How to calculate perplexity for LDA with Gibbs sampling - r

I perform an LDA topic model in R on a collection of 200+ documents (65k words total). The documents have been preprocessed and are stored in the document-term matrix dtm. Theoretically, I should expect to find 5 distinct topics in the corpus, but I would like to calculate the perplexity score and see how the model fit changes with the number of topics. Below is the code I use. The problem is it gives me an error when i try to calculate the perplexity score and I am not sure how to fix it (I am new to R). The error is in the last line of code. I would appreciate any help.
burnin <- 4000 #burn-in parameter
iter <- 2000 # #of iteration after burn-in
thin <- 500 #take every 500th iteration for further use to avoid correlations between samples
seed <-list(2003,10,100,10005,765)
nstart <- 5 #use 5 different starting points
best <- TRUE #return results of the run with the highest posterior probability
#Number of topics (run the algorithm for different values of k and make a choice based by inspecting the results)
k <- 5
#Run LDA using Gibbs sampling
ldaOut <-LDA(dtm,k, method="Gibbs",
control=list(nstart=nstart, seed = seed, best=best,
burnin = burnin, iter = iter, thin=thin))
perplexity(ldaOut, newdata = dtm)
Error in method(x, k, control, model, mycall, ...) : Need 1 seeds

It needs one more parameter "estimate_theta",
use below code:
perplexity(ldaOut, newdata = dtm,estimate_theta=FALSE)


weird svm behavior in R (e1071)

I ran the following code for a binary classification task w/ an SVM in both R (first sample) and Python (second example).
Given randomly generated data (X) and response (Y), this code performs leave group out cross validation 1000 times. Each entry of Y is therefore the mean of the prediction across CV iterations.
Computing area under the curve should give ~0.5, since X and Y are completely random. However, this is not what we see. Area under the curve is frequently significantly higher than 0.5. The number of rows of X is very small, which can obviously cause problems.
Any idea what could be happening here? I know that I can either increase the number of rows of X or decrease the number of columns to mediate the problem, but I am looking for other issues.
Y=as.factor(rep(c(1,2), times=14))
X=matrix(runif(length(Y)*100), nrow=length(Y))
for(i in seq(iter)){
#get train
#test from train
#train model
Similarly, when I implement the same thing in Python I get similar results.
Y = np.array([1, 2]*14)
X = np.random.uniform(size=[len(Y), 100])
n_iter = 1000
ansMat = np.full((len(Y), n_iter), np.nan)
for i in range(n_iter):
# Get train/test index
train = np.random.choice(range(len(Y)), size=int(0.5*len(Y)), replace=False, p=None)
if len(np.unique(Y)) == 1:
test = np.array([i for i in range(len(Y)) if i not in train])
# train model
mod = SVC(probability=False)[train, :], y=Y[train])
# predict and collect answer
ansMat[test, i] = mod.predict(X[test, :])
ans = np.nanmean(ansMat, axis=1)
fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(Y, ans, pos_label=1)
print(auc(fpr, tpr))`
You should consider each iteration of cross-validation to be an independent experiment, where you train using the training set, test using the testing set, and then calculate the model skill score (in this case, AUC).
So what you should actually do is calculate the AUC for each CV iteration. And then take the mean of the AUCs.

Solve the MLE for Binomial Distribution

This problem is about how to write a log likelihood function that computes the MLE for binomial distribution. The exact log likelihood function is as following:
Find the MLE estimate by writing a function that calculates the negative log-likelihood and then using nlm() to minimize it. Find the MLE estimate in this way on your data from part 1.b. Use an initial guess of $p= 0.5$.
My thought process is that, when using the MLE, only terms that involve p (the parameter) matters, so we can ignore the first (n choose x) term.
neg.loglik <- function(p, data){
n <- 1000
return(-sum(data*log(p) + (n-data)*log(1-p)))
# return a single numeric value
# nlm(f, p, ...)
nlm(neg.loglik, p = 0.5, data = data)
nlm(neg.loglik, p = 0.5, data = data)$estimate
I am not sure if my neg.loglik function is correct since the estimate seems to be so low...
The true p is 1/3, but I am getting 0.013 for my MLE.
You have an urn with 30 balls -- 10 are red, 10 are blue, and 10 are green. Write a single line of code to simulate randomly picking 400 balls from the urn with replacement. Create a variable num_green that records the number of green balls selected in the 400 draws.
urn <- c(rep("red", 10), rep("blue", 10), rep("green", 10))
sample <- sample(urn, size = 400, replace = TRUE)
num_green <- length(sample[sample == "green"])
Now repeat the above experiment 1000 times. Create a vector data, such that each element in data is the result (counting the number of green balls) from an independent trial like that described in 1.a.
data <- rep(NA,n)
for (i in 1:n){
sample <- sample(urn, size = 400, replace = TRUE)
data[i] <- length(sample[sample == "green"])

Accuracy is different between "tune" and "predict" in R

I am making SVM which will differentiate beforehand and afterward of track maintenance using on-board accelerometer on train car. There is focused section and I extracted the acceleration data corresponding to that section. Each run should take around 3 minutes to pass that section, so considering that sampling rate of accelerometer is around 1600/s, there are around 3min * 60sec * 1600/s = 288,000 records of acceleration data for each run. Then I calculate variance, maximum, minimum, mean, standard deviation and most frequent value of those acceleration records of each run. There are around 250 runs, so I made the dataset of those calculated value of 250 runs. Then also I put classification of beforehand and afterward of track maintenance, depending on the maintenance record and the date of each run.
Using this, I tried to make SVM as I mentioned. At first, I tried to find optimal parameters of gamma and cost in gaussian kernel function, so I used "tune" to do grid search. Then I got the result as follow:
> source("grid_search.R")
[gamma = 1 , cost = 10 ]
- best parameters:
gamma = 1.584893 ; cost = 25.11886 ;
accuracy: 88.54935 %
Also "grid_search.R" is as follow:
gamma <- 10^(0.0)
cost <- 10^(1.0)
gammaRange <- 10^seq(log10(gamma)-1,log10(gamma)+1,length=11)[2:10]
costRange <- 10^seq(log10(cost)-1 ,log10(cost)+1 ,length=11)[2:10]
t <- tune.svm(Category ~ ., data = X, gamma=gammaRange, cost=costRange,
tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling="cross", cross=8))
cat("[gamma =", gamma, ", cost =" , cost , "]\n")
cat("- best parameters:\n")
cat("gamma =", t$best.parameters$gamma, "; cost =", t$best.parameters$cost, ";\n")
cat("accuracy:", 100 - t$best.performance * 100, "%\n\n")
plot(t, transform.x=log10, transform.y=log10, zlim=c(0,0.1))
After that, using "svm" with the parameter "gamma = 1.584893 ; cost = 25.11886 ;" found as above, I trained SVM and tried to predict to classify the data which is used for training SVM as following:
gamma = 1.584893 ; cost = 25.11886;
model <- svm(Category ~ ., data = X, gamma=gamma, cost=cost)
pred <- predict(model, X)
table(pred, X[,13])
And I got result as following matrix:
pred after before
after 47 2
before 1 185
My question is: Depending on the matrix above, accuracy can be said as
1 - (1 + 2)/(47 + 2 + 1 + 185) = 0.987234 (98.7%)
But I also got "accuracy: 88.54935 %" as a result of "tune" when I got optimal parameters such as "gamma = 1.584893 ; cost = 25.11886;".

