I want to update column 2 so that the the value pairs update to (a,1)(b,1)(c1) and (d,2)(e,2)(f,2) and (g,3)(h,3)(i,3) and so on. How do I loop through?
Here is the sample data frame:
data_set <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=9))
data_set$column1_set1 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i")
data_set$column2_set1 <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
data_set <- data_set[,-1]
data_set <- data.frame(column1_set1 = letters[1:9],
column2_set1 = rep(1:3, each=3))
With the given data set you can use this to update column 2 in pairs: a,1 etc
Paste comma in the set1 and repeat of 1:3 each=3 times!
data_set$column2_set1 =paste0(data_set$column1_set1,",",rep(1:3, each=3))
You could have used mutate as well with dplyr :
mutate("column2_set1" = paste0(column1_set1,",",rep(1:3, each=3)))
output :
column1_set1 column2_set1
1 a a,1
2 b b,1
3 c c,1
4 d d,2
5 e e,2
6 f f,2
7 g g,3
8 h h,3
9 i i,3
I have a data frame with two string variables, and would like to convert them to numeric values using a separate "key" data frame. The below example is simplified, but I need to be able to apply it to replace the contents of the V1 and V2 variables based on an arbitrary key that will not always be a=1, b=2 etc...
x <- data.frame(
V1 = sample((letters), 10, replace=TRUE),
V2 = sample((letters), 10, replace=TRUE)
key <- data.frame(letters, 1:26)
I need to reference the first element of V1 against the key, replace with the according value (e.g. a = 1, b = 2, etc.), do the same for the second element, and then when done with V1 move on and do the same for V2.
I've been struggling to work out a solution using lapply() and sub() but keep getting stuck because I can't see a way to pass the sub() function more than a 1:1 comparison. Is there a different function I should be using?
Forgive me- I'm sure the solution must be simple but I'm quite new to R still.
Here are two approaches with base R to make it:
using sapply()
x[] <- with(key, sapply(x, function(v) values[match(v,letters)]))
x <- data.frame(with(key, sapply(x, function(v) values[match(v,letters)])))
using as.matrix (similar to the unlist() approach by #Ronak Shah)
x[] <- with(key, values[match(as.matrix(x),letters)])
You can create a lookup table with data.table and then apply the mapping along the columns of your data frame with apply:
key <- data.table(letters = letters, value = 1:26, key = "letters")
apply(x, 2, function(x) key[x]$value)
V1 V2
1 y a
2 d u
3 g u
4 a j
5 b v
6 w n
7 k j
8 n g
9 r i
10 s o
You could unlist and match in base R
x[] <- key$values[match(unlist(x), key$letters)]
# V1 V2
#1 25 1
#2 4 21
#3 7 21
#4 1 10
#5 2 22
#6 23 14
#7 11 10
#8 14 7
#9 18 9
#10 19 15
Or using dplyr
x %>% mutate_all(~key$values[match(., key$letters)])
x <- data.frame(
V1 = sample((letters), 10, replace=TRUE),
V2 = sample((letters), 10, replace=TRUE)
key <- data.frame(letters = letters, values = 1:26)
You could use apply with both row and column margins, e.g, as.data.frame(apply(x, c(1,2), function(l) key[key$letters == l,c(2)])).
The problem
Hi all,
I am trying to join a few dataframes together dynamically. For me that means that I have a dataframe that I start with df_A, to which I want to join multiple other dataframesdf_B1, df_B2,df_B3, etc..
df_A contains a column for each of the df_B... tables to join against. Column_join_B1, Column_join_B2, Column_join_B3, etc. (Although in reality these have obscure names). These names are also in a vector df_A_join_names.
df_B1, df_B2, df_B3, etc.. are stored in a list df_B, which I understand is good practice to do :). This is also how I access them in my loop.
Each of these has two columns. One with the value to join against df_A The other with information.
I even tried renaming the first column to match the column in df_A before the join, but to no avail.
What I am trying
left_join() does not allow me simply use by = c(df_A_join_names[1], "Column_join_A") so I have to use setNames, but I cannot get this to work.
