There is no Alexa Smart Home trigger - alexa-skills-kit

I'm following the official documentation while creating the Alexa Smart Home skill. The Create a Lambda function and add code step, point 6 is asking me to "…select the Alexa Smart Home trigger". But there is no Alexa Smart home trigger in the Triggers list. Do I do something wrong?

I just noticed this too, but quickly realized that it is not on the Ohio server. You must choose N. Virginia, EU (Ireland), or US West (Oregon).

Ok, I've found the problem. The Alexa Smart Home trigger is not available in the EU server location!

I was struck on this for a while until I did realise, that smart home is available at very limited place. For example they've mentioned in the I formation section as well to select the smart home. For India, Europe. They've suggested to select Ireland. This is explicitly available in Lambda function as Smart Home Skill.


Apply with linkedin button

(or anyone with knowledge on this subject).
I have been requested to place an "apply with linkedin" button on a clients website, so that job applicants can apply using there linkedin details to make the process a bit easier (please note that this is not for large scale requirement, and is for one company).
Button docs here for ref:
I have read the docs and come to the understanding that linkedIn only allows this API feature if:
You have a Linkedin enterprise account
You have a ATS account
I was hoping to get some clarification on these two points to see if I am correct? Or if there is a way to a normal business account can use this feature?
Thank you for any help you can offer here,
All the best,
Posting for anyone who finds this in future -
LinkedIn requires you to have their ATS system to use the apply with LinkedIn button from their API page.... This costs allot of Money (from my POV - but business class is a thing because businesses have allot of money).
This is not explicitly stated on the site, more like:
To use this feature you need ATS
To get ATS you need to speak with sales and pay for it (I ended up on the phone to a sales rep in Irl to find this out.... so pretty good example of where docs could be more explicate rather than implicit).

Sabre UPA integration

We would like to use sabre services. We would like to query the available UPAs (Universal Product Attributes) so we could show them to our customers. Currently we would like to show this pre-booking.
We have registered on the site: found some documentations but not everything is fully clear yet. Do we have a development guide about this topic? If yes, then which document it is?
When searching for product catalog here: we could not find anything about this query.
We also checked the following documentation but it is more about Amenities and UTAs (Universal Ticket Attributes):
So what we need is a documentation of how to query UPAs (Universal Product Attributes). Could you please help us out?
Thank you in advance.
The only reference I found for UPA is related to ATPCO and, as far as I know, Sabre does not offer ATPCO content directly. Data goes from ATPCO mainly for shopping and pricing stuff.
If you are new to Sabre, you might want to try checking the Getting started with Sabre APIs and then check on the items on the left menu

Can't find exact api to get all products from ebay to sync with woocomerce

I was planning to build a system where I can sync my product list on ebay to woocommerce and vice-versa.
I have gone through the internet searching this info, but cannot find the same.
I have gone through the API:
But, don't know which is going to work or even I don't know whether I'm searching the right category.
If you know any available plugin or any solution or sample, please refer.
You COULD do it that way, in the same sense that you could build yourself a house if I sent you to a lumber yard.
I think what you're really after is this here. It should do everything you need.
You still can do it using the link you shared, but give yourself a good 6 months at least to get your code written. (Or longer depending on how well you can code.)

Alexa - build custom slot for addresses

I am creating in which a user can say an address (for further processing). An address can be anything from "New York" to "123 First Avenue Washington" to "Seattle Harbor". Basically like something you can enter at Google Maps - it will recognize more or less everything :)
So now of course comes the problem on how to create a custom slot for this? LITERAL is deprecated PLUS I am working on a German language skill.
Should I actually try to fill the 50,000 lines I got available for a custom skill with as many enumerations of addresses as I can come up with? I'm afraid that even if I go down that road, Alexa will still try to map any input that's not in that list to one that is - and thereby rendering my skill a bit mood :(
Thanks for any advise!
As you suggest, using a custom slot with 50K sample addresses wouldn't really work. Something as complicated as an address really needs a built-in slot type, and there is one for US skills:
But you noted that you are targeting a German language skill and as far as I know there isn't a German language or address version of the above built-in slot yet.
The fact that they have done it for US suggests that they will add it for Germany at some point, but counting on that is risky, of course, so you are in a difficult position. In the mean-time I would suggest you go to the feature request space and add a request for a German version of the above:

Pre-Built Intents for Watson Conversation

After setting up the IBM Watson Conversation service on my Raspberry Pi today I was disappointed to see that I'd have to write out every possible input (intent) and output (entity). Chalk this up to my extreme naivety around machine learning, But isn't there a way to tie into an existing set of conversation capabilities?
For example, I'm sure Watson already knows all the words for Hello and their proper responses. Or how to answer a variety of silly questions. Is there any way to tap into the Watson we all saw on Jeopardy?
Thanks for your help!
There are a number of options here.
System Entities
These are pre-defined to allow you to understand certain common concepts. Numbers, Currency and Dates are the available ones at the moment, but there are more coming.
You can also pull public lists and import as CSV. For example: . You may need to check the licensing before using though.
As you mentioned there is no pre-defined intents. But there are two solutions available that augment conversation.
First is "Watson Virtual Agent". This is a SaaS that contains pre-defined training sets for certain industries, as well as custom UI you can slot into your application. It's not cheap, but you can get a trial to play with it.
The other option is "Project Intu". It's still experimental, but it's purpose is to help in building robots/IOT devices. It contains pre-defined chit chat and some off topic stuff.
They have a "TJ Bot" project which can be used with a raspberry pi.