Topic models: cross validation with loglikelihood or perplexity

I'm clustering documents using topic modeling. I need to come up with the optimal topic numbers. So, I decided to do ten fold cross validation with topics 10, 20, ...60.
I have divided my corpus into ten batches and set aside one batch for a holdout set. I have ran latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) using nine batches (total 180 documents) with topics 10 to 60. Now, I have to calculate perplexity or log likelihood for the holdout set.
I found this code from one of CV's discussion sessions. I really don't understand several lines of code below. I have dtm matrix using the holdout set (20 documents). But I don't know how to calculate the perplexity or log likelihood of this holdout set.
Can anybody explain to me what seq(2, 100, by =1) mean here? Also, what AssociatedPress[21:30] mean? What function(k) is doing here?
best.model <- lapply(seq(2, 100, by=1), function(k){ LDA(AssociatedPress[21:30,], k) })
If I want to calculate perplexity or log likelihood of the holdout set called dtm, is there better code? I know there are perplexity() and logLik() functions but since I'm new I can not figure out how to implement it with my holdout matrix, called dtm.
How can I do ten fold cross validation with my corpus, containing 200 documents? Is there existing code that I can invoke? I found caret for this purpose, but again cannot figure that out either.
The accepted answer to this question is good as far as it goes, but it doesn't actually address how to estimate perplexity on a validation dataset and how to use cross-validation.
Using perplexity for simple validation
Perplexity is a measure of how well a probability model fits a new set of data. In the topicmodels R package it is simple to fit with the perplexity function, which takes as arguments a previously fit topic model and a new set of data, and returns a single number. The lower the better.
For example, splitting the AssociatedPress data into a training set (75% of the rows) and a validation set (25% of the rows):
# load up some R packages including a few we'll need later
data("AssociatedPress", package = "topicmodels")
burnin = 1000
iter = 1000
keep = 50
full_data <- AssociatedPress
n <- nrow(full_data)
k <- 5
splitter <- sample(1:n, round(n * 0.75))
train_set <- full_data[splitter, ]
valid_set <- full_data[-splitter, ]
fitted <- LDA(train_set, k = k, method = "Gibbs",
control = list(burnin = burnin, iter = iter, keep = keep) )
perplexity(fitted, newdata = train_set) # about 2700
perplexity(fitted, newdata = valid_set) # about 4300
The perplexity is higher for the validation set than the training set, because the topics have been optimised based on the training set.
Using perplexity and cross-validation to determine a good number of topics
The extension of this idea to cross-validation is straightforward. Divide the data into different subsets (say 5), and each subset gets one turn as the validation set and four turns as part of the training set. However, it's really computationally intensive, particularly when trying out the larger numbers of topics.
You might be able to use caret to do this, but I suspect it doesn't handle topic modelling yet. In any case, it's the sort of thing I prefer to do myself to be sure I understand what's going on.
The code below, even with parallel processing on 7 logical CPUs, took 3.5 hours to run on my laptop:
#----------------5-fold cross-validation, different numbers of topics----------------
# set up a cluster for parallel processing
cluster <- makeCluster(detectCores(logical = TRUE) - 1) # leave one CPU spare...
# load up the needed R package on all the parallel sessions
clusterEvalQ(cluster, {
folds <- 5
splitfolds <- sample(1:folds, n, replace = TRUE)
candidate_k <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300) # candidates for how many topics
# export all the needed R objects to the parallel sessions
clusterExport(cluster, c("full_data", "burnin", "iter", "keep", "splitfolds", "folds", "candidate_k"))
# we parallelize by the different number of topics. A processor is allocated a value
# of k, and does the cross-validation serially. This is because it is assumed there
# are more candidate values of k than there are cross-validation folds, hence it
# will be more efficient to parallelise
results <- foreach(j = 1:length(candidate_k), .combine = rbind) %dopar%{
k <- candidate_k[j]
results_1k <- matrix(0, nrow = folds, ncol = 2)
colnames(results_1k) <- c("k", "perplexity")
for(i in 1:folds){
train_set <- full_data[splitfolds != i , ]
valid_set <- full_data[splitfolds == i, ]
fitted <- LDA(train_set, k = k, method = "Gibbs",
control = list(burnin = burnin, iter = iter, keep = keep) )
results_1k[i,] <- c(k, perplexity(fitted, newdata = valid_set))
results_df <-
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = k, y = perplexity)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
ggtitle("5-fold cross-validation of topic modelling with the 'Associated Press' dataset",
"(ie five different models fit for each candidate number of topics)") +
labs(x = "Candidate number of topics", y = "Perplexity when fitting the trained model to the hold-out set")
We see in the results that 200 topics is too many and has some over-fitting, and 50 is too few. Of the numbers of topics tried, 100 is the best, with the lowest average perplexity on the five different hold-out sets.
I wrote the answer on CV that you refer to, here's a bit more detail:
seq(2, 100, by =1) simply creates a number sequence from 2 to 100 by ones, so 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 100. Those are the numbers of topics that I want to use in the models. One model with 2 topics, another with 3 topics, another with 4 topics and so on to 100 topics.
AssociatedPress[21:30] is simply a subset of the built-in data in the topicmodels package. I just used a subset in that example so that it would run faster.
Regarding the general question of optimal topic numbers, I now follow the example of Martin
Ponweiser on Model Selection by Harmonic Mean (4.3.3 in his thesis, which is here: Here's how I do it at the moment:
# get some of the example data that's bundled with the package
data("AssociatedPress", package = "topicmodels")
harmonicMean <- function(logLikelihoods, precision=2000L) {
llMed <- median(logLikelihoods)
as.double(llMed - log(mean(exp(-mpfr(logLikelihoods,
prec = precision) + llMed))))
# The log-likelihood values are then determined by first fitting the model using for example
k = 20
burnin = 1000
iter = 1000
keep = 50
fitted <- LDA(AssociatedPress[21:30,], k = k, method = "Gibbs",control = list(burnin = burnin, iter = iter, keep = keep) )
# where keep indicates that every keep iteration the log-likelihood is evaluated and stored. This returns all log-likelihood values including burnin, i.e., these need to be omitted before calculating the harmonic mean:
logLiks <- fitted#logLiks[-c(1:(burnin/keep))]
# assuming that burnin is a multiple of keep and
So to do this over a sequence of topic models with different numbers of topics...
# generate numerous topic models with different numbers of topics
sequ <- seq(2, 50, 1) # in this case a sequence of numbers from 1 to 50, by ones.
fitted_many <- lapply(sequ, function(k) LDA(AssociatedPress[21:30,], k = k, method = "Gibbs",control = list(burnin = burnin, iter = iter, keep = keep) ))
# extract logliks from each topic
logLiks_many <- lapply(fitted_many, function(L) L#logLiks[-c(1:(burnin/keep))])
# compute harmonic means
hm_many <- sapply(logLiks_many, function(h) harmonicMean(h))
# inspect
plot(sequ, hm_many, type = "l")
# compute optimum number of topics
## 6
Here's the output, with numbers of topics along the x-axis, indicating that 6 topics is optimum.
Cross-validation of topic models is pretty well documented in the docs that come with the package, see here for example: Give that a try and then come back with a more specific question about coding CV with topic models.

