Unable to access the WebCam - asp.net

(function ($) {
var webcam = {
"extern": null, // external select token to support jQuery dialogs
"append": true, // append object instead of overwriting
"width": 320,
"height": 240,
"mode": "callback", // callback | save | stream
"swffile": "../Webcam_Plugin/jscam_canvas_only.swf",
"quality": 85,
"debug": function () {},
"onCapture": function () {},
"onTick": function () {},
"onSave": function () {},
"onLoad": function () {}
window["webcam"] = webcam;
$["fn"]["webcam"] = function(options) {
if (typeof options === "object") {
for (var ndx in webcam) {
if (options[ndx] !== undefined) {
webcam[ndx] = options[ndx];
var source = '<object id="XwebcamXobjectX" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'+webcam["swffile"]+'" width="'+webcam["width"]+'" height="'+webcam["height"]+'"><param name="movie" value="'+webcam["swffile"]+'" /><param name="FlashVars" value="mode='+webcam["mode"]+'&quality='+webcam["quality"]+'" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /></object>';
if (null !== webcam["extern"]) {
$(webcam["extern"])[webcam["append"] ? "append" : "html"](source);
} else {
this[webcam["append"] ? "append" : "html"](source);
var run = 3;
(_register = function() {
var cam = document.getElementById('XwebcamXobjectX');
if (cam && cam["capture"] !== undefined) {
/* Simple callback methods are not allowed :-/ */
webcam["capture"] = function(x) {
try {
return cam["capture"](x);
} catch(e) {}
webcam["save"] = function(x) {
try {
return cam["save"](x);
} catch(e) {}
webcam["setCamera"] = function(x) {
try {
return cam["setCamera"](x);
} catch(e) {}
webcam["getCameraList"] = function() {
try {
return cam["getCameraList"]();
} catch(e) {}
webcam["pauseCamera"] = function() {
try {
return cam["pauseCamera"]();
} catch(e) {}
webcam["resumeCamera"] = function() {
try {
return cam["resumeCamera"]();
} catch(e) {}
} else if (0 == run) {
webcam["debug"]("error", "Flash movie not yet registered!");
} else {
/* Flash interface not ready yet */
window.setTimeout(_register, 1000 * (4 - run));
Above is the function which I've used in order to access the webcam of the system. It work fine when i use it on localhost but the problem arises when the same is put on the server and then accessed through intranet.
I'm unable to find the reason to fix it. Kindly help me with the same.
The first two images are the ones when i use my code on localhost. It works fine as i'm able to access the webcam.
Problem statement:
The last image is the one where I try to do the same through server. The webcam opens by the images is completely wiped out. Only a white screen appears and even if I capture the photo through webcam, the white image is only saved on server instead of a proper original image.

Because of security reasons you have to serve the Site over Https to access the camera.


Simple pug html form, make it send immediately on change of value rather than wait for submit button

