R: Apply function over nested lists with varying length - r

I have the following dataframe:
df <- data.frame(id = paste0('id', sample(c(1:4),80000, replace = TRUE)), date = as.Date(rbeta(80000, 0.7, 10) * 100, origin = "2016-01-01"),
variant = sample(c(0:1), 80000, replace = TRUE), type = sample(paste0(LETTERS[1:3],LETTERS[1]), 80000, TRUE), code = sample(letters[1:2], 80000, TRUE),
level = sample(LETTERS[1:8], 80000, TRUE), number = sample(c(1:100), 80000, replace = TRUE) )
Next, I split the dataframe several times and combine them (plus the original df) in a list:
dfs <- split(df,df$id)
df2 <- lapply(dfs, function(x) split(x,x$type))
df3 <- lapply(dfs, function(x) split(x,x$code))
df4 <- lapply(dfs, function(x) split(x,x$level))
df_all <- list(dfs,df2,df3,df4)
Thus, I first split the dataframe by Id, after which their are splitted on several conditions: none,type,code and level. Where "none" means that I don't split it any further.
My first question: is there a faster/cleaner way to achieve this?
Second question: how do I apply a function to each element of this list? It will probably will have something to do with lapply, but I can't figure out how, as the number of nested lists varies. Thus, to make it more clear, I would like to know how to apply my function to:
My function is as follows:
func <- function(x){
x <- x %>%
group_by(variant) %>%
summarise(H = sum(number)) %>%

If all you wanted to do is group by different combination of variables and summarize, then splitting the groups is probably not a good idea, just modify the function so that you can input different combinations of group by variables like the following:
func2 <- function(x, ...){
group_quo = quos(...)
x %>%
group_by(!!!group_quo) %>%
summarize(H = sum(number))
> func2(df, id, variant)
# A tibble: 8 x 3
# Groups: id [?]
id variant H
<fct> <int> <int>
1 id1 0 500192
2 id1 1 508282
3 id2 0 505829
4 id2 1 511855
5 id3 0 502280
6 id3 1 510854
7 id4 0 502621
8 id4 1 510372
> func2(df, id, type, variant)
# A tibble: 24 x 4
# Groups: id, type [?]
id type variant H
<fct> <fct> <int> <int>
1 id1 AA 0 167757
2 id1 AA 1 169025
3 id1 BA 0 166225
4 id1 BA 1 168208
5 id1 CA 0 166210
6 id1 CA 1 171049
7 id2 AA 0 169277
8 id2 AA 1 172240
9 id2 BA 0 168596
10 id2 BA 1 169396
# ... with 14 more rows
If you're trying to apply something more complex or you want to keep the hierarchical structure of the lists, you can try to use nested data.frames:
func <- function(x){
x %>%
group_by(variant) %>%
summarize(H = sum(number))
df_nested = df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(df1 = data %>% map(func),
df2 = data %>% map(~group_by(., type) %>% nest()),
df3 = data %>% map(~group_by(., code) %>% nest()),
df4 = data %>% map(~group_by(., level) %>% nest())) %>%
funs(map(., function(x) mutate(x, data = map(data, func)) %>% unnest)))
> df_nested
# A tibble: 4 x 6
id data df1 df2 df3 df4
<fct> <list> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 id1 <tibble [19,963 x 6]> <tibble [2 x 2]> <tibble [6 x 3]> <tibble [4 x 3]> <tibble [16 x 3]>
2 id3 <tibble [19,946 x 6]> <tibble [2 x 2]> <tibble [6 x 3]> <tibble [4 x 3]> <tibble [16 x 3]>
3 id2 <tibble [20,114 x 6]> <tibble [2 x 2]> <tibble [6 x 3]> <tibble [4 x 3]> <tibble [16 x 3]>
4 id4 <tibble [19,977 x 6]> <tibble [2 x 2]> <tibble [6 x 3]> <tibble [4 x 3]> <tibble [16 x 3]>
> df_nested %>%
+ select(id, data) %>%
+ unnest()
# A tibble: 80,000 x 7
id date variant type code level number
<fct> <date> <int> <fct> <fct> <fct> <int>
1 id1 2016-01-05 1 AA b H 71
2 id1 2016-01-01 0 CA a G 85
3 id1 2016-01-03 0 CA a E 98
4 id1 2016-01-01 1 BA b E 78
5 id1 2016-01-01 1 BA b G 64
6 id1 2016-01-18 1 AA a E 69
7 id1 2016-01-04 1 BA b E 12
8 id1 2016-01-02 0 CA b B 32
9 id1 2016-01-01 1 CA a B 44
10 id1 2016-01-02 0 BA a F 89
# ... with 79,990 more rows
> df_nested %>%
+ select(id, df1) %>%
+ unnest()
# A tibble: 8 x 3
id variant H
<fct> <int> <int>
1 id1 0 500192
2 id1 1 508282
3 id3 0 502280
4 id3 1 510854
5 id2 0 505829
6 id2 1 511855
7 id4 0 502621
8 id4 1 510372


