Linkedin Campaing API - linkedin

I'm having a problem listing the linkedin campaigns via API.
I was able to create the access key, I can access the data from my profile and the data from the My Company Page via the API, but I can not access the data of the campaigns:
I'm trying to run the get:{campaign ID}
but it only returns me the error:
     "serviceErrorCode": 100,
     "message": "Not enough permissions to access: GET / adCampaignsV2 / 140104704",
     "status": 403
I'm looking at linkedin documentation, but I do not think any answer
Please help me, please?


Access Scope for Shared Calendar on Google Calendar API?

I am trying to build an application that will sync a in house calendar solution with the user's google calendar. It all works to retrieve events from the user's local calendar, but the shared calendar we use for things like vacation does not work. I use the Calendar List call to get all the calendars the user can access ( which will return the Id of the vacation calendar ) but whenever I try and use the list event call on the vacation calendar Id I get 404 error. I've double and triple checked that the Id is correct and the URL is formatted correctly, but the events never load.
I have noticed that the Oauth for my app states that it is allowing access to "Calendars that you own". I am thinking that it may be a permission issue since the user I'm testing with does not own the vacations calendar. I've tried adding every single scope I can find to the permissions for the app but it still gives me a 404 when trying to get the events from the calendar.
Does anyone have any scopes that I need to add to get this to work? Any suggestions on anything else to try?
Tried adding every scope to the Oauth app. Did not work, still says "Calendars that you own" on the Oauth screen.
I believe it's an Oauth scope permission issue because when I use "Try it" ( ) I can successfully retrieve the events with the calendar Id. Also the Oauth screen for the "Try It" does not have the "Calendars that you own" stipulation
This is the error I recieve:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"

How to get other member's profile details from linkedin api

I am trying to fetch users details from linkedIn api. After generating accesstoken I can get my details from linkedIn api but I want to get other members details. How to get this work? please help me.
I have tried the solutions according to the documentation.
As per the documentation we have to sent a get request to the GET{person ID}) to Retrieve Other Member's Profile. When I am sending the get request it is showing me
data: {
message: 'A version must be present. Please specify a version by adding the LinkedIn-Version header.'
this error. after searching the documentation I found that there is a note saying
in order to make the sample calls above succeed, you must include
X-RestLi-Protocol-Version:2.0.0 in your request header.
I have added that to and still getting the error.
I experienced the same issue. After some browsing this works for me:
Use instead of
You need to pass the version number like this: LinkedIn-Version: 202210. It worked for me without changing /rest to /v2. More info here: Introducing API Versioning and New Content APIs.
I had the same problem.
As the error says, I tried using LinkedIn-Version as the header key and got:
"message": "API versions should have date format as YYYYMM or YYYYMM.RR where RR is the revision"
With the header value being: 2.0.0
So I tried sending as value: 202201.01 ==> YYYY=2022, MM=01, RR=01
YYYY: year
MM: month
RR: revision
"message": "Requested version 20220101 is not active"
Trying some different dates and revision codes, I got to value = 202204.01 that gave me:
"serviceErrorCode": 100,
"code": "ACCESS_DENIED",
"message": "Not enough permissions to access: me.GET.20220401"
I'm also facing the same issue but you can use this
and it will work
This version worked for me: 202204.01
Then I got:
"message": "Empty oauth2 access token"
Which I think can be fixed by getting the access token by implementing the 3-legged OAuth. I have successfully implemented that for getting someone's profile but I am doing this for getting org info

Getting 400 error while creating "Web Token" when hitting enterprises.webTokens.create endpoint to use iframe in EMM console

