Fotorama thumbnails scrolling - gallery

I am using Fotorama 4.6.4 on magento 2 and I have a problem that in some situations it does not show full selected thumbnail. For example: I selected last thumbnail and then I select previous thumnbail.


How do I resize the display size of woocommerce products?

I am using woocommerce and wordpress for a small online shop. To display the products I use the woocommerce shortcode like this.
[products category="Keys" limit="2"]
The problem is that the result being displayed on the screen is too large.
How do I resize it? Do I need to add my own CSS or are there shortcode flags where I can add height and width parameters? In the attached screenshot you can see the displayed image is too wide and very long.
HOw do I resize the section that is displayed using the shortcode?
Here you can find the complete list for the attributes of the WooCommerce [products] shortcode.
You can set the columns attribute by increasing the number of columns to 4 or 5 (or more) so that you have the smallest product block:
[products category="Keys" limit="2" columns="5"]
If that's not enough, you'll need to add CSS rules.

How to assign an image to a specific Wordpress-page

I want to use something like Feature Image in Wordpress 5.2.2 so I can optionally use that image as a thumbnail whn that page gets displayed in a parent category page.
Actually though I don't see that option anywhere on my page, neither in the document nor in the blocks sidebar. Is it something I need to activate and if so - where?
Just to explain what I understand with Feature image:
A page may get assigned 1 image that can be then used as e.g. a visual excerpt for that page and must not be displayed on the page itself.
Sometimes the featured image won't show up if it isn't checked in the screen options tab.
Once checked you'll then be fine to add your featured image to the page/post.

Removing the default link from image Wordpress

I am building a website in WordPress and I am facing an issue with gallery images. I used the plugin FooGallery to show the Grid Images and I also added the onclick to the FooBox to show the larger image.
But the problem is when I click on the image it is showing in two image box. first one is maybe WordPress default and second is the FooBox.
Link for the gallery:
Open this link and click on any one image and see what happen. It will show two image box but I want only one which is good in UI.
Try removing trx addons plugin to remove one of the popup.

Use other image as thumbnail for Sparkling Theme Polular Post Widget in wordpress

I have installed Sparking Theme. I tried to use Sparkling Polular Post Widget to display my popular posts in the side bar. By default it shows a thumbnail which always shows the featured image. I want to show any other image as thumbnail, say the first image found in the post as thumbnail. Beacuse if any post doesn't have the featured image, it shows just blank, I want to show first image of the post as thumbnail.
Is it possible to somehow achieve it? I am new to wordpress and may be I a missing something. Please help.
you can try using this plugin or this .the second one works out of the box .when you publish a post it checks for a featured image. If it does not find one, then it looks for the first image attached to the post and sets it as featured image

Wordpress Gallery showing all images uploaded to page instead of only the selected ones when creating the gallery

Lets say I have a page with two gallerys
[gallery ids="111,222,333,444"]
[gallery ids="555,666,777"]
now when i click on one of these galleries, the lightbox is showing me all images (1-7). To be specific, it's showing all images uploaded to the page.
Where is the point in selecting images to show up in the gallery when all images uploaded to the page will show up. Is there any simple way to only show the images selected for the gallery? Seems like nobody has provided an answer on stackoverflow yet...
Using wordpress 4.0
