Publish Shiny app using R studio connect - r

I am trying to push a shiny app on a machine which has restricted access to the internet. So we just got the CRAN whitelisted but cant whitelist GitHub.
I had a couple of packages on GitHub which now I have compressed as tar.gz file. Now when I still try to publish the app I get the error saying my package was not found in CRAN which is true. So how can I publish this app with my package compressed already on that machine?
Thank you.

You need to change your 'Server.SourcePackageDir'
see below the link of Rstudio connect documentation :


Package management in RStudio Connect

I have recently started using both RStudio Connect and the RStudio Package manager.
I came across this short page from RStudio that says "You can integrate RStudio Package Manager with both RStudio Server Pro and RStudio Connect for a seamless experience with your R packages.".
Is there some specific documentation or an example? I'm a bit confused about what this means and how the package manager will work with the packrat and rsconnect packages that are used when deploying applications.
If it is relevant to consider, I plan on primarily deploying shiny apps to Connect using the API with scripts similar to the ones that appear in this repo:
Just to not leave the question without answer:
For RStudio Connect it is possible to configure the settings related to RStudio Package Manager in the main config file, by default is /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg.
Example peace of config file:
; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
[RPackageRepository "CRAN"]
URL = ""
[RPackageRepository "CORPORATE"]
URL = ""
This will equals to following command in R:
repos = c(
CRAN = "",
I work at RStudio and came across your post. This community is mainly for open source users, but for licensors of RStudio's professional products (like RStudio Connect, RStudio Server Pro, and Package Manager), your organization should also have a designated Customer Success Representative that can coordinate a discussion to explain these details to you. You can find the contact information here:
You can also file a support ticket here if you need more technical/configuration related guidance:
We hope to hear from you soon!

Error when hosting shiny app on DigitalOcean ubuntu server

I have built a shiny app that I have successfully deployed to in the past. However, since I need better hosting resources and a custom domain, and the only option allowing for the latter is out of my price range, I am trying to host the app on a digital ocean ubuntu droplet.
I have been able to set up shiny server on my droplet using this tutorial. The sample apps work just fine. However, when I try to access my own app (having uploaded it into a directory within my shiny server) I get the following error:
An error has occurred! An error has occurred. Check your logs or
contact the app author for clarification.
I've googled for a solution and have tried moving the data cleaning steps from outside the server/ui function into the functions. I have also checked that RStudio on the droplet has all the required packages installed and that seems to be the case. I have checked the logs but there is nothing about this app or the error in the shiny server log. My app works fine both on my local computer and on I'd really appreciate any pointers (and apologies if I am duplicating but I haven't found anything that seems directly applicable).
Okay - it turns out one of the packages was indeed missing. I had installed them all using my non-root user with admin privileges, and was under the impression they were available globally. One of the packages was not available to root and installing it there resolved the problem.

Installing atom packages with dependencies whilst offline

I've just joined a new office and their security is very tight. Essentially, we cannot go online without connecting to another machine. This means any applications that attempt to connect online won't connect to anything.
I'm trying to set up atom for python development (I've not used atom before and it's all that available to me!) - but the lack of internet is causing an issue.
I understand that to install a package, I can download it from github, and extract it to ~/.atom/packages - and this works! But what do I do with packages with dependencies that haven't been downloaded? Is there a simple way to get the package and the dependency whilst being offline?
I've also noticed that although my office has atom installed there's no 'apm' or 'npm' commands in the this common?

R-Studio setup with offline CRAN repository in Windows

I would like to know what is the mchanism, if there is one, for setting up local CRAN repository in an environment that has no internet access. I have a windows environment but I would love to know if it can also be done in linux environment.
I have heard that I'll need to have a web browser to allow R-studio to find local repository. Not sure if it's true but I would like to find out all the steps to set this R-studio with local repository environemnt.
The idea is to have a fully fuunctional R-studio with full CRAN respository available in an offline environment where any package can be installed easily. I couldn't find any source/link available online that details how this can be achieved.
I know R-Studio is setting a package management tool that allows this functionality but I would like to get this done without spending any money.
I managed to solve this problem by creating a local webserver using Apache and then downloading full CRAN repository (win binaries only). I also had to edit my file by providing the link to my local webserver.

Building R package for windows on mac

I am developing an R package. I have not yet submitted to CRAN (and it's not ready to at any rate). I want to send the package to friend for some preliminary testing (he's not a builder) and I just want to see if he can use a few features.
On my Mac version of RStudio, I can generate binaries easily. It creates a file called "iatgen_1.0.tgz"
Can my friend use that to install my early build on his windows machine? Or do I need to do something to that file to make it usable for a windows user. Let's assume I have NO access to a windows machine. What can I do from my mac to make this package usable by windows users?
I am posting my comment as an (extended) answer because I think it will help you. When I built my package, I did not have access to Windows either and was suffering from the same issue. I discovered the the Windows build service offered at and it worked great. You'll need to do a few things before you send it in, and this is all explained on the site.
First, build your source package with R CMD build. Next, check the package with R CMD check. If this succeeds, follow the rest of the instructions on the site and if all goes well they will send you a link to the temporary directory on their server where you can download the Windows build. If all does not go well, Mr. Ligges will send you an email with the detailed issues so you can fix them and try again.
Like I said, the service worked very well for me. The response was prompt and there were absolutely no problems.
