Unable to access appmaker - google-app-maker

I would like to test our app maker in our organisation. We use G-suite but when I go to load any of the examples, it just says
We are sorry, but you do not have access to this service.
I have looked around our admin console but I can't see AppMaker listed as a service. We are set up to have new apps enabled automatically.
Am I missing something?

AppMaker only available to Business, Enterprises, and Education package, please upgrade from basic.
After upgrade package, access the https://appmaker.google.com > get started

Maybe you are missing that App Maker is not available to all G Suite editions among other things said on today's announcement Build the apps your business needs with App Maker like the full roll-out will take 1-3 days.


Migrating to FCM issue adding to console

After having issues with crashes in Android O and also seeing that GCM is fully deprecated we are trying to migrate to FCM. Keep in mind I did zero of the setup on this project, so I'm just trying to follow the migration guide. Our server side team is very busy right now, so I'm trying to make it as easy as I can for them.
So someone gave me owner permissions on the Google APIs dashboard for the project, where I can see that Google Cloud Messaging is enabled. So I gave owner permissions to an account we now use for all of our mobile online accounts and consoles.
Then I logged into the Firebase console, but when I click "add project" I do not have the option to import the existing GCM project, as the docs seem to say I should. It also doesn't show up for my personal work account either, even though it is also an "owner" account. I was really hoping to migrate this way so that we might not have to get new api keys.
However, I do see in the Google APIs dashboard that I can "enable" FCM from there. Will this create the Firebase project for me and if so will it generate new keys or can we use the old ones?
OR is it actually better to just create an entirely new FCM project?

The app metadata promotes another mobile platform

I have updated my app and published the update to Windows App store but during certification it fails by giving below reasons
App Policies: 10.1 Inaccurate Representation Your app and its
associated metadata must accurately and clearly reflect the source,
functionality, and features of your app. All aspects of your app
should accurately describe the functions, features and any important
limitations of your app. Your app may not use a name or icon similar
to that of other apps. Your app may not claim to be to be from a
company, government body, or other entity if you do not have
permission to make that representation. Keywords may not exceed seven
unique terms and should be relevant to your app. Your app must be
fully functional. Locations: Metadata Notes To Developer The app
metadata promotes another mobile platform. For more information see
I don't know what happened to this update. Earlier versions were approved without any issue.
If anyone have any clue how to fix it , please please let me know.
Anyway the solution I rebuild and deployed again without any changes and this time it is certified without any issue.
Don't know what Microsoft was looking for.

How to access a lost Google Developer Console project

We were using Google Apps for Business when we started with the project. This allowed us to use the Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com/) with our #company.co.za accounts and also to “login with Google” using our #company.co.za accounts. It turns out that the Google Developer Project (where the API keys are) was created using an ex-colleague's #company.co.za Google account.
When we moved from Google Apps for Business to Office 365, we lost the ability to login to the Google Developer Console with our #copany.co.za accounts. By then the colleague wasn’t working here anymore and I guess it all happened so quickly that we didn’t make sure to tie up all the loose ends.
Now we need to transfer development of the app and subsequently all related 3rd party projects and things, to the client for future development, but I cannot access the Google project.
This will require them to create a project on their side, generate new API keys for using the Google Maps API etc. And then update the apps (Android and iOS) with the new API keys.
However, and this is where my question comes in, the apps are still working and happily accessing Google Maps. This makes me think that the project must still be somewhere.
I tried to access the Google Help pages, but because we're on a Bronze package, we can only find support information in their developer communities and online documentation listed here:
Join a Community
Service Disruption Notification
Best Practice Guides
But I thought to ask here too because SO is very reliable with answers :)
So, any idea if the project is still live somewhere? Or should we just create a new project with new API keys?
I don't think this is a stackoverflow question since it's not directly programming related. However, if you want to regain access to you project, this should be fairly simple and i hope this helps:
Create a new Google Apps for Business account with your domain (or maybe your old apps domain still exists?) and a single account. If you choose monthly payment the costs will be only a few bucks.
As the Google Apps domain administrator you should be able to access all appengine projects that belong to users of the same domain. If it doesn't you can contact Google support to reassign the projects. Alternatively: You may be able to recreate an account that owned the app. If you don't know the owner email, it is shown in the consent screent for oauth. With that email, try to access the project.
Create a Gmail account and transfer project ownership to this Gmail account
Delete the Google apps domain to avoid additional costs
All this is doable within an hour.
In case it doesn't work i would suggest you contact your Google sales representative or reseller and tell him, that you would like to purchase silver level support, but only if he can restore the permissions for you. This will cost you more, but if you have to access the project it may be the only way.
Last but not least:
You can contact Google support. You don't need silver level support for that. It will just take a lot longer to process your request. While in contact with the Google support you will have to prove that you are in fact the owner of the domain, which is usually done by adding a TXT record to your domain or uploading a file to your web server, so make sure you have access to your domain's DNS zone files / settings or web server document root.

Download an app from the app store, without the UI

I'm working on a tweak that needs to download and install an app from the App Store (given a bundle id or some kind of other identifier), but doing so without using the App Store app (e.g., to allow the user to remotely instal an app on the device, without going through the App Store UI).
(I'll pause here to point that obviously this has nothing to do with piracy, as I want the app to be downloaded through the user's account in the store, and in any case I'm only targeting free apps at the moment).
I went through iOS 7 private framework headers and couldn't find a way to fit in and to tell the device to install an app with a given identifier. I've also looked for similar tweaks to have a look at their source, but the only one I could find was 'Auto App Updater', and its code isn't public.
I would greatly appreciate your help in coming up with a code that does that, or an open-source tweak that utilises a similar function.
Thanks a lot!

Google Apps (for business) OpenID login for ASP.NET intranet site

My company uses Google Apps for our e-mail/business app provider. Every employee has an account here.
I'm looking into creating an asp.net web app that would allow users to sign-in (using their Google Apps account) and then accomplish certain things (first goal: keep a current record of the employee's skillset).
Before I get started, I wanted to find out if an OpenID login system using Google Apps is any more difficult than doing it the standard way, or if I need to be aware of any pitfalls.
We have one domain, and the only requirement would be that the user has an open account that exists.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this!
I have slides for you from a talk I gave a month ago: Google Apps Account As OpenID
Basically there are two ways of doing this.
Follow the Google documentation, patch your ASP.net OpenID library to accept Google Apps OpenID that is not really discoverable from the claimed URL.
Install a set of discovery information on the claimed URL (/openid?id=XXXX on your website) to make your Google Apps OpenID behaviors the same way present OpenIDs do.
Either way, after completion user will be able to login to your ASP.net app with following URL:
My solution to this issue was to use the DotNetOpenAuth library -- I was unaware that the latest version has Google Apps support.
Highly recommend the product -- you can find it here.
I modified one of the example files and was up and running in no time.
Thanks to all who answered!
