Excel column values being appended as rows instead of columns into datatable - asp.net

I have an Excel file which I need to read through and extract particular values of a certain range into a datatable so I can then save that data into a table in a database.
Whilst debugging, on every loop I check the datatable visualizer to see what's going on and I find that I'm appending values of a different row, to the same row. Example in photo.
Here is the code responsible for that action.(Surrounded in a Try-Catch)
Using excel As New ExcelPackage (ulTarget.PostedFile.InputStream)
Dim _worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First()
Dim _hasHeader = True
For Each cell In _worksheet.Cells(1,2,147,4)
_dataTable.Columns.Add(If(_hasHeader, cell.Value, String.Format("{0}", cell.Start.Column)))
If _worksheet.Cells.Value Is Nothing Then
Continue For
Assume that the range 1,2,147,4 is correct as the data going into the datatable is correct, the row seperation is simply the problem. _dataTable is my DataTable (obvious I know but nothing bad in clarifying it) and _hasHeader is set to True because the Excel worksheet being uploaded has headers and I don't want them being put into the DataTable because the data will all end up in a table in SQL Server where appropriate column names exist.
Also ulTarget is my File uploader. I am using EPPlus most recent version for this.
Anybody have any suggestions as to how I can seperate the data into rows as per the example in the photo above? Happy to make any clarifications if needed.

Added the horizontal range of the columns without headers and read each cell row by row.
Using excel As New ExcelPackage(ulTargetFile.PostedFile.InputStream)
'Add the columns'
Dim _worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First()
Dim _hasHeader As Boolean = False
For Each col In _worksheet.Cells("B1:D1")
_dataTable.Columns.Add(If(_hasHeader, Nothing, col.Value))
String.Format("{0}", col.Start.Column)
'Add the rows'
For rowNumber As Integer = 1 To 147
Dim worksheetRow = _worksheet.Cells(rowNumber, 2, rowNumber, 4)
Dim row As DataRow = _dataTable.Rows.Add()
For Each cell In worksheetRow
row(cell.Start.Column - 2) = cell.Value


How can I access the rows in a certain column of a DataTable?

I need to populate the rows in specific columns of a DataTable. I have the following setup:
Dim Dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim Da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter()
Dt.Columns.Add("Column 0")
Dt.Columns.Add("Column 1")
Da.SelectCommand = SQLcmd_locCodes
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
The SqlDataAdapter is filling the table with data from a database. I need to be able to store the data from the database into specific columns in the DataTable. This is what I'm trying (I'm populating a barchart with the data, but you can ignore that part):
For i As Integer = 0 To Dt.Rows().Count - 1
chart.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(Dt.Rows(i)("Column 0").ToString())
chart.Series("Series1").Points(i).AxisLabel = Dt.Rows(i)("Column 0").ToString()
I know that I'm probably doing some simple task incorrectly. Am I going about accessing the particular rows incorrectly? Any help is appreciated.
You can iterate the rows in the DataTable like this:
For Each dr As DataRow in Dt.Rows
chart.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(dr("Column 0").ToString())
chart.Series("Series1").Points(i).AxisLabel = dr("Column 0").ToString())
However, you are better off removing this:
Dt.Columns.Add("Column 0")
Dt.Columns.Add("Column 1")
Just let the DataAdapter name the columns per the column names specified in the query.
Check out my Question & answer (Bottom of page) from Yesterday
Why I am getting System.Data.DataRowViewā€¯ instead of real values from my Listbox in vb.net
This can be used to extract the information from individual row locations of selected columns.

ASP VB NET List(of T) find method failing in a for each loop

Good morning stackers!
I'm designing a massive update page. Here are the general steps:
I have a class called item which has two properties: Equipment number and new due date.
I have a textbox where i paste values from Excel, the values consist of two columns divided by a vbtab character: the columns are an equipment number and a new due date
A button is clicked and the values from textbox are parsed into a list(of item) and the equipment master builds a string for an SQL criteria for a commandtext.
The command fills a dataset from a database which gets equipment number and current due date.
I add manually a column to the dataset (new due date)
I iterate over the rows of the dataset, and i use the list(of item) find method matching equipment from the list and from the database to get a new due date from the textbox parsed values.
Everything is going well, except that when using the find method for more than 1 row in the dataset, the method fails:
Here is the code from point 5 and 6:
da.Fill(ds, "Equipments")
dt = ds.Tables(0)
ds.Tables(0).Columns.Add("column_1", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"))
Dim rw As DataRow
For Each rw In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim strsearch As String = rw(0).ToString
Dim fequnumb As item = myItemList.Find(Function(p) p.EquipNumber = strsearch)
rw(2) = fequnumb.DueDate <- Error occurs here
Again, if instead of ftechid.DueDate I put a static value like Today()the code runs fine for the loop and fills correctly the gridview, but if i leave the ftechid.DueDate then an error is thrown after the first row:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Any help is very much appreciated as to how to use the find method inside a for..each loop
If the Find function cannot match the string requested it returns Nothing and then you cannot set the due date from a variable that is Nothing. If this is a condition expected from the input then you need to protect the assignment to the new column with something like this.
For Each rw In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim strsearch As String = rw(0).ToString
Dim fequnumb As item = myItemList.FirstOrDefault(Function(p) p.EquipNumber = strsearch)
if fequnumb IsNot Nothing Then
rw(2) = fequnumb.DueDate <- Error occurs here
End if
If this is not supposed to happen then you need to check your inputs

