How do i remove gravatar completely from wordpress? - css

Hi I'm trying to to remove gravatar completely for my website. I've already disabled gravatar on the discussion page setting of wordpress. However, I'm using a paywall plugin which uses gravatar (called memberful) and its account popup always shows the profile avatar regardless if its disabled or not on the discussion page.

I think the profile-window is actually an iframe...
To here:
Do you have access to this endpoint, or is it created by a script? Changing the general CSS wont help you if you do not have access to inserting css into this endpoint.
The stylesheets are in weird places:

I didn't see the link to create an account and test this, but does this CSS work?
.memberful-account-header img {
display: none;
.memberful-account-header hgroup * {
margin-left: 0 !important;


display condition with css in wordpress website

I have a WordPress website and in my website I have two fields for which I want to write a condition with CSS that if the user is logged in, the field will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed.
thanks for your help..
Check for this class in the body tag:
It's a class Wordpress will add if someone is logged in. Note that not all themes may support this.
Then, use that in your css selector:
.logged-in #my-div { display: block } //or whatever display you want

CSS styling specific category (change logo/title)

I have created an alias domain to my old blog so it will handle on the cycling related content under the domain:
I have managed to change the logo to the new hompage by creating a static page (and redirecting any traffic from to it.)
I have used this CCS:
/*cycling */
.page-id-3811 .cutewp-logo-img-link {
content: url(;
My question is as followed:
when i try to give any post from "cycling" category the same logo, nothing seems to open.
this is the code that is not working:
.category-cycling .cutewp-logo-img-link {
content: url(;
And also a followup if you may:
no matter what I do, whether i used or I am getting the same website title from the Wordpress definition. Is there a way to define a custom web title for a specific page, similarly like changing the logo?
Many many thanks!
Have you tried throwing an !important on the end -
.category-cycling .cutewp-logo-img-link {
content: url(!important;

How to create a landing page with the child theme

I have purchased MasterStudy theme for my website and It doesn't have a template with no header or footer to create a landing page. My question is: how can I create a page with such template via its child theme and use visual composer to add the content? Is this possible?
Not sure if I completely understood your situation, but I'll try to help anyway.
Have you checked all the Theme Options? Sometimes you can easily delete the footer and header through the Theme Options. In case you have and there's not an option to do so, the smart move would be to create a custom page to fit your needs. You'll find some information about how to do so right here
Remember that the visual composer only edits the content of the webpage per se, meaning, it can't modify the template structure (footer and header in this case).
Hope it helps!
Actually, the solution is much more simple than I thought. I resolved it by adding custom CSS to hide the header and the footer of the page by mentioning Its ID. Here is the Code I used >>
.page-id-2114 #header {
display: none;
.page-id-2114 footer {
display: none;

How to change default wordpress logout template?

I am new to wordpress development and now I am stuck.
I need to change style and add some buttons in default wordpress logout template (when i am redirected to ).
But the question is where i can find that template?
Thanks in advance.
Ivelin Georgiev
There (unfortunately) isn't a template page for the login page. I'm not sure why this is, maybe its for security or something, I dunno. In any case you can't edit it directly without messing with the wordpress core.
However there are various hooks and actions you can add to in order to do some customisations. Here is some sample code from my own applications:
// this adds stuff to the head. You can add a stylesheet
// if you want, or just css like I have.
add_action("login_head", "cust_login_head");
function cust_login_head()
// this just changes the logo
body.login #login h1 a {
background: url('<?=plugins_url('images/logomed.png',__FILE__)?>') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
height: 64px;
width: 307px;
margin-left: 10px;
// these change the default links from wordpress to whatever you want
add_filter('login_headertitle', create_function(false, "return '';"));
add_filter('login_headerurl', create_function(false, "return '';"));
Stick that into your functions.php file in your theme to get it to work.
There will be other such methods and hooks you can change and add to, you just need to find them.
Use Themed login plugin - It allows to make login and registration process themeable using site's theme.

How to have a text-only view of a WordPress website in addition to the fully themed view?

I have a client who is interested in having a text-only view of their website available to visitors with accessibility needs. This would be in addition to the usual, fully themed view.
I like what the Kennedy Center did for text-only view, I like how it appears to the user as a subdirectory, but I am trying to figure out how to accomplish that in WordPress. Two themes? Subdirectory? Session cookie? Intercepting the URL and loading different stylesheets?
Any suggestions or any built-in capability that anyone can suggest?
A very fast way to go is to set a cookie and a GET variable.
Basic example:
In function.php:
if (isset($_GET['text'])) {
setcookie("is_text", 'true', time()+60*60*24*365*10,"/");
In header.php:
if (isset($_COOKIE['is_text'])||isset($_GET['text'])) {
// text CSS stylesheet
} else {
// standard CSS stylesheet
So you can switch the view in every page just by adding ?text to your url.
Try to use Theme Switcher plugin.
See here for the demo:
