WP All Import Pro: Polylang compatibility - wordpress

I'm trying to import data from an Excel sheet into WordPress with the Pro version of WP All Import. We are using Polylang for multi language support. I wonder how to manage importing the content into the correct language versions. I discovered that there is a hidden taxonomy "language" which I can manually set to "de" for setting language to German. But how do I link corresponding translations? Any ideas how to solve this, maybe with some custom functions? Thank you in advance!

I have found a better solution.
if ( !function_exists( 'pll_save_post_translations' ) ) {
require_once '/include/api.php'; }
$arr = array();
$result = pll_save_post_translations(['en' => 21398, 'ro'=>21396]);
//where 21398 and 21396 are the post_id and 'en' and 'ro' the nicenames of the languages.
Put this code in your functions.php and run it only once (meaning you refresh the page only once as admin after you put it). Then delete the code from functions.php. It does not actually create errors, just don't risk it, don't run it twice.
Before you do that, you must import the products in both (in my case) languages. Meaning you import them in one language (you select one language from the top admin bar) and then in another session you import them in the other language (you select the other language) and also if you see "Show private taxonomies" in WP All import, put one language code there. One for each session. After the products in both languages have been imported, you run the code above to tell WordPress that "this post_id is the translation of that post_id".
I hope it helps.
Ah, and you get the post_id in a nice table which you can edit in excel by exporting the products with Wordpress Export (it is pre-installed when you install WordPress, I think). You find it in Dashboard in Tools/Export.
And put
$result = pll_save_post_translations(['en' => 56465, 'ro'=>654864]);
as many times as you need
$result = pll_save_post_translations(['en' => 9999, 'ro'=>34654]);
$result = pll_save_post_translations(['en' => 98641, 'ro'=>98651]); .
for each correlation.
You can do it easier in Excel, you have the correlating id's on two separate columns then put this formula on the next row
=concatenate("$result = pll_save_post_translations(['en' =>",CELL A1,"
'ro'=>",CELL B1,"]);")
Apply it downwards. Select the column you have just concatenated. Paste it under the code in functions.php. Save. Refresh. Delete code from functions.php. Refresh. Booyah.

Please note that I'm currently using both Polylang and Wp All Import/Export Pro versions.
Also, this is currently not 'outdated' code. It relies on an undocumented feature, that was suggested directly from the wp all import team. I'm speaking simply of the additional parameter $data passed by the pmxi_saved_post action.
That said, I know polylang devs are currently working on an addon for this specific issue. Anyway, I managed to do it in this way, for now:
1 -> when you export data, there are 2 polylang-related fields: languages and post_translations. Export them too.
2 -> when you import your data, on the wpallimport screen, create 2 more custom fields and save the 2 above. See attachment below. Now you've got the translations data with every post.
3 -> set this filter:
global $language_codes;
$language_codes = array( // sample lang data
'italiano' => 'it'
,'english' => 'en'
,'espanol' => 'es'
,'francais' => 'fr'
,'deutsch' => 'de'
add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'set_imports_lang', 10, 2);
// using undocumented param $data
// action firm is the following (in fact, it passes 3 params): do_action( 'pmxi_saved_post', $pid, $rootNodes[$i], $is_update );
function set_imports_lang($post_id, $data){
global $language_codes;
// 'lingue' is italian, I guess it will be 'languages' in english: it's one of the 2 fields we saved before
pll_set_post_language($post_id, $language_codes[sanitize_title($data->lingue)]);
At this point you have just set each post's original language, nothing more. Now we have to link translations each other. We'll do this with a function that we have to run ONLY 1 TIME. It will run simply reloading any wp screen/page.
function set_imports_translations(){
global $wpdb;
global $language_codes;
// substitute 'enews' with your own post type
$list = $wpdb->get_results("
m.post_id, m.meta_value pll, group_concat(concat_ws(':', m2.meta_value, m.post_id)) ids
$wpdb->posts p
INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta m ON p.ID = m.post_id
INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta m2 ON m.post_id = m2.post_id AND m2.meta_key = '_import_language_name'
p.post_type = 'enews' AND m.meta_key = '_import_translations_id'
// query results are something like this:
// 10258 pll_57e92254c445f 10258:Italiano,10259:English,10260:Español,10261:Français,10262:Deutsch
// 10263 pll_57e922552b8c6 10263:Italiano,10264:English,10265:Español,10266:Deutsch
// 10267 pll_57e9225587124 10267:Italiano
// extract data from the third column string
foreach($list as $item){
$ids = explode(',',$item->ids);
$list = array();
foreach($ids as $id){
$data = explode(':',$id);
$list[$language_codes[sanitize_title($data[0])]] = intval($data[1]);
//set the translations
That's all. :) Ah, the attachment mentioned above:


How to get all featured sellers with dokan

Is it possible to get all featured sellesrs with dokan (wordpress plugin)?
I found only this option, which gets all sellers, but in returned data, there is no mention if the store is featured or not.
$sellers = dokan_get_sellers();
foreach ($sellers['users'] as $seller) {
$store_info = dokan_get_store_info($seller->ID);
Next time you want to know exactly what a functions does and how it does whatever it does, just follow the term. Searching for dokan_get_sellers on all files of the plugin takes us to where the function is written and there we see we can pass an array of arguments to it. One of the arguments it accepts is "featured" and it expects a yes or no for value. So, this is what we can do:
$args = array( 'featured' => 'yes' );
$sellers = dokan_get_sellers( $args );
I did not test it, but it should be right.

Import data from csv into a specific post

I have multiple posts that has multiple custom fields on it. Now i need to add these fields from a excel/csv file. These files contain lots of info about this post. The problem i run into is that i don't see a way to import this content automatically. I don't seem to be able to use wp all import for this because it create a new item for each record and thats not what i want. All records need to be added as a custom field/repeater field.
If anyone has an idea on how to do this it would be much appreciated.
I tried to import this data using WP all import without succes.
function add_some_fields($file_url) {
$data= array_map('str_getcsv', file($file_url));
foreach ($data as $item) {
$post_id = $item[0]; // I hope you have post_id in that CSV file somewhere
$field_name = $item[1] ; // ACF field name IF YOU HAVE IT IN CSV if not set manually, or make an array with names
$col1 = $item[2]; //Value
add_row( $field_name, $col1, $post_id ); //add row (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/add_row/)
Call from where you want and how you want, usually I use condition in footer checking if custom GET parameter passed and if Yes then run function.

Import variables products after export

I have export my variations product from woocomerce using standart WP export stuff, how to import them back?
When I use import WP write to me all done, but in products variations did not appear
It took me hours to figure out why the post_parent field (for WooCommerce product Variations, in my case) wouldn't import using the integrated WordPress Export/Import. I ended up looking in the import plugin files and that's where I found the answer. It turns out it only applies the post_parent field, if the parent ID being referenced is contained in the same import. Which is silly since Products and Variations have to be exported as separate XML files.
Anyway, I temporarily added one line of code to the wordpress-importer.php file to get my import to work. Obviously, you shouldn't go around hacking plugins, but this is what worked for me:
$post_parent = (int) $post['post_parent'];
if ( $post_parent ) {
// if we already know the parent, map it to the new local ID
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[$post_parent] ) ) {
$post_parent = $this->processed_posts[$post_parent];
// otherwise record the parent for later
} else {
$this->post_orphans[intval($post['post_id'])] = $post_parent;
$post_parent = 0;
$post_parent = (int) $post['post_parent']; // ADDED THIS LINE
Problem was in field post_parent. I don't know why, but in database this field set 0 and not from .xml file.
My resolve of problem:
Set manually in db parent post id

Wordpress - showing last uploaded images, but only from a specific custom post type