Below a function which I want to iterate in a loop:
my_join <- function(df_a, df_b, a_name, b_name){
df_joined <- left_join(df_a, df_b,
by = setNames(b_name, a_name))
I want to use this function in a loop to join all my df_B... dataframes against df_A.
for (i in 1: length(df_A_join_names)){
df_A <- my_join(df_a = df_A,
df_b = df_B[i],
a_name = as.character(df_A_join_names[i]),
b_name = "Column_join_A"
Running this I get:
Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars") :
no applicable method for 'tbl_vars' applied to an object of class "list"
Some stuff to play with
#Making df_A
A_a <- seq(1,10, by = 1)
Column_join_B1 <- seq(11,20, by = 1)
Column_join_B2 <- seq(21,30, by = 1)
df_A <- data.frame(cbind(A_a, Column_join_B1, Column_join_B2) )
#Making df_B
Column_join_A <- seq(11,20, by = 1)
B_a <- LETTERS[1:10]
df_B1 <- data.frame(Column_join_A, B_a )
Column_join_A <- seq(21,30, by = 1)
B_b <- LETTERS[11:20]
df_B2 <- data.frame(Column_join_A, B_b)
# In my own code I make this using a loop. maybe not the prettiest.
df_B <- list()
df_B[[1]] <- df_B1
df_B[[2]] <- df_B2
df_A_join_names <- c("Column_join_B1", "Column_join_B2")
I'm trying to apply this:
Dplyr join on by=(a = b), where a and b are variables containing strings?
I'm curious to hear what you guys think!
There's no need for building a specific function, you can simply use SetNames within left_join function:
df_B_join_name <- "Column_join_A"
for (i in 1: length(df_A_join_names)){
df_A <- left_join(df_A, df_B[[i]], by=c(setNames(nm = df_A_join_names[i], df_B_join_name)))
You were very close! The only thing you might need to change is the way you reference the data frame under list df_B. df_B[1] will still be a list, df_B[[1]] will return a data frame. I ran the code below and it worked for me.
for (i in 1: length(df_A_join_names)){
df_A <- my_join(df_a = df_A,
df_b = df_B[[i]],
a_name = as.character(df_A_join_names[i]),
b_name = "Column_join_A"
First, manage to rename the first column in df_B to match the column in df_A. So df_B will look like this:
# [[1]]
# Column_join_B1 B_a
# 1 11 A
# 2 12 B
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# [[2]]
# Column_join_B2 B_b
# 1 21 K
# 2 22 L
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
Next, use Reduce() in base or reduce() in purrr to iterate the manipulation of left_join. You even don't need to use the for loop.
Reduce(left_join, df_B, init = df_A)
# A_a Column_join_B1 Column_join_B2 B_a B_b
# 1 1 11 21 A K
# 2 2 12 22 B L
# 3 3 13 23 C M
# 4 4 14 24 D N
# 5 5 15 25 E O
# 6 6 16 26 F P
# 7 7 17 27 G Q
# 8 8 18 28 H R
# 9 9 19 29 I S
# 10 10 20 30 J T
I have a list of identical dataframes. Each data frame contains columns with unique variables (temp/DO) and with repeated variables (eg-t1).
temp DO t1
1 4 1
3 9 1
5 7 1
I want to find the mean of DO when the temperature is equal to t1.
t1 represents a specific temperature, but the value varies for each data frame in the list so I can't specify an actual value.
So far I've tried writing a function
hvod<-function(DO, temp, depth){
hfit<-hvod(data$DO, data$temp, data$depth)
But for whatever reason t1 is not recognized. Any ideas on the function OR
a way to combine select (dplyr function) and lapply to solve this?
I've seen similar posts put none that apply to the issue of a specific value (t1) that changes for each data frame.
I would just take the dataframe as argument and do rest of the logic inside function as it gives more control to the function. Something like this would work,
temp <- data$temp
t1 <- data$t1
DO <- data$DO
You can try using dplyr::bind_rows function to combine all data.frames from list in one data.frame.
Then group on data.frame number to find the mean of DO for rows having temp==t1 as:
bind_rows(ll, .id = "DF_Name") %>%
group_by(DF_Name) %>%
filter(temp==t1) %>%
summarise(MeanDO = mean(DO)) %>%
# DF_Name MeanDO
# 1 1 4.0
# 2 2 6.5
# 3 3 6.7
df1 <- read.table(text =
"temp DO t1
1 4 1
3 9 1
5 7 1",
header = TRUE)
df2 <- read.table(text =
"temp DO t1
3 4 3
3 9 3
5 7 1",
header = TRUE)
df3 <- read.table(text =
"temp DO t1
2 4 2
2 9 2
2 7 2",
header = TRUE)
ll <- list(df1, df2, df3)
Thank you Thiloshon and MKR for the help! I had initial combined the data I needed into one list of data frames but to answer this I actually had my data in separate data frames (fitsObs and df1).
