Geopy - geocoders: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Yahoo' - geopy

Team Geopy users,
I am in need of help with the above-mentioned issue. I wrote the following piece of example in preparation of a much bigger assignment:
## example 2:
geopy.geocoders.MapQuest = None
However, I keep getting the above-stated error which I cannot seem to find solutions for. I shall be glad for any pointers to help me fix the problem.


What causes this? rdplot Error in R: Error in seq.default(x_min, c, jump_l) : invalid '(to - from)/by'

I am trying to use some very simple data in rdplot but I keep getting the error: Error in seq.default(x_min, c, jump_l) : invalid '(to - from)/by' I found this response from a diffrent post on Stack Overflow but can seem to apply the fix to the rdplot function. does anyone know how can this be fixed?
The actual code I am using is:
rdplot(y = dt$treated, x = dt$score)
Here is a sample of my data, as I've said it is fairly common data. So far I have found a couple of things:
There are multiple subsets of the observations that seem to cause problems
Changing the nbins or binselect arguments from their default will fix the problem
The first time you get an error is on the set 1:1463, however using only observations 2:1464 is OK.
The recent rdrobust version 1.0.1 should take care of this error.

R error "can't combine <character> and <double>?

I'm having an issue with a dataset that my team and I are working on. When trying to mutate a few variables into a new variable (named EU) here, this error pops up saying:
[Error: Problem with 'mutate()` input `EU`.
x Can't combine `...` <character> and `..2` <double>.]
I should note that my team and I all get this issue, but not always in the same part of the script. We've all updated our software to match and it still seems to happen.
Does anyone know how to fix this?? Thank you for any suggestions! We are learning as we go :)

Plotting GTFS object routes with tidytransit in R

I need to plot General transit Feed Specification (GTFS) object routes and their frequencies. For this purpose I have run the following code from the package manual
to get some practice. But although the code is taken from the manual, I do get the error below. Is there anyone who can clarify this issue and show me an alternative way to perform spatial analysis?
local_gtfs_path <- system.file("extdata",
package = "tidytransit")
nyc <- read_gtfs(local_gtfs_path,
Error in UseMethod("inner_join") :
no applicable method for 'inner_join' applied to an object of class "NULL"
thanks for posting this!
this happened because we made a change in the API and I think the docs you were looking at were out of sync. they should be up to date now. see
also, we made a change so that the plot() function will work as specified in the old docs and in the new docs.

what happened to missing.pattern.plot or mp.plot?

I have the package mi installed.
But when I try to run mp.plot (as Thomas Leeper does in this tutorial:) I get the following error message:
Error in mp.plot(mydf) : could not find function "mp.plot"
On one website this is called missing.pattern.plot, but that also does not work:
Error in missing.pattern.plot(mydf) :
could not find function "missing.pattern.plot"
Any idea what the issue might be?
I do not really care much if I cannot use this function, but I'm curious as to what is going on in case I later need to use a graph that I really need.

R Language: Error in read.table(file.path(data.dir, file_name1)) : no lines available in input

I am having a hard time coding in R language. What I am trying to do is read large amount of data in to one data frame, and make pretty pictures.
This is what I have:
# assign data
data.dir<-"/...../Documents/R programing Language/"
for(i in 1:length(1)){
newData1<-read.table(file.path(data.dir, file_name1))
#Replace negative numbers with NA
xx <- which(datavalues<0)
datavalues[xx] <- NA
Error I have is:
Error in read.table(file.path(data.dir, file_name1)) :
no lines available in input
I am trying to figure out by myself, but I am very new to R language, and I don't have enough knowledge of functions in R. Please explain what this error means and advice on my coding.
Thank you very much,
Similar situation was solved here with similar question (I know this post is quite old). Recently I got such error parsing several files... The reason was some files were empty which makes sense of error message.
Anyway, just make sure your input will not be empty using try ou trycatch as suggested on mentioned link.