I have a very simple pug file:
for item in itemList
form(method='post', action='/change')
| #{item.name}
input(type='hidden', name='field' value=item.name)
input(type='hidden', name='style' value='doublevalue')
input(type='number', name='value' min=-20.0 max=80.00 step=0.01 value=+item.value)
input(type='submit', value='Update')
p end
As you can see it produces a few trivial forms like this:
(Each form is one 'line' which is a simple table.)
(On the script side, it just reads each 'line' from a MySQL table, there are 10 or so of them.)
So on the www page, the user either
types in new number (say "8")
or clicks the small arrows (say Up, changing it to 7.2 in the example)
then the user must
click submit
and it sends the post.
Quite simply, I would like it to be that when the user
clicks a small arrows (say Up, changing it to 7.2 in the example)
it immediately sends a submit-post.
How do I achieve this?
(It would be fine if the send happens, any time the user types something in the field, and/or, when the user clicks the Small Up And Down Buttons. Either/both is fine.)
May be relevant:
My pug file (and all my pug files) have this sophisticated line of code as line 1:
include TOP.pug
And I have a marvellous file called TOP.pug:
html {
font-family: sans-serif
td {
font-family: monospace
I have a solution with javascript.
// check if there are input[type="number"] to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('input[type="number"]')) {
// add event for each of them
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
// on change submit the parent (closest) form
Actually it is short but if you want to support Internet Explorer you have to add the polyfill script too. Internet Explorer does not support closest() with this snippet below we teach it.
// polyfills for matches() and closest()
if (!Element.prototype.matches)
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
if (!Element.prototype.closest) {
Element.prototype.closest = function(s) {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.matches(s)) return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return null;
Ajax form submit to node.js
If you are interested in an ajax solution I put some code below just to blow your mind ;-) It should work instantly, I use it on one of my sites. You could use jQuery and save lines of code but I like it pure. (The ajax function and polyfills are utils so paste it anywhere)
HTML (example)
<input type="hidden" name="field" value="field1">
<input type="hidden" name="style" value="style1">
<input type="number" name="value">
<input type="submit" value="update">
<input type="hidden" name="field" value="field2">
<input type="hidden" name="style" value="style2">
<input type="number" name="value">
<input type="submit" value="update">
Javascript: event listener and prepare ajax call (note the callbacks).
// check if there are forms to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('form')) {
// add submit event for each form
document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
// check if there are input[type="number"] to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('input[type="number"]')) {
// add change event for each of them
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]').forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
// collect form data and send it
function submitData(form) {
// send data through (global) ajax function
url: '/change',
method: 'POST',
data: {
field: form.querySelector('input[name="field"]').value,
style: form.querySelector('input[name="style"]').value,
value: form.querySelector('input[name="value"]').value,
// callback on success
success: function (response) {
// error is defined in (node.js res.json({error: ...}))
if (response.error) {
// make something red
form.style.border = '1px solid red';
if (!response.error) {
// everything ok, make it green
form.style.border = '1px solid green';
// remove above styling
setTimeout(function () {
form.style.border = 'none';
}, 1000);
// callback on error
error: function (error) {
console.log('server error occurred: ' + error)
As told javascript utils (paste it anywhere like a library)
// reusable ajax function
function ajax(obj) {
let a = {};
a.url = '';
a.method = 'GET';
a.data = null;
a.dataString = '';
a.async = true;
a.postHeaders = [
['Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest']
a.getHeaders = [
['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest']
a = Object.assign(a, obj);
a.method = a.method.toUpperCase();
if (typeof a.data === 'string')
a.dataString = encodeURIComponent(a.data);
for (let item in a.data) a.dataString += item + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.data[item]) + '&';
let xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (window.ActiveXObject) xhReq = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
if (a.method == 'GET') {
if (typeof a.data !== 'undefined' && a.data !== null) a.url = a.url + '?' + a.dataString;
xhReq.open(a.method, a.url, a.async);
for (let x = 0; x < a.getHeaders.length; x++) xhReq.setRequestHeader(a.getHeaders[x][0], a.getHeaders[x][1]);
else {
xhReq.open(a.method, a.url, a.async);
for (let x = 0; x < a.postHeaders.length; x++) xhReq.setRequestHeader(a.postHeaders[x][0], a.postHeaders[x][1]);
xhReq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhReq.readyState == 4) {
let response;
try {
response = JSON.parse(xhReq.responseText)
} catch (e) {
response = xhReq.responseText;
if (xhReq.status == 200) {
else {
// (one more) polyfill for Object.assign
if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
// Must be writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {
value: function assign(target, varArgs) {
// .length of function is 2
if (target === null || target === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var nextSource = arguments[index];
if (nextSource !== null && nextSource !== undefined) {
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
// Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nextSource, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
writable: true,
configurable: true
// polyfills for matches() and closest()
if (!Element.prototype.matches)
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
if (!Element.prototype.closest) {
Element.prototype.closest = function (s) {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.matches(s)) return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return null;
In node.js (e.g. express route)
// the route in node.js
app.post('/change', (req, res) => {
// your logic here
let field = req.body.field;
let style = req.body.style;
let value = req.body.value;
// ...
// response result
databaseError: false, // or true
additionalStuff: 'message, markup and other things ...',