We are getting 200 success while hitting endpoints like create signup URL, create enterprise, create enrollment token etc. through API Explorer or Postman. But while we are trying to hit the "create web token" endpoint we are getting 400 error.
We are implementing Google Android Management API. Finally, we are proceeding for implementing iframe which required the web token as it's carrier. But we are failing to do so.
For your reference:
enrollmentTokens.create endpoint Link below:
In the API explorer we are providing
parent = enterprises/LC00x1u8p0 and selecting Google OAuth 2.0 credentials.
With this much information API Explorer giving 200 success message.
enterprises.webTokens.create endpoint Link below:
In the API explorer we are providing
parent = enterprises/LC00x1u8p0 and selecting Google OAuth 2.0 credentials.
With this the same information API Explorer giving 400 error. I have posted the error message and unable to understand where is the error coming.
Is our console cloud project need any special supplement for giving access to web token? or what exactly is the lacking that giving this 400 error?
We are failing to understand the error message. Please check the below response.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "domain: \"gdata.CoreErrorDomain\"\ncode: \"INVALID_VALUE\"\nargument: \"tokenSpec.parent\"\ndebug_info: \"code: INVALID_VALUE\\nhttp status: 400\\narguments: [tokenSpec.parent]\\nvalue: \\ncause: EnterpriseException{httpStatus=400, code=gdata.CoreErrorDomain.INVALID_VALUE, arguments=[tokenSpec.parent]}\\n\\tat$\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$CreateWebTokenAction.execute(\\n\\tat$Rpc.beforeProceed(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$2.handleRequest(\\n\\tat$RpcApplicationHandlerAdaptor.handleRequest(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$runRpcInApplication$0(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$4.apply(\\n\\tat$4.apply(\\n\\tat$TransformFuture.doTransform(\\n\\tat$TransformFuture.doTransform(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)\\n\\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)\\n\\tat$InitializingThreadFactory.lambda$newThread$0(\\n\\tat java.base/ Source)\\n\\n\"\n",
Thanks you very much for your attention. Any help to fix the issue is appreciable.
You need to supply the Request body of the enterprises.webTokens.create method. The request body contains an instance of WebToken.
Request body:
"parentFrameUrl": "<the URL of the page that will be hosting the iFrame>",
"enabledFeatures": [
"permissions": [
If successful, the response body contains a newly created instance of WebToken containing the value you need to embed the iFrame on the hosting page.

How to make LinkedIn V2 Share (SocialActions) work correctly?

We recently obtained the r_ad_campaigns permission to work with the LinkedIn V2 API:
To work correctly, I have obtained a new TOKEN with the new permission: r_ad_campaigns
I have made the following 3 calls with this new token:{share URN}?oauth2_access_token=TOKEN{share URN}/comments?oauth2_access_token=TOKEN{share URN}/likes?oauth2_access_token=TOKEN
And they all return the same result:
{"serviceErrorCode": 100, "message": "Not enough permissions to access: GET / socialActions / {share URN}", "status": 403}
The same thing happens with these post:
Why does LinkedIn v2 Share API give not enough permissions error on any v2/shares endpoint?
LinkedIn V2 API permission for reading socialActions and Shares
Please, does anyone know how to solve this problem and that it works correctly? Is it important.
It's working in my case, this problem related to permission
Follow these steps,
Open Url,
Goto products
Select all products
Marketing Developer Platform Product need some days to be approved
If all products are successfully installed
Check OAuth 2.0 scopes permissions to access data using your app

Unauthorized response when requesting nearby stations

I'm trying to make a request to /v3/stations/by_geocoord.json but I keep getting a response with the message "These credentials do not authorize access." The full response is:
"Res": {
"serviceUrl": "",
"Message": {
"code": "I4",
"level": "E",
"text": "These credentials do not authorize access. Please contact your customer representative or submit a request here to upgrade your account. You can also get valid credentials by registering for a free trial license on"
What am I missing? Is this endpoint subject to accepting any further T&Cs? Or is it not included in the Public Basic Plan?
Thank you!
You need to provide your app id and app code in order to use the API. It is included the basic plan and you shouldn't have any problem accessing it.{YOUR-APP-ID}&app_code={YOUR-APP-CODE}&max=3
