Keep iframe content in vue component - iframe

The problem is about how to maintain the content and state of an iframe in a component of Vue no matter the component is showing or hiding.
I tried two methods:
(1) using keep-alive together with vue-router
(2) take it as a sub component, using v-if to show and hide instead of vue-router
<Component v-if="$store.state.isShow"></Component>
both methods keeps the content of component but the iframe still refreshes every time, so is there any method to achieve just hiding and showing the iframe?
A similar question is Thomas question, he also uses the vue-router method and does not work out, I agree with the opnion of Thomas that Vue just keeps the content of component but not of iframe.
Thanks a lot!

If the sub component approach works for you:
<Component v-if="$store.state.isShow"></Component>
then a slight modification will keep the iframe from being refreshed on state changes:
<Component v-show="$store.state.isShow"></Component>
Note that this only works if the route remains unchanged.
If you actually need to use different routes, and if the only problem with refreshing the iframe is performance, you might be able to get away with loading the iframe contents via ajax and caching it in local storage.


Nextjs Material UI CSS not loading properly on first visit

I am using Nextjs with Material UI and Material UI CSS doesnt load properly on first page load like the picture
wrong look like this on first visit
correct one with correct style after a page transition
(there are alot of other instances for example elements like header with fixed position are not in their place etc ... )
but when I transition from one page to the other or even trigger a setState command everything goes to its place and CSS gets applied. I think this is because of class name mismatch between server and client I have applied the _app and _document from this link and the issue still persists.
so there is only one option for me and that is to add a Twitter or Instagram like first page load into the site so if this is the first visit it gets showed to user then because of call to set some state everything shows properly. So how can I detect in nextjs if this is the first page visit from a user into the site and I dont want to use the context provider cause then I have to add the consumer to every page and the site has alot of pages
is there any workaround or solution for this problem I have been searching for an answer for weeks and I have asked the creators of Material UI and they said that with some upcoming upgrade it will get fixed but untill then what should I do ?
After so many days I noticed that in my _document.js file I have
import { ServerStyleSheets } from "#material-ui/styles";
I changed that to
import { ServerStyleSheets } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
and after that CSS got applied and I got rid of the flickering problems

Ace Editor does not work in Iframe (react-frame-component)

tl;dr Demo of Issue
I'm attempting to integrate Ace Editor in an iframe via React 16. I am using the react-ace component library, though this issue exists if I implement the editor natively as well.
Although everything mostly works when I wrap the editor in react-frame-component, I cannot select highlight text which makes the editor unusable. I suspect this may have to do with the fact that react-frame-component is implemented with Portals, but I'm not sure exactly what the issue is.
I've replicated the issue here. I don't think this problem exists if I loaded the component with a regular <iframe src /> from another domain.
react-frame-component keeps the code in the parent window, and adds elements into an iframe, which confuses mouse handling code in ace to add event listeners to a wrong document
adding var document = el.ownerDocument before would help.

Removing render blocking JS and CSS causing issue in my WordPress website

i'm trying to improve speed of my website. i'm using PageSpeed Insights to check my site performance and it was telling me to remove render blocking java script and css. so i did it and know its causing problem in my website design. so what should i do to remove rendering blocking without causing problem in my website design.
Render Blocking CSS
Render blocking CSS will always show on Google Page Speed Insights if you are using external resources for your CSS.
What you need to do is to inline all of your 'above the fold' styles in <style></style> tags in the head of your web page.
I will warn you, this is NOT easy and plugins that claim to do this often do not work, it requires effort.
To explain what is happening:-
A user navigates to your site and the HTML starts downloading.
As the HTML downloads the browser is trying to work out how to render that HTML correctly and it expects styling on those elements.
Once the HTML has downloaded if it hasn't found styles for the elements that appear above the fold (the initial part of the visible page) then it cannot render anything yet.
The browser looks for your style sheets and once they have downloaded it can render the page.
Point 4. is the render blocking as those resources are stopping the page from rendering the initial view.
To achieve this you need to work out every element that displays without scrolling the page and then find all the styles associated with those elements and inline them.
Render Blocking JS
This one is simpler to fix.
If you are able to use the async attribute on your external JS then use that.
However be warned that in a lot of cases this will break your site if you have not designed for it in the first place.
This is because async will download and execute your JS files as fast as possible. If a script requires another script to function (i.e. you are using jQuery) then if it loads before the other script it will throw an error. (i.e. your main.js file uses jQuery but downloads before it. You call $('#element') and you get a $ is undefined error as jQuery is not downloaded yet.)
The better tag to use if you do not have the knowledge required to implement async without error is to use the defer attribute instead.
This will not start downloading the script until the HTML has finished parsing. However it will still download and execute scripts in the order specified in the HTML.
Add async in the script tag and put the css and js in the last of the page