Azure Media Player Silverlight fallback not working

I have used the azure media player with my project, it will play multiple adaptive bit rate streamed videos in an asp.net page, the best part is, it is working superb in html5 and flash but it will get stuck at spinner image in silverlight fallback.
Below is the code I have used.
I have also tried to get errors but it is not hitting the event listener code added for errors, but the play and pause events are working fine where flash and html5 is used, but silverlight fallback is not working at all.
<link href="https://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/skins/amp-default/azuremediaplayer.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/azuremediaplayer.min.js"></script>
<div class="marginBlock">
<asp:Label ID="lblTitle" runat="server"><%=Title.ToString()%></asp:Label>
<video id="<%=mediaPlayerID %>" class="azuremediaplayer amp-default-skin amp-big-play-centered">
<p class="amp-no-js">
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML 5 video.
<asp:Label ID="lblDescription" runat="server"><%=Description.ToString()%>
$(document).ready(function () {
var playOptions = {
"nativeControlsForTouch": false,
techOrder: ['azureHtml5JS', 'flashSS', 'silverlightSS', 'html5'],
autoplay: false,
controls: true,
width: '100%',
height: '400',
logo: { enabled: false },
poster: "<%=ImageSelector%>"
var azurePlayer = amp('<%=mediaPlayerID%>', playOptions);
src: "<%=VideoURL%>",
type: 'application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml'
azurePlayer.addEventListener("error", function () {
var errorDetails = azurePlayer.error();
var code = errorDetails.code;
var message = errorDetails.message;
alert(errorDetails + ' ' + code + " " + message);
if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.abortedErrStart) {
else if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.networkErrStart) {
else if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.decodeErrStart) {
else if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.srcErrStart) {
else if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.encryptErrStart) {
else if (azurePlayer.error().code & amp.errorCode.srcPlayerMismatchStart) {
else {
// unknown errors
azurePlayer.addEventListener('play', function () {
azurePlayer.addEventListener('pause', function () {
Noticed I am getting following error for IE < 11.
Also I disabled the flash in firefox and removed the silverlight from techOrder, then it should hit the error event listener, it is not hitting.
This is also important for me to handle the analytics for error.
Play and Pause event listener are working fine.
Update 8/28/2015:
Fixed the JS error, it is because of multiple call to cdn of azure mentioned in link above, moved the code in master page and load it only once, browser like chrome handles duplicity of code easily but not IE.
After all the research I am lost why it is not working.
So added the following JS that will check for Silverlight and Flash and gracefully handle the error and update our analytics as well.
function getBrowserInformation() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent, tem, M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
if (/trident/i.test(M[1])) {
tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
return { name: 'IE ', version: (tem[1] || '') };
if (M[1] === 'Chrome') {
tem = ua.match(/\bOPR\/(\d+)/)
if (tem != null) { return { name: 'Opera', version: tem[1] }; }
M = M[2] ? [M[1], M[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
if ((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) { M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]); }
return {
name: M[0],
version: M[1]
function checkForAzureErrors() {
function isSilverlightInstalled() {
var isSilverlightInstalled = false;
try {
//check on IE
try {
var slControl = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl');
isSilverlightInstalled = true;
catch (e) {
//either not installed or not IE. Check Firefox/Safari
if (navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]) {
isSilverlightInstalled = true;
catch (e) {
return isSilverlightInstalled;
function isFlashInstalled() {
try {
return Boolean(new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'));
} catch (exception) {
return ('undefined' != typeof navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']);
function addErrorMessage() {
$($("#mediaPlayer.marginBlock").find('h3')).text('Media is not supported on this browser or device.');
$($("#mediaPlayer.marginBlock").find('video')).css('display', 'none');
$($("#mediaPlayer.marginBlock").find('p')).css('display', 'none');
$('.azuremediaplayer').css('display', 'none');
ga("send", "event", "Videos", "error",
getBrowserInformation().name + getBrowserInformation().version +
": is silverlight Installed " + isSilverlightInstalled() +
" and is Flash Installed " + isFlashInstalled());
function checkBrowser() {
if ((getBrowserInformation().name === 'MSIE' || getBrowserInformation().name === 'IE')) {
if (getBrowserInformation().version < 11) {
} else if (getBrowserInformation().name === 'Firefox') {
if ((getBrowserInformation().name === 'MSIE' || getBrowserInformation().name === 'IE')) {
if (getBrowserInformation().version < 9) { addErrorMessage() }
for (var key in amp.players) {
if (amp.players.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (isSilverlightInstalled()) {
if (!amp.players[key].isReady_) {
} else if (!isFlashInstalled()) {
This function is called after 5 second of page load in document.ready function, giving it enough time to load and make the isReady_boolean true.
SetTimeout(function () { checkForAzureErrors(); }, 5000);
