How can we install mwc-menu - polymer-3.x

Some of the new material components released with Polymer 3.0, are not available from NPM. Is there any way to install them ? For example, how can we install mwc-menu ?

It is available in npm.
npm i #material/mwc-*
replace * with material item u r looking for
refer this link


Next-auth Package subpath '.providers/...' is not defined by "exports" in

Just got this error while working with Next-auth
Server Error
Error: Package subpath './providers/google' is not defined by "exports" in C:\Users...\node_modules\next-auth\package.json
Any help?
I think this comes from your next-auth version.
Make sure you're not working with mixed versions' features.
We now have two main versions: Version 3 and Version 4 (beta version).
By Reading the Docs, You can figure it out.
Check this Thread and use the Link to know more about this version issue
You can solve the problem by upgrading the Version 👉 Upgrade your Next-auth for some compatibilities issues
yes, I have the same issue as this, don't panic.
I solved just trying to install and reinstall node_module.
case 1 remove node_module and install again use npm (install success install not information error)
case 2 remove node_module again and install node_module use yarn ( I getting some information error for requiring version nodejs version), so in this case you need to upgrade or downgrade nodejs to another version.
okay that it, I hope this help you.
I had the same error, and in my particular case are be because i been running a old version of node.
first check your version of node
node -v
after upgrate with your package manager of your preference (brew, apt-get, etc)
brew upgrade node
and finally switch your version with a version manager tool of node
npm i -g n
n latest
for me updating the node version fixed the above issue
Try this:
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google";

aldeed:collection2 not working with iron cli

I am new to meteor iron and I am trying to install aldeed collection2 but the app is crushing
W20190215-12:44:48.023(2)? (STDERR) WARNING: npm peer requirements (for aldeed:collection2) not installed:
W20190215-12:44:48.024(2)? (STDERR) - simpl-schema#>=0.0.0 not installed.
I have tried to install simple-schema but nothing is working.
meteor npm install simpl-schema --save
I have also removed and reinstalled collection2 but I still get the same error. What is it that I am missing?
I tried to reproduce the error with a new created repo, that contains the dependencies you have listed but everything runs fine on my side.
However, I found, thataldeed:collection2-core is now somewhat deprecated and being merged back into aldeed:collection2 as you can read in the project repository on GitHub:
MPORTANT: This package has been merged back into aldeed:collection2 as version 3.0.0 of that package. Refer to
Create issues and PRs in the other repo going forward:
Issues remain enabled on this repo for reference to existing issues only.
So a good first step would be to remove the deprecated package and install the updated one:
meteor remove aldeed:collection2-core
meteor add aldeed:collection2
If you want to start from a new clean project you can reproduce these steps to get to a running starting point here:
meteor create someprojectname
cd someprojectname
meteor add iron:router twbs:bootstrap aldeed:autoform aldeed:collection2
meteor npm install --save iron simpl-schema
The project will start without errors. From here you can start including your former code and see if the error will come back (which is then likely to be an issue inside your code) or not.
Important note on twbs:bootstrap:
The package twbs:bootstrap is using an old version (3.3.6) which is considered to contain several security vulnerabilities (read here and here).
If you want to use the latest Bootstrap you may rather install bootstrap using npm like so:
meteor remove twbs:bootstrap
meteor npm install --save bootstrap#latest jquery#latest popper.js#latest
You need jquery here, too because Meteor does not contain the required version and popper.js handles the Popover, Modal etc.
To include it in your code you need to add these lines to your client code:
import 'bootstrap'
import popper from 'popper.js'
global.Popper = popper
To use Bootstrap 4 with AutoForm you can install imajus:autoform-bootstrap4 (repo) and add the following to your client code:

ngrx platform - how to install the entire bundle

I'm a bit confused about the mono repo that is ngrx platform.
How do I install the entire collection? Is there a npm install command to install it or do I have to install each one (store, effects,..) individually?
You have to install each one individually.

Where does Meteor's installer put node and npm?

I just started learning Meteor JS on a fresh copy of OSX. I used the Meteor install instructions to install it. Everything works well - I can install Meteor packages and run the local instance. But where is Node.js and npm? I assume it must be installed with Meteor because everything runs, but the npm and node command is not available. Am I supposed to install Node separately?
Kevin N.
Edit: Corrected npm in the question title which OS X keeps changing to nom.
As of METEOR#, node and npm are stored in :
(The path depends on both the username and architecture of course).
If you're doing only Meteor dev, you won't need node on its own, you might however need npm to install Meteor related tools such as Meteor Up (mup), in which case you need to install npm separately or alias the command to use the Meteor one.

Unable to find a suitable version for platform

I'm installing the Google Sheets web component, and after pasting:
bower install GoogleWebComponents/google-sheets [--save]
It said that it didn't recognize [--save], so I typed
bower install GoogleWebComponents/google-sheets
and now it's asking:
Unable to find a suitable version for platform, please choose one:
1) platform#master which resolved to 1ea9f88521 and is required by core-comp
onent-page#9653654a2e, polymer#a16a41c923
2) platform#>=0.3.0 <1.0.0 which resolved to 0.3.3 and is required by core-c
omponent-page#0.3.3, polymer#0.3.3, polymer#0.3.3
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
[?] Answer:
So now my question is: what do I do?
Just select your choice preceding with !
? Answer:: !4
bower polymer resolution Saved polymer#~0.5.1 as resolution
So first, you have to put --save before the list of arguments of bower packages. Putting --save at the end, bower tries to resolve it as bower package (which is why it couldn't find it.)
The reason why it ask you to choose a version is because your bower package has dependencies with a specified version, and another dependency has the same package as dependency but with a different version. Bower can't decide which version of platform you want to install. I think it make sense in that case to choose "stable" release which is 0.3.3, because master could be broken.
