for fun :
for (i in names(DT)) if (length(unique(DT[[i]]))==1) DT[,(i):=NULL]
or if there may be duplicate column names :
for (i in ncol(DT):1) if (length(unique(DT[[i]]))==1) DT[,(i):=NULL]
NB: (i) on the LHS of := is a trick to use the value of i rather than a column named "i".
Here is a solution to your core problem (I hope I got it right).
### Create a data.table
dt <- data.table(a = 1:10,
b = letters[1:10],
d1 = "",
c = rep(1, times = 10),
d2 = "")
a b d1 c d2
1: 1 a 1
2: 2 b 1
3: 3 c 1
4: 4 d 1
5: 5 e 1
6: 6 f 1
7: 7 g 1
8: 8 h 1
9: 9 i 1
10: 10 j 1
First, I introduce two columns d1 and d2 that have no values whatsoever. Those you want to delete, right? If so, I just identify those columns and select all other columns in the dt.
only_space <- function(x) {
length(unique(x))==1 && x[1]==""
bolCols <- apply(dt, 2, only_space)
dt[, (1:ncol(dt))[!bolCols], with=FALSE]
Somehow, I have the feeling that you could further simplify it...
a b c
1: 1 a 1
2: 2 b 1
3: 3 c 1
4: 4 d 1
5: 5 e 1
6: 6 f 1
7: 7 g 1
8: 8 h 1
9: 9 i 1
10: 10 j 1
There is an easy way to do that using "dplyr" library, and then use select function as follow:
newdata <- select(old_data, first variable,second variable)
Note that, you can choose as many variables as you like.
Then you will get the type of data that you want.
Many thanks,