Still I am waiting for some angel to resolve this issue.
Updates: Partially Fixed
Need to add the xap refrences like older version, it will play silverlight but there is a catch, it will only work if you have one video per page.
amp.options.flashSS.swf = "http://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/techs/StrobeMediaPlayback.2.0.swf"
amp.options.flashSS.plugin = "http://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/techs/MSAdaptiveStreamingPlugin-osmf2.0.swf"
amp.options.silverlightSS.xap = "http://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/techs/SmoothStreamingPlayer.xap"
As per comments from Amit Rajput
#Parshii Currently, as per the documentation, Azure Media Player doesn't support multi-instance playback. While it may work on some techs, it is not a tested scenario at this time. Please feel free to add it to the UserVoice forum (http://aka.ms/ampuservoice).
As per my testing it is working in html5 and flash but not Silverlight, for silverlight support we can try using iframes as per comments from rnrneverdies
Single Instance Media Player is working in all techs.
#Parshii Currently, as per the documentation, Azure Media Player doesn't support multi-instance playback. While it may work on some techs, it is not a tested scenario at this time. Please feel free to add it to the UserVoice forum (http://aka.ms/ampuservoice).
This may be not a complete answer, but could help you.
I made the following plugin for the Azure Media Player 1.3.0 which logs all the activity performed by the user and also the errors.
Set up it as:
var mylogFunction = function(data) { console.log(data); };
var options = {
techOrder: ["azureHtml5JS", "flashSS", "silverlightSS", "html5"],
nativeControlsForTouch: false,
loop: false,
logo: { enabled: false },
heuristicProfile: "Quick Start", //"High Quality", // could be "Quick Start"
customPlayerSettings: {
customHeuristicSettings: {
preRollInSec: 4,
windowSizeHeuristics: true
plugins: {
DebugLog: {
logFunction: mylogFunction
var amPlayer = amp("yourvideotagid", options);
Plugin Code:
var amp;
(function (amp) {
amp.plugin('DebugLog', DebugLog);
function DebugLog(options) {
var player = this;
var log = function (data) { console.log("Azure Media Player Log", data); }
if (options) {
if (options['logFunction']) {
log = options['logFunction'];
function init() {
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.error, handleError);
function handleReady() {
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.loadedmetadata, handleLoadedMetaData);
var data = {
ampVersion: "1.3.0",
appName: options['appName'],
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
options: {
autoplay: player.options().autoplay,
heuristicProfile: player.options().heuristicProfile,
techOrder: JSON.stringify(player.options().techOrder)
logData("InstanceCreated", 1, data);
function handleError() {
var err = player.error();
var data = {
sessionId: player.currentSrc(),
currentTime: player.currentTime(),
code: "0x" + err.code.toString(16),
message: err.message
logData("Error", 0, data);
function handleLoadedMetaData() {
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.playbackbitratechanged, handlePlaybackBitrateChanged);
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.playing, handlePlaying);
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.seeking, handleSeeking);
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.pause, handlePaused);
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.waiting, handleWaiting);
player.addEventListener(amp.eventName.ended, handleEnded);
if (player.audioBufferData()) {
player.audioBufferData().addEventListener(amp.bufferDataEventName.downloadfailed, function () {
var data = {
sessionId: player.currentSrc(),
currentTime: player.currentTime(),
bufferLevel: player.audioBufferData().bufferLevel,
url: player.audioBufferData().downloadFailed.mediaDownload.url,
code: "0x" + player.audioBufferData().downloadFailed.code.toString(16),
message: player.audioBufferData().downloadFailed
logData("DownloadFailed", 0, data);
if (player.videoBufferData()) {
player.videoBufferData().addEventListener(amp.bufferDataEventName.downloadfailed, function () {
var data = {
sessionId: player.currentSrc(),
currentTime: player.currentTime(),
bufferLevel: player.videoBufferData().bufferLevel,
url: player.videoBufferData().downloadFailed.mediaDownload.url,
code: "0x" + player.videoBufferData().downloadFailed.code.toString(16),
message: player.videoBufferData().downloadFailed
logData("DownloadFailed", 0, data);
var data = {
sessionId: player.currentSrc(),
isLive: player.isLive(),
duration: player.duration(),
tech: player.currentTechName(),
protection: ((player.currentProtectionInfo() && player.currentProtectionInfo()[0]) ? player.currentProtectionInfo()[0].type : "clear")
logData("PresentationInfo", 1, data);
function handlePlaybackBitrateChanged(event) {
logData("BitrateChanged", 1, eventData(event));
function handleWaiting(event) {
logData("Waiting", 0, eventData(event));
function handlePlaying(event) {
logData("Playing", 1, eventData(event));
function handleSeeking(event) {
logData("Seeking", 1, eventData(event));
function handlePaused(event) {
logData("Paused", 1, eventData(event));
function handleEnded(event) {
logData("Ended", 1, eventData(event));
function logData(eventId, level, data) {
var eventLog = {
eventId: eventId,
level: level,
data: data
function eventData(event) {
return {
sessionId: player.currentSrc(),
currentTime: player.currentTime(),
isLive: player.isLive(),
event: event.type,
presentationTimeInSec: event.presentationTimeInSec,
message: event.message ? event.message : ""
})(amp || (amp = {}));

