Display a background image that has the column layout for development - css

Are there any pre-build images that I could use when developing that will display a grid in the background of my browser?
This would make it easier to visualize the layout during development and make sure my design lines up correctly with a grid.
Does bootstrap have anything like this builtin that I can enable in the css?

If I understand you correctly you are looking for something like this?https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bootstrap-grid-overlay/mnlklmelflkheijccafopdohgclfefcg
Apologies if this is not what you are after.


Out of the box responsive images with Google Polymer?

I just started working with Polymer and their starter kit. I want to have a standard hero image with a text overlay - naturally, I want the image to be responsive. I've gone through all the Iron and Paper elements and can't seem to find anything that works.
I've tried using the Iron image, Flex layout, and Media queries in various compbinations to get what I need, but to no avail. I've found several 3rd party components like x-imager that will do the trick, but I would've thought such basic functionality would be available right out of the box like it is with pretty much every "responsive" framework - and yes, while I know Polymer isn't supposed to be a framework, I guess I expected it to be part of their component library. And yes, I also know I can create a simple CSS class that does that like Bootstrap does too, but I'm looking for native functionality, out of the box here.
Is there something I'm missing here or should I just create a custom component and move on?

would a css grid framework be a good fit for creating application like layouts?

I have a webapp that I am making and it has some particular layout needs that are closer to an application than a website.
The layout has:
a left sidebar that is fixed to the left side of the browser window and has a static width until it stacks, this sidebar will have tabs in it
a content area that will expand to a certain max-width and then stop
a right side bar that is fixed the the right edge of the content
I've been struggling to really determine if using a grid system, like bootstrap, would be an appropriate fit for something like this. Having some rows/columns and a collapsible grid in the content area seems like it would make sense, but in the sidebars it seems like its best to not use a grid system at all. I don't particularly like the idea doing some layout in the html with bootstrap3 and some in css.
Basically my app has the same layout as http://qz.com/ and I want similar responsive design breaks, and with that I would like to know if there is one or more css frameworks that support that type of layout with little overriding.
if you have some experience with resposive design and media queries, i would code it myself to avoid the thousands of lines of unnecessary code that comes with frameworks/libraries. bootstrap is great, but it also requires a bit of effort to master, and it would be a bit overkill for this one layout (if i understand you correctly).
if you just need this one layout, i would really recommend you do code it from scratch (personally i'd use something like jQuery and LESS). i hope i understood your question correctly, and sorry if this was not very hands-on.
to sum it up: in my opinion you're probably better off coding it yourself, but bootstrap and other frameworks will provide valuable insight and inspiration for how to do it.

Difficult in making a separate LAYOUT in GWT java app

i am looking forward to make a welcome screen of my web app like the picture i shown..
here is a pic of example:
The truth is i have tested many almost all the panels that GWT has to offer, and still i cannot make it.
For example:
The upper header, i made it with a DockLayoutPanel like this:
DockLayoutPanel Header = new DockLayoutPanel(unit.PCT);
Using that panel, i can have all the 2 boxes and the button on the right corner of the screen, and with AUTO-WITDH.
*(even i cannot pad the red button)..
As you can check the horizontal Center Panel has a different style, i create it as Horizontal Panel, but when i do :
It is useless, the css from header will ofuscate the css from horizontal panel, also i cannot get the box right in the CENTER.
i have zero experience in GWT, i would like if someone can tell me the way, because i am using panels and i am not quite sure that i am using the right ones for this tasks, or the best ones.
THanks very much
If you don't have much experience in GWT components try creating the UI with using GWT UI Binder. Its much more similar to creating a layout with html and css. Also you can use most of the html elements such as divs,spans etc.. GWT Uibinder
You can give styles on individual panels like,
for horizontal,
HorizontalPanel hp=new HorizontalPanel();

Resizing jQueryUI widgets

I am relatively new to jquery UI. I am able to understand the functionality and making use of the widgets. However I find the widgets quite large and clunky and would like to resize them. Specifically I am using a large number of spinners, sliders and choice buttons. I would like to resize these to fit my page but can't figure out any way to do this. Please help.
There is a css file that comes with the widget, you can edit it, or you can overwrite the rules in you css file.

Full Width Slideshow Above Content

I am using a wordpress version of Supersized. My issue is that I wish to have this nice resizable full-width image gallery but be able to place the content below. An example of how I wish it to perform here; http://www.pedinilondon.co.uk/ They are using the non-wordpress version so are easily able to break it out of the template.
Is it simply a case of CSS or div manipulation or am I running into a brick wall with this? Should I be using a different knd of slideshow to achieve what I want?
What you want sounds like fluid images (responsive design), which there seems to be a plug-in for that. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-fluid-images/faq/
