How to quickly solve a moderate scale QP formulation in Julia? - julia

This is a newbie question. I am trying to minimize the following QP problem:
x'Qx + b'x + c, for A.x >= lb
x is a vector of coordinates,
Q is a sparse, strongly diagonally dominant, symmetric matrix typically
of size 500,000 x 500,000 to 1M x 1M
b is a vector of constants
c is a constant
A is an identity matrix
lb is a vector containing lower bounds on vector x
Following are the packages I have tried:
Optim.jl: They have a primal interior-point algorithm for simple "box" constraints. I have tried playing around with the inner_optimizer, by setting it to GradientDescent()/ ConjugateGradient(). No matter what this seems to be very slow for my problem set.
IterativeSolver.jl: They have a conjugate gradient solver but they do not have a way to set constraints to the QP problem.
MathProgBase.jl: They have a dedicated solver for Quadratic Programming called the Ipopt(). It works wonderfully for small data sets typically around 3Kx3K matrix, but it takes too long for the kind of data sets I am looking at. I am aware that changing the linear system solver from MUMPS to HSL or WSMP may produce significant improvement but is there a way to add third party linear system solvers to the Ipopt() through Julia?
OSQP.jl: This again takes too long to converge for the data sets that I am interested in.
Also I was wondering if anybody has worked with large data sets can they suggest a way to solve a problem of this scale really fast in Julia using the existing packages?

You can try the OSQP solver with different parameters to speedup convergence for your specific problem. In particular:
If you have multiple cores, MKL Pardiso can significantly reduce the execution time. You can find details on how to install it here (It basically consists in running the default MKL installer). After that, you can use it in OSQP as follows
model = OSQP.Model()
OSQP.setup!(model; P=Q, q=b, A=A, l=lb, u=ub, linsys_solver="mkl pardiso")
results = OSQP.solve!(model)
The number of iterations depends on your stepsize rho. OSQP automatically updates it trying to find the best one. If you have a specific problem, you can disable the automatic detection and play with it yourself. Here is an example for try different rho
model = OSQP.Model()
OSQP.setup!(model; P=Q, q=b, A=A, l=lb, u=ub, linsys_solver="mkl pardiso",
adaptive_rho=false, rho=1e-3)
results = OSQP.solve!(model)
I suggest you to try different rho values maybe logspaced between 1e-06 and 1e06.
You can reduce the iterations by rescaling the problem data so that the condition number of your matrices is not too high. This can significantly reduce the number of iterations.
I pretty sure that if follow these 3 steps you can make OSQP work pretty well. I am happy to try OSQP for your problem if you are willing to share your data (I am one of the developers).
Slightly unrelated, you can call OSQP using MathProgBase.jl and JuMP.jl. It also supports the latest MathOptInterface.jl package that will replace MathProgBase.jl for the newest version of JuMP.


Feature selection on subsets of feature set

I am trying to do the feature selection using Boruta package in R. The problem is that my feature set is way tooo large (70518 features) and therefore the dataframe is too large (2Gb) and cannot be processed by the Boruta package at once. I am wondering if I can split the data frame into several sets, each containing a smaller amount of features? This sounds a bit weird to me, as I am not sure if the algorithm can correctly identify the weights if not all features are present.
If not, I would be very grateful if someone can suggest an alternative way of doing it.
I think your best best in this case might be to first try and filter out some of the features that are either low information (e.g. ~zero variance) or highly correlated.
The caret package has some useful functions to help with this.
For example, the findCorrelation() can be used to easily remove redundant features:
dat <- cor(dat, method='spearman')
dat[] <- 0
features_to_ignore <- findCorrelation(dat, cutoff=0.75, verbose=FALSE)
dat <- dat[,-features_to_ignore]
This will remove all features with a Spearman correlation of 0.75 or higher.
I'm going to start by asking why you believe that this can even work? In this case, not only is p >> n, but p >>>>>> n. You're always going to find spurious associations. More than that, even if you could do this (say by renting a sufficiently large machine in a cloud computing service, which is the method I'd suggest), you're looking at an absurd amount of computation, since the computational complexity of building a single decision tree is O(n * v log(v)), where n is the number of records and v is the number for fields in each record. Building an RF takes that much for each tree.
Instead of solving the problem as stated, you might want to rethink it from the ground up. What are you really trying to do here? Can you go back to first principles and rethink that?

