Should in encode id in Edit and Update Operation - spring-mvc

I am making a simple crud operation in Spring and hibernate Project. when i click in edit my Url is edit/{id} and for update is update/{id}.The id is primary key,auto generated which was save in database like 1,2,3...
I want to know that id should be encoded or not in html page.Can anyone help me.

If you want to provide security
Encode the id use Base64.
Encoded id return to front
When click to edit the id will come to controller
Then you can easily decode it.

No need to encode the ID.
Its okay to keep it as it is.
If you are afraid of security then apply security on method or application level.


ASP.NET MVC URL query string parameter renaming

I have looked through SO and the internet in General and I can't seem to understand whether the following is possible
I have a link to an action:
Link to Subject
This works fine, I can use the id, to get the Subject and all other info I need for the model.
In the browser it shows:
This is just fine, but it is not pretty or very helpful for the user.
I would like to be able to look up the subject from the Id in the Action and modify the URL to look like:
Is this possible and if so, could someone give me a steer on where to find out how to do it.
I cannot change the parameter to a string because the subject name is not unique, only the id.
well you can use the dBprovider feature in urlrewrite 2.0 forr iis 7 and above. what you have to do is create a table in database that store both urls i.e
it will match with the url you want to show '' and redirect to the actual url i.e is to '' for more info check this

How can I pass information by spring mvc

I'm using Spring MVC and I have a REST API.
I need some informations, for example, Date, Person ... but I have another information where I'll put to add information where will be text.
For example:
{other} can be (for example): lorem/ipsum/dolar/ -- the user can put any text there.
When the user sends the information, my system will give error because there are a lot "/".
My question is, how can I pass text where my Spring MVC understand that "/" is information instead of a path of my REST?
Spring will not handle your case very well and escaping doesn't solve it unfortunately. You will need to find another way to pass the value of other. You can add a header to the request e.g. X-OTHER: /lorem/ipsum/dolar

How to pass value from web form to another web form?

Can anybody tell me how to pass a value from one web form to another web form without using a query string and session?
You can pass the Values over different pages via QueryString like:
On your next page you can retrieve the value like this:
Other Preferred way would be Server.Transer() and Postbackurl.
Refer this link for various possible ways.
there are several ways you can pass parameters between pages.
Using a Query String
Getting Post Information from the Source Page
Using Session State
Getting Public Property Values from the Source Page
Getting Control Information from the Source Page in the Same Application
for more detail visit followng link.
You could use a Querystring in this case:
And then read it on the other end:
int id = Page.Request.QueryString["id"];
Using PostBackURL, ex:
and on result.cs (Page Load)
lblEmployeeNumber.Text = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["txtEmployeeNumber"];
With Session:
For example you login the system and your id is 123123123.
string userid = 123123123;
Session["userid"] = userid;
When you go another page/pages your session is alive when your session timeout.
<sessionState timeout="1250"/>
It seems what you're looking for is something like the flash-, view- or conversation scope in Java EE and Ruby on Rails.
For ASP.NET you could perhaps take a look at this one: Is there an equivalent of JSF #ViewScope in ASP MVC?
depends on type and how much information you wish to transfer. for instance, if you want to transfer some variable (strings or integer values) you consider to use querystring (you can found here major information). for instance, if you want to transfer typed objects (class instance) you consider to use session (you can found here major information).

ASP.NET MVC 2 EditModel include Id? Securing Id is not tampered with

I am looking for some best practices when is comes to creating EditMoels and updating data in an ASP.NET MVC app. Lets say I have a Url like so /Post/Edit?Id=25
I am ensuring the user has permissions to edit the specific post by Id on the Get request and the same for my Post in the controller. I am using the ValidateAntiForgeryToken.
Questions: Should I include the Id property in my EditModel? If so, Should I encrypt it?
The problem is I can use FireBug to edit the Id hiddedinput and edit a different post as long as I have permission to do so. This is not horrible, but seems wrong.
Any help would be great!
There are several ways to prevent this.
The first - don't send sensitive data to the client at all. Keep the post id in session variables, so the user can never edit it. This may or may not be an option depending on your architecture.
The next approach is to convert the direct reference to an indirect one. For example, instead of sending postids = {23452, 57232, 91031} to the client to render a drop-down list, you should send an opaque list {1,2,3}. The server alone knows that 1 means 23452, 2 means 57232 and so on. This way, the user can't modify any parameter you don't want him to.
The last approach is including some kind of hash value that adds as an integrity check. For example, suppose you have 3 hidden fields in a html page - {userId=13223, postId=923, role=author}. You first sort the field names and then concatenate the values to get a string like postId=923&userId=13223&role=author. Then, append a server secret to this string, and hash (SHA-1 or MD5) the entire string. For eg. SHA-1('postId=923&userId=13223&role=author&MySuperSecretKey'). Finally add this hashed value as a hidden parameter. You may also want to add another hidden field called ProtectedParameters=userId,postId,role.
When the next request is made, redo the entire process. If the hash differs, balk the process.
Security wise, I have listed the options in decreasing order. At the same time, its probably in the increasing order of convenience. You have to pick the right mix for your application.
I don't think you should worry with that, if the user does what you said, i suppose that you'll know who edited what, so if he edits the wrong post, doing as you said, you can always remove his edition rights...
If you can't thrist your users, don't let them edit anything...

Generation of Email Validation Links

For a Web Application I'd like to generate an email validation link and send it to the user. Like on many public websites, the user should click it to validate his email address. Looks similar to this:
Can anybody help me with some hints about the proper generation of those validation tokens? Googling best practices turned out to be more difficult than I though it would be. The links should:
... not require the user to log in first.
... not reveal any login credentials to keep the application secure
... allow me as a developer to efficiently validate the token. I'm pretty sure I need a way to extract the user identifier out of the code to meet this criteria. Don't I?
Furthermore, would you go for a random code, which is saved somewhere, or a generated code which I can recalculate for validation?
Thanks for any replies!
P.S. I'm working with ASP.NET 3.5, in case there's an out-of-the-box feature to perform this.
Some suggestions to get you started:
Use some sort of salted hash (MD5, SHA1, etc)
Use a random string of characters (the more characters the less likely you'll have collisions)
Store it in a database temporarily, and timestamp it so that it expires after a certain period of time
The simplest way to do it is generate a GUID, store that in the database tying it to their user account and then give them a time-frame within which to click a link with that GUID in.
That validates they are the correct person without making the URL calculable whilst making it resistant to dictionary style attacks.
I construct the hash in a way that can be re-created:
code = MD5( my_hash + user_email + register_timestamp )
Then send a link to = 4kj34....
Validation does a lookup like:
FROM users
MD5( CONCAT( my_hash, user_email, register_timestamp ) ) = code
AND activated = 0
If you get a single result, update their 'activated' field and sign them in. You can also do some math on their 'register_timestamp' field for a poor man's TTL
I would probably use a Guid. Just create a Guid (by calling Guid.NewGuid()), store it as the validation token for that user, and include it in the validation link.