Get cell value from specified column in a Gridview upon "RowUpdating" Event ASP.NET/VB

What i want to do is te following... i have a gridview that loads the data from a SQL server, i have the e.NewValue and e.oldValue to determine which data was being modified/updated but i need to get the unique record ID which is store in "ID_ControlCharts" column
So, can you provide a code snippet/brief explanation in how to get the value from "ID_controlCharts" already filled by the gridview when i updated 1 cell (e.new/old)???
Note: The index is not what i needed since the row can be deleted and the reference to that row is now lost, so since the "ID_controlCharts" is filled automatically by SQL server key, its perfect for my situation.
If e.Equals("Control_SeqRef_CH") = False Then
Dim oldvalue As String = e.OldValues("Control_SeqRef_CH")
Dim newvalue As String = e.NewValues("Control_SeqRef_CH")
Dim rowindex As Integer = e.RowIndex
Dim IDfromcontrol as integer = ???
End If
You have a couple of options:
If the ID_ControlCharts column is in the record, couldn't you fetch it from e.OldValues?
Dim IDfromcontrol = e.OldValues("ID_ControlCharts")
Failing that, if you set ID_ControlCharts as a column for the DataKeyNames property, you should be able to fetch it using the ItemIndex:
Dim IDfromcontrol = GridView1.DataKeys(e.ItemIndex).Values(0)
(This is all from memory, so the syntax may be a little off.)

Search data from dataset

I want to search record based on following fields
P_num ,P_name, P_dob,P_code
I am using more than 4 tables to retrive data,
I have created dataset called P_search and i want to fill data into dataset and thsn display it according to which field is selected for search purpose.
Suggest me to write code by creating own function in which all fields and a boolean variable will be taken as parameters
Please help me to write code using VB.net.
I am very new to VB.net. Is ther anyone who can help me giving above code.
Thank You In advance
You use DataTable.Select Method
Private Sub GetRowsByFilter()
Dim table As DataTable = DataSet1.Tables("Orders")
' Presuming the DataTable has a column named Date.
Dim expression As String
expression = "Date > #1/1/00#"
Dim foundRows() As DataRow
' Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.
foundRows = table.Select(expression)
Dim i As Integer
' Print column 0 of each returned row.
For i = 0 to foundRows.GetUpperBound(0)
Next i
End Sub

How can I copy object types in VB.NET?

I am building an ASP.NET application that needs dynamic tables. That's another issue that I've already posted about (and gotten a pretty good response!). Now, I'm running into another issue - I want to add new rows to my table, but given that I will have 10-12 tables on one page, each containing different objects in their rows (text boxes, check boxes, etc.) I need a way of simply generically adding a new row that has the same objects as the first row in the table. Here's my code:
Private Sub AddTableRow(ByRef originalTable As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table)
Dim originalRow As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow = originalTable.Rows(1)
Dim insertingRow As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
Dim insertingCells(originalRow.Cells.Count) As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
Dim index As Integer = 0
For Each cell As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell In originalRow.Cells
insertingCells(index) = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
index += 1
End Sub
But I'm getting a null reference exception at the second to last line,
...and I can't figure out why. Is it because the contents of each cell are not being initialized with a new object? If so, how would I get around this?
The inside of my for loop now looks like this -
For Each cell As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell In originalRow.Cells
Dim addedContent As New Object
Dim underlyingType As Type = cell.Controls.Item(0).GetType
addedContent = Convert.ChangeType(cell.Controls.Item(0), underlyingType)
insertingCells(index) = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
index += 1
Stepping through with a debugger, I see that this strategy is working - but the additional table row still doesn't appear...and still does when I do this statically.
I think your culprit may be this line:
Dim insertingCells(originalRow.Cells.Count) As TableCell
Confusingly, the number you specify in an array declaration in VB.NET is the upper bound, not the number of elements. So Dim ints(10) As Integer will create an Integer() array with eleven elements, not ten (10 will be the highest index of the array).
Try this instead:
Dim insertingCells(originalRow.Cells.Count - 1) As TableCell
