Xamarin Forms time picker without pop-up? - xamarin.forms

Currently in both iOS and android the time picker works like this: you have a time field, and when you tap it, the time picker pops up and you make your selection.
What I’m trying to find out, in Xamarin forms, is if you can expose the time picker itself as part of the main page’s UI, and not as part of a pop-up. So that you can set the time right on the existing UI without having to load another.
Is that possible?


Picker value popup open twice

I am using Xamarin.Forms.Picker to show country list. It works properly in normal scenario. I have kept the one (downarrow.png) image, if user click on the image then I run below code to open select picker value. The problem is that it works but show picker value selection popup twice if user click on image. This problem occurred only in Android platform.
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Custom pop up like a picker in Xamarin forms

I want to develop a custom popup that works exactly like a picker. The only difference I am looking out for is that I want a view or page to be in the popup content rather than the basic picker items.
Have you checked Rg.Plugins.Popup ?
You can create your own pages and choose where and how they will popup. Animations ,click to close, timeout closing and many other features are supported.

GREF does not decrease

I am using Xamarin form to develop a app.
From the logger I saw a lot of log like GREF has increase to XXXX and finally app stopped at 2000.
I used Telerik Xamarin form TabView.
I just keep switching the tab and the GREF keep increasing. (One change add 100GREF). for the tab content, there is a tableview inside and displaying text.
What should I do to debug/fix?

WKInterfacePicker: handle a tap event

Trying to simplify the UX in a Watch application by getting rid of a redundant button which a user has to tap in order to choose a selected item in WKInterfacePicker and perform a next step. Just want to replace the tap on this button with the tap on a picker.
Cannot find such API in the class specification and the following quote haunts me:
The user interacts with a picker by tapping it, using the crown to scroll through items, and tapping again to select an item.
Everything points to the fact that an item can be selected by tapping on a picker and we can get an access to that action programatically. Has anyone faced this task?
To handle focus to picker did tap event use - pickerDidFocus.
If you want handle each tap now there are only one custom way. You need every time did focus picker programmaticaly call [picker resignFocus]
Put picker into group and set background border image to it if you want to customize focus. Set picker focus style to none.
just add a picker to your WKInterfaceController and create an IBAction to react on the pitch events:

Launch watchkit app from long custom notification content area

I'm trying to implement a feature such that users can click on the notification content area (not app icon nor action buttons) to bring the main watchkit app open. The current official way to launch the main watchkit app is to tap the app icon or action buttons in a notification scene. But I feel like the app icon is actually quite small (and hard) to tap and sometimes users are not even aware of this feature.
What I'm trying to do now is to put my notification content into a table row in the notification controller and make this row clickable. This will give user a pretty big area to tap with. Then in the click event handler I'm trying to open the main watchkit app. But I haven't figure out a way to do that (none of the general navigation methods such as presentControllerWithName works from notification controller).
Any suggestions?
