How to extract data from a table that constructed using WpDataTable plugin in wordpress? - wordpress

I have created a table in Wordpress using WpDataTable plugin. I need to extract one value from the table for some specific purpose. How can I achieve this ?


Wocommerce Create Order programatically with name

I am trying to create an order in WoCommerce pragmatically which i am able create successfully.
I have few more products which doesn't exist in the system but i want to add them in order which i am creating .
How i can do it?

What is the disadvantage of adding custom field in post table in wordpress

I am a naive developer and just learning wordpress. I am going to use a custom post type in wordpress and having a question on whether I shall add some more custom fields in post table or I shall use post_meta table. People have been suggesting to use post_meta giving reference to wordpress design and upgrade issue but wouldn't performance be impacted if I add fields to post_meta when records grow in this table as it will be vertical growth.
Let's take an example that I am inserting 2 records in post table and I have 3 custom fields in meta so in post_meta 2 X 3 = 6 records will be created but if I add the custom field in post table it will be a horizontal growth and only records will be created in post table only.
Also how wordpress query data from both the tables? Does it use some view or join query? Some people suggest adding custom fields in post_meta as array to minimize no. of records but how will filtering happen if data is stored as an array.

What is best option to to create custom database table while developing WordPress Plugin?

I am trying to develop a New WordPress Plugin, I have tried to store the settings values in the WordPress built in DB table Options but there is problem storing and fetching the values so i decided to create new database table to store the values, Is this a good idea to create new db table and what is best way to create, sanitize and retrieve the valued.
Rather than write to the Wordpress tables directly, use the Wordpress APIs that serialize your data and write it correctly. The add_option function and the similar get_option function should be what you are looking for.

form in wordpress that writes to many tables (with different columns)

Currently, I'm using tablepress to output different info using a table format. I want users to be able to add to existing information. I need a form in wordpress that saves user posts to these different tables. How should I go about this? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm soft on html.
If you want to insert in posts table using custom form, you can use wp_insert_post().
This function inserts posts (and pages) in the database. It sanitizes variables, does some checks, fills in missing variables like date/time, etc. It takes an object as its argument and returns the post ID of the created post (or 0 if there is an error).
Reference :

Importing data from spreadsheet into wordpress DB, along with custom taxonomies and their terms

I am importing a large DB from an Excel spreadsheet into a wordpress DB. I was going to do it manually by creating a new table but decided to import it into the existing wordpress framework as it will allow me to change information manually in the wordpress back end.
I was importing all 2000 rows into the wp_posts table when I realised this table doesnt have a term column. The terms are stored in other tables.
My question is... how can I import the spreadsheet into the database and keep all of the important data, especially the terms, as my site queries all information by the "term" and uses jQuery tabs to display the different terms as sub-categories.
My information looks like this:
Note: I will create a seperate column in the wp_posts table to handle the price, or any other information I need bringing in, Im just unsure about how I can get the term information into the corresponding tables...
Thanks :)
Don't insert the data directly into the table. Call the wp_insert_post() function and pass in the correct values. It will take care of all the db dependencies.
To insert the meta data, use the add_postmeta() or update_postmeta() functions.
