How to change the password for phpmyadmin - wordpress

Recently I installed the Bitnami Wordpress canned deployment on Google Cloud Platform.
I can view the phpMyAdmin instance at a local address ( but I cannot determine the username and password to log into the database cluster. I have tried the username specified in Deployment Manager, but the temporary password is not working. When I attempt to login, I receive the following error:
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'user'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
I have tried to use various common passwords, such as root/root, with no success. If we assume the password is lost, how I can I figure out the password, recover it, or change it by using an SSH shell to the hosting compute instance?

Resetting password by supporting team if possible try

This issue seems related to phpmyadmin. I found this similar post where they stated:
This is asking for your MySQL username and password.
You should enter these details, which will default to "root" and ""
(i.e.: nothing) if you've not specified a password.
Have you tried to create a new user or change the password? Check this guide on how to do it.

Bitnami Engineer here,
As our guide mentions, once you create the SSH tunnel to access phpMyAdmin, you need to use the user 'root' and the password we configure at boot time (it's the same password we configure in the application). More information in our documentation

Oh it's opened now, the user was (root) which it's not mentioned anywhere when i created the instance, the password is the one which generated by Bitnami when the instance is created on the bitnami platform lunchpad website.
the password is used for 2 users :
username: user
username : root (hidden) for new users who are decided to try cloud servers is not easy to figure this username and which password must use.
thanks for trying to help.


Can not create a new database on phpmyadmin because of this error - 1044 - Access denied for user 'xxx' to database 'zzz'

I need to import a sql. database to Wordpress through phpMyAdmin.
Anytime I want to create a new database this error happens (#1044 - Access denied for user 'xxx' to database 'zzz').
Thanks for your help.
You can check all privileges permission of database user and also check our sql file. May be mention there "CAEATE DATABASE '*******'" if you have that then you remove that. Most of this #1044 refer you to check your database user and permission of your database. I think this suggestion will help you.
As the others have mentioned, shared hosting environments generally don't allow you to create any arbitrary database name, sometimes you're limited to only one database and sometimes it has to be a subset of your username or something. If that's the case, you'll need to edit the .sql file to force it to use the database name you've been assigned.
If that's not the case, it's likely the user you are logged in as doesn't have the privileges to create a new database, so you'll need to log in as a user that does have privileges. Perhaps you're not logged in as the user you think you are. Note that the username and host value need to match, otherwise you could be logged in as the anonymous user instead of one that has permissions (for instance, if your user account is mia with host field but you're logged in via the socket connection to 'localhost', it doesn't match.

What is the PingFederate default admin account?

I got the PingFederate running (from the docker image)and I can access the portal but it asks for a username and password.
I find online references that the default account would be "Administrator"/"administrator" or "administrator"/"2Federate", but nothing works.
I also deleted the file /server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml which should trigger to use the default account but no luck with those 2 credentials above.
After lot of research I found a guide that says that the default account is "administrator"/"2FederateM0re" and that one worked!

Disable root login without password with MariaDB 10.5

I'm trying to disable root login without password with the new version of MariaDB.
Usually, I set the auth plugin for root to "". But it's not working anymore
ERROR 1356 (HY000): View 'mysql.user' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
I tried to use ALTER USER but I've only succeed to set plugin to unix_socket or mysql_native_password
How can I resolve that ?
Thank's a lot.
I solved this problem by following steps:
Using command SHOW GRANTS FOR 'root'#'localhost';
If you see a line similar to this one
mysql_native_password USING
That means your root user can be authenticated by 2 methods password or unix_socket.
Now you can use command
Problem solved!
If you look at show create user for root you'll see that both mysql_native_password and unix_socket exist as plugin types.
unix_socket will allow the root unix user login without a password. Insecure? Not really, they can manipulate and access database files already.
mysql_native_password is there, but the password there is invalid. No password exists that is usable so you cannot login with this plugin by default. This is there so that if you really want, you can set a password (using SET PASSWORD) to login to the root user from a non-root unix user. This inherently make it less secure as there is another access mechanism.

Can't log in to wordpress

My friend asked me to help him with his site on wordpress, he lost the wp admin panel password.
But he didn't loose the mysql login information so sirst i thought about changing the password right through phpmyadmin. I get in phpmyadmin and saw that password looks a little bit strange, like this $P$BUKCBYLJ.MmLPqlzZTw4P/rLnR.omZ.
This article helped me to create password that looks the same as passwords that already existed in mysql db passwords, so i put it in my admin's user_pass field.
But i'm still unable to log in.
Actually, when i try to access /wp-admin/, i see no standard wordpress login page
I see this
And when i fail to log in it gives me 401 and shows this page
Is it ok? What the difference between situations when standard login page shows and when this authentication alert box shows ?
Anyway, all I can think of is:
1) Online password hasher gives me wrong password,
2) You see, this authentication box says "please use your control panel password", so i think the site uses some other passwords, not passwords that are in it's db. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance!
You are seeing a Basic HTTP Authentication prompt, which is not part of WordPress - it is being sent by your webserver (likely Apache or Nginx). This provides an additional layer of security against brute force attacks as you need to "log in" to the web server before you can authenticate against WordPress.
The passwords for Basic Authentication are typically stored in .htpasswd files, and defined either in an .htaccess file or your webserver's configuration. Refer to this guide for some more information on how this is set up.
You will need to reset the Basic Authentication password in the .htpasswd file, or remove it entirely, before you can log into WordPress. Once you access the WordPress login prompt you can use the password that you have set for the user you want to login as. Options for resetting your WordPress password via SQL, phpMyAdmin, FTP, and the WP CLI can be found in the article Resetting Your Password on the WordPress site.

How to find out existing user-name and password on wamp server of drupal

I have installed drupal-7 on wamp-server (localhost), i was using it very well because it was logged in with username and password(remembered), but now don't know how it is asking for user-name and password (because it is logged-out) that is i forgot .. i tried to change the password but but seriously i confused can any one help me
and error is "PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'qdro_drupal'#'localhost' (using password: YES) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of C:\wamp\www\site\includes\"
The best way to fix it is re-installing Drupal, in my opinion. It seems the Database has created wrong, and your users table is corrupted.
Try to create another user via dashboard, and then, change the value of the root user in settings.php. In $database variable. It may fix your problem.
That is for your mysql not for Drupal. You need to reset your mysql password, not Drupal. The issue is while connecting with your database
