Unparseable Date in Grails Domain Class from SQLite Database - sqlite

I have a sqlite db (it is the spiceworks db) and I am mapping the tables to grails domain classes. There is a table in particular that is in a datetime format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss). An example of such a date in the db for anyone who wants to verify would be: 2015-06-26 15:32:39
I created the domain class and mapped my properties to the columns. Let grails generate the views so that they are default. When I try to get to the index page I get:
Unparseable date: "2015-06-26 15:32:39" does not match (\p{Nd}++)\Q-\E(\p{Nd}++)\Q-\E(\p{Nd}++)\Q \E(\p{Nd}++)\Q:\E(\p{Nd}++)\Q:\E(\p{Nd}++)\Q.\E(\p{Nd}++)
I've used MSSQL datetimes in the past and have never ran into this issue. In the database, the data type for the problematic column is datetime. Anyone know what's going on?
EDIT: I only have Read permissions on the db and the spiceworks source code isn't open source.

If you look at that regular expression, you'll see it's looking for a ISO8601 timestamp formatted like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS.SSS - in other words, it needs a decimal seconds, and you're just providing whole seconds.
An easy fix would be to update every existing value in the relevant column by appending '.000' to it, and update the insertion routines to do the same.
If you refer to the sqlite date time functions, there's a %f format specifier for strftime() that can be used to produce fractional seconds that might be helpful if you're building the timestamp directly in an insert query.
In the database, the data type for the problematic column is datetime
Sqlite3 doesn't have a datetime type. The timestamps you're storing are strings. More information.


DateTime Type Gets Converted into bigint in SQLite

I Am new to SQLite.I am trying to create table from my model class in which I have DATETIME field.when sqlite table creatd from This Class The DATETIME column creted of type bigint.I know the reason because SQLite doesn't support DATETIME
So what should I do to create Column Of type TEXT in SQLITE without Chnging DATETIME type in my model Class. I found some post regarding to this but don't get satisfactory solution.please help.Thanks
You can configure how DateTimes are stored in your connection string. Change the attribute DateTimeFormat to either "ISO8601" or "CurrentCulture".
But: I would not recommend to do that. If you ever want to sort by a datetime or you want to filter rows (give me all entries from the last 2 weeks) then the bigint approach is the most efficient one. While ISO8601 datetime strings are sortable, that is most likely not the case with localised CurrentCulture strings. So if you really want human-readable strings in your database then choose the ISO version.

How to get current date time format in SQlite?

I am using sqlite for local database in mobile and in my database. i want to know that
How to get current date format in SQLITE? I want to get date in the next format: MM/dd/yyyy
To get the current date you can use:
SELECT date('now');
Note: This is NOT a server date, it's the same time you get if you query the date and time directly from your application because SQLITE runs in-process.
It's mostly useful for putting a current time into a table or for some simple calculations if your language's date processing is very poor.
To do the calculations see the SQLITE Documentation
See the docs for formatting too for example:
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', datetime('now'))
According to the SQLite documentation as of this writing (3/30/2020), in the section titled "The DEFAULT clause", it is recommended that a constant value be used instead of a sub-query.
In my experimentation, I also ran into issues with the SQLite CREATE TABLE statement that was generated during model creation by EF Core 3.0 when using SELECT datetime('now'). The SQLite data provider complained of a syntax error when using a SELECT statement within the CREATE table statement. As such, I would recommend using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP keyword.
for your concrete case, this is what you need:

Oracle 11g SQL loader, time format issue

I am trying to load a .csv file using SQL loader. I get this error message on a column that should store time column:
column TIME.ORA-01843: not a valid month
In my .csv file time has the format HH:MM:SS but I can't understand why Oracle does not recognise it.
Using the command select * from nls_session_parameters; I see that the default time format is HH24.MI.SSXFF. I tried to change the time separator in my csv file but I got the same error result.
I have a very simple control file, that looks like below.
INFILE Cycling_Accidents0512.csv
If someone of you can help me to modify the control file in order to make the time format acceptable to Oracle, that would be appreciated. I tried to look up on other web resources but I haven't found anything that could help.
You mentioned querying the session NLS parameters, but the value you showed appears to be NLS_TIME_FORMAT, which is only used internally.
Oracle doesn't have a time-only type, so your field is presumably actually a DATE type (or possibly TIMESTAMP). The values in the column will have a date part, even if you ignore it.
SQL*Loader will use NLS_DATE_FORMAT to interpret the data file value for a DATE field. If that is DD/MM/YYYY then it would liberally interpret a value like 22:41:17 as the 22nd day of the 41st month - hence your error - in the year 17.
You can specify the date format model in the control file:
The value in the table would have that time, on the first day of the current month.
The SQL*Loader documentation does refer to a TIME data type which I have never seen used, and I can't find any references to it anywhere, including MOS. A quick bit of experimentation hasn't helped. If I make the control file entry:
... then the record is rejected with ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended. The log file also shows the data type as DATETIME HH24.MI.SSXFF, which looks related to the NLS_TIME_FORMAT value. I haven't found a way to make it accept that. If I change the column definition from DATE to TIMESTAMP then I get a different error, ORA-00904: "TO_TIME": invalid identifier, which is even stranger. It almost looks like these data types are defined in SQL*Loader for future use. (This discussion suggests they thought about adding TIME as a database type in 10g, but obviously can't verify that. And this is in the SQL*Loader reference at least back to 9i).

When to use timestamp in sql 2008?

I read several times to convert the timestamp to any readable format but I am not able to decide when to use timestamp datatype or datetime datatype to keep track of records inserted or updated in database in sql server 2008.
timestamp is deprecated, do not use this type. Its role has been replaced by the rowversion type, which is a synonym for timestamp:
The timestamp syntax is deprecated.
This feature will be removed in a
future version of Microsoft SQL
Server. Avoid using this feature in
new development work, and plan to
modify applications that currently use
this feature.
As a type, timestamp (and rowversion) has absolutely no relation to dates, time or anything chronological:
The rowversion data type is just an
incrementing number and does not
preserve a date or a time.
If you need to track the time when a record was inserted or updated, use DATETIME2, at the desired precission.
Read detailed msdn article here
hope this will help you.

SQL Server 2005 vs. ASP.net datetime format confusion

I've found a similar question on stack overflow, but it didn't really answer the question I have. I need to make sure that my asp.net application is formatting the date dd/mm/yyyy the same as my SQL Server 2005.
How do I verify the date culture (if that's what it's called) of the server matches how I've programmed my app? Are there specific database settings and OS settings? Is it table-specific? I don't want to transpose my days and months.
thank you
When you get a DateTime out of the database, it should be in a non-cultured format (like the DateTime object, based on the number of ticks since a certain date). It is only when you are converting that value into a string that you need to be concerned with culture. In those cases, you can use yourDateTimeValue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) to make sure that the information displays correctly.
I belive that if you use SqlParameters ADO.NET will take care of the rest and you don't have to worry about it. Besides, it's good for defending against SQL Injection attacks too! :)
** Watch out because SQL DateTime columns are non-nullable and their minimum value is 1/1/1753 while .net DateTimes are non-nullable with min values of 1/1/0001. **
If you're pulling data from a real DateTime column, by default it will always be in the same standard format. For saving the data to the column, you might want to specify the SqlDbType.DateTime in your parameter.
i ripped this off of http://bytes.com/forum/thread767920.html :
com.Parameters.Add("#adate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Now;
Well, if you keep datetime fields in the DB you shouldn't worry about it.
As long as you keep the dates in app strongly typed (DateTime variables) and send the dates through prepared statements with DBParameter/SqlParameter your DB will take them as is.
If you use strings to hold your dates in code, some casts will ensure you send the right values:
string sqlCmd = #"SELECT *
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDateField = CONVERT(datetime, '{0}', 101)";
// assuming myDateString is a string with a date in the local format
sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd,
(the code is ugly, but hopefully it gets the point across)
As others have mentioned, you should be OK as far as storing datetimes culturally. What I would recommend is that you store all of your times as standard UTC time. In SQL Server 2005 and older there is no way to store time zone information, but if everything is stored in universal time, you should be OK because the time can be converted to the local time later on.
SQL Server 2008 does have some datatypes that are aware of time zones, and if you're using .NET 3.5 there are tools to assist with time zone handling/conversions.
Definitely keep times in universal format. This will make a world of a difference if you have to work in multiple time zones.