Feature selection + cross-validation, but how to make ROC-curves in R

I'm stuck with the next problem. I divide my data into 10 folds. Each time, I use 1 fold as test set and the other 9 as training set (I do this ten times). On each training set, I do feature selection (filter methode with chi.squared) and then I make a SVMmodel with my training set and the selected features.
So at the end, I become 10 different models (because of the feature selection). But now I want to make a ROC-curve in R from this filter methode in general. How can I do this?
You can indeed store the predictions if they are all on the same scale (be especially careful about this as you perform feature selection... some methods may produce scores that are dependent on the number of features) and use them to build a ROC curve. Here is the code I used for a recent paper:
k <- 10
n <- dim(aSAH)[1]
indices <- sample(rep(1:k, ceiling(n/k))[1:n])
all.response <- all.predictor <- aucs <- c()
for (i in 1:k) {
test = aSAH[indices==i,]
learn = aSAH[indices!=i,]
model <- glm(as.numeric(outcome)-1 ~ s100b + ndka + as.numeric(wfns), data = learn, family=binomial(link = "logit"))
model.pred <- predict(model, newdata=test)
aucs <- c(aucs, roc(test$outcome, model.pred)$auc)
all.response <- c(all.response, test$outcome)
all.predictor <- c(all.predictor, model.pred)
roc(all.response, all.predictor)
The roc curve is built from all.response and all.predictor that are updated at each step. This code also stores the AUC at each step in auc for comparison. Both results should be quite similar when the sample size is sufficiently large, however small samples within the cross-validation may lead to underestimated AUC as the ROC curve with all data will tend to be smoother and less underestimated by the trapezoidal rule.
