Couldn't install Microsoft.VisualStudio.AspNet45.Feature -

Im having these problem after installing on Visual Studio 2017
//Couldn't install Microsoft.VisualStudio.AspNet45.Feature
Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.AspNet45.Feature,version=15.7.27520.0'
failed to install.
Search URL;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=87
Command executed: "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /quiet /norestart /Enable-Feature
/FeatureName:"netfx4extended-aspnet45" /All
Return code: 87
Return code details: No file path specified.
Impacted workloads
ASP.NET and web development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb,version=15.7.27625.0)
Impacted components
Advanced ASP.NET features (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.AspNet45,version=15.7.27625.0)

As per thread this issue has been fixed in latest Visual Studio update. Please install latest Visual Studio update and then try.


VSCode Omnisharp server A .NET 6 SDK for x86_64 was not found

Omnisharp does not seem to recognize my installed .NET sdk (version 6.0.408).
I have tried manually adding this path via settings to Omnisharp: SDK path i.e.:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.403
I have also tried reinstalling the SDK and even VSCode.
This does not seem to solve the issue however, and I am unable to run my application on VSCode. Running dotnet run from the terminal is fine.
TLDR: Both .NET SDK versions and Visual Studion versions needed to be x64.
Here was the exact error I was seeing in the Output Window:
[ERROR] A .NET 6 SDK for x86_64 was not found. Please install the
latest x86_64 SDK from
[ERROR] Error: OmniSharp server load timed out. Use the
'omnisharp.projectLoadTimeout' setting to override the default delay
(one minute).
When I realized there was a mismatch between my .NET SDKs and Visual Studio Code in terms of being x86 and x64, I did the following:
Deleted the bin/obj folders and .vscode folders in my VS Code project.
Uninstalled my .NET SDKs via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Uninstalled Visual Studio Code via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Installed .NET 7.0 x64 and .NET 6.0 x64.
Opened PowerShell and ran dotnet --info to make sure my .NET runtime and SDK were appearing correctly.
Installed Visual Studio Code x64.
Used PowerShell and cd'd to my project folder. Did a dotnet restore. Then launched Visual Studio Code using code . command.
I could then use the most current version of the VS Code extension (v1.25.2).
Uninstalling and then installing the VSCode extension C# for Visual Studio Code solved the issue for me.
I had the same problem and just solved it. Copy and pasting this from a Youtube comment I just finished writing, so it might sound funny out of context, but the good bits are in there. Hope it helps.
Installed dotnet 7.0, but then it said dotnet 6 was missing...
So I deleted the script asset, exited Unity, went back to their website and installed Net 6.0.403
Error still happened.
I'll note this seemed to push a script compiling error out to Unity in the inspector window, as well.
Deleted the script asset again, exited Unity again, then uninstalled both dotnet 7 and dotnet 6.
Then I reinstalled dotnet 6.
Into unity, made a new script, opened it, and this time no error message about missing net 6.
I just started yesterday. Literally. So if my solution is trash, I'll laugh with you lol. Best of luck.

Issue to install core3.1 VSBuildTools offline installer 2017 using workload

When we trying to install the offline installer which is generated using below workload getting exited with errorlevel 1 . Any advise please?
.\vs_buildtools__140882496.1541481122.exe --layout .
--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools
--lang en-US
Something went wrong with the install.
If the issue has already been reported on the Developer Community, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, we encourage you to create a new issue so that other developers will be able to find solutions or workarounds. You can create a new issue from within the Visual Studio Installer in the upper-right hand corner using the "Provide feedback" button.
Package 'Microsoft.Net.4.7.2.FullRedist,version=4.7.3062.3' failed to install.
Search URL;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=16389
Command executed: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.Net.4.7.2.FullRedist,version=4.7.3062.3\dotNetFxLatest-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe" /q /norestart /KeepAUPaused /ChainingPackage Visual_Studio_15_Setup /CEIPconsent /log "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20200103140616_004_Microsoft.Net.4.7.2.FullRedist.log"
Return code: 16389
Return code details: Unknown error (0x00004005)
Impacted workloads
.NET desktop build tools (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktopBuildTools,version=16.4.29511.114)
MSBuild Tools (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools,version=16.0.28516.191)
Web development build tools (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WebBuildTools,version=16.4.29409.204)
Impacted components
.NET Framework 4.7.2 development tools (Microsoft.Net.ComponentGroup.DevelopmentPrerequisites,version=16.3.29207.166)
.NET Framework 4.7.2 targeting pack (Microsoft.Net.Component.4.7.2.TargetingPack,version=16.0.28517.75)
C# and Visual Basic Roslyn compilers (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler,version=16.0.28714.129)
MSBuild (Microsoft.Component.MSBuild,version=16.4.29429.68)

Any luck with building ASP.NET 5 beta 7 application on VSO?

