Google Analytics/BigQuery Data Export [closed] - google-analytics

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Closed 4 years ago.
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We have a requirement where we want to get data from Google Analytics -> Big Query and from Big Query to local SFTP server. What is the right way to export data to SFTP server?
Thanks in advance

Once you got the Google Analytics -> BigQuery data transfer setup and data starts to flow.
You can have export jobs that produces files on Google Cloud Storage in multiple files.
Then from GCS you can download those files to your location.
Pleas be advised that best would first to query and clean data in BQ, as it will be easier rather then parsing the exported files again.


How to import data from CSV file into database in flutter [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to import data into firebase database from a CSV file in flutter. I want to pick .CSV file from device using file picker and want to upload data into my database. I will retrieve data later from database into my app. How can I achieve that? Is there any way or article that can help me to do that?
It depends upon the schema of your database and whether your database is local or on a server.
In the first case, if your db is stored on user's device sqflite package to update the database. To read from csv, the csv package would be helpful.
In the second case, you would have to build an API to communicate the data to server. Sending the entire .csv file would be an easy method.

is firebase ideal for a music streaming app. (Flutter) [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Almost eveything is done through the database, and so this got me thinking, if I have user accounts, is there a way to create/allow certain things from the database,to be user configurable. For example, say they favorited a song, though it is done through the server, it'll be user base and only affect them.
Is there a way to allow certain things from the main database to be user database as well.
Sorta new to this.
You can definitely use firebase for music streaming ,
for basic upload you can use firebase storage, and use the download link to stream using Audio Players plugin
if you want to compress audios to different qualities you can use Firebase Functions by adding your own javascript to it.
The rest is just data manipulation and user management. You can refer the firebase documentations for more.

Which is better for adding videos? Firebase or Sqlite [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an app in which the user should be able to store videos. I was wondering if Firebase or Sqlite would be better for the job. Please get back to me as soon as possible.
Unless the videos were really short then you wouldn't store them in a database. You would store them as files and store the path to the file in the database.
SQLite would be better if the data in the database is device specific and thus needed no syncing with other devices.
Firebase could be the choice if syncing the data across devices.

Firebase cloud messaging (FCM) Admin - is it okay to store the service account API keys in the local storage [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it secure to simply save it in the local storage along with my project files? Or is it safer to store them as environment variables?
I would in general advice against saving and pushing credential files into a repository for others to see.
You may consider encrypting you credential file. Everyone who has to work with the project then has to decrypt it first and you have control who receives the access to it.
Have a look Googles KMS:

Is it possible to use Media Fire API from Google Sites or WordPress Website? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm a beginner in web development, I want to create a website that will have a very large number of file uploads, a single could be up to 100 MB.
I want the upload to be through my website but the upload destination to be on MediaFire (I'm looking for unlimited free storage, using several MediaFire accounts). I still haven't given the MediaFire API a try, but I want to know if with some lines of code I can create a FileUpload on my website but the destination be on MediaFire.
Media Fire Api is a Library Php right ? On google sites, you can add Php File with App engine.
I don't know it's possible but , I think this link can help you.