Mongoose pre.save() async middleware not working on record creation

I am using keystone#0.2.32. I would like to change the post category to a tree structure. The below code is running well except when I create a category, it goes into a deadlock:
var keystone = require('keystone'),
Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* PostCategory Model
* ==================
var PostCategory = new keystone.List('PostCategory', {
autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true }
name: { type: String, required: true },
parent: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory' },
parentTree: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory', many: true }
PostCategory.relationship({ ref: 'Post', path: 'categories' });
PostCategory.scanTree = function(item, obj, done) {
PostCategory.model.find().where('_id', item.parent).exec(function(err, cats) {
PostCategory.scanTree(cats[0], obj, done);
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', true, function (next, done) { //Parallel middleware, waiting done to be call
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if(this.parent != null){
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
process.nextTick(done); //here is deadlock.
PostCategory.defaultColumns = 'name, parentTree';
Thanks so much.
As I explained on the issue you logged on Keystone here: https://github.com/keystonejs/keystone/issues/759
This appears to be a reproducible bug in mongoose that prevents middleware from resolving when:
Parallel middleware runs that executes a query, followed by
Serial middleware runs that executes a query
Changing Keystone's autokey middleware to run in parallel mode may cause bugs in other use cases, so cannot be done. The answer is to implement your parentTree middleware in serial mode instead of parallel mode.
Also, some other things I noticed:
There is a bug in your middleware, where the first parent is added to the array twice.
The scanTree method would be better implemented as a method on the schama
You can use the findById method for a simpler parent query
The schema method looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.methods.addParents = function(target, done) {
if (this.parent) {
PostCategory.model.findById(this.parent, function(err, parent) {
if (parent) {
parent.addParents(target, done);
} else {
And the fixed middleware looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', function(done) {
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if (this.parent != null) {
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
} else {
} else {
I think it's a bug of keystone.js. I have changed schemaPlugins.js 104 line
this.schema.pre('save', function(next) {
this.schema.pre('save', true, function(next, done) {
and change from line 124 to the following,
// if has a value and is unmodified or fixed, don't update it
if ((!modified || autokey.fixed) && this.get(autokey.path)) {
return next();
var newKey = utils.slug(values.join(' ')) || this.id;
if (autokey.unique) {
r = getUniqueKey(this, newKey, done);
return r;
} else {
this.set(autokey.path, newKey);
return next();
It works.

How to secure a route in AngularFire 0.6.0 (authRequired)?