The variables I was working with in the code were 1 to 1, so by finding the range where depth and d2 were the same (I used temp and t1 in the example), I could find the mean over that range .
for(i in 1:1044){
df1 <- GLNPOsurveyCTD$data[[i]]
fitObs <- fitTp2(-df1$depth, df1$temp)
deptho <- -abs(df1$depth) #defining temp and depth in the loop
to <- df1$temp
do <- df1$DO
xx <- which(deptho <= fitObs$d2) #mean over range xx
mhtemp <- mean(to[xx], na.rm=TRUE)
mHDO <- mean(do[xx], na.rm=TRUE)
I am attempting to create new variables using a function and lapply rather than working right in the data with loops. I used to use Stata and would have solved this problem with a method similar to that discussed here.
Since naming variables programmatically is so difficult or at least awkward in R (and it seems you can't use indexing with assign), I have left the naming process until after the lapply. I am then using a for loop to do the renaming prior to merging and again for the merging. Are there more efficient ways of doing this? How would I replace the loops? Should I be doing some sort of reshaping?
#Reproducible data
data <- data.frame("custID" = c(1:10, 1:20),
"v1" = rep(c("A", "B"), c(10,20)),
"v2" = c(30:21, 20:19, 1:3, 20:6), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#Function to analyze customer distribution for each category (v1)
pf <- function(cat, df) {
df <- df[df$v1 == cat,]
df <- df[order(-df$v2),]
#Divide the customers into top percents
nr <- nrow(df)
p10 <- round(nr * .10, 0)
cat("Number of people in the Top 10% :", p10, "\n")
p20 <- round(nr * .20, 0)
p11_20 <- p20-p10
cat("Number of people in the 11-20% :", p11_20, "\n")
#Keep only those customers in the top groups
df <- df[1:p20,]
#Create a variable to identify the percent group the customer is in
top_pct <- integer(length = p10 + p11_20)
#Identify those in each group
top_pct[1:p10] <- 10
top_pct[(p10+1):p20] <- 20
#Add this variable to the data frame
df$top_pct <- top_pct
#Keep only custID and the new variable
df <- subset(df, select = c(custID, top_pct))
##Run the customer distribution function
v1Levels <- levels(data$v1)
res <- lapply(v1Levels, pf, df = data)
#Explore the results
# Length Class Mode
# [1,] 2 data.frame list
# [2,] 2 data.frame list
# [[1]]
# custID top_pct
# 1 1 10
# 2 2 20
# [[2]]
# custID top_pct
# 11 1 10
# 16 6 10
# 12 2 20
# 17 7 20
##Merge the two data frames but with top_pct as a different variable for each category
#Change the new variable name
for(i in 1:length(res)) {
names(res[[i]])[2] <- paste0(v1Levels[i], "_top_pct")
#Merge the results
res_m <- res[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(res)) {
res_m <- merge(res_m, res[[i]], by = "custID", all = TRUE)
# custID A_top_pct B_top_pct
# 1 1 10 10
# 2 2 20 20
# 3 6 NA 10
# 4 7 NA 20
Stick to your Stata instincts and use a single data set:
DT <- data.table(data)
You can see the result by typing DT.
From here, you can group the within-v1 rank, r, if you want to. Following Stata idioms...
x = rep(0,.N)
x[r>.8] = 20
x[r>.9] = 10
This is like gen and then two replace ... if statements. Again, you can see the result with DT.
Finally, you can subset with
which gives
custID v1 v2 r g
1: 1 A 30 1.000 10
2: 2 A 29 0.900 20
3: 1 B 20 0.975 10
4: 2 B 19 0.875 20
5: 6 B 20 0.975 10
6: 7 B 19 0.875 20
These steps can also be chained together:
DT[,r:=rank(v2)/.N,by=v1][,g:={x = rep(0,.N);x[r>.8] = 20;x[r>.9] = 10;x}][g>0]
(Thanks to #ExperimenteR:)
To rearrange for the desired output in the OP, with values of v1 in columns, use dcast:
DT[,r:=rank(v2)/.N,by=v1][,g:={x = rep(0,.N);x[r>.8] = 20;x[r>.9] = 10;x}][g>0],
Currently, dcast requires the latest version of data.table, available (I think) from Github.