Nest a tibble by column prefix

We do a normal nesting grouping by rows. Mine is different.
I want to create a nested tibble grouping by column prefixes (before the first '_'), preserving the original column names in the nested tibbles.
The current approach works but looks overcomplicated.
tibble(a_1=1:3, a_2=2:4, b_1=3:5) %>%
print() %>%
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# a_1 a_2 b_1
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 2 3
# 2 2 3 4
# 3 3 4 5
pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
nest(data=-name) %>%
mutate(data=map2(data, name, ~rename(.x, '{.y}' := value))) %>%
mutate(gr=str_extract(name, '^[^_]+'), .keep='unused') %>%
nest(data=-gr) %>%
mutate(data=map(data, ~bind_cols(.[[1]]))) %>%
print() %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# gr data
# <chr> <list>
# 1 a <tibble [3 x 2]>
# 2 b <tibble [3 x 1]>
{ .$data[[1]] }
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# a_1 a_2
# <int> <int>
# 1 1 2
# 2 2 3
# 3 3 4
UPD: if possible, tidyverse solution
Using a neat little trick I learned lately you could do:
library(dplyr, warn = FALSE)
tibble(a_1 = 1:3, a_2 = 2:4, b_1 = 3:5) %>%
split.default(., gsub("_[0-9]", "", names(.))) %>%
lapply(nest, data = everything()) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "gr")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> gr data
#> <chr> <list>
#> 1 a <tibble [3 × 2]>
#> 2 b <tibble [3 × 1]>
Another possible solution, based on purrr::map_dfr:
map_dfr(unique(str_remove(names(df), "_\\d+")),
~ tibble(gr = .x, nest(select(df, which(str_detect(names(df), .x))),
data = everything())))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> gr data
#> <chr> <list>
#> 1 a <tibble [3 × 2]>
#> 2 b <tibble [3 × 1]>
my version, a little more modified, tidyversed version of stepan's answer
tibble(a_1 = 1:3, a_2 = 2:4, b_1 = 3:5) %>%
split.default(str_extract(names(.), "^[^_]+")) %>%
map(nest, data = everything()) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "gr")
Couldn't find an alternative to split.default()

mutate_if, across or map_if where want to process the iteration conditional on value in another field

Simple example:
mydf <- data.frame(
x = 1:3,
y = c(1, 0, 1),
z = 1:3
) %>% group_by(x) %>% nest
mydf %>% mutate(blah = map_dbl(.x = data, ~ .x$z * 2))
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups: x [3]
x data blah
<int> <list> <dbl>
1 1 <tibble [1 × 2]> 2
2 2 <tibble [1 × 2]> 4
3 3 <tibble [1 × 2]> 6
I would like to mutate or map conditional on y. If y=1, then process with .x * 2 else (y = 0) then just use NA.
Desired result:
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups: x [3]
x data blah
<int> <list> <dbl>
1 1 <tibble [1 × 2]> 2
2 2 <tibble [1 × 2]> NA
3 3 <tibble [1 × 2]> 6
Should I use mutate_if, mutate_across, map_if? How can I get this result?
In case the OP needs to retain the map model in their real use case, map2() is one possibility...
mydf %>% mutate(blah = map2(x, y, ~ifelse(.y == 1, .x * 2, NA)))
x y blah
1 1 1 2
2 2 0 NA
3 3 1 6

turn time series data into nested data frame where groups are increasing time periods (w/dplyr & tidyr)