In previous versions of angularFire, it was possible to secure selected routes by using "authRequired" and "pathTo" with Angular's $routeProvider. These no longer appear to work with AngularFire 0.6.0. What is the equivalent parameter/technique in Angular 0.6.0?
Routing was moved out of angularFire for the same reasons it was moved out of the core of Angular--to be less opinionated in how routing is conducted and which lib you should use.
You can still include routing by grabbing the module from angularFire-seed, which is plug-and-play ready.
The steps are:
add ngRoute and routeSecurity to your app dependencies
declare the loginRedirectPath constant
add authRequired where appropriate
// add routeSecurity to your dependency libs
angular.module('myApp', [..., 'ngRoute', 'firebase', 'routeSecurity']);
// declare the loginRedirectPath variable
angular.module('myApp').constant('loginRedirectPath', '/login')
// put authRequired in your routes
$routeProvider.when('/account', {
authRequired: true, // must authenticate before viewing this page
templateUrl: 'partials/account.html',
controller: 'AccountCtrl'
// live long and prosper
Here's a hard copy of the module as of 0.6.0 for compliance with SO policy; refer directly to the source for a current version:
(function(angular) {
angular.module('routeSecurity', [])
.run(['$injector', '$location', '$rootScope', 'loginRedirectPath', function($injector, $location, $rootScope, loginRedirectPath) {
if( $injector.has('$route') ) {
new RouteSecurityManager($location, $rootScope, $injector.get('$route'), loginRedirectPath);
function RouteSecurityManager($location, $rootScope, $route, path) {
this._route = $route;
this._location = $location;
this._rootScope = $rootScope;
this._loginPath = path;
this._redirectTo = null;
this._authenticated = !!($rootScope.auth && $rootScope.auth.user);
RouteSecurityManager.prototype = {
_init: function() {
var self = this;
// Set up a handler for all future route changes, so we can check
// if authentication is required.
self._rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function(e, next) {
self._authRequiredRedirect(next, self._loginPath);
self._rootScope.$on('$firebaseSimpleLogin:login', angular.bind(this, this._login));
self._rootScope.$on('$firebaseSimpleLogin:logout', angular.bind(this, this._logout));
self._rootScope.$on('$firebaseSimpleLogin:error', angular.bind(this, this._error));
_checkCurrent: function() {
// Check if the current page requires authentication.
if (this._route.current) {
this._authRequiredRedirect(this._route.current, this._loginPath);
_login: function() {
this._authenticated = true;
if( this._redirectTo ) {
this._redirectTo = null;
else if( this._location.path() === this._loginPath ) {
_logout: function() {
this._authenticated = false;
_error: function() {
if( !this._rootScope.auth || !this._rootScope.auth.user ) {
this._authenticated = false;
_redirect: function(path) {
// A function to check whether the current path requires authentication,
// and if so, whether a redirect to a login page is needed.
_authRequiredRedirect: function(route, path) {
if (route.authRequired && !this._authenticated){
if (route.pathTo === undefined) {
this._redirectTo = this._location.path();
} else {
this._redirectTo = route.pathTo === path ? "/" : route.pathTo;
else if( this._authenticated && this._location.path() === this._loginPath ) {

Switch to iframe with phantom.js

I would like to switch to an iframe using pure phantom.js code
Here is my first attempt
var page = new WebPage();
var url = 'http://www.theurltofectch'
page.open(url, function (status) {
if ('success' !== status) {
} else {
It produces only the source code of the main page. Any idea ?
Notice that the iframe domain is different from the main page domain.
Please give this a try I believe it may be an async issues meaning the iframe is not present when trying to access it. I received the below snippet from another post.
var page = require('webpage').create(),
testindex = 0,
loadInProgress = false;
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
page.onLoadStarted = function() {
loadInProgress = true;
console.log("load started");
page.onLoadFinished = function() {
loadInProgress = false;
console.log("load finished");
page.onNavigationRequested = function(url, type, willNavigate, main) {
console.log('Trying to navigate to: ' + url);
console.log('Caused by: ' + type);
console.log('Will actually navigate: ' + willNavigate);
console.log('Sent from the page\'s main frame: ' + main);
The steps array represents a finite set of steps in order to perform the unit test
var steps = [
function() {
//Load Login Page
function() {
//access your iframe here
page.evaluate(function() {
function() {
//any other step you want
page.evaluate(function() {
function() {
// Output content of page to stdout after form has been submitted
page.evaluate(function() {
//render a test image to see if login passed
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (!loadInProgress && typeof steps[testindex] === "function") {
console.log("step " + (testindex + 1));
if (typeof steps[testindex] !== "function") {
console.log("test complete!");
}, 50);
Should return the contents of the frame phantomjs switched to.
If the iframe is from another domain you may need to add the --web-security=no option like this:
phantomjs --web-security=no myscript.js
As an additional information, what xMythicx said could be true. Some iframes are rendered via Javascript after page finishes loading. If the iframe contents are empty, then you will need to wait for all resources to finish loading, before you start grabbing stuff from the page. But this is another issue, if you need an answer on this, I suggest you ask a new question about it, and I will answer there.
Had the same problem for iframes and
phantomjs --web-security=no
helped in my case :]
