Materialize not overriding my existing classes - css

I have a jsp page which I want to style using Materialize framework, but as soon as I add the href to materialize.min.css in my page (or in the entire project from the beginning), it overrides my existing styles from all the application and I want to be able to call Materialize only when I need it, not to change the whole style because it becomes a mess.
It's also the first time I'm using Materialize, so maybe I'm missing something.

That's how CSS frameworks work, generally. Most of them will normalize and apply a base style to your website, even if you are not using framework specific class names.
I usually work the other way around: I let my framework of choice control all of my UI, and when I want to override something, I use custom CSS styles. To do that, make sure you add a link to your own styles on the tag after the Materialize CSS link.


How to manage clashing third party CSS

I'm working on a web application which is using Materialize as a front-end framework along with Kendo UI for the grid component.
I'm hitting problems in cases where both Kendo UI and Materialize have styles for the same element - for example they both override the styling on check boxes - this results in a broken layout due to the clash.
One option I realize is to pick either Materialize or Kendo UI and drop the other... however I would like to avoid this if possible as they in the most part have complemented each others weaknesses well.
If it was simply one element here or there putting specific overrides in would be an option however with the scale of the two frameworks this would be a maintenance nightmare as when one changed the overrides would possibly have to be refactored.
Are there any ways to solve this issue that I am missing?
One way to workaround such a clash is to build your MaterializeCSS to include only the parts you so need for your project.
For instance, if you do not need the buttons styling of MaterializeCSS, you could simply, via sass, compile the materialize.scss and cherry pick buttons out of the file.
If going down the path of building your custom .css of Materialize is a long short for you, you can try using (Disclaimer: I built it).
Find more about how to customize your MaterializeCSS:
I know it's usually suggested not to duplicate code, and you want to try steering away from overrides, but would it be possible to find the section of css you like (i.e. select box from materialize) and copy that in to a new custom css file, renaming the selector so you can use it seperately from Materialize/Kendo UI?
You can manually edit the stylesheet of eighter party. Take the non-minified CSS, and prepend every base path with a short prefix:
.card {
.mat.card {
That way, for every materialize style, you use .mat before anything. Or, if you mainly use materialize, do the same thing for Kendo UI.
This is a lot of pain, but would solve your issue.

Edit CSS in browser cache

I am building an app on top of webkit, I need to modify a CSS file (edit a selector), which I can do once the page is loaded using Javascript. In my particular scenario I may load the page many times and I would like to mutate the CSS in the cache (using Javascript, as opposed to hacking webkit). Any ideas?
Without entirely understanding your use case I see at least three cheap and fast methods to override some styles:
use one of the many bookmarklets out there (e.g. this one by Paul Irish) to play around injecting styles or
use a short snippet of javascript ondomready to inject a stylesheet with selectors and styles into the head of the document (similar to the bookmarklet above) or
define a specific enough CSS selector and simply include an inline style element in your document (which I would not suggest)
All three methods are basically the same. Depending on what you have, are able to edit or want to achieve either method may be more suitable.
User stylesheets or extensions like Stylebot for Google Chrome may be another possibility to look into.
Weird stuff like loading referenced stylesheets via javascript's XHR, get the content of the file, modify or inject stuff and reapply the styles to the current document are possible as well but probably not what you're looking for.

Strategy for separating styling from dom manipulation

I'm looking for suggestions or pointers to best-practices for segregating classes used for browser styling from those used for dom manipulation.
More specifically, we're creating a single-page, backbone.js webapp that utilizes jQuery extensively for updating page elements dynamically (adding, hiding and appending new content to the page). The problem we're running into seems to originate with the overloading of the class attribute - it's used for styling presentation, AND for identifying page elements for GUI app logic via jQuery. This causes problems when it comes to modifying styles as there is no obvious way to know whether a given class (or DOM element for that matter) is required by the underlying javascript application.
In other words, if someone naively changes or removes a class on a tag, assuming they are only modifying presentation, it breaks the application. I'm looking for a way to separate these concerns - to keep the classes used for jQuery selectors separate from those used for CSS styling. I'm assuming this is a 'solved problem' as we're obviously not the first to write a javascript heavy webapp. Is there a standard way to deal with this? Am I missing something obvious?
The good way to do it probably not to use css classname for binding JavaScript logic at all. HTML5 introduces a way to add custom user-defined attributes for tags. To do it you simply add attribute to tag but start it's name with "data-" prefix. For example:
John Doe
jQuery, starting from 1.4.3, have build-in methods to work with such attributes using .data() function. You can read about it in more details here:
If it is necessary for your app to use classnames as pointer for some reason, then you can make following convention:
Classnames starting with "js-" prefix are only used buy scripts to identify html elements, and you can't use them for styling. So this way your elements will have multiple classes on each element (some for styling, some for logic):
John Doe
This way classes without prefix can be removed without concern, and you can be pretty sure that you will broke something if you remove class with prefix.

mvc3 razor, CSS in Helper

In an mvc 3 razor project I have a helper which creates a component. I can use this helper to create as many components as I need in the same page.
I have different folders containing css files and their images.
Can I specify the css style of each component from the helper?
i.e #html.MyComponent(100, 200, "pink") will uses the style.css in pink folder.
Ps: I am not using html5 neither css3
If you would use classes instead of files it would be much easier. I would just use different styles for themes. You should look at this question: ASP.NET MVC 3, how to do themes right
ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor: Include JavaScript file in the head tag
I think the same thing can be applied but I don't know if you can do it from a helper.
If you are set on doing it this way - then
You need to select the css file at the top for pink
You need to include all style sheets in loading.
You need to dynamically include style sheets when requested by MyComponent. This is tough as you may end up double including them. You can accomplish this via an ActionFilter to write out the css tags at the end, but this is a hack and I wouldn't recommend it.
Stick with convention and your styles should be requested at the top, so you need to know which styles you are using on the page. Your components shouldn't care about loading a style sheet, it should already be loaded which means you have to make this decision at the top of your page. Since you should already 'know' the names at this point (pink, etc) you can easily write the code at the top to request these files via a simply
<LINK href="#string.Format("/{0}/style.css",YourStyleSheetnameIePinkInThisExample)" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Flex 4 skins -- when to include Actionscript Styling Code?

When using Flash Builder to create a new component Skin based on an existing Skin, one has the option to include Actionscript styling code or not. Wouldn't this code always be necessary?
Here is an example of two people, both of whom have skinned the spark Panel.
With styling code:
Without styling code:
But they both seem to run fine. How can this be?
The styling code still gets applied due to the fact that you're extending a class.
You should add the styling code when you intend to change it.