Handling extremely small numbers

I need to find a way to handle extremely small numbers in R, particularly in order to take the log of extremely small numbers. According to the R-manual, “on a typical R platform the smallest positive double is about 5e-324.” Well, I need to deal with numbers even smaller (at least as small as 10^-350). If R is incapable of doing this, I was wondering if there is a way I can use a program that can do this (such as Matlab or Mathematica) from R.
Specifically, I am computing a matrix of probabilities, and some of these probabilities are so small that R does not distinguish them from 0. The reason I know this is because each probability is the product of two other probabilities; so I’ll have p(x)=10^-300, p(y)=10^-50, and then p(x)*p(y)=0. I’d like to be able to do these computations, take the log of the resultant very small number (-805.905 for my example, according to Mathematica), and then continue working with the log values in R.
So to be more detailed, I have a matrix of values for p(x), a matrix of values for p(y), both computed using dnorm, and I’m computing the product. In many cases, R is capable of evaluating p(x) and p(y), but the p(x)*p(y) is too small. In a few cases, though, even the p(x) or p(y) value itself is too small, and is itself just equated to 0 in R.
I’ve seen that there is stuff out there for calling R from Mathematica, but not much pertaining to calling Mathematica from R. I’d honestly prefer to do the latter than the former here. So if any one either knows how to do this (either employing Mathematica or Matlab or something else in R) or has another solution to this issue, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Note that I realize there are a few other threads on this topic, discussing such things as using the Brobdingnag package to deal with small numbers, but these do not appear applicable here.

A framework for comparing the time performance of Expectation Maximization

I have my own implementation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm based on this paper, and I would like to compare this with the performance of another implementation. For the tests, I am using k centroids with 1 Gb of txt data and I am just measuring the time it takes to compute the new centroids in 1 iteration. I tried it with an EM implementation in R, but I couldn't, since the result is plotted in a graph and gets stuck when there's a large number of txt data. I was following the examples in here.
Does anybody know of an implementation of EM that can measure its performance or know how to do it with R?
Fair benchmarking of EM is hard. Very hard.
the initialization will usually involve random, and can be very different. For all I know, the R implementation by default uses hierarchical clustering to find the initial clusters. Which comes at O(n^2) memory and most likely at O(n^3) runtime cost. In my benchmarks, R would run out of memory due to this. I assume there is a way to specify initial cluster centers/models. A random-objects initialization will of course be much faster. Probably k-means++ is a good way to choose initial centers in practise.
EM theoretically never terminates. It just at some point does not change much anymore, and thus you can set a threshold to stop. However, the exact definition of the stopping threshold varies.
There exist all kinds of model variations. A method only using fuzzy assignments such as Fuzzy-c-means will of course be much faster than an implementation using multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models with a covaraince matrix. In particular with higher dimensionality.
Covariance matrixes also need O(k * d^2) memory, and the inversion will take O(k * d^3) time, and thus is clearly not appropriate for text data.
Data may or may not be appropriate. If you run EM on a data set that actually has Gaussian clusters, it will usually work much better than on a data set that doesn't provide a good fit at all. When there is no good fit, you will see a high variance in runtime even with the same implementation.
For a starter, try running your own algorithm several times with different initialization, and check your runtime for variance. How large is the variance compared to the total runtime?
You can try benchmarking against the EM implementation in ELKI. But I doubt the implementation will work with sparse data such as text - that data just is not Gaussian, it is not proper to benchmark. Most likely it will not be able to process the data at all because of this. This is expected, and can be explained from theory. Try to find data sets that are dense and that can be expected to have multiple gaussian clusters (sorry, I can't give you many recommendations here. The classic Iris and Old Faithful data sets are too small to be useful for benchmarking.

High order PDEs

I'm trying to solve a 6th-order nonlinear PDE (1D) with fixed boundary values (extended Fisher-Kolmogorov - EFK). After failing with FTCS, next attempt is MoL (either central in space or FEM) using e.g. LSODES.
How can this be implemented? Using Python/C + OpenMP so far, but need some pointers
to do this efficiently.
EFK with additional 6th order term:
u_t = d u_6x - g u_4x + u_xx + u-u^3
where d, g are real coefficients.
u(x,0) = exp(-x^2/16),
ux = 0 on boundary
domain is [0,300] and dx << 1 since i'm looking for pattern formations (subject to the values
of d, g)
I hope this is sufficient information.
All PDE solutions like this will ultimately end up being expressed using linear algebra in your program, so the trick is to figure out how to get the PDE into that form before you start coding.
Finite element methods usually begin with a weighted residual method. Non-linear equations will require a linear approximation and iterative methods like Newton-Raphson. I would recommend that you start there.
Yours is a transient solution, so you'll have to do time stepping. You can either use an explicit method and live with the small time steps that stability limits will demand or an implicit method, which will force you to do a matrix inversion at each step.
I'd do a Fourier analysis first of the linear piece to get an idea of the stability requirements.
The only term in that equation that makes it non-linear is the last one: -u^3. Have you tried starting by leaving that term off and solving the linear equation that remains?
UPDATE: Some additional thoughts prompted by comments:
I understand how important the u^3 term is. Diffusion is a 2nd order derivative w.r.t. space, so I wouldn't be so certain that a 6th order equation will follow suit. My experience with PDEs comes from branches of physics that don't have 6th order equations, so I honestly don't know what the solution might look like. I'd solve the linear problem first to get a feel for it.
As for stability and explicit methods, it's dogma that the stability limits placed on time step size makes them likely to fail, but the probability isn't 1.0. I think map reduce and cloud computing might make an explicit solution more viable than it was even 10-20 years ago. Explicit dynamics have become a mainstream way to solve difficult statics problems, because they don't require a matrix inversion.