CSS stylesheet not loading on linked page

I have a site that has multiple pages. The first page is just a listview with icons and links to the other pages. CSS stylesheets work fine on the first page, but when I go to one of the linked pages, my custom css stylesheet (and js for that matter), related to that page, is being ignored. If I look in the FF inspector I see that it has dropped the associated lines that tell it about my stylesheet. If I directly go to the desired page or if I hit refresh, the styles look fine, but whenever I come from a link off the first page, the styles are gone. I see no errors when loading the page. Is this a know issue? How can I force it to not ignore my stylesheets.
I am using jquery mobile 1.4.5 in addition to my own.
Looking further. It looks like hitting the link is appending the body of the 2nd page at the end of the first and not simply loading the 2nd page.
It turns out that by default links behave a little different than normal when using jQuery Mobile. The don't do a full page load, but instead only inject the part contained in a div marked with data-role="page". I did not know this.

Chrome Extension: Communication iframe <-> Content Script

Well, a often discussed thing. But I can't get it work. What has to be done:
The Content or Background Script has to communicate with the iframe et vice versa.
The iframe is under my hand, so there is everything possible.
I tried a lot. It doesn't work at all. For instance: If I deploy the content script on every page with allFrames=true via (manifest). Ok, makes sense. The iframe is created later so the trigger won't be called. So let's do this: create the iframe and afterwards sending an executeScript request:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabinst.tab_id, { allFrames: true, file:'frame.js'}, function() {
But that doesn't work either. Has anyone a solution to communicate with an XDM iframe and a chrome extension?
PS: How nice it would be if the chrome extension would allow postMessage on iframe
The code doesn't get injected in the iframe. Scenario:
The file "file.js" has a simple foo function in it. I now apply it with the above statement 2 seconds after the iframe was created and showed. This function foo is not available in the iframe...but is in the content script. The ReferenceError is thrown by trying to execute foo within the iframe (by click).
So, it's not a timing thing. And it doesn't matter if I apply the Scripts via manifest and all_frames true. If that would work, the content_script would be available. But is not.
Yeah, thanks, that works! I just got through it. My problem was, that I assumed that when the callback of chrome.tabs.executeScript is called, the requested script is ended and the including DOM manipulation finished. But that's actually not the case. It takes some time till the script in the iframe and the containing listener is ready.
So I had to send a chrome.extension.sendRequest from that script in the iframe and then start some code out of the background listener to manipulate the iframe. Thanks for your help.
PS: It's also possible to do it without "all_frames": true. It just takes some time till the dynamic iframe is ready. With a timeout it works. For the most cases, this is not useful, but maybe someone has another user interaction first.
PPS: I still can't see why it's possible like this, and not possible to send postMessage events. But maybe somewhen this will works.
I just tested and content script is getting injected into dynamically created iframes (I used manifest). I think the problem is you are trying to access content script's function within iframe, which is not allowed.
Inside your iframe you can't just do:
<a onclick="contentScriptFunction()"></a>
You need to be adding event listener from within the content script:
