JSONPath - How to query an attribute with a period in it - jsonpath

My JSON is just:
"https://example.com/external_id": 99999
But I can't extract the 99999 for the life of me.

Right in the documentation:
Tried using http://jsonpath.com/.


Finding JSONPath value by a partial key

I have the following JSON:
"Dialog_1": {
"en": {
"label_1595938607000": "Label1",
"newLabel": "Label2"
I want to extract "Label1" by using JSONPath. The problem is that each time I get a JSON with a different number after "label_", and I'm looking for a consistent JSONPath expression that will return the value for any key that begins with "label_" (without knowing in advance the number after the underscore).
It is not possible with JSONPath. EL or Expression Language does not have sch capability.
Besides, I think you need to review your design. Why the variable name is going to be changed all the time? If it is changing then it is data and you need to keep it in a variable. You cannot keep data in data.

Loadrunner Parameters in JSON String

I'm trying to use a parameter inside of a JSON string, and would like to use an inner parameter to replace an GUID. I've changed the default parameter start and end characters since curly braces are used in JSON.
I've tried to do something like this, where the json param contains my json which is similar to this below.
request_json = lr_eval_string("<json>");
lr_save_string(request_json, "request_json_param");
I'm expecting the lr_eval_string to replace the with the GUID that's in this parameter, what's the best why of replacing this ID in my JSON String?
Not sure what you are asking but I will put this here in case someone comes here in the future:
lr_eval_json("Buffer/File=my_json.json", "JsonObject=MJO",LAST);
lr_json_stringify("JsonObject=MJO","Format=compact", "OutputParam=newJsonBody",LAST);
"Name=Content-Type", "Value=application/json", ENDHEADER,
return 0;
"LastActionId": 0,
"Updated": "{mydate}"
Okay so instead of doing what I'm thinking above I ended up creating an array of char's with this {"DashboardGUID":"<Dash_GUID>", someotherdata:"123"} in 10 different positions within the array. I then randomly selected an element from this array and when doing the lr_eval_string the parameter was replaced.
Hopefully this makes sense those looking to do something similar.

Using ProjectionExpression on List that contain maps

Say that this is the table struct:
[{ name:"test", age:99,
Info: [
{ location:"A", num:11 },
{ location:"B", num:99 }
What i want to get is something like this:
{ name: "test",
would that be possible? I can't seem to make it work unless I specify the index.
ProjectionExpression="name, #mp[0].location",
ExpressionAttributeNames={"#mp": "Info"}
How do I do this?
Based on the documentation you can either specify the whole object or with index.
Working as documented.
Hope it helps.
It's a little tricky if you do not know the length of list. You could try using a max length for the list and use something like (assuming 3 is the max length)

ElasticSearch. How to get counts for several ranges in one query?

Currently I am getting count for a range of values via this query:
$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype/_count' -d '{
Now I have several ranges, and need counts for each range. Can I get them with one query, rather then re-querying each time?
I looked into multi-search with search_type=count But probably it's not the right approach to follow... (it gave me just some aggregated count rather than grouping by... looks like I misused it)
EDIT: I've found that range facet would have been amazing, but unfortunately my values are neither numbers, nor dates, they're just strings...
EDIT2: This is what I ended up with, based on the accepted answer:
$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype/_search?search_type=count' -d '{
facets : {
range1 : {
filter : {
range2 : {
filter : {
Heres a link where the creator of ES gives a solution (i.e : several filter facets)
So, one filter facet per range should work alright.
Here's the link toward the doc :
doc api
hope it helps

Flex: Binding to an MXML-esque "binding string" in action script?

Is it possible to specify MXML-esque "binding strings" in ActionScript?
For example, I want to be able to do something like:
MXMLBinding(this, "first_item",
this, "{myArrayCollection.getItemAt(0)");
MXMLBinding(this, ["nameLbl", "text"],
this, "Name: {somePerson.first} {somePerson.last}");
Edit: thanks for the responses and suggestions… Basically, it seems like you can't do this. I've dug around and figured out why.
(Shameless plug)
BindageTools can do this:
Bind.fromProperty(this, "myArrayCollection", itemAt(0))
.toProperty(this, "first_item");
Bind.fromProperty(this, "somePerson.first"),
Bind.fromProperty(this, "somePerson.last")
.format("Name: {0} {1}")
.toProperty(this, "nameLbl.text");
Note that BindageTools puts the source object first and the destination last (whereas BindingUtils puts the destination first and the source last).
Using ChangeWatcher (e.g., via BindingUtils.bindProperty or .bindSetter) is the way to go, yes. I admit it's a strange notation, but once you get used to it, it makes sense, works perfectly and is quite flexible, too.
Of course, you could always wrap those functions yourself somehow, if the notation bugged you -- both methods are static, so doing so in a way that feels more appropriate to your application should be a fairly straightforward exercise.
I could use BindingUtils or ChainWatcher, but then I'd end up with code that looks something like this:
BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateName, this, ["somePerson", "first"]);
BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateName, this, ["somePerson", "last"]);
protected function updateName(...ignored):void {
this.nameLbl.text = "Name: " + somePerson.first + " " + somePerson.last;
Which is just a little bit ugly… And the first example, binding to arrayCollection.getItemAt(0), is even worse.
Does the first parameter (function) of BindingUtils.bindSetter method accept anonymous methods?
this.nameLbl.text = "Name: " + somePerson.first + " " + somePerson.last;
}, this, ["somePerson", "last"]);
I hate anonymous methods and obviously it's even more uglier - so I won't recommend that even if it works, but just wondering if it works.
Never the answer anyone wants to hear, but just manage this stuff with getters/setters in ActionScript. With a proper MVC, it's dead simple to manually set your display fields.
public function set myArrayCollection(value:Array):void {
myAC = new ArrayCollection(value);
first_item = mcAC.getItemAt(0); // or value[0];
Alright, so I've done some digging, and here's what's up.
Bindings in MXML are, contrary to reason, setup by Java code (modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/as3/binding/DataBindingFirstPassEvaluator.java, if I'm not mistaken) at compile time.
For example, the binding: first_item="{myArrayCollection.getItemAt(0)}"` is expanded into, among other things, this:
// writeWatcher id=0 shouldWriteSelf=true class=flex2.compiler.as3.binding.PropertyWatcher shouldWriteChildren=true
watchers[0] = new mx.binding.PropertyWatcher("foo",
{ propertyChange: true }, // writeWatcherListeners id=0 size=1
[ bindings[0] ],
// writeWatcher id=1 shouldWriteSelf=true class=flex2.compiler.as3.binding.FunctionReturnWatcher shouldWriteChildren=true
watchers[1] = new mx.binding.FunctionReturnWatcher("getItemAt",
function():Array { return [ 0 ]; },
{ collectionChange: true },
// writeWatcherBottom id=0 shouldWriteSelf=true class=flex2.compiler.as3.binding.PropertyWatcher
// writeWatcherBottom id=1 shouldWriteSelf=true class=flex2.compiler.as3.binding.FunctionReturnWatcher
// writeEvaluationWatcherPart 1 0 parentWatcher
watchers[1].parentWatcher = watchers[0];
This means that it is simply impossible to setup curly-brace MXML-style bindings at runtime because the code to do it does not exist in ActionScript.
