Facing Authentication error while restarting Nginx without Sudo - nginx

I have followed few blogs on implementing the restart service for nginx without sudo using my User ID. I completed all the steps as mentioned in blogs. But while am re-starting the Nginx Services without sudo am facing the below error.
**Command Used :**
/usr/bin/systemctl restart nginx
Failed to restart nginx.service: Interactive authentication required.
See system logs and 'systemctl status nginx.service' for details.
Please help on resolving the error and restart nginx without sudo


Ubuntu Server Nginx Error after rebooting the server

An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.
I rebooted the server just before happening this using sudo reboot now since it is an ubuntu server.
I checked this .I did not understand any of it unfortunately. Also I cant access any of the pages in the specific site of mine which is showing this error.
The error.log is empty on the location /var/log/nginx
error.log.1 has some logs which happens months ago. Same for access.log.1
I am not a network guy.
sudo service nginx status
sudo service nginx start
could be that for some reason nginx not started after reboot

Permission denied while using 'Kaa-Node restart'

I am trying on an application and previously it worked and the data was able to be persisted into MongoDB. But recenntly , we had a change of router and thus we went ahead to regenerate SDK and etc but we still has the connection error.
Error :
2017/01/26 9:24:27 [WARNING] [kaa_bootstrap_manager.c:612] (-7) - Could not find next Bootstrap access point (protocol: id=0x56C8FF92, version=1)
2017/01/26 9:24:27 [ERROR] [kaa_tcp_channel.c:307] (-7) - Kaa TCP channel [0x929A2016] error notifying bootstrap manager on access point failure
2017/01/26 9:24:27 [ERROR] [kaa_client.c:240] (-7) - Failed to process OUT event for the client socket 3
And thus , we went ahead with troubleshooting where one of the staffs i emailed passed me a link for troubleshooting .
I followed already but i had an error where im stucked with writing 'kaa-node restart' to restart the node service.
Here are the commands for troubleshooting:
Connect to your Kaa Sandbox via ssh:
$ ssh kaa#<YOUR-SANDBOX-IP>
password: kaa
Stop the Kaa service:
$ sudo service kaa-node stop
Clear the Kaa logs:
$ sudo rm -rf /var/log/kaa/*
Start the Kaa service:
$ sudo service kaa-node start
I typed 'sudo service kaa-node start'. it gave me:
kaa#kaa-sandbox.kaaproject.org:~$ sudo service kaa-node start
* Starting Kaa Node daemon (kaa-node):
/bin/bash: /var/log/kaa/kaa-node-server.init.log: Permission denied
Try verifying the Kaa host on the Management page. Also, the Sandbox Web UI (the Management page) is able to restart all the necessary Kaa services on the Sandbox after the Kaa host change.
Please note that the Kaa host should match the PC host IP address accessible from the network your applications are running in.
Please try and let me know if this works for you.

Homebrew Nginx not running but says it is in brew services

I have OSX El Capitan. I installed Nginx-Full via homebrew. I am supposed to be able to start and stop services with
brew services Nginx-Full Start
I run that command and it seems to start no problem. I check the running services with
brew services list
That indicates that the Nginx-Full services is running. When i run
to look at everything that is running Nginx does not show up and the server is not handling requests.
nginx is failing to launch because of an error, but brew-services is not communicating that to you.
Running it with sudo, as other users have suggested, is just masking the problem. If you just run nginx directly, you may see that there is actually a configuration or permissions issue that is causing nginx to abort. In my case, it was because it couldn't write to the error log:
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/usr/local/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
2020/04/02 13:11:53 [warn] 19989#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2
2020/04/02 13:11:53 [emerg] 19989#0: open() "/usr/local/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
The last error is causing nginx to fail to launch. You can make yourself the owner of the logs with:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/var/log/nginx/
This should cause subsequent config errors to be written to the error log, even if homebrew services is not reporting them in stderr/stdout for now.
I've opened an issue about this: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-services/issues/215
The log path may not the same for everyone. You can check the path to log file by checking the config file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf. You can find a line like:
error_log /Users/myusername/somepath/nginx.log;. Change the chown command above accordingly. If even this didn't solve the problem, you may have to do the same for any other log files specified in the server blocks in your nginx configuration
Try launching it with "sudo", even if the formula say
The default port has been set in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to 8080 so that
nginx can run without sudo.
sudo brew services Nginx-Full start
this worked for me:
sudo brew services start nginx
Running sudo nginx worked for me, it initially gave some error stating certain file in certain directory is missing, creating that file, and then another file is asked for to be created and then it runs properly.
I had similar problem, running it brew services start nginx used to show nginx running.
but brew services list used to show error.
running with sudo nginx solved my issue

vagrant puphpet nginx 502 bad gateway error

I have installed nginx via puphpet and i am using laravel 4.1 with centos6.4. Laravael needs php apc module which i have included on puphpet congig.yaml file. after i do a vagrant up and I go to my site I get: connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream error. I changed my nginx $fastcgi_pass = "/var/run/php5-fpm.sock" which didn't work. Then i did vagrant ssh and I ran service php-fpm restart after that it works. But I don't want to configure anything after i run vagrant up thats the purpose of puppet. Now my question is any way i can restart php-fpm when i do vagrant up or any other way to solve php apc problem. thanks in advance.
solution: after hours of researching i am able to solve the problem. I added this code:
exec { "restart php-fpm":
command => "service php-fpm restart"
in mainfeast.pp at the end of the php-fpm class. for me the line number is 485 or after the service.
I'd much rather you submit an issue via github # https://github.com/puphpet/puphpet/issues
That said, you can run any arbitrary code on $ vagrant up and $ vagrant provision via the exec-once and exec-always features mentioned on the frontpage.
That also said, this is a bug I'd love to fix, please submit a ticket!

Fedora 17 - Not able to restart my network service

I am using fedora 17. Whenever i try to restart my network service using sudo /etc/init.d/network restart i get the following error. (NetworkManager enabled and disabled properly) -->
Restarting network (via systemctl): Job failed. See system journal and 'systemctl status' for details.
how i can successfully restart my network service ?