You don't need the function pf to achieve what you want. Try dplyr/tidyr combo
data %>%
group_by(v1) %>%
mutate(n=n()) %>%
filter(row_number() <= round(n * .2)) %>%
mutate(top_pct= ifelse(row_number()<=round(n* .1), 10, 20)) %>%
select(custID, top_pct) %>%
spread(v1, top_pct)
# custID A B
#1 1 10 10
#2 2 20 20
#3 6 NA 10
#4 7 NA 20
The idiomatic way to do this kind of thing in R would be to use a combination of split and lapply. You're halfway there with your use of lapply; you just need to use split as well.
lapply(split(data, data$v1), function(df) {
cutoff <- quantile(df$v2, c(0.8, 0.9))
top_pct <- ifelse(df$v2 > cutoff[2], 10, ifelse(df$v2 > cutoff[1], 20, NA))
na.omit(data.frame(id=df$custID, top_pct))
Finding quantiles is done with quantile.
I have a list of files. I also have a list of "names" which I substr() from the actual filenames of these files. I would like to add a new column to each of the files in the list. This column will contain the corresponding element in "names" repeated times the number of rows in the file.
For example:
df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y=letters[1:3])
df2 <- data.frame(x = 4:6, y=letters[4:6])
filelist <- list(df1,df2)
ID <- c("1A","IB")
for( i in length(filelist)){
filelist[i]$SampleID <- rep(ID[i],nrow(filelist[i])
// basically create a new column in each of the dataframes in filelist, and fill the column with repeted corresponding values of ID
my output should be like:
filelist[1] should be:
x y SAmpleID
1 1 a 1A
2 2 b 1A
3 3 c 1A
x y SampleID
1 4 d IB
2 5 e IB
3 6 f IB
and so on.....
Any Idea how it could be done.
An alternate solution is to use cbind, and taking advantage of the fact that R will recylce values of a shorter vector.
For Example
x <- df2 # from above
cbind(x, NewColumn="Singleton")
# x y NewColumn
# 1 4 d Singleton
# 2 5 e Singleton
# 3 6 f Singleton
There is no need for the use of rep. R does that for you.
Therfore, you could put cbind(filelist[[i]], ID[[i]]) in your for loop or as #Sven pointed out, you can use the cleaner mapply:
filelist <- mapply(cbind, filelist, "SampleID"=ID, SIMPLIFY=F)
This is a corrected version of your loop:
for( i in seq_along(filelist)){
filelist[[i]]$SampleID <- rep(ID[i],nrow(filelist[[i]]))
There were 3 problems:
A final ) was missing after the command in the body.
Elements of lists are accessed by [[, not by [. [ returns a list of length one. [[ returns the element only.
length(filelist) is just one value, so the loop runs for the last element of the list only. I replaced it with seq_along(filelist).
A more efficient approach is to use mapply for the task:
mapply(function(x, y) "[<-"(x, "SampleID", value = y) ,
filelist, ID, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
This one worked for me:
Create a new column for every dataframe in a list; fill the values of the new column based on existing column. (In your case IDs).
# Create dummy data
df1<-data.frame(a = c(1,2,3))
df2<-data.frame(a = c(5,6,7))
# Create a list
l<-list(df1, df2)
> l
1 1
2 2
3 3
1 5
2 6
3 7
# add new column 'b'
# create 'b' values based on column 'a'
l2<-lapply(l, function(x)
cbind(x, b = x$a*4))
Results in:
> l2
a b
1 1 4
2 2 8
3 3 12
a b
1 5 20
2 6 24
3 7 28
In your case something like:
filelist<-lapply(filelist, function(x)
cbind(x, b = x$SampleID))
The purrr way, using map2
map2(filelist, ID, ~cbind(.x, SampleID = .y))
# x y SampleId
#1 1 a 1A
#2 2 b 1A
#3 3 c 1A
# x y SampleId
#1 4 d IB
#2 5 e IB
#3 6 f IB
Or can also use
map2(filelist, ID, ~.x %>% mutate(SampleId = .y))
If you name the list, we can use imap and add the new column based on it's name.
names(filelist) <- c("1A","IB")
imap(filelist, ~cbind(.x, SampleID = .y))
#imap(filelist, ~.x %>% mutate(SampleId = .y))
which is similar to using Map
Map(cbind, filelist, SampleID = names(filelist))
A tricky way:
names(filelist) <- ID
result <- ldply(filelist, data.frame)
data_lst <- list(
data_1 = data.frame(c1 = 1:3, c2 = 3:1),
data_2 = data.frame(c1 = 1:3, c2 = 3:1)
f <- function (data, name){
data$name <- name
Map(f, data_lst , names(data_lst))