Sonata Admin List Field Template is Ignored - symfony

I'm using Symfony 4.1.1 and Sonata Admin Bundle 3.35.2.
I want to use a custom template for a field in an admin's list view. The template is ignored. I am using Twig as my templating engine.
In the admin:
# /src/Admin/ImageAdmin.php
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper) {
->add('filename', 'string', ['template' => 'list_image.html.twig'])
The template:
# /templates/list_image.html.twig
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
<img src="{{ value }}" style="width: 200px" />
{% endblock %}

Should be
# /templates/list_image.html.twig
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
<img src="{{ object.filename }}" style="width: 200px" />
{% endblock %}
SRC will be just filename - not full path for file, so image will not be printed. Fix that problem also.
The other problem is that, you accesed some mystical value? I don't see where you assign value to it.
You can access getters of object by writing object.fieldname. This one works as printing getter function of your current object.

I've had same problem (Symfony 4.1), try solution from here Use custom column in Sonata Admin list
so change:
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% extends '#SonataAdmin/CRUD/base_list_field.html.twig' %}
it did work for me. The problem is that even if your location is right (i got to it after some experiments) and you extend the wrong template you wont get any error.

Might be a bit late but for everyone who comes across with the same problem like me - I´ve solved it by creating a specific path within twig.yaml for admin-templates, simply create a subfolder _admin or try to use 'templates/': 'admin' to keep your files where they are (haven't tested this possibility)
# /config/packages/twig.yaml
'templates/_admin/': 'admin'
# /src/Admin/ImageAdmin.php
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper) {
->add('filename', 'string', ['template' => '#admin/list_image.html.twig'])


Use custom column in Sonata Admin list

I created a project with Symfony 4.1, and install Sonata Admin Bundle.
In a listing of my categories, I try to add a column which is not related to a field of Category
So I did
/* Admin/CategoryAdmin.php */
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('test_column', 'string', [
'template' => 'template_test.html.twig',
And my template.
{# templates/template_test.html.twig #}
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
{% endblock %}
The column is created, but it's empty. What did I do wrong?
Here's my test project:
I had a other big project with Symfony 3.4 where it's working with no problem, so I created a fresh projet in 3.4, but I got the same issue.
No error message, juste blank for my column
---------- EDIT -----------
I had a better look, and it seams that the compiled template does not match my template
On my old big Symfony3.4 projet, compiled template is the same as template.
But I still don't know why
Ad yceruto said in the comments, the notation of my twig extends was not good:
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
instead of
{% extends '#SonataAdmin/CRUD/base_list_field.html.twig' %}
This ist most likely a path problem. The tricky thing is, that the configureList function won't give you any error (other like in configureForm). It displays the column, tries to match a property in your object but left it empty if there is no property. Double-check your path. I think you are pointing to the wrong file path.
You write
{# templates/template_test.html.twig #}
but you point to
'template' => 'template_test.html.twig',
So sonata is looking for app/Resources/view/template_test.html.twig
but your comment say its anywhere in app/Resources/view/templates/template_test.html.twig or somewhere else.

Sonata admin bundle preview image from some entity in list mapper without sonata media bundle

I was wondering how should i approach this problem. In sonata admin dashboard i have users and i would like to preview users profile pictures in thumbnails of a ListMapper. I'm new to symfony and still a bit confused trying to wrap my head around these concepts.
You need to create a custom template where you display the image of your user, i will assume that your Entity User as a Picture Entity which has a path method that gives the image URL :
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
{% if object.picture != null %}
<img src="{{ object.picture.path }}">
{% else %}
<span>No picture</span>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
You know have to use this template in your list
class UserAdmin extends Admin
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('picture', null, array(
'template' => 'ApplicationSonataAdminBundle:User:picture.html.twig'
Documentation is available here :
one separated entity, -no user-, where I have added one media, this for me worked
in admin configureListFields
->add('media', 'string', array('template' => 'SonataMediaBundle:MediaAdmin:list_image.html.twig'))

SonataAdmin: replace ID in breadcrumbs

How can I replace Object's ID in SonataAdmin breadcrumbs by some other text?
If I set __toString() in my document, it works only for editing. When I attempt to create new record, there is something like MyDocument:0000000000e09f5c000000006a48ef49 in the last breadcumb.
I'm searching for a method which allows me to set some text as the last breadcump if Document::toString() returns null.
This behaviour is implemented directly in the entity:
public function __toString()
return $this->getFoo() ? : '-';
Bundles are using variants of this, including return (string)$this->getFoo(); or $this->getFoo() ? : 'n/a'; etc.
Related question: toString method for SonataAdminBundle Listing in Symfony2
BTW something cool to know, you can completely customize the breadcrumb via a Twig template:
{% block sonata_breadcrumb %}
{% set _breadcrumb %}
<li class="active">Data</li>
{% endset %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

How can I change symfony2 form fields default options globally?

Is there a way to change default options for form fields globally in symfony2?
More specifically, I want to change the render of ALL datetime fields to use single_text instead of the default choice widget.
Can it be done? Or do I need to implement a custom type and set the default in there, like for example the birthdate type?
I prefer an option that leads to minimal changes in the codebase.
The post is old, but you can use an alternative method, overriding the DateType symfony class ...
class: "YourApp\YourBundle\Form\DateType"
- { name: "form.type", alias: "date" }
namespace YourApp\YourBundle\Form;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType as SymfonyDateType;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
class DateType extends SymfonyDateType
* {#inheritdoc}
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
parent::configureOptions( $resolver );
$resolver->setDefault( 'widget', 'single_text' );
You can check if the service is taken by container
$ ./app/console debug:container | grep YourApp\YourBundle\Form\DateType
form.type.datetime Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateTimeType
You have to define a form theme.
It's very easy and requires only a little bit coding time. First of all, you have to know which block to customize; in that case, you can do something like
{% block my_data_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if type is defined and type == 'date' %}
// do all your customization
{% else %}
// don't know ...
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_widget_simple %}
Now that you have defined this snippet of code, you can use it into your main template (or whatever you use into your form views) in that way
{% form_theme form 'YourBundle:Form:myDataWidget' %}
Last but not least important, you have to place your form theme into Resources/views folder. In my example, your path will be Resources/views/Form/myDataWidget
Did you tried with
{% set type = type|default('single_text') %}
or something like that?

SonataAdminBundle custom rendering of text fields in list

I'm using symfony2 and SonataAdminBundle.
I have a simple Entity called Post in which I have content field that is basically html text (from a ckeditor for the record). I need to display in the Post list the content field as raw html, without escaping it.
Hacking base_list_field template like this
{% block field %}{{ value|raw }}{% endblock %}
works, but it's clearly not the proper way.
The solution:
I've defined a custom html type in the config.yml for sonata_doctrine_orm_admin:
html: MyBundle:Default:list_html.html.twig
And created the custom list_html.html.twig template in which i do not escape HTML:
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field%}
{% endblock %}
Now in the PostAdmin I can define the behaviour of the field in the configureListFields method:
->add('content', 'html')
I know it's an old post that has an accepted answer, but now you can also use the safe option to tell Symfony not to sanitize the output.
$mapper->add('content', null, [
'safe' => true,
