using the 'ptw' package in R - r

I am working on applying the ptw package to my GC-MS wine data. So far I have been able to correctly use this package on the apples example data described in the vignette (MTBLS99). Since I am new to R, I am unable to get my .CDF files into the format they used to start the vignette. They started with three data frames (All.pks, All.tics, All.xset). I assume that this was generated using the xcms package. But I cannot recreate the specific steps used for the data to be formatted in this manner. Has anyone successfully applied 'ptw' to their LC/GC-MS data? can someone share the code used for generating the All.pks, All.tics, All.xset data frames?


Convert a database from MongoDB to a R data frame using Rmongo

I am trying to obtain a database that comes from Mongo DB to R, so I can make anlaysis on it. The bridge between these two is a R package: Rmongo.
As I have some policy rules, I cannot show you the dataset and my output, so I will try to explain as best as possible.
My two first commands, after installing the package, are these ones:
mg1 <- mongoDbConnect("test", "localhost", 27018)
Which works, as it shows the collection, or the different variables.
Then, I can use the commands made by the Rmongo package, meaning:
query = dbGetQuery(mg1, 'address_history','{}')
This normally returns a data frame with all the variables on each column. But, because it is a nested file, I only get the first three variables (out of around fifty) because they are at the top of the nest. For the rest, I get one column of the data frame with the json code (so of approximately 50 variables) that I cannot seem to turn in a data frame. If someone is familiar with that, please help me.
I already saw on Stack Overflow a way to do it manually thanks to gsub, and in general pattern with the code, but this code is dissimilar, and doing it manually will not make it work.
Furthermore, there is also another command via the Rmongo package:
query2 = dbGetQueryForKeys(mg1, 'address_history', '{}', '{address:1}')
where I can return the variable that I want. Unfortunately, because this is a nested file, it also cannot find the variables that are not in the top of the nest.
Is there another command or another package that I can use? I am open to any other opportunity to get this dataset (very large) into an R data frame, so I can make any inferences.
Thank you very much!
I tried just now setting up Rmongo and mongolite for R. I got mongolite working in minutes with the starter data locally . I could not get even get the data I wanted inserted using Rmongo.
I think if you try installing mongolite you will find their documentation and package simpler.

Using `data()` for time series objects in R

I apologise if this question has been asked already (I haven't been able to find it). I was under the impression that I could access datasets in R using data(), for example, from the datasets package. However, this doesn't work for time series objects. Are there other examples where this is not the case? (And why?)
data("ldeaths") # no dice
ts("ldeaths") # works
(However, this works for data("austres"), which is also a time-series object).
The data function is designed to load package data sets and all their attributes, time series or otherwise.
I think the issue your having is that there is no stand-alone data set called ldeaths in the datasets package. ldeaths does exist as 1 of 3 data sets in the UKLungDeaths data set. The other two are fdeaths and mdeaths.
The following should lazily load all data sets.
Then, typing ldeaths in the console or using it as an argument in some function will load it.
While it is uncommon for package authors to include multiple objects in 1 data set, it does happen. This line from the data function documentation gives on a 'heads up' about this:
"For each given data set, the first two types (‘.R’ or ‘.r’, and ‘.RData’ or ‘.rda’ files) can create several variables in the load environment, which might all be named differently from the data set"
That is the case here, as while there are three time series objects contained in the data set, not one of them is named UKLungDeaths.
This choice occurs when the package author uses the save function to write multiple R objects to an external file. In the wild, I've seen folks use the save function to bundle a description file with the data set, although this would not be the proper way to document something in a full on package. If your really curious, go read the documentation on the save function.

Import Eviews workfile into R

I have problem importing an Eviews workfile into R. I use the hexView package and I can get the time series data into R but I do not get the periods responding to the time series imported. (The periods is not stored as a timeseries object.)
I would not like to create an time series objects for the periods in the workfile to solve the problem.
If there is another way than using the hexView package to import the data and the responding periods it would be great.
Right now I use this simple code to read the data into R
d <- readEViews("testData.wf1", = TRUE)
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
This question motivated me to create an R package EviewsR, which is available on CRAN.
Please follow the following steps in R:
eviews$importedDataframe # to access the imported dataframe in R
The package works with base R, R Markdown and Quarto.
I am currently updating the package to provide new features
I look forward to your feedback.

Need an example data for PVF package(Photo Voltaic and Solar Forecasting)

I am working on PV forecasting(predicting the AC power that can be generated by a solar power plant). I am trying to use PVF package for that.
I tried to see how to use that package, but there is no sample data given for this package. The package is available at
There is nothing given in file too.
It would be of great help if someone can get me an example dataset to work with PVF package.
I am seriously struggling on how to start working on it as I don't have any data and flow of functions of what to use.
You can suggest if there is a way I can contact the contributor.
The meteorological data was retrieved from Meteogalicia using the meteoForecast package. The output power was obtained from actual measurements of private PV plants. We are not allowed to publish these datasets, but the package is designed to work with almost any file.
Both meteorological data and power measurements were combined to be used as
input to the prediction functions from PVF package as described in this paper and in the help pages of the package and its functions.

Where to store data for an R package hosted on GitHub

I'm working on building a package in R and have a couple very large data sets that I would like to make available to package users without having to re-run my code that extracted the data initially. My package (which is still a work in progress) is hosted on GitHub. It's primarily for my own use as I work on a larger research project. Is there a way to include a .csv of a data set so that it stays stored on GitHub? Ideally it would be something like the default data sets mtcars or diamonds. Is there a way to dput() the data set and then store it in my package function file?
Additional information: I've been using a combination of roxygen2 and devtools to build and launch. This question is related but is one step ahead of what I need.
I hope my question is clear!