I have a Wordpress-powered website with several custom post types, and I'm struggling to find a way to load the latest uploaded images from one of the custom post types only.
In other words, I know how to ask for the most recent 4 images added to the Wordpress media library, but I can't find a way to filter the attachments depending of the post type of their parent page (in this case, show only the images uploaded to 'Image Gallery' posts - not regular posts, not 'Video Gallery' posts, etc).
It feels like a very basic question, but for some reason I can't get this work and I'm really frustrated. Is there any way to get the post type of the post parent in the query? Or I should approach this issue from another angle?
I don't believe it's possible to use WP_Query to filter based on the post type of the parent. The most straightforward way around this is to use SQL and $wpdb->get_results() directly. This will also bypass all built in caching, etc so think about how your implementation will be used.
global $wpdb;
// the SQL statement to only fetch the N last attachments
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT attachments.*
FROM {$wpdb->posts} attachments
-- join the parent post based on the parent_post value to filter by cpt
JOIN {$wpdb->posts} post
ON post.ID = attachments.post_parent
AND post.post_status = 'publish'
-- pass in the custom post type
AND post.post_type = %s
-- only fetch images, double percents for prepare()
attachments.post_mime_type LIKE 'image%%'
ORDER BY attachments.post_date DESC
-- pass in the number to fetch
$cpt = "your_custom_post_type";
$limit = 4;
$attachments = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $cpt, $limit ) );
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ){
// $attachment will have all the rows from the posts table.
$id = $attachment->ID;

Get localized string for specific locale

How can I use the localization mechanism in WordPress to get access to an existing but not-current language string?
Background: I have a custom theme where I use locale 'en_US' as the default locale and translate through a PO file to locale 'es_ES' (Spanish).
Let us say I use the construction
__('Introduction', 'my_domain');
in my code, and that I have translated 'Introduction' to the Spanish 'Introducción´ in my PO file. All this works fine.
Now to the problem: I want to insert n records in my database with all existing translations of the string 'Introduction' - one for each language; so, n = 2 in my example.
Ideally, I would write something like this:
$site_id = 123;
// Get an array of all defined locales: ['en_US', 'es_ES']
$locales = util::get_all_locales();
// Add one new record in table details for each locale with the translated target string
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
db::insert_details($site_id, 'intro',
__('Introduction', 'my_domain', $locale), $locale);
Only, that the 3rd parameter in __() above is pure fantasy on my part. You can only validly write
__('Introduction', 'my_domain');
to get either 'Introduction' or 'Introducción' depending on the current locale.
The outcome of the code above would ideally be that I end up with two records in my table:
123 intro Introduction en_US
123 intro Introducción es_ES
I am aware that I want something that requires loading all the MO files, where normally, only the MO file for the current language is required. Maybe use of the WordPress function load_textdomain is necessary - I was just hoping there already exists a solution.
Expanding on the question by including the plugin PolyLang: is it possible to use Custom Strings to achieve the above functionality? E.g. conceptually:
pll_('Introduction', $locale)
Old question I know, but here goes -
Starting with a simple example where you know exactly what locales to load and exactly where the MO files are, you could use the MO loader directly:
$locales = array( 'en_US', 'es_ES' );
foreach( $locales as $tmp_locale ){
$mo = new MO;
$mofile = get_template_directory().'/languages/'.$tmp_locale.'.mo';
$mo->import_from_file( $mofile );
// get what you need directly
$translation = $mo->translate('Introduction');
This assumes your MO files are all under the theme. If you wanted to put more of this logic through the WordPress's environment you could, but it's a bit nasty. Example:
global $locale;
// pull list of installed language codes
$locales = get_available_languages();
$locales[] = 'en_US';
// we need to know the Text Domain and path of what we're translating
$domain = 'my_domain';
$mopath = get_template_directory() . '/languages';
// iterate over locales, finally restoring the original en_US
foreach( $locales as $switch_locale ){
// hack the global locale variable (better to use a filter though)
$locale = $switch_locale;
// critical to unload domain before loading another
unload_textdomain( $domain );
// call the domain loader - here using the specific theme utility
load_theme_textdomain( $domain, $mopath );
// Use translation functions as normal
$translation = __('Introduction', $domain );
This method is nastier because it hacks globals and requires restoring your original locale afterwards, but it has the advantage of using WordPress's internal logic for loading your theme's translations. That would be useful if they were in different locations, or if their locations were subject to filters.
I also used get_available_languages in this example, but note that you'll need the core language packs to be installed for this. It won't pick up Spanish in your theme unless you've also installed the core Spanish files.