Filtering methods of the complex oscilliations

If I have a system of a springs, not one, but for example 3 degree of freedom system of the springs connected in some with each other. I can make a system of differential equations for but it is impossible to solve it in a general way. The question is, are there any papers or methods for filtering such a complex oscilliations, in order to get rid of the oscilliations and get a real signal as much as possible? For example if I connect 3 springs in some way, and push them to start the vibrations, or put some weight on them, and then take the vibrations from each spring, are there any filtering methods to make it easy to determine the weight (in case if some mass is put above) of each mass? I am interested in filtering complex spring like systems.
Three springs, six degrees of freedom? This is a trivial solution using finite element methods and numerical integration. It's a system of six coupled ODEs. You can apply any form of numerical integration, such as 5th order Runge-Kutta.
I'd recommend doing an eigenvalue analysis of the system first to find out something about its frequency characteristics and normal modes. I'd also do an FFT of the dynamic forces you apply to the system. You don't mention any damping, so if you happen to excite your system at a natural frequency that's close to a resonance you might have some interesting behavior.
If the dynamic equation has this general form (sorry, I don't have LaTeX here to make it look nice):
Ma + Kx = F
where M is the mass matrix (diagonal), a is the acceleration (2nd derivative of displacements w.r.t. time), K is the stiffness matrix, and F is the forcing function.
If you're saying you know the response, you'll have to pre-multiply by the transpose of the response function and try to solve for M. It's diagonal, so you have a shot at it.
Are you connecting the springs in such a way that the behavior of the system is approximately linear? (e.g. at least as close to linear as are musical instrument springs/strings?) Is this behavior consistant over time? (e.g. the springs don't melt or break.) If so, LTI (linear time invariant) systems theory might be applicable. Given enough measurements versus the numbers of degrees of freedom in the LTI system, one might be able to estimate a pole-zero plot of the system response, and go from there. Or something like a linear predictor might be useful.
Actually it is possible to solve the resulting system of differential equations as long as you know the masses, etc.
The standard approach is to use a Laplace Transform. In particular you start with a set of linear differential equations. Add variables until you have a set of first order linear differential equations. (So if you have y'' in your equation, you'd add the equation z = y' and replace y'' with z'.) Rewrite this in the form:
v' = Av + w
where v is a vector of variable, A is a matrix, and w is a scalar vector. (An example of something that winds up in w is gravity.)
Now apply a Laplace transform to get
s L(v) - v(0) = AL(v) + s w
Solve it to get
L(v) = inv(A - I s)(s w + v(0))
where inv inverts a matrix and I is the identity matrix. Apply the inverse Laplace transform (if you read up on Laplace transforms you can find tables of inverse of common types of functions - getting a complete list of the functions you actually encounter shouldn't be that hard), and you have your solution. (Be warned, these computations quickly get very complex.)
Now you have the ability to take a particular setup and solve for the future behavior. You also have the ability to (if you do things really carefully) figure out how the model responds to a small perturbation in parameters. But your problem is that you don't know the parameters to use. However you do have the ability to measure the positions in the system at repeated times.
If you put this together, what you can do is this. Measure your position at a number of points. First estimate all of the initial values of the parameters, and then all of the values a second later. You can adjust your parameters (using Newton's method) to come close enough to the values a second later. Take the measurements from 5 seconds later and use that initial estimate as your starting point to refine your calculations for what is happening 5 seconds later. Repeat with longer intervals to get all of your answers.
Writing and debugging this should take you some time. :-) I would strongly recommend investigating how much of this Mathematica knows how to do for you already...
