how to effectively manage input dataset for lightgbm to avoid memory error - out-of-memory

I am trying to fit a lightgbm model multiclass model on large dataframe:
train_data = lgb.Dataset(train_df[v1].values, label=label)
631,761 x 1786 columns (2.2gb). This runs fine. However, there is one column, which has 10000 unique classes (which I am currently using in model with the help of pd.factorize). However I want to transpose them and use as indicators for each class as below:
train_data = lgbm.Dataset(train_df[v1].values, label=label,feature_name=v1,categorical_feature=['ward_id'])
This transformation is leading to memory error. Is there any efficient way to do it, without running into memory error.
here are my configurations:
Core i7, 16 GB ram.


Random Forest with caret package: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb

I was trying to build a random forest model for a dataset in Kaggle, i always doing machine learning with caret package, the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size), 40+ variables are categorical and the outcome is the response i am trying to predict and it is binary. After some pre-processing with dplyr, I started working on building model with caret package, but i got this error message when i was trying to run the "train" function:"Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb" Here is my code:
## load packages
## prepare for parallel processing
n_Cores <- detectCores()
n_Cluster <- makeCluster(n_Cores)
## import orginal datasets
people_Dt <- read_csv("people.csv",col_names = TRUE)
activity_Train <- read_csv("act_train.csv",col_names = TRUE)
### join two sets together and remove variables not to be used
first_Try <- people_Dt%>%
## try with random forest
in_Tr <- createDataPartition(first_Try$outcome,p=0.75,list=FALSE)
rf_Train <- firt_Try[in_Tr,]
rf_Test <- firt_Try[-in_Tr,]
## set model cross validation parameters
model_Control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",repeats=2,number=2,allowParallel = TRUE)
rf_RedHat <- train(outcome~.,
My computer is a fairly powerful machine with E3 processors and 32GB RAM. I have two questions:
1. Where did i get a vector that is as large as 150GB? Is it because some codes I wrote?
2. I cannot get a machine with that big ram, is there any workarouds to solve the issue that i can move on with my model building process?
the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size)
To be clear here, you most likely don't need 1.5 million rows to build a model. Instead, you should be taking a smaller subset which doesn't cause the memory problems. If you are concerned about reducing the size of your sample data, then you can do some descriptive stats on the 40 predictors, on a smaller set, and make sure that the behavior appears to be the same.
The problem is probably related to the one-hot-encoding of caret in your categorical variables. Since you have a lot of categorical variables, this seems to be a real problem such that it increases your dataset in a huge way. One-hot encoding will create a new column for every factor per categorical variables that you have.
Maybe you could try something like the h2o-package, which handles categorical variable in another way such that in not exploding your dataset when the model is run.