I'm trying to build ASP.NET 5 beta 7 application on VSO. And I getting following error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DNX.PackageManager' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.DNX.PackageManager'
I know about this issue:
So I tried to install latest WebTools using PowerShell script but "access denied".
Any ideas how to build beta7 app in VSO? Or just wait unit VSO build server will be updated with latest tools?
In order to build ASP.NET 5 beta 7 project successfully, the Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015 (Beta7) – Visual Studio 2015 needs to be installed.
However, this web tool is not available on hosted build server, that is the reason why you get the "FileNotFoundException" error message (please check this link for the details what are installed on hosted build server: Additionally, you're not allowed to install any software to hosted build server, so, you get the "access denied" error message.
So, in order to build ASP.NET 5 beta 7 project successfully, instead of using hosted build server, you need to set up to use your own on-premise build controller. Check this link for the details:
This is a result of the tooling changes for Visual Studio 2015 and VSO not having the latest tools installed in its hosted build controller (specifically, Microsoft.Dnx.PackageManager doesn't exist and should actually be Microsoft.Dnx.Tooling). To get around this, besides hosting your own build controller, you can fall back to the command line tools dnu build and dnu publish:
dnu build "src\{YOUR.PROJECT.FOLDER}" --configuration "release"
dnu publish "src\{YOUR.PROJECT.FOLDER}" --configuration "release" --out "your\output\directory\to\publish\to" --runtime "dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta7"
I have this mostly detailed on my blog here: Deploying ASP.NET 5 Beta 7 Through Visual Studio Online
This should only be a temporary issue, as one can only assume Microsoft will be updating their tooling. When that's complete, you should be able to go back to the normal Visual Studio build step.
Seems that you've renamed PackageManager incorreclty. Just find where you have reference to 'Microsoft.DNX.PackageManager' and change it to 'Microsoft.DNX.Tooling'

Error when installing Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.0 in Visual Studio 2013

I installed Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio 2013 CTP 2.0. I then updated VS2013 to update 4. Now I can't upgrade MDHA to 3.0 because it tells me to uninstall 2.0 first, however the uninstaller doesn't work. When trying to uninstall 2.0 from Programs and Features, it just goes through the setup and then doesn't remove the software from the Add/Remove list.
I tried following this however it doesn't work:
I ended up discovering that the package GUID in the the KB article is wrong. I used this to uninstall the 2.0, then I could install 3.0. The package ID may vary so you may need to search the directory for vs2013mda_0.1.exe and replace the command with your package location.
"%ProgramData%\Package Cache\{38f367f1-1468-4f16-a4c4-29747084003b}\vs2013mda_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763};vsupdate_KB2829760
Also,be prepared to wait. This takes a long time.
Thank you TechnoTim, the problem is that, every people has its own package GUID.
To solve the problem, you must lunch the command from the root directory, c:\, changing the package GUID with your package GUID.
In my system:
C:\>"%ProgramData%\Package Cache\{dea88246-f74a-4171-ad6c-d9c978bf2973}\vs2013md
a_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43
To find the right package GUID I go to C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\ and search for
vs2013mda_0.1.exe and save the path in the block note, then change in path in the orignal command and lunch it from the root directory c:\, and its work.
Sorry fom my english.
"You cannot install Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.0 in Visual Studio 2013"
To resolve this issue, follow these steps to uninstall Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio CTP 2.0
Open a command prompt as an administrator.
Run the following command: "%ProgramData%\Package Cache{dea88246-f74a-4171-ad6c-d9c978bf2973}\vs2013mda_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763};vsupdate_KB2829760
Run vs2013mda_0.3.exe again for Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP 3.0.
The above worked when installing update 4, please see:
I solved this problem by another way.
I have tried to uninstall from command line, but no one of paths don't exists on my computer.
And I simply created another user with administrator permissions and installed new apache cordova tools from that user.
In my situation it correctly works running by new created user and old user.
Sorry for my horrible English.

Using Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment projects - getting an error finding aspnet_merge.exe

I recently upgraded a VS2005 web deployment project to VS2008 - and now I get the following error when building:
The specified task executable location "bin\aspnet_merge.exe" is invalid.
Here is the source of the error (from the web deployment targets file):
<Target Name="AspNetMerge" Condition="'$(UseMerge)' == 'true'" DependsOnTargets="$(MergeDependsOn)">
What is the solution to this problem?
Note - I also created a web deployment project from scratch in VS2008 and got the same error.
Apparently aspnet_merge.exe (and all the other SDK tools) are NOT packaged in Visual Studio 2008. Visual Studio 2005 packaged these tools as part of its installation.
The place to get this is an installation of the Windows 2008 SDK (latest download).
Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2 SDK: here
The solution is to install the Windows SDK and make sure you set FrameworkSDKDir as an environment variable before starting the IDE. Batch command to set this variable:
SET FrameworkSDKDir="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1"
NOTE: You will need to modify to point to where you installed the SDK if not in the default location.
Now VS2008 will know where to find aspnet_merge.exe.
I just ran into this same problem trying to use MSBuild to build my web application on a server. I downloaded the "web" version of the SDK because the setup is only 500KB and it prompts you for which components to install and only downloads and installs the ones you choose. I unchecked everything except for ".NET Development Tools". It then downloaded and installed about 250MB worth of stuff, including aspnet_merge.exe and sgen.exe
You can download the winsdk_web.exe setup for Win 7 and .NET 3.5 SP1 here.