I have a dataset with daily counts per year spanning several decades, and I'd like to run a function on different subsets of that data based on an increasing timespan. For example, I'd like to run the function on the first decade of data (1995-2005), then on the first decade + 1 (1995-2006), first decade + 2 (1995-2007), and so on until the end of the time series. This is what I had in mind:
dat <- tibble(
year = rep(1995:2014, each = 30),
count = rpois(600, 5)
# A tibble: 600 x 2
year count
<int> <int>
1 1995 8
2 1995 3
3 1995 9
4 1995 2
5 1995 8
6 1995 7
7 1995 3
8 1995 6
9 1995 1
10 1995 7
# … with 590 more rows
with the final product looking like this:
# A tibble: 3 x 2
time_span data
<chr> <list>
1 1995-2004 <tibble [300 × 1]>
2 1995-2005 <tibble [330 × 1]>
3 1995-2006 <tibble [360 × 1]>
I would then apply my function to the nested data frame:
dat_nested %>%
mutate(result = map(data, my_function))
I'm struggling to think of a way to create these subsets with dplyr...any suggestions? Thanks!
Here's a way using map :
n <- min(dat$year)
~dat %>%
filter(between(year, n, .x)) %>%
summarise(year = paste(min(year), max(year), sep = '-'),
data = list(count)))
#If you want dataframe
#data = list(data.frame(count = count))))
# year data
# <chr> <list>
# 1 1995-2005 <int [330]>
# 2 1995-2006 <int [360]>
# 3 1995-2007 <int [390]>
# 4 1995-2008 <int [420]>
# 5 1995-2009 <int [450]>
# 6 1995-2010 <int [480]>
# 7 1995-2011 <int [510]>
# 8 1995-2012 <int [540]>
# 9 1995-2013 <int [570]>
#10 1995-2014 <int [600]>
The result could be directly calculated from the original data frame without the need of an intermediate nested data frame and we show that below; however, if you do want to create a nested data frame anyways then use the same code but use it with
my_function <- base::list
to nest the two columns or with
my_function <- function(x) list(x["count"])
to just nest the count column. The solution only uses dplyr. It does not use tidyr or purrr.
my_function <- function(x) sum(x$count) # test function
dat %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(result = my_function(.[.$year <= first(year), ]), .groups = "drop") %>%
mutate(year = paste(first(year), year, sep = "-")) %>%
# A tibble: 11 x 2
year result
<chr> <int>
1 1995-2004 1502
2 1995-2005 1647
3 1995-2006 1810
4 1995-2007 1957
5 1995-2008 2106
6 1995-2009 2258
7 1995-2010 2398
8 1995-2011 2547
9 1995-2012 2697
10 1995-2013 2855
11 1995-2014 3016
With my_function <- function(x) list(x["count"]) the output looks like this:
# A tibble: 11 x 2
year result
<chr> <list>
1 1995-2004 <tibble [300 x 1]>
2 1995-2005 <tibble [330 x 1]>
3 1995-2006 <tibble [360 x 1]>
4 1995-2007 <tibble [390 x 1]>
5 1995-2008 <tibble [420 x 1]>
6 1995-2009 <tibble [450 x 1]>
7 1995-2010 <tibble [480 x 1]>
8 1995-2011 <tibble [510 x 1]>
9 1995-2012 <tibble [540 x 1]>
10 1995-2013 <tibble [570 x 1]>
11 1995-2014 <tibble [600 x 1]>
The test input dat in reproducible form is:
dat <- data.frame(year = rep(1995:2014, each = 30), count = rpois(600, 5))
Here is my attempt to create a nested data with time-series data on a rolling window basis. (note: rlang usage of var=enquo(str_varname) with !!var may change in the future versions.)
create_rolling_yr_data <- function(df, year='year', rolling=9,
var_list=c('count'), newvar='rolling') {
year <- enquo(year)
var_list <- enquos(var_list)
df <- df %>% dplyr::select(!!year, !!!var_list)
df_nest <- df %>% group_by(year) %>% nest()
list_data <- list()
yrs <- unique(df[[ensym(year)]])
yr_end <- max(yrs) - rolling
for (i in seq_along(yrs)) {
yr <- yrs[i]
if (yr <= yr_end) {
list_data[[i]] <- df %>% filter(year >= yr, year <= (yr+rolling))
} else {
list_data[[i]] <- list()
df_nest[[newvar]] <- list_data
return(df_nest %>% filter(year <= yr_end))
create_rolling_yr_data(dat, year='year', rolling=9,
var_list=c('count'), newvar='rolling')