RSNNS neural network prediction for raster image classification in R

I'm trying to harness the power of neural networks for image classification of big rasters using the RSNNS package in R.
As for the data preparation and training of the model, everything works perfectly fine and the accuracies look quite promising.
Subsequently, I'm trying to classify the raster values using the function predict with the trained model. Having a quite big amount of data (rasterstack with the dimension 10980x10980x16), I'm processing the data block by block. And here's the problem:
The prediction of the class values is extremely slow. I'm working on a quite powerful machine (Windows x64, 32GB Ram, i7 3.4GHZ quad-core) but still the process is almost literally taking ages. I already reduced the size of my blocks, but still the amount of time needed is unacceptable. Currently I split the data in blocks of 64 rows per block. That would result in a total of 172 blocks. If I assume a linear processing time for each block (in my case 33 minutes !!!), it would take me almost 95 hours to process the whole image. Again, that can not be right.
I've tried other neural network packages and for instance nnet classifies bigger blocks like these in under one minute.
So please, if you have any pointers on what I'm doing wrong, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Here's a working example similar to my code:
#example data for training and testing
dat <- matrix(runif(702720),ncol = 16)
#example data to classify
rasval <- matrix(runif(11243520),ncol = 16)
dat <-
#example class labels from 1 to 11
classes <- matrix(,ncol=1,nrow=nrow(dat))
classes <- apply(classes,1,function(x) floor(runif(1,0,11)))
dat$classes <- classes
#shuffle dataset
dat <- dat[sample(nrow(dat)),]
datValues <- dat[,1:16]
datTargets <- decodeClassLabels(dat[,17])
#split dataset
dat <- splitForTrainingAndTest(datValues, datTargets, ratio=0.15)
#normalize data
dat <- normTrainingAndTestSet(dat)
#extract normalization variables
ncolmeans <- attributes(dat$inputsTrain)$normParams$colMeans
ncolsds <- attributes(dat$inputsTrain)$normParams$colSds
#train model
model <- mlp(dat$inputsTrain, dat$targetsTrain, size=1, learnFunc="SCG", learnFuncParams=c(0, 0, 0, 0),
maxit=400, inputsTest=dat$inputsTest, targetsTest=dat$targetsTest)
#normalize raster data
rasval <- sweep(sweep(rasval,2,ncolmeans),2,ncolsds,'/')
#Predict classes ##Problem##
pred <- predict(model,rasval)
yes, unfortunately RSNNS can be very slow when predicting. The new version 0.4-8 (not on CRAN yet, but you can get it from github) should speed things up a bit but the general problem is that every row of data needs to be passed separately into the SNNS kernel, and resolving this issue would mean reimplementing some things in the kernel. Not impossible but some work to do.

R, issue with a Hierarchical clustering after a Multiple correspondence analysis

I want to cluster a dataset (600000 observations), and for each cluster I want to get the principal components.
My vectors are composed by one email and by 30 qualitative variables.
Each quantitative variable has 4 classes: 0,1,2 and 3.
So first thing I'm doing is to load the library FactoMineR and to load my data:
mydata = read.csv("/home/tom/Desktop/ACM/acm.csv")
Then I'm setting my variables as qualitative (I'm excluding the variable 'email' though):
for(n in 1:length(mydata)){mydata[[n]] <- factor(mydata[[n]])}
I'm removing the emails from my vectors:
mydata2 = mydata[2:31]
And I'm running a MCA in this new dataset:
mca.res <- MCA(mydata2)
I now want to cluster my dataset using the hcpc function:
res.hcpc <- HCPC(mca.res)
But I got the following error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1296.0 Gb
What do you think I should do? Is my dataset too large? Am I using well the hcpc function?
Since it uses hierarchical clustering, HCPC needs to compute the lower triangle of a 600000 x 600000 distance matrix (~ 180 billion elements). You simply don't have the RAM to store this object and even if you did, the computation would likely take hours if not days to complete.
There have been various discussions on Stack Overflow/Cross Validated on clustering large datasets; some with solutions in R include:
k-means clustering in R on very large, sparse matrix? (bigkmeans)
Cluster Big Data in R and Is Sampling Relevant? (clara)
If you want to use one of these alternative clustering approaches, you would apply it to mca.res$ind$coord in your example.
Another idea, suggested in response to the problem clustering very large dataset in R, is to first use k means to find a certain number of cluster centres and then use hierarchical clustering to build the tree from there. This method is actually implemented via the kk argument of HCPC.
For example, using the tea data set from FactoMineR:
## run MCA as in ?MCA
res.mca <- MCA(tea, quanti.sup = 19, quali.sup = c(20:36), graph = FALSE)
## run HCPC for all 300 individuals
hc <- HCPC(res.mca, kk = Inf, consol = FALSE)
## run HCPC from 30 k means centres
res.consol <- NULL ## bug work-around
hc2 <- HCPC(res.mca, kk = 30, consol = FALSE)
The consol argument offers the option to consolidate the clusters from the hierarchical clustering using k-means; this option is not available when kk is set to a real number, hence consol is set to FALSE here. The object res.consul is set to NULL to work around a minor bug in FactoMineR 1.27.
The following plot show the clusters based on the 300 individuals (kk = Inf) and based on the 30 k means centres (kk = 30) for the data plotted on the first two MCA axes:
It can be seen that the results are very similar. You should easily be able to apply this to your data with 600 or 1000 k means centres, perhaps up to 6000 with 8GB RAM. If you wanted to use a larger number, you'd probably want to code a more efficient version using bigkmeans, SpatialTools::dist1 and fastcluster::hclust.
That error message usually indicates that R has not enough RAM at its disposal to complete the command. I guess you are running this within 32bit R, possibly under Windows? If this is the case, then killing other processes and deleting unused R variables might possibly help: for example, you might try to delete mydata, mydata2 with
rm(mydata, mydata2)
(as well as all other non-necessary R variables) before executing the command which generates the error. However the ultimate solution in general is to switch to 64bit R, preferably under 64bit Linux and with a decent RAM amount, also see here:
R memory management / cannot allocate vector of size n Mb
R Memory Allocation "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 75.1 Mb"

computing multiple fixed effects on large dataset

I'm trying to perform a fixed effects regression for two factor variables in a CSV dataset containing over 4000000 rows. These variables can respectively assume about 140000 and 50000 different integer values.
I initially attempted to perform the regression using the biglm and ff packages for R as follows on a Linux machine with 8 Gb of memory; however, it seems that this requires too much memory because R complains about having to allocate a vector of a size greater than the maximum on my machine.
d <- read.csv.ffdf(file='data.csv', header=TRUE)
model = y~factor(a)+factor(b)-1
out <- biglm(model, data=d)
Some research online revealed that since factors are loaded into memory by ff, the latter will not significantly improve memory usage if many factor values are present.
Is anyone aware of some other way to perform the aforementioned regression on a dataset of the magnitude I described without having to resort to a machine with significantly more memory?
You should try the package lfe, it has been designed for exactly this purpose:
out <- felm(y ~ 0|a+b, data=d)
fe <- getfe(out)
A proof of the method can be found here:
Here's an R-journal article about it:
you can get the same mathematical meaning of fixed effects if you will demean the variables (by category). So, instead of finding a constant per dummy, you demean it. and demeaning will be very fast, as it is will be vectorized.
see Green 2012 p.400-401 for the mathematical proof.

Multi-class feature selection using a SVM and rfe in the caret package

I am trying to use the rfe function from the caret package to run a feature selection on 400 variables belonging to about 50 different classes, with a total of 8000 samples. If I subset my data to about 5 classes and 10 variables, everything works well. However, when I include my entire dataset, R runs for about 32 hours before I get a warning saying that the R GUI has stopped working. I tried subsetting my data to 100 variables and 1000 samples, and the same happened. I tried using a completely different dataset of 44 variables and roughly 3000 samples belonging to 44 classes. Yet after a day or so, R becomes unresponsive and shuts down. I have tried the same code on the iris data set for reproducability:
iris$Species <- as.factor(as.character(iris$Species))
IND.svm <- rfe(iris[,-1],iris$Species,
sizes = c(2, 5, 10,30),
rfeControl = rfeControl(functions = caretFuncs,
verbose = FALSE,number = 2000),
method = "svmRadial")
I am running Windows 7 so I cannot use the recommended doMC package. I have used the latest 64-bit R version, on a machine with a 32G RAM. Still with no success. Is there something I am overlooking here?
I'd say that the problem is that you are doing 2000 bootstrap samples. Let's say that the argument tuneLength has a value of T and you are testing 5 subset sizes. For these specifications, you are fitting 10000*T SVM models for a data set with 8000 samples and 400 variables.
Maybe I low-ball it, but I don't usually do more than 50 resamples (unless the training set is really small). You are basically trying to estimate the mean here (unlike more traditional uses of the bootstrap) and 25 or 50 should be enough, especially for that sample size.
Remember, rfe is replicated the entire feature selection process for each resample, so the computations really add up.
