Can I integrate SMS gateway in App Maker - google-app-maker

I am looking for an option to integrate SMS gateway in App Maker
On form submit genrate an OTP and verify the OTP To confirm the Mobile Number


Is it possible admin of app can see the firebase sms verification code

Is it possible admin of app can see the firebase sms verification code As we are developing an application used by farmers mostly in remote places around globe, There is an issue in login using OTP if it is possible that admin can see the OTP(mostly not receiving OTP due to network issues), we will be login at the other end(admin) and make it possible for the users to use the app.
No, Firebase Authentication doesn't let you see the code. You'll have to build a custom solution for it.

How firebase phone number authentication verifies phone number with the otp sent without giving permission to read sms?

im just wondering , how fierebase can verify a phone number in my flutter project by signing in when the otp is recieved without giving access to read SMS from users phone ?
You don't need any extra permission on Android to read the SMS if you or the external package that you are using is making use of SMS Retriever API.
On iOS, SMS auto fill is provided by default.

Wake up react native app to obtain fcm token

We recently integrated firebase to out react native apps on android and ios for push notifications using react-native-firebase. Since we do not currently have the fcm tokens and we can only obtain them once a user opens the app once again. Is there a way to send notifications to all the users or to schedule a local notification using react-native-firebase without the user opening the app so that we can obtain the fcm token for the device.

Can i customize CCAVENUE Alert SMS?

I am currently using CCAVENUE payment gateway for my website. For CCAVENUE account, i enabled alert SMS functionality and provide my mobile number for receiving SMS. I am able to receive the SMS correctly, but we need to customize that SMS text. How can i do that?

Android- Listening and interpreting which app sent notification?

I'm building an android app which listens to notifications and has to figure out which app (Facebook, whatsapp, mail, etc.) the notification belongs to.
I know how to listen to the notification using NotificationListenerService.
But how do I figure out which app sent this notification?