R collapse column to form numeric list

In R hoe do I collapse column to form another column with numeric lists types.
like we define numeric list as l = c(1,2,3)
df <- read.table(text = "X Y
a 26
a 3
a 24
b 8
b 1
b 4
", header = TRUE)
I am trying this with dplyr but it gives me character list column
> df %>% group_by(X) %>% summarise(lst= paste0(Y, collapse = ","))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
X lst
<fct> <chr>
1 a 26,3,24
2 b 8,1,4
group by X then summarise Y as list
out <- df %>%
group_by(X) %>%
summarise(Y = list(Y))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# X Y
# <fct> <list>
#1 a <int [3]>
#2 b <int [3]>
The Y column now looks like this
#[1] 26 3 24
#[1] 8 1 4
nest seems to be another option but this would result in a list column of tibbles (not what you want I think)
df %>%
group_by(X) %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# X data
# <fct> <list>
#1 a <tibble [3 × 1]>
#2 b <tibble [3 × 1]>
A data.table solution:
dt <- as.data.table(df)[, list(Y=list(Y)), by="X"]
> dt
1: a 26, 3,24
2: b 8,1,4
> dt$Y
[1] 26 3 24
[1] 8 1 4

Creating tibble or data frame of tibbles or data frames and other class

Is it possible to create a tibble or data.frame, which has columns that are integers and other columns that are tibbles or data.frames?
df.1 <- tibble(name=sample(LETTERS,20,replace = F),score=sample(1:100,20,replace = F))
df.2 <- tibble(name=sample(LETTERS,20,replace = F),score=sample(1:100,20,replace = F))
And then:
df <- tibble(id=1,rank=2,data=df.1)
which gives this error:
Error: Column `data` must be a 1d atomic vector or a list
I guess df.1 has to be a list for this to work?
Is this what you are looking for? I think the key is the length of each column should be the same, and we need to use list to create a list column to store df.1 and df.2.
df <- tibble(id = 1:2,
rank = 2,
data = list(df.1, df.2))
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# id rank data
# <int> <dbl> <list>
# 1 1 2 <tibble [20 x 2]>
# 2 2 2 <tibble [20 x 2]>
# # A tibble: 6 x 2
# name score
# <chr> <int>
# 1 G 94
# 2 J 22
# 3 N 64
# 4 U 13
# 5 E 26
# 6 S 37
# # A tibble: 6 x 2
# name score
# <chr> <int>
# 1 V 92
# 2 Q 30
# 3 S 45
# 4 M 33
# 5 L 63
# 6 Y 25
And since the structure of each tibble in the data column are the same. We can use tidyr::unnest to expand the tibble.
df_un <- unnest(df)
# # A tibble: 40 x 4
# id rank name score
# <int> <dbl> <chr> <int>
# 1 1 2 G 94
# 2 1 2 J 22
# 3 1 2 N 64
# 4 1 2 U 13
# 5 1 2 E 26
# 6 1 2 S 37
# 7 1 2 W 2
# 8 1 2 M 36
# 9 1 2 L 81
# 10 1 2 B 31
# # ... with 30 more rows
And we can also nest the tibble, making it back to the original format with a list column.
df_n <- df_un %>%
group_by(id, rank) %>%
nest() %>%
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# id rank data
# <int> <dbl> <list>
# 1 1 2 <tibble [20 x 2]>
# 2 2 2 <tibble [20 x 2]>
# Check if df and df_n are the same
identical(df_n, df)
# [1] TRUE
Using tidyr's nest:
df.1 <- data.frame(name=sample(LETTERS,20,replace = F),score=sample(1:100,20,replace = F))
df.2 <- data.frame(name=sample(LETTERS,20,replace = F),score=sample(1:100,20,replace = F))
I can create a tibble where df.1 is nested under id and rank:
data.frame(id=1,rank=2,data=df.1) %>% nest(-id,-rank)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
id rank data
<dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 1 2 <tibble [20 × 2]>
For having both df.1 and df.2 in a tibble, I'd simply do:
data.frame(id=c(1,2),rank=c(2,1),data=c(df.1,df.2)) %>% nest(-id,-rank)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
id rank data
<dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 1 2 <tibble [10 × 4]>
2 2 1 <tibble [10 × 4]>
