Daydream keyboard implementation - google-vr

I am attempting to implement the Daydream keyboard into an app built in Unity and am not able to get this to work. I have added the keyboard prefab as a sibling of the main camera and added two input fields with the onpointerclick function added as instructed. I however get a null reference exception and assume this is due to the daydream keyboard delegate field being blank. The example scene in the SDK shows the daydream delegate example prefab but I am unsure how to implement this for two input fields. Also does the keyboard render in the Unity editor or must it be built and run on a phone?

This is an old question and has probably already been answered, but I figured I'd publicize my answer anyway.
For those reading, if you haven't checked out the Keyboard Demo scene that can be found within the Demos folder of the Google VR Unity package, I would highly recommend doing so. Following this object hierarchy has worked for me in the past.
To answer your first question, it seems that they have included a KeyboardDelegateExample object within the scene's hierarchy, and then used this object as the Keyboard Delegate in the GVRKeyboardManager.
They manage to fake an Input Field by creating a background and overlaying a Text object on top. If this method does not suffice and using an Input Field is crucial in your particular case, then drop your Input Fields into two separate GVRKeyboardCanvas objects.
Clicking on either canvas will activate the GVR Keyboard. You may have to add a small script to manage the transitioning of the input field.
Lastly, no the GVR Keyboard does not render in the Unity Editor, it only appears while running a build. Hopefully this will be addressed in later releases. There are also Keyboard plugins that you may find useful on the Asset Store.


How to prevent QWebEngineView to grab focus on setHtml(...) and load(...) calls?

I have created simple Qt Window Layout with QTreeView and QWebEngineView: after selecting some item in the tree view, the Web engine view shows some content. The problem is what when QWebEngineView::setHtml(...) or load(...) is called the tree view loses keyboard focus and Web engine view gets it. This causes difficulties when selecting items with keyboard in the tree view. So, how to prevent the tree view focus lost?
I tried to use QTextBrowser instead of QWebEngineView. It doesn't have this problem, but it is not suitable for complex HTML pages.
Suppose we have:
QWebEngineView *webView = new QWebEngineView;
For Qt 5.8 and newer
The problem can be solved by tweaking settings:
webView->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled, false);
The sample code:
QWebEngineSettings Class
QWebEngineSettings::setAttribute(WebAttribute attribute, bool on)
For Qt 5.7 and earlier
The simplest solution (also pointed by #Netrix) is to call:
But this disables keyboard input to the webView.
To solve this problem I created the simple FocusWidget class as parent widget for webView, which works as follows:
Initially it disables webView (webView->setEnabled(false)), so prevents to take focus on load(...), setHtml(...) calls.
When FocusWidget gets focus, it enables and forwards focus to webView, so enables keyboard input.
When webView and its children loses focus, FocusWidget disables webView again
The source code and sample application:
I encountered the same problem in my app in PyQt5. What I managed to do is to disable the whole widget like this (in Python):
view = PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView()
This resulted in view being operational with mouse (it accepts mouse clicks and things can be changed on web page) but i won't take focus from different widget.
I would definitely call it a bug instead of feature in QtWebEngineWidgets.
Thanks to all the others who provided answers for this. After encountering this bug I was somewhat stumped, but after learning of the way setEnabled(false) affects the focus stealing from the other answers I discovered that simply disabling the webview, setting the html or reloading it, then re-enabling it circumvents the issue (at least in Qt 5.7):
myWebView->setEnabled( false );
myWebView->setHtml( html );
myWebView->setEnabled( true );
myWebView->setEnabled( false );
myWebView->setEnabled( true );
This allows you to fix the problem without needing to subclass anything as one of the other answers suggests.

How can I fix multiple selection mode in LocalDatePicker in JFXtras? (it works in CalendarPicker in the same package)

I'm making a JavaFX program for which I would like to use the new Time API. I wanted to use the LocalDatePicker provided in the JFXtras library which would allow users to select multiple localdate objects and would streamline the program's handling of selected objects (as opposed to the similar CalendarPicker in the same library which uses the older date API).
I imported the custom JFXtras controls into JavaFX scene builder, and while the "multiple" selection mode works very well for the JFXtras CalendarPicker control, the same functionality seems broken in the LocalDatePicker control.
Multiple/Range selection does not work in either the preview feature of scene builder, in a compiled FXML/controller file generated in Netbeans, and when simply added to a JavaFX scene, while in all those cases the CalendarPicker control does work. which leads me to believe it is a problem with the control itself and not my implementation. I checked the respective classes in the library and the code handling modeProperty seems identical.
Thing is, the sample program including all controls on the JFXtras page ( has a multiple selection working for the LocalDatePicker control.
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry if it's an easy fix, I'm pretty new to Java (and JavaFX)
Oh yes. This was my fault. Even though there was code to sync the mode value between LocalDatePicker and CalendarPicker, I forgot to set the initial value. In the tests the value is set after the control is visible and then the sync code kicks in. Please try 8.0-r4-SNAPSHOT. Thanks for reporting.

error dialog box with Qt quick

i'm programming a Qt Quick application and I'm looking for a possibility to display the user errors. In Qt widgets there is QMessageBox but i can not find any equivalent to this in Qt Quick.
Sure i can create a MessageBox by myself but I can't imagine that there is no given possibility?
I found an ebook on the official site here and there is an Dialog described on page 67 but it doesn't work anymore and i can't find any further information about that. Is it dropped in the current version?
Thanks in advance
There is no Qt-Quick component for this yet. What I do in my application is using the Window QML component. I set the modality property to Qt.WindowModal to have it as a modal Window. You can then use the Button component to create OK/Cancel buttons.
Another thing I do is create these modals dynamically when something wrong occurs using Qt.createComponent() in QML.
Edit: Just discovered a new Dialog component that will be released in Qt5.2 that seems to match what you are looking for: MessageDialog

Flex - MATE Framework

I am new to MATE framework and I have been digging around some sample codes so that i can do the following:
On clicking a button (on a canvas)
Display a Panel.
The issue is that i am not trying to pass any value hence not sure of how/ what should be defined as sourcekey and targetkey. If this is the case, then how should one define the propertyinjector details.
most examples that are floating around contains details of reading data from a source and populating the same on a UI/ Display component.
Srinivasan S
for this one you shouldn't use propertyInjection you should dispatch an event (you can make it custom), then you need to catch the event in the appropriate place and simply do whatever you want with it.

Virtual keyboard for QtWebKit based browser or how can I get the currently focused text field?

I'm working on implementing a virtual keyboard for a QtWebKit based browser. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding how QtWebKit paints the controls within the actual page. Initially I thought they were QLineEdit instances, but they are not. Diving into implementation it appears that the glue code between Qt and WebKit paints the text field using QStyle and QPainter. Unfortunately, I'm very new to Qt and so I dont understand where in the event loop the mouse presses for these events are interpreted. I found Editor::canEdit() deep in the call stack, and now I can bring up the virtual keyboard when the user clicks on a text field within the page. The virtual keyboard then expected a pointer to a QWidget instance, but Edito::canEdit() doesn't carry that information and I can't find anywhere where a QWidget like instance is exposed. I'm really stumped, any advice would be most welcome.
You might get better luck by hooking the virtual keyboard into the Qt input method system. Search for "InputMethod" in the source code of QtWebKit Api, i.e. the qweb*.* files.
